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JFL Fascist foid defends gender equality



Nov 24, 2017
I was posting on a fascist subreddit, an actual third position subreddit and not just "omg I hate niggers I love Hitler and. Nazis" thingy.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialUnity/comments/1blebig/the_new_left_wants_humans_to_be_like_bonobos/

I used example of British colonizers being a conservative patriarch society that was capable of defeating matriarch tribes, which was limited in growth by their norms.

The foid just go full inceltears mode and used the exact same arguments about how women are equal to men, how there shouldn't be gender norms etc.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialUnity/comments/1blebig/comment/kwbhg24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
There's a bunch of these foids online, "RW radfems". I've seen many on twitter, not surprised they're on cuckit too
JFL, I clicked on that foid's profile and she moderates the fucking space
There's a bunch of these foids online, "RW radfems". I've seen many on twitter, not surprised they're on cuckit too
Foids who fucked as many chad dicks as humanly possible between the ages of 14-25, got abortions, heavy drugs and alcohol users between that time. Realised the lifestyle isn't sustainable, finds rich beta-buxxer, leeches off his money and become a right wing stay at home mom tradwife LARPer.
Still has the values instilled in her as a teen from leftist teachers, hides those values and pretends she's trad and based. STILL THE SAME FOID BRAIN but different packaging
hides those values and pretends she's trad and based
Many don't even do this. There's literally a community of foids on mainsteam social media (Twitter in particular) who unironically advocate radfem ideology in tandem with racial nationalism and consciousness
Cuck trait : Arguing with females.
Many don't even do this. There's literally a community of foids on mainsteam social media (Twitter in particular) who unironically advocate radfem ideology in tandem with racial nationalism and consciousness
Tbh they're incompatible. Radfemism or even basic gender equality, leads to decreased productivity due to foids picking chads. Which means low birth rate, which means immigrants.
Tbh they're incompatible. Radfemism or even basic gender equality, leads to decreased productivity due to foids picking chads. Which means low birth rate, which means immigrants.
Their entire ideology is a larp anyway, such contrarian systems will never see the light of day. Imagine trying to push feminism on radicalized white men in the aftermath of a race war, any and all foidists would be hung :feelshaha:
Beware of women who associate themselves with Right-wing ideologies, and call themselves ´Traditional´.
Most are Wolves in disguise, with sheep´s clothing.
Since MGTOW is gaining a lot more attention and increasing in its popularity, I´ve noticed a lot more women turning ´Anti-feminist´ and dismissing feminist ideology publicly.
Women know exactly what´s going on, and why MGTOW/passport bro´s are on the rise.
They will act Traditional and feminine, just to lewer you in, so you can let your guard down.
women cant be fascists
Their entire ideology is a larp anyway, such contrarian systems will never see the light of day. Imagine trying to push feminism on radicalized white men in the aftermath of a race war, any and all foidists would be hung :feelshaha:

I'd be more than happy to be the executioner of foid cunts after the Rahowa.
There's a bunch of these foids online, "RW radfems". I've seen many on twitter, not surprised they're on cuckit too
Fucking hate them. They're only there to gather attention and insert their feminism into everything.
Beware of women who associate themselves with Right-wing ideologies, and call themselves ´Traditional´.
Most are Wolves in disguise, with sheep´s clothing.
Since MGTOW is gaining a lot more attention and increasing in its popularity, I´ve noticed a lot more women turning ´Anti-feminist´ and dismissing feminist ideology publicly.
Women know exactly what´s going on, and why MGTOW/passport bro´s are on the rise.
They will act Traditional and feminine, just to lewer you in, so you can let your guard down.
"National Socialism has plagued Fascist thought for a long time now, and it is time we separate ourselves from such a vile and degenerate ideology"

Jfl, they're one and the same
No foidis trulyright wing and on the internet
Fucking hate them. They're only there to gather attention and insert their feminism into everything.
Exactly and hope they hit a secret chadlite
An foid has no place discussing politics in the first place, especially if she claims to be a fascist.

Fascism is based on the recognition of the natural inequality and differences between individuals, genders, races and so on. From a fascist point of view, a woman is unable to have a valid political opinion because her reasoning is based mainly on emotions and social acceptability. The place of a woman in a fascist society is having and raising children, and taking care of her household, not in the public place debating politics.

It's funny how they claim to be conservative but fail to act as such. If you tell them to shut up, be obedient and live according to their traditional beliefs they immediately turn into left-wing feminists and spew all the democratic, egalitarian nonsense.
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Modern attempts of a matriarchy are nothing more than failed parasites that are leeching off the success of the patriarchy.
Beware of women who associate themselves with Right-wing ideologies, and call themselves ´Traditional´.
Most are Wolves in disguise, with sheep´s clothing.
Since MGTOW is gaining a lot more attention and increasing in its popularity, I´ve noticed a lot more women turning ´Anti-feminist´ and dismissing feminist ideology publicly.
Women know exactly what´s going on, and why MGTOW/passport bro´s are on the rise.
They will act Traditional and feminine, just to lewer you in, so you can let your guard down.
women cant be fascists
Fucking hate them. They're only there to gather attention and insert their feminism into everything.

I hate how they have subverted the very broad "Far-Right" and/or "WN" movement online: In fact, they quite literally are one of, if not, the main issues with it.

An foid has no place discussing politics in the first place, especially if she claims to be a fascist.

Fascism is based on the recognition of the natural inequality and differences between individuals, genders, races and so on. From a fascist point of view, a woman is unable to have a valid political opinion because her reasoning is based mainly on emotions and social acceptability. The place of a woman in a fascist society is having and raising children, and taking care of her household, not in the public place debating politics.

It's funny how they claim to be conservative but fail to act as such. If you tell them to shut up, be obedient and live according to their traditional beliefs they immediately turn into left-wing feminists and spew all the democratic, egalitarian nonsense.
This also.
I was posting on a fascist subreddit, an actual third position subreddit and not just "omg I hate niggers I love Hitler and. Nazis" thingy.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialUnity/comments/1blebig/the_new_left_wants_humans_to_be_like_bonobos/

I used example of British colonizers being a conservative patriarch society that was capable of defeating matriarch tribes, which was limited in growth by their norms.

The foid just go full inceltears mode and used the exact same arguments about how women are equal to men, how there shouldn't be gender norms etc.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialUnity/comments/1blebig/comment/kwbhg24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

It's true when he says the reverse is happening
Everything is so soy today
And even man hate eachother more then ever
Like it wasn't enough being hated by women
I hope things will change , or maybe it was always been like this
I was posting on a fascist subreddit, an actual third position subreddit and not just "omg I hate niggers I love Hitler and. Nazis" thingy.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialUnity/comments/1blebig/the_new_left_wants_humans_to_be_like_bonobos/

I used example of British colonizers being a conservative patriarch society that was capable of defeating matriarch tribes, which was limited in growth by their norms.

The foid just go full inceltears mode and used the exact same arguments about how women are equal to men, how there shouldn't be gender norms etc.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialUnity/comments/1blebig/comment/kwbhg24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


White Cocku Onry
"National Socialism has plagued Fascist thought for a long time now, and it is time we separate ourselves from such a vile and degenerate ideology"

Jfl, they're one and the same
Not true, though they have similarities.

Fascism isn't necessarily racist.

Nazism is racial based.
Not true, though they have similarities.

Fascism isn't necessarily racist.

Nazism is racial based.
Didn't Mussolini implement anti-miscegenation laws?
Didn't Mussolini implement anti-miscegenation laws?
Only after he met up with Hitler. The foundations of fascism wasn't necessarily racist.
Only after he met up with Hitler. The foundations of fascism wasn't necessarily racist.
IMO a Fascist is a National Socialist, and vice versa. They mean the same thing to (((them)))
Many don't even do this. There's literally a community of foids on mainsteam social media (Twitter in particular) who unironically advocate radfem ideology in tandem with racial nationalism and consciousness
What is this bullshit
Beware of women who associate themselves with Right-wing ideologies, and call themselves ´Traditional´.
Most are Wolves in disguise, with sheep´s clothing.
Since MGTOW is gaining a lot more attention and increasing in its popularity, I´ve noticed a lot more women turning ´Anti-feminist´ and dismissing feminist ideology publicly.
Women know exactly what´s going on, and why MGTOW/passport bro´s are on the rise.
They will act Traditional and feminine, just to lewer you in, so you can let your guard down.
Just poke them the right way and the foid animal feminist comes out.
Happened to me when i called out a foid way of the world channel. She exploded saying men’s problems are caused by glorifyin gender roles done by my faction.

Wait, you cunt, isn’t this supposed to be YOUR factio? You lieing cunt? Got get raed by sand niggers in Paris you cunt.
Also it’s funny since gender roles actually become more radicalized and extreme when total liberalism happens so she was also wrong on top of being a faking fucking whore cunt
A woman shouldn't concern herself with such matters in the first place, also has it not occurred to them that they have no movement to vouch for in a truly fascist society where gender roles set rigid and immovable expectations? This should be even more clear in fascist circles since feminism has inextricable roots with kikes at the epicenter.

In the end it reveals their true solipsistic desires, instead of being only women they want to subvert pre-existing groups to cater to them.

Their intentions may appear poorly thought out but they are merely leaning into their psychopathic tendencies.
I wish it was bullshit, but it’s true. ”People” like that exist, there’s a ton on twitter
Yes that’s why they should be sold as sex slaves to horny pajeets
Their intentions may appear poorly thought out but they are merely leaning into their psychopathic tendencies.
A morbid reality about foids that consumes your soul little by little with each passing day.
Foids can’t be loyal to an ideology. They are loyal to whatever benefits them.
Foids who fucked as many chad dicks as humanly possible between the ages of 14-25, got abortions, heavy drugs and alcohol users between that time. Realised the lifestyle isn't sustainable, finds rich beta-buxxer, leeches off his money and become a right wing stay at home mom tradwife LARPer.
Still has the values instilled in her as a teen from leftist teachers, hides those values and pretends she's trad and based. STILL THE SAME FOID BRAIN but different packaging
These whores are worse than normal liberal foids, at least the liberals are honest and not LARPing to get lonely SFcels to practically fawn over them
I’m convinced a number of these foids have to be feds/gay ops trying to subvert nationalism by making it feminist
Foids and politics don't mix, their brains are too primitive. They should have never been given the right to vote.
These whores are worse than normal liberal foids, at least the liberals are honest and not LARPing to get lonely SFcels to practically fawn over them
Out of all foids, Muslim foids are the most based.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cliZapwdbHY


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