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Serious Faggots are the most disgusting things in this world



Lolicon, anti aoc advocate and sexual marxist.
Feb 15, 2018
They fuck poop. That's nasty as hell. They like to smell shit from a man's butt. In their eyes, that's not a mental illness. Those "people", if we can call them as such, should be in jail.
Hello inceltears.
Less competition. Always look on the bright side.
volcel if you wouldnt fuck a femoids butte and eat her booty
They are also foids side bitches. Every foid seems to need a gay best friend for some reason.
>Join discord -> Spread r9k gay shit -> suck on knajjd dick, only talk whenever knajjd's online -> play games with him -> finish knajjd dick then suck sarge dick even more -> get mod

:lul::lul::lul: so fucking true
They are also foids side bitches. Every foid seems to need a gay best friend for some reason.
That’s just to virtue signal. Also to have a “pass” to say the word faggot even though nothing is stopping them in the first place.
>Join discord -> Spread r9k gay shit -> suck on knajjd dick, only talk whenever knajjd's online -> play games with him -> finish knajjd dick then suck sarge dick even more -> get mod

:lul::lul::lul: so fucking true


Homosexuality is often just another type of coping. You don't feel "naturally" homosexual, it's brought on by social engineering, either through manipulation or a lack of access to females(hence coping).
That’s just to virtue signal. Also to have a “pass” to say the word faggot even though nothing is stopping them in the first place.

Yeah, it sounds like something similar to a black person in order to have the "permission" to say the n word.
Homosexuality is often just another type of coping. You don't feel "naturally" homosexual, it's brought on by social engineering, either through manipulation or a lack of access to females(hence coping).
Ehh no. You can't force yourself to like dick without being gay.
Why has this been moved to off topic? Oh yeah, it hurts feelings.
all faggots should be publicly executed
Ehh no. You can't force yourself to like dick without being gay.
Like may not necessarily be the right word, but some seem to grow accustomed to it. Look at /r9k/. What I'm saying is that you're not born gay, but you can become gay.
anal sex is a disgusting, revolting crime against nature
I remember once watching gay porn just to see how it is and maybe fap to it if its any good and I found it extremelly disturbing, there is just something terribly wrong with male gay porn, it should be made illegal

Fem gay porn though I actively hoard and fap to
Dont really give a fuck, 80s fags who kept it to themselves dindu nuffin IMO, modern fags who feel the need to throw themselves parades are... Well faggots.

However these tranny fucks are actually insane and for some reason Zog got everyone to support them to death.
I remember once watching gay porn just to see how it is and maybe fap to it if its any good
Lol what? I don't understand what you were expecting with that one bro.
the gays truly are a plague, especially in male-only spaces like this one.

Why has this been moved to off topic? Oh yeah, it hurts feelings.
because it has literally nothing to do with inceldom.
the gays truly are a plague, especially in male-only spaces like this one.

because it has literally nothing to do with inceldom.

really makes you think

Lol what? I don't understand what you were expecting with that one bro.

You have to experiment to see what its like, Id never go gay IRL but in my room with nobody around I had to give it a shot and maybe even fap cause its just porn, I was too disgusted to go through with it tho so its all good
Digging shit with your dick is repugnant.
You are also right on point with this, OP.
Homosexuality should be repressed and criminalized. The biggest mistake our grandfathers and fathers did was to legalize their behavior. Homosexuals are the driving force behind the degeneracy in modern society. They are truly wicked creations of nature.
Homosexuality is a mental illness . Its just accepted in society thanks to jews
To do faggots some justice, a lot (I'm not sure if I can go as far as to say even the majority) of straight people are into anal as well these days.

But yeah, faggots are mostly completely depraved. I remember some Spanish guy from Krautchan's /int/ who posted the porn movies he had made there, he was drinking hairy dudes' piss, licking their hairy assholes and feet, absolutely repulsive stuff.

Those degenerate sexual practices that are considered niche/fetish in the straight world are staple in the homossexual world.
They fuck poop. That's nasty as hell. They like to smell shit from a man's butt. In their eyes, that's not a mental illness. Those "people", if we can call them as such, should be in jail.
High IQ.
faggotry is the most disgusting thing on this earth, sex is for procreation everything else is an unnatural perversion and Faggotry is a Jewish invention to corrupt the west, lower birthrates and molest children so they become leftist submissive freaks that follow them blindly only the whip and gun can fix the degeneracy of the west, it is truly repugnant
Homosexuality is a mental illness . Its just accepted in society thanks to jews

exactly! homosexuality is simply a symptom of the Jewish erosion of values in the west as people become more degenerate and blindly follow their Jew overlords truly disgusting
Homosexuality should be repressed and criminalized. The biggest mistake our grandfathers and fathers did was to legalize their behavior. Homosexuals are the driving force behind the degeneracy in modern society. They are truly wicked creations of nature.

i agree with everything you said but our grandfathers did not decide to give faggots their rights it was decided for them by corrupt communist Jew politicians
Dont really give a fuck, 80s fags who kept it to themselves dindu nuffin IMO, modern fags who feel the need to throw themselves parades are... Well faggots.

However these tranny fucks are actually insane and for some reason Zog got everyone to support them to death.
View attachment 88007

those 80"s fags kept it between themselves and all the kids they fucked who turned into the modern fags, faggotry in any form is degeneracy that must be rooted out
all faggots should be publicly executed

and not just by a bullet, should be burned or impaled or disemboweled, or scaphism (my favorite execution)
Homosexuality is often just another type of coping. You don't feel "naturally" homosexual, it's brought on by social engineering, either through manipulation or a lack of access to females(hence coping).

i agree social engineering, generations of brainwashing by the jews to the normies and now they are complete and utter degenerates
They fuck poop. That's nasty as hell. They like to smell shit from a man's butt. In their eyes, that's not a mental illness. Those "people", if we can call them as such, should be in jail.

not just jail executed, jail is for humans and once you fall into such deviant behavior you are no longer human
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I’m not gay, but usually they wear a condom and douche their ass out first so there’s no poop in there
I've come to the conclusion that the are retarded or desperate incels or both.
I’m not gay, but usually they wear a condom and douche their ass out first so there’s no poop in there
Yeah sure. Tell me about your "douche" regimen;)
Hey @wizardcel , have you seen today on the news? The Brazilian STF is discussing the possible outlawing of "homophobia".

Great, more thought laws.
Weebs are even more disgusting.

I guess both are the same thing tbh.
Hey @wizardcel , have you seen today on the news? The Brazilian STF is discussing the possible outlawing of "homophobia".

Great, more thought laws.

This country has been overrun by favelados and drug lords, however, our lawmakers are more concerned about giving freedoms to degenerate scums. Brazil is a country whose quality of life is similar to that of a Subsaharan country, but that doesn't stop it from having the political correctness of Canada.
This country has been overrun by favelados and drug lords, however, our lawmakers are more concerned about giving freedoms to degenerate scums. Brazil is a country whose quality of life is similar to that of a Subsaharan country, but that doesn't stop it from having the political correctness of Canada.
Great quote from Psytoré.

Those laws come from the ONU, they push the same shit onto all countries. I read the other day the ONU was also trying to make Japan stop producing 2D child porn but Japan didn't bend.
Those laws come from the ONU, they push the same shit onto all countries. I read the other day the ONU was also trying to make Japan stop producing 2D child porn but Japan didn't bend.

They want all countries to allow little boys to dress like girls; and on top of that, they want to make gender transition legal without the parent's consent. Masculinity will be treated as something evil and vile, it is already being treated this way, but it will get worse. Japan is one of the few countries which are still resisting the onslaught of the left. The defeat of the Axis was indeed a mighty blow to traditional values (shit, saying something like that in public would put me in jail in 2019.)
They want all countries to allow little boys to dress like girls; and on top of that, they want to make gender transition legal without the parent's consent. Masculinity will be treated as something evil and vile, it is already being treated this way, but it will get worse. Japan is one of the few countries which are still resisting the onslaught of the left. The defeat of the Axis was indeed a mighty blow to traditional values (shit, saying something like that in public would put me in jail in 2019.)
Exactly. Now things are way too far gone and even when some resisting regional leaders come to office like Trump and Bolsonaro, they are still limited in their actions by international powers and end up not able to do most of the things they wanted to.
Exactly. Now things are way too far gone and even when some resisting regional leaders come to office like Trump and Bolsonaro, they are still limited in their actions by international powers and end up not able to do most of the things they wanted to.

This site dedicated to lonely virgins has a lot of power in fighting the left and its agenda; it's the only one of its kind in the 21st century. Everything else has failed. It's we the people, the common men, who can fight this war. Politicians alone cannot win this for us.
I agree with you. Btw ever heard of auschwitz?

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