Imagine living in a society in which a man who creates fake porn of foids receives much more sERious punishment than a foid who litERally molested a young boy, and majority of norm-scum and foids will act like this is totally logical and makes a lot of sense!
Fuck this clown society, they desERve to suffER, if low-value males wERe able to unite one day and ovERthrow the current Jewish leadERs and I was in a high-level position in the newly established govERnment, I’d sentence all sluts to be sent to gigantic dungeons (each of which will house hundreds of foids) whERe they will be regularly raped by low-value male soldiERs of the incel army and all incel loyalists
And all soycucks, simps and normscum “in genERal” are to be sent to gulags (slave labour camps) to work hard and build/create the “new world” via their labour and utility, while incels are given easy and low risk jobs as armed security to guard these labour camps and are rewarded by being able to visit the rape dungeons at the end of each shift (on top of their default salary).