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It's Over Failure after failure



May 30, 2018
Guys the NEET life does have it's marvelous benefits but at the same time there are negatives, I legit fapped like 5 times today and done nothing productive. The future is truly bleak for me and not jus that but the thought of Chads out there fucking and sleeping with their Stacy's while am fapping in my bed all alone. I swear to God haven't even spoken to a girl ever since I quit McDonald's, and to be honest I shouldn't even count that as speaking to girls since it was all work related. Ive always accepted that I will fail whichever path I take. However alhamdullah am happy there's an afterlife that will give me what I didnt get in this life.
Probably cut back on the fapping, that's pretty excessive.
Yeah too many faps man
Get your fast track to paradise with a truck of peace
Probably cut back on the fapping, that's pretty excessive.
I'm trying bro, I was on nofap for 4 months, from 2018 Jan to 2018 April, then I broke it. Honestly the absence of a girl is killing me, how can one live without receiving validation, love and sex from a girl.
However alhamdullah am happy there's an afterlife that will give me what I didnt get in this life.
Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.
Get back on nofap asap. Consider what happened a momentary relapse.

Fapping never improves things. It lures you into thinking that, but once you have done the deed you realize it was a lie of the Shaytan.
i know that feel bro

i just bought one of those anime body pillows, i hope it helps
Get back on nofap asap. Consider what happened a momentary relapse.

Fapping never improves things. It lures you into thinking that, but once you have done the deed you realize it was a lie of the Shaytan.
I've realised that, I did kinda feel better on Nofap. JFL at doctors saying fapping is healthy
It's my biggest cope brother
it's the worst cope. I hope there's no such thing as life after death. Well, on the other hand I don't see how Hell can be any worse than this world we live in.
Honestly the absence of a girl is killing me, how can one live without receiving validation, love and sex from a girl.
Well there are multiple ways to decrease your sex drive, but the loneliness is more difficult.
i know that feel bro

i just bought one of those anime body pillows, i hope it helps
U reminded me aswell, when I watch anime and see a relationship going on, I legit get fully depressed and see no meaning in anything:feelscry:
I've realised that, I did kinda feel better on Nofap. JFL at doctors saying fapping is healthy
Doctors said the exact opposite a century ago. A century ago in the West, fapping was an offense worthy of commitment to re-education clinics. Don't listen to cucked modern doctors.
it's the worst cope. I hope there's no such thing as life after death. Well, on the other hand I don't see how Hell can be any worse than this world we live in.
Bro we were denied what is rightfully ours in this life, inshallah God will reward us after.
Doctors said the exact opposite a century ago. A century ago in the West, fapping was an offense worthy of commitment to re-education clinics. Don't listen to cucked modern doctors.
Exactly, there's a reason God forbid the act of masturbation yet I still do it:feelscry:
Guys the NEET life does have it's marvelous benefits but at the same time there are negatives, I legit fapped like 5 times today and done nothing productive. The future is truly bleak for me and not jus that but the thought of Chads out there fucking and sleeping with their Stacy's while am fapping in my bed all alone. I swear to God haven't even spoken to a girl ever since I quit McDonald's, and to be honest I shouldn't even count that as speaking to girls since it was all work related. Ive always accepted that I will fail whichever path I take. However alhamdullah am happy there's an afterlife that will give me what I didnt get in this life.
Gymcel bro.

Fapping all day is so fucking useless...just rope if thats your big plan in life :lul::lul:
Bro we were denied what is rightfully ours in this life, inshallah God will reward us after.
"Allah" is making sure your brothers from Syria are getting to pound prime white blonde virgin pussy in Sweden right now Ahmed. I mean, why do they deserve it over you?

I just acknowledge we're dust in the wind.
NEET life is hell without being able to buy cope.
Gymcel bro.

Fapping all day is so fucking useless...just rope if thats your big plan in life :lul::lul:
Evertime I start gymceling, I end up quiting, and tbh I've applied to a lot of jobs recently but all rejections. There was no hope to begin with.
"Allah" is making sure your brothers from Syria are getting to pound prime white blonde virgin pussy in Sweden right now Ahmed. I mean, why do they deserve it over you?

I just acknowledge we're dust in the wind.
What pisses me off is that refugees like chadullah get to fuck German aid workers, while am here dying.
Evertime I start gymceling, I end up quiting, and tbh I've applied to a lot of jobs recently but all rejections. There was no hope to begin with.

What pisses me off is that refugees like chadullah get to fuck German aid workers, while am here dying.
U a framecel? Short? Otherwise no excuse not to gymcel every day
Am 5'9 bro, i would feel much better if I bulk up but I always lose motivation
Stop fapping so much..it messes with ur emotions and testosterone levels. At 5'9 u can build a great body. Stop finding excuses for yourself and complaining
gymcelling is legit, it's one of the only things that makes me feel good
Stop fapping so much..it messes with ur emotions and testosterone levels. At 5'9 u can build a great body. Stop finding excuses for yourself and complaining
I'll try bro
I'll try bro
Get a good brand pre workout and take that every morning then hit gym..its what ive been doing for over 5 years and it made me stop overthinking everyhthing

Good luck
Get a good brand pre workout and take that every morning then hit gym..its what ive been doing for over 5 years and it made me stop overthinking everyhthing

Good luck
I drink ON protein shake before I sleep or during the day, same one I used to use when I went gym
I drink ON protein shake before I sleep or during the day, same one I used to use when I went gym
ON is great brand..their pre workout PRE Platinum is the best. Proteinshakes give me bad farts though :lul:
ON is great brand..their pre workout PRE Platinum is the best. Proteinshakes give me bad farts though :lul:
Drink lots of water bro, cause I mix it with whole milk, if I don't drink water, I end up getting stomach pain.
@Akkadian suicide is the only solution
Most incels have failed at something more times than elon musk
You have everything to go to perfection, but everything writes about finding a job, having money and from there, making your own, but I see society as something that must be changed, but eradicate, our social behaviors are wrong and alardistas, a culture of waste and lack of control, a disgusting culture ...:feelsrope:
i hope things get better for you buddy

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