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Femcels romanticize the idea of being socially inept, but aren't actually.

  • Thread starter MillionBashStream97
  • Start date


Oct 21, 2022
I'm singling out the social part, because we all know women can't loose when it comes to appearance. Fat women get dates, ugly women get dates. No one cares, we all accept this as fact.

It's not a coincidence that the most popular Femcel character in media (Asa Mitaka, Chainsaw Man), is a "cel" because she is socially retarded, narcissistic, and vain. She is a unpleasant person to be around.
For I imagine, lore reasons to why she is that way.

But the average Femcel, considering the fact that they are women, is larping as someone who is socially inept.

How do I know they are larping?

If you have been in any work environment, and specially school environment, you will know that there are no negative consequences for a girl, to approach anyone. Either platonically, sexually or romantically.

You can approach any guy or girl, and the "worst she can say is 'no'" meme, is actually applicable to them.
The worst they will hear, is a polite rejection. And stuff worse then this, is incredibly rare. Calling it an exception would be a understatement.

On average, they will either get what they want, or they will get less of what they want. Maybe the guy doesn't want to date you, but he wants to talk to you still, and maybe be friends with you.

You are socially safe, to make mistakes, and become a not socially retarded person.

Not even mentioning the fact that if they don't want to approach anybody themselves, they will get approached. By other girls, and guys.

"But I'm ugly".
Literally every "objectively ugly" girl I saw in the two high schools I went to, were approached by people, wanting to be, at least, their friend. They had friends. Not just girl friends, guy friends as well.

There was not a single "loner" ugly girl. At all. Ever.

Socially, as a woman, the only way you can be socially retarded or unpleasant, is completely by your own will. You choose to be this way. The possibility of not being like this, existed and exists for literally every girl from the moment they are born.

You don't "spill the beans" to that cute boy in class that would totally get with you, because you don't want to.
Because romanticizing the idea of being "not like other girls" is much more attractive to you.

Because being like Asa Mitaka is much more attractive to you, then being a normal, regular girl.

But the thing is, Asa Mitaka is not real. Not in the sense that she's a fictional character, but that people like her, are only believable, and real, in the world of Anime.

The lore created to make her that away, does not actually exist for you.
INSTANTLY stopped reading.
« Femcels » = LTB who can’t get a chad :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Women are black holes of personality
"Femcels" is literally just an edgy semi-ironic aesthetic. "Femcels" themselves know "femcels" aren't real.
You're confusing "social ineptitude" with "being unliked." You can be a social retard but still have people like you.
They stay in the basement and then they cry online that nobody wants them and then they STILL get messages from people that want to date them XD.

So much for being "forever alone".
There are no femcels. Not gonna read that garbage.
Females can't lose
There are no femcels. Not gonna read that garbage.
"That garbage" actually agrees with you, and is further proof of your point.

You don't get at Femcels by just saying "There are no femcels". They heard that already.

But whatever :feelsseriously: Saying "dnr" would have at least been funny.
Women are black holes of personality
black holes for time and energy, it just gets sucked into it and it is never seen again
This is the main issue for them tbh. Unironically the main thing holding "femcels" back are their shitty personalities, again goes to show how much women project.
Being an unpleasant person with feelings who gets "lonely" is a interesting aesthetic to them.
Even if they do consider themselves ugly, literally go on any dating app
Me considering myself ugly doesn't come from me, it's informed by how I was treated and called throughout my life.

Not the case with them indeed. Again, the "It's all in your head" meme, is very much applicable to them.
They stay in the basement and then they cry online that nobody wants them and then they STILL get messages from people that want to date them XD.

So much for being "forever alone".
It's usually not that "nobody" wants them, is that the one guy "doesn't want them" (Who 100% of the time is a above-average or very attractive white guy).

They are basically what Oneitiscels are like, but with guys. And say what you will about Oneitiscels, I certainly have, but they are less pathetic when you consider that they ACTUALLY have no chance of getting with their Oneitis.

"Femcels" have. If they fucking told them. And if they were rejected, as you said, they have a line of guys waiting for her.

So again, it's all larping.
Femcels romanticize the idea of being socially inept, but aren't actually.

:foidSoy: "I'm so awkward teehee"
I meant that foids could get rejected but at the same time there are plenty of fish in the sea for them but not all males can say the same for themselves.
They probably are inept but social ineptitude in women is more accepted and judged less harshly
I have only met 1 foid in my life that was socially awkward and she had a big friend group and a boyfriend. Being socially inept can be seen as attractive in foids. It's a death sentence for a man.
I have only met 1 foid in my life that was socially awkward and she had a big friend group and a boyfriend. Being socially inept can be seen as attractive in foids. It's a death sentence for a man.
Totally... The only men that get a pass on social ineptitude, are the top 10%.
It's sad how females romanticize being lonely, being awkward, being rejected by your peers, yet everytime they post something about it on the internet, like tiktok, they're getting lot of both males and females commenting shit like "i wish I could be your friend/boyfriend".
They just use it as an excuse to be lazy and put zero effort into communication or keeping conversations going. Foids want to just exist and have a man do everything for them.
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Asa is the perfect femcel because the first chapter is her teacher lusting for here so much that it makes his other teenage girlfriend jealous, femceldom is a fucking meme
Asa is the perfect femcel because the first chapter is her teacher lusting for here so much that it makes his other teenage girlfriend jealous, femceldom is a fucking meme
Also she looks like this:

Images 2

Very ugly indeed :feelsclown: No guy would want that.
They're just being quirky and trying to be the mAiN chAraCTerR to make up for their total lack of personality. Pretending to be an edgy loner is cope for women.
She actively has the mc simping for her too while the people label her femcel, she is only like this because she wants to the moment she says yes she could have plenty of men fuck her, clown world
Just like every real life "Femcel" :feelsclown:
I'm singling out the social part, because we all know women can't loose when it comes to appearance. Fat women get dates, ugly women get dates. No one cares, we all accept this as fact.

It's not a coincidence that the most popular Femcel character in media (Asa Mitaka, Chainsaw Man), is a "cel" because she is socially retarded, narcissistic, and vain. She is a unpleasant person to be around.
For I imagine, lore reasons to why she is that way.

But the average Femcel, considering the fact that they are women, is larping as someone who is socially inept.

How do I know they are larping?

If you have been in any work environment, and specially school environment, you will know that there are no negative consequences for a girl, to approach anyone. Either platonically, sexually or romantically.

You can approach any guy or girl, and the "worst she can say is 'no'" meme, is actually applicable to them.
The worst they will hear, is a polite rejection. And stuff worse then this, is incredibly rare. Calling it an exception would be a understatement.

On average, they will either get what they want, or they will get less of what they want. Maybe the guy doesn't want to date you, but he wants to talk to you still, and maybe be friends with you.

You are socially safe, to make mistakes, and become a not socially retarded person.

Not even mentioning the fact that if they don't want to approach anybody themselves, they will get approached. By other girls, and guys.

"But I'm ugly".
Literally every "objectively ugly" girl I saw in the two high schools I went to, were approached by people, wanting to be, at least, their friend. They had friends. Not just girl friends, guy friends as well.

There was not a single "loner" ugly girl. At all. Ever.

Socially, as a woman, the only way you can be socially retarded or unpleasant, is completely by your own will. You choose to be this way. The possibility of not being like this, existed and exists for literally every girl from the moment they are born.

You don't "spill the beans" to that cute boy in class that would totally get with you, because you don't want to.
Because romanticizing the idea of being "not like other girls" is much more attractive to you.

Because being like Asa Mitaka is much more attractive to you, then being a normal, regular girl.

But the thing is, Asa Mitaka is not real. Not in the sense that she's a fictional character, but that people like her, are only believable, and real, in the world of Anime.

The lore created to make her that away, does not actually exist for you.
The fact that they're admiring lonelinesss/romanticising loneliness is proof that they are not lonely.
Women who are actually lonely would not make it into a quirky aesthetic. There is no 'incel' aesthetic because we are all just lonely men not trying to project an outward image like that.
Femcel logic : Fifteen chads won't worship me at the same time hence I am femcel
You just can’t lose as a foid even if you’re socially retarded since you will be seen as ‘cute and quirky’.
Fem'cels' the only demographic who say they're proudly anti social.

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