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Serious Femcels claiming that men are hypergamous



Genetically shackled to hell
Jul 15, 2019

I don't think they understand what the word "hypergamy" means. I really do think women make shit up just so that they don't have to feel bad about how truly terrible they really are.

The worst part is how they get live in an alternate reality, project it onto the world and if you don't go along with it, you get shamed for it.
I cant even bother with these stupid whores. Literally living inside a fucking shell.
I don't think they understand what the word "hypergamy" means. I really do think women make shit up just so that they don't have to feel bad about how truly terrible they really are.

The worst part is how they get live in an alternate reality, project it onto the world and if you don't go along with it, you get shamed for it.
Women just wanna be the victim. But they lack creativity so they either project shit or take males issues and claim that they're their own
Fugly femcel looking foids will never settle for their looksmatch. They either go full cat lady mode or they go lesbo.
Women just wanna be the victim. But they lack creativity so they either project shit or take males issues and claim that they're their own

The entire "femcel" movement is based on this.

They call themselves "femcel" as a nonsensical, emotional response to the very real incel movement.

They're not creative, as you say, and make up their own problems, live in their own reality and the worst part: they're taken seriously.

Women created clown world.
No such thing as "femcel"
Are they trolling or what jfl dont care

"femcels" my ass go get raped
1st one is obv a LARP it doesn't even make sense, they just flipped the genders.
this is foid plagiarism. They copy us but would never have sex with us
No it's from an entire board dedicated to this. I don't even want to utter this name

How do you not see that the first one is a parody? They just copied basically everything and changed from male to female
Here lies the difference between femcels and mancels. Femcels know they can hook up. But they don't want to. They want to be "loved."

I can't do jack shit. I'm not "going" for any women.
Women just wanna be the victim. But they lack creativity so they either project shit or take males issues and claim that they're their own
>Men only want to date the top 20% of women

Clown. Fucking. World.
> existence of tinder
> low smv males
> statistics
not found
> IQ
sub 0

Women just wanna be the victim. But they lack creativity so they either project shit or take males issues and claim that they're their own
"the scarce media I still enjoy"

Imagine your only reason not to kys is Netflix and chill.
wholesale copy of incel views once again. I can tell 100% it's a bunch of mentally ill beckys who read incel wiki and now want to claim victimhood. IT wont touch it.
They are trolling. It's literally just low-effort replacing everything we say with the opposite. If any women thinks they are a fem"cel" reading this I suggest they actually legitimate try dating apps (and not just delete them in panic after 2 minutes of using them) or actually ask a guy out not just "give him signals" until he picks up on it and ask you out.

Also, if you get rated well on photofeeler and other places then accept it and stop trying to play the "I'm so ugly" card.

The funniest thing I find is the "boobcel" shit because many men actually prefer medium to smaller sized breasts or something of the sort. Granted being completely flat chested would be a negative, but it is really just laughable trolling.
Femcel is a meme. JFL @ any normie who falls for that shit. And shame on any ":blackpill:"ed incel who thinks femcels are real.
This is either a parody or they're projecting real hard. Either way, fuck women.
They are trolling. It's literally just low-effort replacing everything we say with the opposite. If any women thinks they are a fem"cel" reading this I suggest they actually legitimate try dating apps (and not just delete them in panic after 2 minutes of using them) or actually ask a guy out not just "give him signals" until he picks up on it and ask you out.

Also, if you get rated well on photofeeler and other places then accept it and stop trying to play the "I'm so ugly" card.

The funniest thing I find is the "boobcel" shit because many men actually prefer medium to smaller sized breasts or something of the sort. Granted being completely flat chested would be a negative, but it is really just laughable trolling.
The imageboard in question has a board dedicated to loneliness and yet half of the posts there are about their bf/family etc
The imageboard in question has a board dedicated to loneliness and yet half of the posts there are about their bf/family etc
Oh I think I know what imageboard you're talking about lol. That's the way it always is with their "communities." In their case I think they really are just malevolently trolling and trying to make us mad, they don't actually believe they are "femcels".

Otherwise, they would actually ban people and stop people talking about their past boyfriends and shit in their communities. I argued with the head mod of both of the femcel subreddits on reddit once and she said "Nowhere did I ever deny the blackpill, but you have the option to betabuxx."

Same people that go there frequent and post on FDS.

In some ways it makes what they do in even poorer taste just the fact they need to troll people who are lonely and have shitty lives. Especially when they control IT and now have trolling/baiting moderators there.

Their claim that 100% of men only for for 20% of women translates to 'The 20% hottest guys pay no attention to me'
What is a femcel? Stop making up words
I can’t tell if this is a parody or if foids have become this retarded.
I mean no disrespect OP, but how retarded do you have to be so that you don't see that they simply took a random incel post and changed incel to femcel, foid to moid and whatever other shit.

The part about men only having hobbies to get pussy :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek: is a dead giveaway.

Femcels is the least effort parody forum in all Internet history
Those are male larps
I mean no disrespect OP, but how retarded do you have to be so that you don't see that they simply took a random incel post and changed incel to femcel, foid to moid and whatever other shit.

The part about men only having hobbies to get pussy :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek: is a dead giveaway.

Femcels is the least effort parody forum in all Internet history
Tbh the discussions that ensued were serious and every thread is like this. They get trolled too so who knows how retarded they are vs troll posts




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Jfl. "Femcels" actually believing they exist.

Femcel= to low SMV to obtain Chad's
No it's from an entire board dedicated to this. I don't even want to utter this name

Crystalcafe is probably half men larping as foids.
The entire "femcel" movement is based on this.

They call themselves "femcel" as a nonsensical, emotional response to the very real incel movement.

They're not creative, as you say, and make up their own problems, live in their own reality and the worst part: they're taken seriously.

Women created clown world.

when you live in tutorial island but forcefully use cheat to spawn the secret final boss so you can complain how the game is too hard
Reckon this is an ironic larp, they just switched incel argument into femcel.

Femcels should just go outside, they will see everywhere high value men with low value foids
they just copy our argumetns
First post is obvious troll, second is believable but still applies to women, just the aggression is more subtle rather than outward violence.

Tbh the discussions that ensued were serious and every thread is like this. They get trolled too so who knows how retarded they are vs troll posts

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Now HERE is some good stuff.

-Males having no standards is males' fault

Congrats, woman ('woman'' ?) you failed biology 101.
It is fact and tried fact that men are generally hornier and less picky than women, and to those who say women are the hornier ones or just as horny, it's only for chads etc because pickiness. And the fact they can mentally keep themselves together while being that picky doesn't make them better or stronger, it's just how the two genders are. It's simply unfair, but despite this talk about personal responsibility and ethics you don't hear much about fairness. I wonder why....

-Two hours of gym a day would totally exhaust someone

I used to do two hours of gym in a row once or twice a week and felt more invigorated after, because I don't exercise enough. I'll give you that. But, I also know guys who do exercise that much every day and they aren't THAT tired. Not all crimes are rape and not all take physical effort or strength, either.

-Men are desperate for attention.

Well, yeahh! But it's not our faults, that's how we are. Again, a failure of these women, just like most normies, to understand that biology is not a choice and has very serious and real implications on how you are as a person. This whole 'you choose who you are' shit needs to stop. Yes, you can act better than an animal and be moral and polite, but that doesn't mean you aren't still an animal at some base level. Not to mention the irony in that many of the people like this who preach self-control will animal/chimp out in other scenarios and be proud of it, or play 'only human' and 'we're just animals' cards on you. Prooud hypocrites..

-Women like softboys

Their dating patterns suggest this is at most half-true. They like athletic or smooth chad men with some soft features or preferences. A complete soyboy isn't attractive to them, they need looks even if their 'game' exists.
That said, most of the guys who I know of having girls are rough in some ways but still taken care of, still groom themselves. Not all though.
And there's a very big pattern here, these guys are all super neurotypical.
Once again, failing to understand that even basic living skills are instinctive and hereditary things, not so much learned traits you 'work your ass off' for but things you just are or are not good at doing. The illusion of merit rules on as ever.

-Whatever the fuck that first picture is

I don't understand the middle post. 'getting your wand'? Isn't the OP escaping 'female wizarddom', or is this some stupid sex joke I'm missing? Makes no sense.

Also in context this is hardly criticizing men it's the OP being glad a guy is giving her attention, she isn't creeped out or annoyed or rolling eyes bored for once so I guess he's hot enough or she really gets zero attention ( going to guess introvert ethnic immigrant or severely overweight). Normally it's "bad" for a man to approach the gender that's too pussy to approach first and pull any weight in starting a relationship, unless that man is hot enough that he's no longer misogynistic.

Hard to buy anyway but supposedly this still happens, I've seen it once or twice. Every time I try it though, it's clear in five seconds I come across as soy or gamer so backing the fuck off. I know when it's over.

Also, the last post says the guy gave her free shit so simping hard as fuck. I don't do that shit, I've seen guys do it. People do buy each other shit at the college level apparently. I've seen guys and girls buy their friends shit including mixed-gender 'friends'. Sometimes I manage to become so-called friends with girls in my school circles and they offer to buy me shit since they're buying everyone else shit at the same time too, but I've never accepted unless it's right in my facce, I don't have money to buy back and I know how these bullshit social favours work, you either reciprocate or you get seen as an ass who's trying to get a girl to simp for you (hint, she never would for me, not any one of them).
One last point to add because I forgot:

- Men take criticism from other men with stride but crumple under criticism from women

I dislike criticism from both genders but take it harder from men because I respect them more because they are less whiny (thus a complaint from them MUST mean something!), and have long before I ever was told about what incels are. I'm sensitive as shit so if women criticizing me doesn't bother me that much beyond a bad feeling but I remember what another dude says for a while, sometimes... then again who bullies harder, the opposite gender or your own? "always ask a favour from the opposite sex". Ha, calling gender "sex". Or lack therefore of...
"Wahh only High-Tier normies and Chadlites hit on me, why doesn't GIGACHAD approach me?"
Women just wanna be the victim. But they lack creativity so they either project shit or take males issues and claim that they're their own


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