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Blackpill FACT: if you are 6'+ you are a fakecel that can ascend via gym.



Its not over - its just never began
Aug 13, 2018
so tired of watching tallfags here crying.
yes foids really care about face but also about height, if you are tall all you have to do is go gymaxx and FOR SURE you'll be able to get a foid. not only a ugly one, a 5/10 foid with ease.

so stop crying, leave this site and go lift. us 5'5 fags would run to gym if we would be tall.
you better have a god tier roid body if you wanna try and pull foids with it
gymaxxing will only help a tall guy if 1) his face is at least a 6/10 and 2) he has broad shoulders and a good frame.
5'5 gang checking in, imagine being heightmogged by your grandmother.
Not if you have Aspergers.
if you are tall with large frame, it will take you long time to fill out the frame, probably easier to roid+ bloatmaxx and go for eastern european
if i was 6'5 with large frame, i would hardcore gymcel bloatmaxx to 400lbs and mog everybody lol
damn such a suifuel
im 5'7.5 and im about to get mogged by my 11 yo girl cousin

i have a niece who is about 5'8, but she is 100lbs, even when you are short you are only seen as little baby when you are slight, taller girls wont be attracted to you but they will view you as dominant if you pack on some healthy lbs which can help you with shorter girls, in theory, at least i tell myself this lol
gymaxxing will only help a tall guy if 1) his face is at least a 6/10 and 2) he has broad shoulders and a good frame.
nope. face doesnt matter in that case unless you have scars in all your face and looks like a monster.
good frame and shoulders? theres programs to get those via gym.
Good luck having a good gym body at over 6 ft without roids. BRB just gonna lose my hair for crashed test levels for life bro
Op is a retard tbh
Dude being tall with little to no muscle, long thin bones is a nightmare. You barely can gain any muscle in gym, you are weak as fuck, and still cause you are tall and incel at the same time people are extremly hostile towards you because:
1. they don't like your ugly incel face
2. you are big and seen as threat by them

Manlets at least get some leniency, while all you get is pure rage.

I argee that if you are 6'+ and can do 200+lbs benchpress - you are probably not an incel or at least have a chance.
Height is cope

It is all about race and face

I have seen short white chads slay

however if you are a literal midget its over for you
Anyone here that’s 6’1 or more while having a 4/10 face or over should be banned on sight.
Dude being tall with little to no muscle, long thin bones is a nightmare. You barely can gain any muscle in gym, you are weak as fuck, and still cause you are tall and incel at the same time people are extremly hostile towards you because:
1. they don't like your ugly incel face
2. you are big and seen as threat by them

Manlets at least get some leniency, while all you get is pure rage.

I argee that if you are 6'+ and can do 200+lbs benchpress - you are probably not an incel or at least have a chance.
The reason tall skinny people have trouble gaining muscle is because they have trouble eating enough. Combine a naturally low stomach capacity with a natural tendency to avoid food, and you get your classic lanky hardgainer who claims he eats a ton and still can't gain weight. Pretty much the opposite of your standard issue lardass with a large stomach capacity and a proclivity to eat emotionally.

They also have more trouble moving weight than shorter people because their long bones increase the range of motion through which they have to move that weight.

So fatties have a bit of an advantage over skinny guys in pure muscle-building. While the skinny guy has to accept statistically slower strength increases due to his bone structure and eat a lot more than he'd like to achieve the caloric surplus he needs to grow, the fat guy can usually gain muscle and lose fat concurrently since he's already pre-bulked, and his bone structure probably doesn't put him at a disadvantage.

However, pretty much every disadvantage the skinny guy has can be overcome, and if he's able to push himself past his comfort zone consistently for a long enough period, he's ultimately the best off out of everyone.
How much taller than the average do you need to be?

Average height here is 6'1. I am 6'3. My fram eis also subhuman. The clavicle pill squashed me.
Dude being tall with little to no muscle, long thin bones is a nightmare. You barely can gain any muscle in gym, you are weak as fuck, and still cause you are tall and incel at the same time people are extremly hostile towards you because:
1. they don't like your ugly incel face
2. you are big and seen as threat by them

Manlets at least get some leniency, while all you get is pure rage.

I argee that if you are 6'+ and can do 200+lbs benchpress - you are probably not an incel or at least have a chance.
Sad cope. NOBODY is "intimidated" by beanstalks.
How much taller than the average do you need to be?

Average height here is 6'1. I am 6'3. My fram eis also subhuman. The clavicle pill squashed me.
95+ percentile
iam 6'2,dont go out, am nerd, no friends, was bullied. u sure am fakecel
Gymcelling is a confirmed redpill cope, everybody knows that buddy boyo.
has broad shoulders and a good frame.
Massive fucking cope

Unless you have a sub4 face, height should be more than enough to ascend with a beefy body

Lol at being 5'5" without a good frame and broad shoulders.
Height is cope

It is all about race and face

I have seen short white chads slay

however if you are a literal midget its over for you

Height is cope

It is all about race and face

I have seen short white chads slay

however if you are a literal midget its over for you
Honestly, every tall ugly guy I've ever known has managed to get his looksmatch.
I've known tall guys uglier than me get their looksmatch.
I'm not judging any tall guys on this forum, but I just find it hard to believe.
Literally every woman on earth considers a tall man (over 6 feet) to be at least a 5/10.
Anyone here that’s 6’1 or more while having a 4/10 face or over should be banned on sight.
This. Height multiplies your score significantly. Someone just as ugly as you, but shorter, will have an incredible amount of difficulty ascending. Any white tall dude can noodle whore ascend.
Doubtful, face beats everything else. 6 feet is also average in some countries.
Doubtful, face beats everything else. 6 feet is also average in some countries.
am 6'2 and even had good body for a while till i got depressed and lost it

i was rejected by ton of women. they thought in first few seconds after seeing me offline that i lookbad. its ALL about face and haircut
1. am unable to build muscle due to genetic disorder 2. have ugly face 3. even if i got surgery and raised myself to 6/10 i would probably only end up betabuxxing and i would rather be incel than cuck only chadlites and up can ascend and even they will struggle in 5-10 years as foids standards become even more ridiculous
bro I look like I have anorexia. I've tried to get even the smallest gains in the past and absolutely nothing happened. I'm doomed to be a skinny asshole my whole life.
The reason tall skinny people have trouble gaining muscle is because they have trouble eating enough.
"Gaining muscle" :forcedsmile:
I have trouble having ANY muscle at all. I wasn't able to do a single pull up through my whole life (30 now). And only recently with 8 months of training I can barely do one.
I can only run at reasonable speed for 2.5 minutes. My heart condition is fucked up genetically. Wasn't able to run for long distance at any point in my life, no matter how hard I trained. And I did tried hard to fix this problem in childhood - no result or whatever.
My benchpress record is 70kg x 1 for 8 months of training. And this is my best physical quality atm. Something I can match with average male who doesn't train at all.
Right now I'm training hard as fuck. I'm doing everything right, I have huge progress. But muscle growth is relative. Lets say you have initially 100g of muscle, then gaining 300g would be 300% increase. But when you have 1kg initially you can easily put on another 1kg, is will be only 100% progress, but compared to other guy you gained 3,3 times more muscle. The other guy did a better job making his progress, but you still pass him easily simply cause you have way more muscle initially. That is how it works.
So I don't expect to have Mr. Olympia body type or any kind of good results. My dream is - match average non-trained male.
I tell myself that every night, and I still always get rejected.
I see the height > face idiocy from braincels is seeping into here.
gymaxxing will only help a tall guy if 1) his face is at least a 6/10 and 2) he has broad shoulders and a good frame.
face doesnt matter in that case unless you have scars in all your face and looks like a monster.
Height is cope

It is all about race and face

I have seen short white chads slay

however if you are a literal midget its over for you
Op is a retard tbh
All of these.

I honestly wish height was all that mattered, because I wouldn't even waste my time here.
Face matters way more than height, whether you want to admit it or not.
"Gaining muscle" :forcedsmile:
I have trouble having ANY muscle at all. I wasn't able to do a single pull up through my whole life (30 now). And only recently with 8 months of training I can barely do one.
I can only run at reasonable speed for 2.5 minutes. My heart condition is fucked up genetically. Wasn't able to run for long distance at any point in my life, no matter how hard I trained. And I did tried hard to fix this problem in childhood - no result or whatever.
My benchpress record is 70kg x 1 for 8 months of training. And this is my best physical quality atm. Something I can match with average male who doesn't train at all.
Right now I'm training hard as fuck. I'm doing everything right, I have huge progress. But muscle growth is relative. Lets say you have initially 100g of muscle, then gaining 300g would be 300% increase. But when you have 1kg initially you can easily put on another 1kg, is will be only 100% progress, but compared to other guy you gained 3,3 times more muscle. The other guy did a better job making his progress, but you still pass him easily simply cause you have way more muscle initially. That is how it works.
So I don't expect to have Mr. Olympia body type or any kind of good results. My dream is - match average non-trained male.
Building muscle is a slow process, and the vast majority of strength gain during the rank beginner phase is from neural adaptations, not muscle hypertrophy. You have a lot less actual muscle than average for some reason, so your ability to do session-to-session LP ended sooner than it would have for most, but all that means is you had a below-average starting point.

As counterintuitive as it may sound, you'll probably have to gain weight to do bodyweight pullups. Around half a pound a week. If your body fat percentage is above 15%, I'd work on that first.
Building muscle is a slow process, and the vast majority of strength gain during the rank beginner phase is from neural adaptations, not muscle hypertrophy. You have a lot less actual muscle than average for some reason, so your ability to do session-to-session LP ended sooner than it would have for most, but all that means is you had a below-average starting point.

As counterintuitive as it may sound, you'll probably have to gain weight to do bodyweight pullups. Around half a pound a week. If your body fat percentage is above 15%, I'd work on that first.
You probable didn't read my post attentively. I am gaining muscle, progress is quite good. But the problem is - less muscle you have initially - less muscle can be gained. 0.5 pound per week is insane rate for me. I'm praying to get 5 pounds per year lol.
My body composition is ridiculous btw. I have quite big leg muscle, and almost non-existent arm muscle. I'm human t-rex :forcedsmile:
if you think you can do anything with my balding 5'11 body you are fucking delusional, I really wish I could give it to you for a spin, or to ethnic guys

enjoy having 4/10 women stare at the ground in silence when you say hi with your HOTT new body :feelskek:
Kek, what a cope op. I went to gym for years, and I got body that's way above average through thousands of hours of intense training. And guess what? It didn't change anything. I wasted so much time. Because of my repulsive subhuman face, asymmetric eyes and orge tier lower third people still looked at me with disgust. Landwhales still rejected me. It's all about FACE.
yes foids really care about face but also about height, if you are tall all you have to do is go gymaxx and FOR SURE you'll be able to get a foid. not only a ugly one, a 5/10 foid with ease.
This is so true, I've seen guys with faces 3/10 but 6'3+ and with a big muscle, they all had pretty foids
My height doesn't make my big ass forehead and early age balding look any better.
The only way to be an incel having 190 cm height, is having a micropenis ou being a truly loser inside.
so tired of you heightcopign fags post the same bullshit but u dont see me making threads about it.

face > height
You probable didn't read my post attentively. I am gaining muscle, progress is quite good. But the problem is - less muscle you have initially - less muscle can be gained. 0.5 pound per week is insane rate for me. I'm praying to get 5 pounds per year lol.
My body composition is ridiculous btw. I have quite big leg muscle, and almost non-existent arm muscle. I'm human t-rex :forcedsmile:
That would make sense if the primary mechanism for muscular growth was hyperplasia, but since it's hypertrophy, your theory doesn't really hold water. If you really are eating enough, lifting hard enough with enough volume, and sleeping enough, you might just have low T, insulin resistance, or some other hormonal issue. 5 pounds a year is incredibly pessimistic for a healthy male below age 40.
Tallfags are the biggest volcels on here
Depends on the country in nordic europe 6'2 is "normal"
WHat if you're 5'10 and you wear lifts? Sorty I am drunk
That would make sense if the primary mechanism for muscular growth was hyperplasia, but since it's hypertrophy, your theory doesn't really hold water. If you really are eating enough, lifting hard enough with enough volume, and sleeping enough, you might just have low T, insulin resistance, or some other hormonal issue. 5 pounds a year is incredibly pessimistic for a healthy male below age 40.
There's a limit of how much hypertrophy can be applied to a muscle fiber. So less fibers initially - less growth potential.
Hyperplasia would actually open doors to infinite muscle growth, but from what I know it is impossible.
Depends on the country in nordic europe 6'2 is "normal"
This is shit. I am 179cm and most people my age are around 5'11 (181) and the next generation is over 6' (183)

My goverment gives free abortions and free condoms so if I work, I have to pay for that cucked shit.
I basically have no human rights
This is shit. I am 179cm and most people my age are around 5'11 (181) and the next generation is over 6' (183)

My goverment gives free abortions and free condoms so if I work, I have to pay for that cucked shit.
I basically have no human rights
In germany you get dwarfed with 6' here you see people who are 6'5+ everywhere. 6'2 is the average of white young man.
In germany you get dwarfed with 6' here you see people who are 6'5+ everywhere. 6'2 is the average of white young man.
I know.
Everthing under 6 feet is not considered a human according to whores

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