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Venting Female friend from childhood is now fucking numerous chads



Mar 5, 2023
I've known a girl ever since I was very young and we were friends since elementary school. She's 19 and I'm 20.

Over a phone call recently, she revealed all the ways she gets sex, including:

  • Blowing a guy at age 14
  • Losing her virginity at 18
  • Fucking a random guy while studying in Paris
  • Numerous tinder hookups
  • Fucking random people who pull her from nightclubs (I think while in Paris, not sure of details)
  • Fucking random people from house parties
  • Currently has a friends with benefits relationship
  • Past boyfriends
I'm fucking 20 years old and have never even kissed a girl and meanwhile she literally goes on Tinder and orders guys straight from her phone. She goes to a top 25 University and I went to Community College. My SAT (American College Entrance Exam) score sucks, so I don't think I'll transfer to a right University. I was supposed to spend only two years at Community but I didn't have enough credits to complete my Associates Degree, so I've been forced to stay for another year, currently finishing my final semester.

She's not even that hot per say, but because Tinder is so competitive for men, she literally gets to just ride the cock carousel all she wants while living in her College flat. I feel as if I'm missing out, not just on sex, but on the college experience. Most of my Community College was online, and during the summers I would just be at home working, and Summers was when she would study abroad in Paris.

Last October I got an Instagram, I had also gotten a job. I got the gig to pay for college expenses. This job was a super corny canvassing job for a politician, where we would have to wear these embarrassing T-shirts, pile into a cramped van, and then knock on people's doors. I was scrolling through Instagram while on the job, and she just a few minutes ago posted a group selfie of this massive house party at what appeared to be someone's flat. I was staring at the picture while just standing there, with my campaign t-shirt holding a clipboard, almost about to sob.
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Should've ran JustBeFirst game
> Losing her virginity at 18

:feelskek: :feelskek:
Brutal first post bro
Women fuck Chad.
Water is wet.

Sadly this is normal for foids these days, getting sex doesn't require any effort on their part.
I [she?] recently over phone calls revealed all the ways she gets sex, including:
You must be pretty close for her to tell you that. Anyhoo, welcome to the forum. At least here you won't hafta feel like an outcast.
I actually told her about my frustrations, and she replied that is was nothing to be worried about and that she actually took the virginity of a 22 year old virgin.

So there's still hope for me.

I asked her about her body count and her response was a pause, then: ''...... that's personal''.

I was asking for tips on how to get girls from Tinder, I've asked how nay tinder matches has she had, and again shot back with ''that's personal''.
Brutal first post bro
Was it really THAT brutal? I thought I was holding my punches.

I like to sincerely thank everyone on this forum for providing me with such a support system/safe-space/community to vent my feelings.
Sadly this is normal for foids these days, getting sex doesn't require any effort on their part.
Yup. This is why the Slut vs Stud double standard exists.
Was it really THAT brutal? I thought I was holding my punches.

I like to sincerely thank everyone on this forum for providing me with such a support system/safe-space/community to vent my feelings.
It was, yeah.
And these places are made for this, to talk about your problems and your feelings with people who'd understand them.
She has no friends to hook you up with?
No way
Joe Biden Shock GIF by GIPHY News
If she doesn't help you lose your virginity then she's a waste of time.
Either she lets you fuck or she fucks off
The fact thag you typed all that out as if it's something new or strange. Lol I knew females in my 7th grade class who were fucking since they were 11 or 12
I live in my home state and she went to University out of State
I also had a female platonic friend when i was 15. You won't believe this but her dad was a coal miner and her mom was a professor. We enjoyed playing board games and watching TV. But suddenly she stopped seeing me. I was confused until i saw her with a typical high school jock, they were kissing. Guy was a silent type (probably to hide how dumb he was, but he had the looks to attract nerdy girls like that. I never contacted her again after that.
You must be pretty close for her to tell you that. Anyhoo, welcome to the forum. At least here you won't hafta feel like an outcast.
We're super close childhood friends
We're super close childhood friends
Figures. Must be quite the experience, experiencing the blackpill from that angle. I suppose some brocels with sisters are privy to that POV as well. May I ask whether you feel contempt toward her in any way? Or are you happy for her that her life seems to be going swimmingly?
May I ask whether you feel contempt toward her in any way? Or are you happy for her that her life seems to be going swimmingly?
The only feeling I feel is jealousy. If I had sex and went to a nice University, I don't see why I would feel any contempt towards her.
Yet she hasn't given you a chance of romance yet?
We went to different middle and high schools, geographically we couldn't make it work.
The amount of sex even the ugliest girls are getting is simply insane and unthinkable compared to what even a good looking man is getting is 2023.

Every girl is fucking that one guy.

one chad from my high school class fucked 5 of my classmates out of like 12 overall. NONE of the other guys had girlfriends, except one other chad which only had 1 *that I know of.

Average dude with some kind of flaw has no chance of ever attracting a female, EVER. Keyword: attracting.

I'm a stemcel universitycel and I can guarantee you it's only going to get worse, the inceldom rate is staggering. They would rather die than date anything less than average.
What's her major. Going to the top 25 universities doesn't mean shit if her major is bad.
Brutal and sad. Welcome to the club.
The amount of sex even the ugliest girls are getting is simply insane and unthinkable compared to what even a good looking man is getting is 2023.

Every girl is fucking that one guy.

one chad from my high school class fucked 5 of my classmates out of like 12 overall. NONE of the other guys had girlfriends, except one other chad which only had 1 *that I know of.

Average dude with some kind of flaw has no chance of ever attracting a female, EVER. Keyword: attracting.

I'm a stemcel universitycel and I can guarantee you it's only going to get worse, the inceldom rate is staggering. They would rather die than date anything less than average.
Yeah, the future is incel. In a few years, the percentage of virgin and lonely men will be higher than 50%.
Salam houssein lebanese girls are renounced whores they are basically western foids
Congrats, you found out that a foid is a whore.

Also, water is the essence of wetness.
JFL did you and this whore grow up in Lebanon or a Western country (France/US) ?
JFL did you and this whore grow up in Lebanon or a Western country (France/US) ?
I'm 50/50 Russian Lebanese, she's just Russian and we both grew up in America.
Human beings are truly irredeemable garbage.

Christianity might be the biggest joke, imagine believing that such narcissistic, self-indulgent cattle is redeemable, or that you are worth God dying over.
I asked her about her body count and her response was a pause, then: ''...... that's personal''.
They know they are very disgusting fickle creatures, and they want the ugly vermin to stay hidden, which barely even does, when a Blackpilled man can see right through the illusion.

I certainly do, for they have no Souls.
are you lebanese ?
The only diference between foid with a good live and a vageslave incel is a chromosome Y
are you lebanese ?
I'm 50/50 Lebanese Russian

Should of never told her your a virgin because you blew any chance you had to fuck her
I would never have had any chance to fuck her because of geographic distance.

But she actually did tell me that she never had any issues with virgins and actually took the virginity of a 22 year old.
>talking to a women
Fakecel gtfo
Relatable i know plenty off these foids, when these foids from countryside finish their school and go to big city too study Psychologie (mostly) and whore around- and these are the ones who calls us sick - they wouldnt last a day in our bodies brutal...
Best way too cope with this situation, too gain hate and find ways how too troll Clownworld... :feelsLightsaber: - Dont trust anyone in your life -

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