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Blackpill Fatcel = volcel, but...

  • Thread starter Deleted member 101
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Deleted member 101

Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
It doesn't mean they cannot be blackpilled, or sad about their situation. Because shit is still unfair for them, too (maybe less than a gymcel but still). They still can't even get their looksmatch, while women as fat (or even fatter) can easily get with decent looking men (even Chads on occasion) due to hypergamy. This means the fatcel cannot even get the fat girls that normies say he should lower his standards for. Because a woman being fat does not mean she wants a fat fuck as a boyfriend. ALL WOMEN WANT CHAD. Even ugly women.

Now, he is volcel (I like to call them "unknowncel" more but w/e), but imagine losing weight and getting shredded. 10-15% body fat. But he's still ugly due to his subhuman face, frame, height etc. Girls who aren't fat still ignore him. Girls who are may settle for him and use him for betabux. He is now a gymcel. While Chads who put less effort into themselves still slay easily. They still date easily. This gymcel is still not Chad. Imagine changing your life around and still being subhuman, just a little less.

This is why I do not hate them partly because I am one but I am making an actual effort to lose weight this time . Because they're lonely as fuck just like the rest of us. It's not like he is a woman who can still be ugly as fuck and calls herself lonely but can still easily have sex and date. A fatcel must lose weight and get ripped to even have a chance. It does take hard work to get ripped, especially from someone who's starting out as fat (I'm not saying he shouldn't become gymcel, he should). And there is no guarantee. Meanwhile, some landwhale is cheating on her chubby bf with a Chad she met on Tinder.

I completely understand why skinny incels and gymcels hate fatcels. I think it's (partially) justified. You are free to hate me for being big. I hate myself for it, too. But I do think it's not as simple as calling them "fakecel", tellling them to fuck off, and then going on your day. And we also have more problems than fat (height, ethnicity, subpar social skills, autism etc).

tl;dr fatcel = volcel but it still sucks balls also i'm gay
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"unknowncel" is a good concept that we should use in our discussions here.

Since being a fat fuck is a consequence of a behavioural problem (eating), I consider fatcels to be a breed of mentalcel, whom I personally believe are validcels.
Being fat is as bad as being a slut.
You're both degenerate sensualists.
I called them questioncels but unknowncels sounds much better
Being fat is as bad as being a slut.
You're both degenerate sensualists.
At least a slut gets to have as much sex and relationships as she wants

Also fat women can be sluts but fat men cannot be manwhores. This means fat women have the potential to be double degenerate.
Tbh its easy to be fat when u are low IQ cos you dont understand calories in vs calories out or what your maintenance is
I don't think being fat necessarily equals being stupid but I agree.
At least a slut gets to have as much sex and relationships as she wants

Also fat women can be sluts but fat men cannot be manwhores. This means fat women have the potential to be double degenerate.

Honestly, if you're fat, you're as bad as any degenerate roastie out there.
Honestly, if you're fat, you're as bad as any degenerate roastie out there.
I can't be a degenerate if women do not want to fuck me

And I am fat but I am not 300 pounds and bedbound or anything. Yeah I need to work it more but I'm not some massive lardass I hope

I'll probably bully fat people once I am ripped
Tbh its easy to be fat when u are low IQ cos you dont understand calories in vs calories out or what your maintenance is

Fat ppl are dumb af tbh, cant even understand that if you eat more calories than you use-->you get fat.
Fat ppl are dumb af tbh, cant even understand that if you eat more calories than you use-->you get fat.
I think they understand but either do not care/are too lazy to change/have a serious problem with food addiction.

My diet is not great but I'd have to actually try to get as big as the people who are 400+ pounds

I hate myself and want to die

I have so many problems beyond weight
Fatcel = volcel is one of the biggest copes I've ever seen

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