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It's Over femdom addiction



Aug 18, 2022
my addiction to femdom started when I was like 8. I'm really ashamed of it tbh. How do I stop watching femdom porn?
Another day, another GrAYcel thread
my addiction to femdom started when I was like 8. I'm really ashamed of it tbh. How do I stop watching femdom porn?
Once you start, you cannot stop, just accept that youre a cuck.
GrAYcels dropping in quality day by day
How do you stop watching femdom porn? Find a better alternative if you are unable to stop cold turkey. Femdom is just one of a multitude of fetishes and genres.
femdom is one of the worst fetishes you can have because of how unrealistic it is. Foids want a chad to dominate them. submissiveness is a massive turn off for then thus making u even more of an incel.
my addiction to femdom started when I was like 8. I'm really ashamed of it tbh. How do I stop watching femdom porn?
Least gay greycel thread
You started looking at that fucked up shit when you were 8 years old?

And I thought I was fucked up. I didn't even start looking at porn until I was 15.

And even then It was only moderate genres. No femdom cucked feminist shit.
Don’t worry, the world needs Beta males like you, otherwise the Alpha males wouldn’t be Alpha males. Just accept your role in this world, it’s all destiny.
You started looking at that fucked up shit when you were 8 years old?

And I thought I was fucked up. I didn't even start looking at porn until I was 15.

And even then It was only moderate genres. No femdom cucked feminist shit.
i started watching porn at 6
Meditate and take chasteberry. If you have porn addiction you need to rewire your brain and meditation works for that. Its just porn addiction and you would be better off without it
that's retarded religion crap
No, it's about archetypes. You need to consider the religious examples as an expression of the human unconscious. I'm not religious and I'm very rational indeed. It's Jungian [UWSL][UWSL]psychoanalysis[/UWSL][/UWSL]
stop watching "porn" OP. Don't fund onlyfans "sex worker" actors who lit have sex for money - fund ARTISTS - fellow incel guys who draw good and draw epic loli situations which surpass reality

my addiction to femdom started when I was like 8. I'm really ashamed of it tbh. How do I stop watching femdom porn?
abandon 3dpd roastie camwhore shit, it's cucked to fap to used women full of chad cum dominating you. It serves no purpose - they have no innocence to coddle, you're just LARPing


upgrade to 2d lolidom instead, it's not cucked for men to fantasize about unspoiled virgin girls in dominant position


this is a high-masculine thing to do, it comes from a place of love because we worry for the safety of girls and want to protect them so we view them in an empowered position

basically if you can't enjoy lolidom art you are low-testosterone insecure afraid even a little girl would dominate you - obviously there's a natural power imbalance of strength and it's so huge that out of love you put yourself in a less intimidating place so she feels safe to explore herself with you

SadoAdmiralSCISPistolWonderloli dominates nightwing

this way you know she doesn't feel coerced and isn't getting raped since you've put yourself at her mercy and let her control you and do what she wants

roasties don't need that they're already experienced and sex isn't scary for them - only lolis deserve the dominant position because they are like us and have no sexual experience, only a fear of our large male bodies, so we become submissive for their first time so they can feel safe and untraumatized

roasties prob already had that so I feel no obligation to put them in dominant positions - it's not erotic for me and she doesn't deserve it

also ob this is with the intnt of marrying loli not that she abandons you to go fuck chad after she gained confidence - this is just to gain confidence to fuck YOU once she is old enough (teen) so her first time is not fearful and is full of trust for her husband
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my addiction to femdom started when I was like 8. I'm really ashamed of it tbh. How do I stop watching femdom porn?

@BurntIvoryKingcel I thought we lived in the era of graycel oppression:feelswhat:
watching femdom is no more cucked than escortcelling. i dont approve of it but does watching femdom actually break the rules :feelswhere:
If this was 2020 then you wouldn’t even be able to ask weird technicality games like this and would just get banned unequivocally with no possibility for recourse or appeal if you posted this as a newfag:feelskek:

Proof that graycels are privileged
im guessing u were a good gray back in the day then and as rules relaxed you slowly unveiled your truly cucked nature :feelshaha:
That’s the way it should be:feelsohh:

Newfags should always know to behave themselves until they can stand among the forum elite

Without this kind of hierarchy every forum goes to shit, even totally anonymous forums like 4chan enforce these principles very stringently out of necessity
it should be the other way around. it isn't healthy for anyone to be on this forum for more than 2 years. we'll snuff out you veterancels for your own good :feelshaha:.
You can’t because I’m untouchable on this forum:feelsohh:
same, femdom is life:feelsohh:, our brains have subconsciously become aroused by being dominated and abused like the dogs we are
i'll have to become a sewercel and train up to paragon status
No one cares about post count or “paragon” rank:feelskek: it’s just join date and reputation

Newfags who postmaxx in the sewers where no one even sees it don’t even have 1% of the rep that a person who actually has 10k legit posts has, they actually have a higher mortality rate than any other demographic on this forum and usually get banned in a couple months
electric shocks

jk seriously go see a professional
Thing is, once you develop a fetish(or fetishes) especially from a young age, It usually becomes a part of you. Like liking a particular food and drink, you just cant help it
femdom is one of the worst fetishes you can have because of how unrealistic it is. Foids want a chad to dominate them. submissiveness is a massive turn off for then thus making u even more of an incel.
yea and its funny that the kink community is trying to normalize it/ say that there are and have always been plenty of dom women and sub men in relationships. Which is mostly bullshit. Sure, there are the odd cases out there, but most of the time you will only find dominant women who literally do it as their job, and get paid fuckloads to do it
Thing is, once you develop a fetish(or fetishes) especially from a young age, It usually becomes a part of you. Like liking a particular food and drink, you just cant help it

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