Every guy wants to spread his seed across multiple women, just like women want to secure the best possible man. The only reason you deny this is because society conditions men to suppress their biological imperatives while allowing women to act on theirs.
For most of human history, men were neither loved nor truly respected by their wives, and they were rarely loyal in return. The relationships you see today are just propaganda.
How can you claim to be blackpilled yet still believe a girl will be head over heels for you if you can’t offer what she truly wants, especially when she can easily find a better man than you?
Some girls date normies simply because, as women, they crave relationships, and not all of them can get Chad. They might hang out with you, say they love you, fake orgasms, and even try to treat you well, but if a better option comes along, they wouldn’t hesitate to replace you.
For years, I craved relationships and had oneitis - you can see it in my old posts. But last year, I observed real normie relationships and saw how shallow they truly are. A woman can’t love a man who lacks what she desires. No matter how much you want it to be true, it’s not happening.
Anyway, you’ll realize it in time. I hope.