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NSFW Favorite gore videos/websites?

Rice Cel

Rice Cel

{SRK} {TYP#6} Ricecel in 'Murican Hell
Apr 9, 2018
I've always been fascinated with death and morbidity. Give me links to good videos and websites if you're the same as me. In particular, I enjoy videos of burning where you can hear the screams.
I like watching people die and can't deal with the sounds though. There are a lot of sites out there just Google them
I like watching people die and can't deal with the sounds though. There are a lot of sites out there just Google them
True true but I'm always on the lookout for hidden gems
All I know if narcoblog and liveleaks.
Seen so many of my fav gore sites bite the dust over the years but YNC and live leak

r/IncelTears, Specially when they post a video of an Incel killing himself and the celebrate over it.

r/IncelTears, Specially when they post a video of an Incel killing himself and the celebrate over it.

and when they butcher the English language kek
Don't know any secret goresites. Can only recommend liveleak and bestgore(dot)com. You probably already know them.
Try Documenting Reality, I´ve been a member for 6+ years
DeathAddict.com is the best among all gore sites.
1 lunatic 1 ice pick
BestGore most of the post generally include a video and derivative photos.
forum.deathaddict.com and irrefutably-so
I'd love a site with only women getting killed, maimed and tortured.
heavy r
8ch /gore/
8ch /r73/
They really do not give a fuck in Brazil.
check out THE REAPER FILES on youtube
In particular, I enjoy videos of burning where you can hear the screams.
I like watching people die
damn that was nice
killed, maimed and tortured.
my dick moved a bit as the big titty whore got slaughtered brutally

Smeagol is genuinely curious how other people can enjoy these things. I'm a pretty sensitive person; I've got years of bullying, rejection, and indifference to thank for that. I know how it feels to suffer and therefore wouldn't wish the same emotional (let alone physical) pain onto others. Whenever I run across these videos I immediately sympathize with the victim. Most of these videos are evil and/or unfortunate acts of brutality being committed on unsuspecting and mostly undeserving victims of circumstance. This is NOT retribution in the name of justice, which I would have no problem understanding the context behind. Fascination with morbidity is one thing but expressing pleasure I cannot fathom.
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I remember masturbating to that one. They really should have raped her dead body.

The vomit that shoots out of her neck is a beautiful final touch.

Are you too low IQ to understand that you are the bottom of the barrel of fakecels by having the audacity to claim that you sincerely receive pleasure from the brutal, sadistic acts of uncalled violence done upon unsuspecting and mostly undeserving female victims whose lives you are wholly ignorant about WHILE ALSO COMING onto this forum to express your sexual and emotional frustration about your situation with females (to the point of orbiting one)? Can you at least smell some hypocrisy in your behavior or way of thinking?

That's the furthest you can get from being incel without actually having sex. You and other sadistic low IQ fakecels are far better off staying in those corners of the internet than coming on here to share a platform with genuine seekers of intimacy whose dealt cards have deprived them of the one thing they WOULD derive pleasure from, companionship and validation from the opposite sex, whether or not it's possible for sub8s in 2018 or not.
undeserving female victims
I guarantee the cunts in these videos wouldn't give a single care about my existence, and would likely laugh at my murder while fucking another male that is of higher genetic quality than me.

Females HATE ugly males. They want us to suffer. They enjoy our suffering.
Are you too low IQ to understand that you are the bottom of the barrel of fakecels by having the audacity to claim that you sincerely receive pleasure from the brutal, sadistic acts of uncalled violence done upon unsuspecting and mostly undeserving female victims whose lives you are wholly ignorant about WHILE ALSO COMING onto this forum to express your sexual and emotional frustration about your situation with females (to the point of orbiting one)? Can you at least smell some hypocrisy in your behavior or way of thinking?

That's the furthest you can get from being incel without actually having sex. You and other sadistic low IQ fakecels are far better off staying in those corners of the internet than coming on here to share a platform with genuine seekers of intimacy whose dealt cards have deprived them of the one thing they WOULD derive pleasure from, companionship and validation from the opposite sex, whether or not it's possible for sub8s in 2018 or not.
>Goes into gore thread

>Complains about people enjoying said gore

What did you expect?
kek wtf is wrong with spanish people?
Jfl @ calling @Grotesque a fakecel. He's one of the truest of true truecel's you'll ever have the chance to interact with. Respect your elders!

Jfl @ calling @Grotesque a fakecel. He's one of the truest of true truecel's you'll ever have the chance to interact with. Respect your elders!

I asked a genuine question pertaining to the thread but I will call out a fakecel when I see one. It's laughable you don't see the hypocrisy yourself. I've seen his videos, he's a strong 2/10 but that doesn't guarantee being incel if he's expressing pleasure in the death of the same femoids he's orbiting and crying for to give him attention and validation. I've seen uglier incelqueers with foids; cucks yet most definitely not incel, point is invalid.
I asked a genuine question pertaining to the thread but I will call out a fakecel when I see one. It's laughable you don't see the hypocrisy yourself. I've seen his videos, he's a strong 2/10 but that doesn't guarantee being incel if he's expressing pleasure in the death of the same femoids he's orbiting and crying for to give him attention and validation. I've seen uglier incelqueers with foids; cucks yet most definitely not incel, point is invalid.
So somehow having a certain mentality makes you a fakecel now, even if you've never had sex but want to? Your logic here is laughable. Females will not give special treatment to ugly males (regarding giving them sex) if they act all docile and respect wimmin. That's the whole "personality" meme inceltears likes to throw around.
So somehow having a certain mentality makes you a fakecel now, even if you've never had sex but want to? Your logic here is laughable. Females will not give special treatment to ugly males (regarding giving them sex) if they act all docile and respect wimmin. That's the whole "personality" meme inceltears likes to throw around.

Mentality =/= personality. One is what you think and the other is how you act. Congratulations, you've just fallen victim to the inceltears meme by equating the two. An incel's mentality doesn't shine through his personality when interacting with females who can somehow "sense" his blackpilled thoughts. I also shouldn't have to tell you that being incel is not just about obtaining sex - that's what escorts are for. Where mentality does matter is when classifying a person as incel or not. A person with no particular interest in solidifying a close bond with a female, an asexual for example, will be considered by most a fakecel due to his lack of interest in pursuing femoids in order to live a fulfilling life. This is the same case here where a so called "incel" that supposedly lacks and pursues love and validation from the opposite sex genuinely derives pleasure from witnessing their brutal death. I could not have made that clearer. It's blatant hypocrisy as well.
>Goes into gore thread

>Complains about people enjoying said gore

What did you expect?
I guarantee the cunts in these videos wouldn't give a single care about my existence, and would likely laugh at my murder while fucking another male that is of higher genetic quality than me.

Females HATE ugly males. They want us to suffer. They enjoy our suffering.
Smeagol is genuinely curious how other people can enjoy these things. I'm a pretty sensitive person; I've got years of bullying, rejection, and indifference to thank for that. I know how it feels to suffer and therefore wouldn't wish the same emotional (let alone physical) pain onto others. Whenever I run across these videos I immediately sympathize with the victim. Most of these videos are evil and/or unfortunate acts of brutality being committed on unsuspecting and mostly undeserving victims of circumstance. This is NOT retribution in the name of justice, which I would have no problem understanding the context behind. Fascination with morbidity is one thing but expressing pleasure I cannot fathom.

I like watching people die and can't deal with the sounds though. There are a lot of sites out there just Google them

Its all about your perspective & lol at your attempt to be a goody2shoes i got news for ya / not everyones like you man / Why the fuck are you coming in a gore thread complaining aboit people enjoying the content / i have a better idea goto these slums and try to stop the bad guys yourself...... / lmfao you do know females are into gore as well..
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Mentality =/= personality. One is what you think and the other is how you act. Congratulations, you've just fallen victim to the inceltears meme by equating the two. An incel's mentality doesn't shine through his personality when interacting with females who can somehow "sense" his blackpilled thoughts. I also shouldn't have to tell you that being incel is not just about obtaining sex - that's what escorts are for. Where mentality does matter is when classifying a person as incel or not. A person with no particular interest in solidifying a close bond with a female, an asexual for example, will be considered by most a fakecel due to his lack of interest in pursuing femoids in order to live a fulfilling life. This is the same case here where a so called "incel" that supposedly lacks and pursues love and validation from the opposite sex genuinely derives pleasure from witnessing their brutal death. I could not have made that clearer. It's blatant hypocrisy as well.
People who are blackpilled already know they have no chance in getting a female, so they like to watch them suffer for the pain they've caused them. Most of us hate females with a passion.

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