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Blackpill Female friend of mine sad she doesn't get asked out.



(Wave function) = Asin(2πx)
Apr 24, 2018
A female friend of mine told me how sad she is because guys don't approach her. I ask her if she has ever been asked out and she said three times in the last three years but the guys were ugly! Its over! No such thing as femcels!
>female friend

you are close enough to a maycel

>Female friends
You really need to reassess who you become friends with. Female friends aren't worth shit.
I might od on blackpills today
maybe shes not sad about being single, shes just sad that shes not getting attention
ask her out or stop talking to her.
We incels should all ask her out. We need to bring balance to the force. She's probably average and just gets upset when average men hit on her instead of Chads. Men need to stop settling, even the Chads are settling for average women, it's screwing it up for the rest of us.
Stop orbiting and ask her out, come back if you fail.
I ask her if she has ever been asked out and she said three times in the last three years but the guys were ugly!
when they say they never get noticed by men or asked out they always mean by attractive men. Ugly men don't even count.
Yeah. The validation is all she needs. To know she's desirable
the system is so fucked... that she can have multiple ugly guys begging for her, with no effort and I cant get a 1 when I put my all into it
Why are you friends with a female you're not currently fucking?
>female friend

you are close enough to a maycel

Incel means involuntary celibate not socially inept you damn lowiqcel.
Why are you friends with a female you're not currently fucking?
She doesn't want to. I would smash in a heartbeat.
ask her out or stop talking to her.
Have done so. Said no.
Stop orbiting and ask her out, come back if you fail.
Yes yes yes. I have asked her and she said no. I'm an incel you fuck! Of course she said no! I am hideous!
A female friend

No such thing pal
If you have a female friend you are a fakecel shit that neads to get the fuck off this forum
Incel means involuntary celibate not socially inept you damn lowiqcel.

She doesn't want to. I would smash in a heartbeat.

Have done so. Said no.

Yes yes yes. I have asked her and she said no. I'm an incel you fuck! Of course she said no! I am hideous!
lol im low iq says the newcel, piss off who are you, what real incel has a female friend? stupid newfag, you're the only dumbass ITT who thinks that jfl
Is your female friend ugly?
lol she doesnt want to smash and you're still talking? beta orbiting fucking cuck :lul::lul::lul: she even rejected you

you're a cuck
Is your female friend ugly?
she rejected him and now hes orbiting her
How can you be friends with something that rejects you
you are a funny guy / incel + female FRIEND = :feelstastyman:
A female friend of mine told me how sad she is because guys don't approach her. I ask her if she has ever been asked out and she said three times in the last three years but the guys were ugly! Its over! No such thing as femcels!

what a fucking cuck
youre a fakecel. Anyway, yeah, cunts are so self absorbed and arrogant that average dudes asking them out "dont count". It makes me wanna go ER.
JFL at an "incel" having a female friend then coming to the forums to whine about how life is unfair and that everything get handed to femoids on a golden platter.
you're a fakecel beta orbiting cuck gtfo:feelsbaton::feelsbaton:
So she's tried nothing and is all of ideas?

(credit goes to family guy)
When did all these new rules of inceldom get passed into the statute books? Not allowed to have a female friend - what what? :feelsautistic: Even seen posts referring to anyone who has ever even spoken to a woman/girl who isn't a family member being a fakecel.

OP, ask your friend if she considers you ugly - tell her to be honest. If she says you're not, ask her out. Because she might have said that to you in the hope you'd want to go out with her. Can't let an opportunity like this pass you by. Expect rejection and then you won't be so disappointed if it happens.
lol im low iq says the newcel, piss off who are you, what real incel has a female friend? stupid newfag, you're the only dumbass ITT who thinks that jfl
Jfl at you coping! The reason we can't get laid is because we are ugly not because we can't make friends! Lol! Take the blackpill boyo!
Jfl at you coping! The reason we can't get laid is because we are ugly not because we can't make friends! Lol! Take the blackpill boyo!
jfl i need the blackpill says the one orbiting this hoe jfl jfl newcels out
Are you incel because of your personality or because of your looks? Careful now lowiqcel, only one is the answer.
you're not funny dude you're a newcel orbiting a bitch that doesnt want you whats the point? you're a cuck, i like how everyone has called you out but you come after me?
you're not funny dude you're a newcel orbiting a bitch that doesnt want you whats the point? you're a cuck, i like how everyone has called you out but you come after me?
Who cares if "everyone" has called me out! People tend to be stupid! Hey maybe I'm wrong but I don't see any good argument against me. Please, be my guest lowiqcel and explain to me how you are rejecting the blackpill when you say that incels can't have female friends. Let me offer you my rational then lowiqcel: the blackpill argues that women do tend to avoid ugly men. These ugly men are termed incels.

"The idea surrounding it is that the PUAgame is a scam and that bad boys do not attract females; instead, the most important factor is looks and physical traits. Taking the "black pill" is synonymous with coming to the realization that those who lack such traits will never be attractive to females, regardless of PUA techniques used, and should just give up" (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Manosphere_glossary)

Now given this definition we can only say that women are not attracted to ugly makes but that doesn't mean that they can't befriend them. Attraction != Friendship.

Lowiqcel it is your turn.
Who cares if "everyone" has called me out! People tend to be stupid! Hey maybe I'm wrong but I don't see any good argument against me. Please, be my guest lowiqcel and explain to me how you are rejecting the blackpill when you say that incels can't have female friends. Let me offer you my rational then lowiqcel: the blackpill argues that women do tend to avoid ugly men. These ugly men are termed incels.

"The idea surrounding it is that the PUAgame is a scam and that bad boys do not attract females; instead, the most important factor is looks and physical traits. Taking the "black pill" is synonymous with coming to the realization that those who lack such traits will never be attractive to females, regardless of PUA techniques used, and should just give up" (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Manosphere_glossary)

Now given this definition we can only say that women are not attracted to ugly makes but that doesn't mean that they can't befriend them. Attraction != Friendship.

Lowiqcel it is your turn.
because im reading your cope

just accept you're a bitch orbiting a female you cant fuck nor wants you, you're cucking yourself and everyone in the thread agrees for the most part, now you're her little bitch cushion jfl you pathetic cuck go to inceltears, despite getting rejected you still give her attention :lul::lul:
Who cares if "everyone" has called me out! People tend to be stupid! Hey maybe I'm wrong but I don't see any good argument against me. Please, be my guest lowiqcel and explain to me how you are rejecting the blackpill when you say that incels can't have female friends. Let me offer you my rational then lowiqcel: the blackpill argues that women do tend to avoid ugly men. These ugly men are termed incels.

"The idea surrounding it is that the PUAgame is a scam and that bad boys do not attract females; instead, the most important factor is looks and physical traits. Taking the "black pill" is synonymous with coming to the realization that those who lack such traits will never be attractive to females, regardless of PUA techniques used, and should just give up" (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Manosphere_glossary)

Now given this definition we can only say that women are not attracted to ugly makes but that doesn't mean that they can't befriend them. Attraction != Friendship.

Lowiqcel it is your turn.
How can you call yourself blackpilled and yet be willing to engage in friendships with the opposite gender? Not attacking you, just curious
because im reading your cope

just accept you're a bitch orbiting a female you cant fuck nor wants you, you're cucking yourself and everyone in the thread agrees for the most part, now you're her little bitch cushion jfl you pathetic cuck go to inceltears, despite getting rejected you still give her attention :lul::lul:
Everyone agrees? Oh my how generous they public is to disagree with me! Makes me all the better a contrarian! Lowiqcel, being correct isn't determined by popularity but u see there is no other option for you. Take the blackpill my son, I'm done here.
How can you call yourself blackpilled and yet be willing to engage in friendships with the opposite gender? Not attacking you, just curious
hes a bitch ass beta cuck im telling you, hes just coping, fuck these newcels
Everyone agrees? Oh my how generous they public is to disagree with me! Makes me all the better a contrarian! Lowiqcel, being correct isn't determined by popularity but u see there is no other option for you. Take the blackpill my son, I'm done here.
you're trying too hard to be high iq and win its sad, can you take your dumbass back to orbiting your foid so she can whine how chad rejected her and be her emotional pillow bitch? god you're delusional jfl
"low iq low iq" can you stop being a broken record?
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She was literally talking about you
How can you call yourself blackpilled and yet be willing to engage in friendships with the opposite gender? Not attacking you, just curious
Good question. Incel means "involuntary celibate". I believe I fit the criteria to be an incel. The blackpill does not state that women won't befriend ugly men, that is pure cope, the blackpill states that women prefer attractive men over ugly men. Looks determine whether you will find love or not. Friendship has nothing to do with romantic love and believe me when I say that none of my friends would ever want to date me (I've asked). I hope I answered your question but whether you agree with me or not is irrelevant to me unless you provide a reprimand.
She was literally talking about you
I've asked her out. Said no. Dee ole classic " I wish I met a guy like you but just not you."
Yeah- Sad she isn't asked out by the guys she wants.
what does she look like? her rating?

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