Nevermind, I got into it, read it and nothing about this case is clear. Might have been an attempted attack at the police since 2 of the people that got killed were part of the guards and 1 was part of the march. It is also said that the feminists were getting violent. It doesn't specifically say which cartel it was, nor if it was a cartel at all. The only thing mentioned is that there is a battle between 2 cartels in the region, which shouldn't be surprising in the slightest, so it very probably was an attempt to intimidate the police or curb them into ruthlessness or power demonstrations from one of the 2 battling cartels, or as other people pointed out, a direct attack on the police or the mayor of the town that was in the protest talking to the feminists and even took part in the protest.
People got based in this comment section. Best comments:
"finally feminists face reality instead of an imaginary enemy"
"let's see if they will now behave and stop disturbing and fucking up Mexico even more"
"finally, very good, thanks to whoever did it"
"already answering those who want to fuck them for supporting their marches"
"hahaha they thought it was like Mexico City, but they faced real enemies"
"they faced the real violence and not the police"
"hahaha feminists, what do you feel when they go for aggression on you and you don't do anything? a spoon of your own medicine"
An angry feminist is in the comments saying "no uterus, no talk, don't defend us, we can do it alone". I thought they were glad for male feminists putting up with them?

Yeah I see. If people get pissed off they will get wiped out... like... in this one case and many others.

I see they are doing really well all alone and brave, needing police help to protest and when they face reality they run. Why are not they protesting against the cartels killing 30 thousand people a year in a country of 127 million people (only from the confirmed murders with bodies to prove it, impossible to know the real number since most of the people killed are never found, buried someone random or completely dissolved in acid)? Too scared to protest agains the most violent, dangerous and vile people on the planet?
This fucking comment section is just too fucking good.
@Netzachcel check this shit out man.