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Brutal Faking confidence is actually one of the hardest things an incel can do



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
Have you ever hung about with a bunch of normies and bragged about how you fucked this slut that got drunk at night at the party????????

You haven't done so because that would make you a LIAR.

Incels are extremely honest folk. We would never lie, especially about something as important to us as sex. If you even tried to lie about it, you would be caught, and HUMILIATED. Bragging about having sex, in theory, is probably one of the easiest, most infuriating lies you can get away with. When people brag about sex, they NEVER show receipts. In fact, it would be considered rapey to show receipts. You can lie all you want about having sex, and bully people higher SMV than you by doing this easily . . . yet despite all the social rewards we can reap from false bragging about sex, we dont do it.


BECAUSE DEEP DOWN INSIDE, LYING ABOUT IT IS JUST AS HUMILIATING AS BEING A VIRGIN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Nothing about being a sex-haver is core to who we are. The identity of a sex-haver is as alien to us as trying to empathize with the daily routine of a termite. It's all a fucking cartoon. A heightened distortion, you know it's a distortion, but it's distorted because our nervous system wants to protect us from a horrible danger our body instinctively KNOWS is unqualified for.

I dont have a problem, if impelled, to lie about what college I went to, I can lie about my beliefs, religion, how old I am, or where I'm from. BUT I DRAW THE FUCKING LINE at lying about my virginity and how bad I have it in the sexual marketplace. It would just terrify me to walk authentically in those shoes, and be treated like a human being. SEX, BODYCOUNT, who is a slut, how strong was the orgasm?? These things matter. SEX MATTERS. Consent matters. I would go as far as to say that ITS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS. And that is why, instinctively for me, lying about your sex life is the most dishonest thing a human being can do.
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I will fucking ee ahhh
just fake having astronaut credentials until you get hired at nasa bro
I fake high dark triad traits by playing roussian roulette with myself (in video game).
You can't fake confidence.
Eithet you have it, either you don't.
You can't fake confidence.
Eithet you have it, either you don't.
this, confidence comes from validation
if you don’t get validation you don’t get confidence
Done that.

It was painfully obvious to everyone that I was compensating for a severe lack of confidence/self-esteem.

Anyone that says "fake it till you make it", need to be shot.
Faking confidence is certainly easier said than done
Lying about having sex is hard because your face and your demeanor show that you have subhuman genetics. It is obvious to normies that no girl has ever even thought about fucking you. You can lie about fucking hookers, but a real relationship would be impossible. Maybe if she was extremely drunk and you got incredibly lucky, but then the normies would want every single detail in that made up story. Normies are blackpilled subconsciously.
Have you ever hung about with a bunch of normies and bragged about how you fucked this slut that got drunk at night at the party????????

You haven't done so because that would make you a LIAR.

Incels are extremely honest folk. We would never lie, especially about something as important to us as sex. If you even tried to lie about it, you would be caught, and HUMILIATED. Bragging about having sex, in theory, is probably one of the easiest, most infuriating lies you can get away with. When people brag about sex, they NEVER show receipts. In fact, it would be considered rapey to show receipts. You can lie all you want about having sex, and bully people higher SMV than you by doing this easily . . . yet despite all the social rewards we can reap from false bragging about sex, we dont do it.


BECAUSE DEEP DOWN INSIDE, LYING ABOUT IT IS JUST AS HUMILIATING AS BEING A VIRGIN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Nothing about being a sex-haver is core to who we are. The identity of a sex-haver is as alien to us as trying to empathize with the daily routine of a termite. It's all a fucking cartoon. A heightened distortion, you know it's a distortion, but it's distorted because our nervous system wants to protect us a horrible danger our body instinctively KNOWS is unqualified for.

I dont have a problem, if impelled, to lie about what college I went to, I can lie about my beliefs, religion, how old I am, or where I'm from. BUT I DRAW THE FUCKING LINE at lying about my virginity and how bad I have it in the sexual marketplace. It would just terrify me to walk authentically in those shoes, and be treated like a human being. SEX, BODYCOUNT, who is a slut, how strong was the orgasm?? These things matter. SEX MATTERS. Consent matters. I would go as far as to say that ITS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS. And that is why, instinctively for me, lying about your sex life is the most dishonest thing a human being can do.
I can mostly fake being a normie as long as I don't have to talk much. When I have to talk to people I just speak the basics
Don’t try to fake being like a sex haver.

Be yourself.

They can fuck off.
Have you ever hung about with a bunch of normies and bragged about how you fucked this slut that got drunk at night at the party????????

You haven't done so because that would make you a LIAR.

Incels are extremely honest folk. We would never lie, especially about something as important to us as sex.
I'm somewhat against this. Everyone lies in society, it may be white lies or "black" lies, life in society is impossible if one only speaks the truth, so it's not immoral for a guy to lie if everyone around him is also lying. It's evening the odds

Also, I don't see inceldom as a religion where we have to follow dogmas and stuff. Everyone has a history, different experiences everywhere

Though I understand. As someone who is very into escorting I didn't lie to the hooker I lost my virginity to, I came clear and it was ok with her, if I had lied would there be a difference? Anyway lying is wrong morally if one use it to trick others, but on the other hand no one is forced to tell anyone everything.

If you even tried to lie about it, you would be caught, and HUMILIATED. Bragging about having sex, in theory, is probably one of the easiest, most infuriating lies you can get away with. When people brag about sex, they NEVER show receipts. In fact, it would be considered rapey to show receipts. You can lie all you want about having sex, and bully people higher SMV than you by doing this easily . . . yet despite all the social rewards we can reap from false bragging about sex, we dont do it.
Yes, but there is a difference between lying about sex and omitting that you're inexperienced. If I get caught as an incel I'll be bullied to hell and back on my job. Virgin men are incredibly bullied in Brazil even in mainstream media.

BECAUSE DEEP DOWN INSIDE, LYING ABOUT IT IS JUST AS HUMILIATING AS BEING A VIRGIN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Nothing about being a sex-haver is core to who we are. The identity of a sex-haver is as alien to us as trying to empathize with the daily routine of a termite. It's all a fucking cartoon. A heightened distortion, you know it's a distortion, but it's distorted because our nervous system wants to protect us a horrible danger our body instinctively KNOWS is unqualified for.
Sex (as a biological need) is just that, after I escorted the first time I didn't feel that great nor "ascended" since I'm still a loner and no women will talk to me. It felt like a burden was lifted but only partially. I'm no longer curious about how sex feels like but it still misses the point that is a woman being attracted to me genuinely. The only difference is that I don't care as much as I did before losing my virginity. That's why I recommend escorting for those who are up to it, at least once, since we only live once and it's quite an experience
I dont have a problem, if impelled, to lie about what college I went to, I can lie about my beliefs, religion, how old I am, or where I'm from. BUT I DRAW THE FUCKING LINE at lying about my virginity and how bad I have it in the sexual marketplace. It would just terrify me to walk authentically in those shoes, and be treated like a human being. SEX, BODYCOUNT, who is a slut, how strong was the orgasm?? These things matter. SEX MATTERS. Consent matters. I would go as far as to say that ITS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS. And that is why, instinctively for me, lying about your sex life is the most dishonest thing a human being can do.
I wouldn't judge others for lying about their status if that's what it takes to avoid getting bullied to death by others.
Don’t try to fake being like a sex haver.

Be yourself.

They can fuck off.
I don't judge those who do. If they're doing it to fit in and avoid bullying, then so be it. Everyone has it's reasons, it's not up to you or me do pass any judgement on them.
I don't judge those who do. If they're doing it to fit in and avoid bullying, then so be it. Everyone has it's reasons, it's not up to you or me do pass any judgement on them.
Though virginity shouldn't be something to be ashamed of, people can become huge assholes about it if you're a man and still has a V-card. Sadder yet is that there are men who think women will respect them for being celibates, even if voluntarily, but instead they'll see you as a circus freak.

Pre-selection works, the more women you had, the more women you'll get, looks aside. So a guy who is still a virgin in his 30s will probably endure some serious hell for the rest of his life... and that's where lying can help, though it won't help much at attracting females (if you lack the looks), at least there will be no bullying to push you a cliff
You just have to make the lie be set in the distant past, I say I had a short relationship at 18 with made up person x just to not be labeled permavirgin at my workplace, then again I always was a pathological liar, I lied about everything all my teens from minutia to big things so it never bothered me to lie about this either, as long as I can get away with it I will lie.
Confidence to most normies just means being highly NT and extroverted.
Incels are extremely honest folk. We would never lie, especially about something as important to us as sex
Very true. Honestly is a marker of good moral conscience. It's a real shame that being morally superior to normies means you have to be alone forever.
No confidence for my ugly ass face
I can mostly fake being a normie as long as I don't have to talk much. When I have to talk to people I just speak the basics
It's the same with me. Normies love bullshit and scripts. I have to be vague and generic when the topic of dating and sex come up on rare occasion. "Oh, you know, I haven't met the right girl yet," that sort of shit.
Gotta Shit on peoples faces About being a Virgin .

Its Not your fault and never was .

Your Woman equivalent Is fucking chads and your Chad equivalent fucks beckys

Life Is Luck .
Very true. Honestly is a marker of good moral conscience. It's a real shame that being morally superior to normies means you have to be alone forever.
Being Moral in a cunning world is quite the dealbreaker .

You will suffer for No Reason . Since your surrounded by cunning / quite immoral Humanvolk "
Yea I can’t fake it anyways because I’m ugly as fuck
If you're ugly you could have banged models and they still gonna think you're making it up. It's like if among people who do MMA this dude would brag about his victories and strength

OIP 39
Its hard for me to fake confidence (or faking any feeling for that matter), because of my high functioning autism. Spergs wear our hearts on our sleeves.
When I used to follow red pill advice, all the faking techniques that they promote backfired horribly, and I either got mocked or made enemies
Furthermore, if you fake confidence as an ugly man, you wont be taken seriously
It's the same with me. Normies love bullshit and scripts. I have to be vague and generic when the topic of dating and sex come up on rare occasion. "Oh, you know, I haven't met the right girl yet," that sort of shit.
Also talking stuff we hear others talking first is a sure fire way to pass ourselves as normies

Word by word, just in a different place. Don't do it with jokes though, those require expressions and such, can't be easily faked
Confidence can't be faked, validation and positive feedback is necessary to have confidence. You can try to fake, but normies see right through you. Same thing with lying about sex. I've been in normies circles and they do talk about the guy that says he gets women but nobody has ever seen him with one. They see him as a joke. It's better to be seen as a virgin than to be caught lying about sex.
Yes, but there is a difference between lying about sex and omitting that you're inexperienced. If I get caught as an incel I'll be bullied to hell and back on my job. Virgin men are incredibly bullied in Brazil even in mainstream media.
Though virginity shouldn't be something to be ashamed of, people can become huge assholes about it if you're a man and still has a V-card. Sadder yet is that there are men who think women will respect them for being celibates, even if voluntarily, but instead they'll see you as a circus freak.

Pre-selection works, the more women you had, the more women you'll get, looks aside. So a guy who is still a virgin in his 30s will probably endure some serious hell for the rest of his life... and that's where lying can help, though it won't help much at attracting females (if you lack the looks), at least there will be no bullying to push you a cliff
Based. Brazil is one of the most depraved countries.
Confidence can't be faked, validation and positive feedback is necessary to have confidence.
Nope, it can be faked alright. Just get your stuff together. It's not hard - you can start by imitating those around you
You can try to fake, but normies see right through you. Same thing with lying about sex.
Only if you do it in a dumb way. People can learn it like they can learn anything else. Social media helps (since you control all information about yourself) but irl it's more complicated.

Just don't act out of the ordinary, that's pretty much 70% of it. Behave like those at the top on social circles you observe.
I've been in normies circles and they do talk about the guy that says he gets women but nobody has ever seen him with one. They see him as a joke. It's better to be seen as a virgin than to be caught lying about sex.
LOL there's your problem, you're not supposed to say that kind of shit, it's more about what you DON'T say than what you say.

especially "incel/redpill" terms and "lingo", avoid any of those along with all internet-speak, and try to imitate how guys on those circles behave. Imitation is key and mostly how I go on my day by day activities. I've learned to talk little else than common normie talk around others, as long as I don't have to talk about anything personal about me, I'm safe.
Based. Brazil is one of the most depraved countries.
Not depraved. Just more liberal than others, and that's not a bad thing - We can escort cheaply, easily and legally here.

Depravation is something else.
Nope, it can be faked alright. Just get your stuff together. It's not hard - you can start by imitating those around you
I have seen people fail with this and it was rough. Foids know.

Only if you do it in a dumb way. People can learn it like they can learn anything else. Social media helps (since you control all information about yourself) but irl it's more complicated.
Maintain a successful vibe in your social media when you don't is really difficult. Who is going to take all those pictures of you?

LOL there's your problem, you're not supposed to say that kind of shit, it's more about what you DON'T say than what you say.
It's not my problem because I didn't do it. The guy was trying o fake confidence and success and failed hard.

especially "incel/redpill" terms and "lingo", avoid any of those along with all internet-speak, and try to imitate how guys on those circles behave.
This is a no-brainer. Black/red pill terminology should not be use seriously outside of the internet.
Not depraved. Just more liberal than others, and that's not a bad thing - We can escort cheaply, easily and legally here.

Depravation is something else.
Rio de Janeiro. Carnival. Funk.
I have seen people fail with this and it was rough. Foids know.
Not always, in fact, women are very easily misled, we can easily trick them if we put some effort. Most men already do this, don't forget, women are children and children are easily fooled.
Maintain a successful vibe in your social media when you don't is really difficult. Who is going to take all those pictures of you?
You take them yourself, selfies are a thing. Otherwise buy a tripod or smt, you don't really need anyone to produce pictures of yourself in 3rd person. Not my cup of tea though.
It's not my problem because I didn't do it. The guy was trying o fake confidence and success and failed hard.
Oh yeah sry.
This is a no-brainer. Black/red pill terminology should not be use seriously outside of the internet.
I'm not prone to use it even on the internet. It's considered a "dogwhistle" and people shoot first then ask questions later, witch-hunting sadly a thing online.
Ugly + confident = people think you don't know your place.
It's ONE state, out of 27. Would be the same as calling the USA the country of inbreeding because of Alabama :lul:
But it's a major state, second only to São Paulo, unlike Alabama. Rio drives the culture of the country.

What state are you from btw?
Not always, in fact, women are very easily misled, we can easily trick them if we put some effort. Most men already do this, don't forget, women are children and children are easily fooled.
This is true, as they are constantly fooled by more successful men, but in those cases they want to believe the guy (for whatever reason). In the end they will judge you for your looks.

You take them yourself, selfies are a thing. Otherwise buy a tripod or smt, you don't really need anyone to produce pictures of yourself in 3rd person. Not my cup of tea though.
Again, this is really difficult. Might not be doable but idk. Even foids take hundreds of photos of their assses until they like one.
But it's a major state, second only to São Paulo, unlike Alabama.
Also, keep in mind that whole shit is almost restricted to the capital (also called Rio de Janeiro - the city) which makes it less fair to judge a whole country because of it.

I would not consider fair judging all of the US based on california, either.

Seriously, Brazil is more conservative than the US. A lot
Rio drives the culture of the country.
Nope, that would be São Paulo.
What state are you from btw?
São Paulo.
This is true, as they are constantly fooled by more successful men, but in those cases they want to believe the guy (for whatever reason). In the end they will judge you for your looks.
Yes this is why I believe looksmaxxing is key for incels, though it takes a LOT of work and I can't bother to looksmax myself.
Again, this is really difficult. Might not be doable but idk. Even foids take hundreds of photos of their assses until they like one.
Yeah we're not females. I take a few selfies now and then but I don't publish them. Just to check my overall health when I'm not nearly a mirror (my workplace has no mirror on bathrooms)
You can't fake confidence.
Eithet you have it, either you don't.
LOL people can even fake having money. They can also fake being straight (closeted LGBTs) and hey it works sometimes, so yeah you can fake having confidence if you really put some work into it.

(I wouldn't)
LOL people can even fake having money. They can also fake being straight (closeted LGBTs) and hey it works sometimes, so yeah you can fake having confidence if you really put some work into it.

(I wouldn't)
You can lie and say that you're rich or that you're straight, and other people might not notice it.

But you can't affirm that you're confident if you're not. Even if you say this, your body language will remind you that you aren't confident, and normies can quickly sense if you're a confident person or not.
Seriously, Brazil is more conservative than the US. A lot
It's really not. Brazil is further gone than the USA. USA still has guns, less taxes, crime and corruption glorification/denial doesn't happen everywhere. USA has based states, like Texas, which is a major state. Brazil only has minor states and some cities being based. Brazil has an entire fucking region dragging it down.
Nope, that would be São Paulo.
Rio has a big part in it. It's the second biggest city. Globo is in it.
It's really not. Brazil is further gone than the USA. USA still has guns, less taxes, crime and corruption glorification/denial doesn't happen everywhere. USA has based states, like Texas, which is a major state. Brazil only has minor states and some cities being based. Brazil has an entire fucking region dragging it down.
I mean in the context of relations. We don't have such a "simpandemic" as other parts of the world
Rio has a big part in it. It's the second biggest city. Globo is in it.
Yeah but it doesn't represent most of the population. Almost everyone in the countryside in every states are conservative, even those left leaning.

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