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Ez countries to emigrate to that aren't complete shitholes or pozzed



Glowies fear the Z
Nov 3, 2022
Im done with canada the foids are cartoonish levels of malicious and im surrounded by faggy soyim id like to leave so suggestions?
Come to Brazil!!!
Everywhere is good where we are not
Im 29 and living with a brain injury and instead of beong able to fix it with my own money faggots and whores want to maximize my chances of neurofegeneration ill pass I dont want to know what the future with them holds i likely have 50 more years of life give or take and if its been this rough here id like to leave
Everywhere is good where we are not
Considering my story on my traumatic brain injury and trying to reverse it even khazakstan is likely better canada is no qurater and being able to rot in peace sounds pretty nice right now.
Come to Brazil!!!
Perhaps the southern end qould be worthwhile but how easy are the immigration laws and why brazil because tbh that just seems like a multicult nightmare.
I live in Cucknada as well. I'm planning on moving out after I graduate. This place is making me insane, I swear.
Perhaps the southern end qould be worthwhile but how easy are the immigration laws and why brazil because tbh that just seems like a multicult nightmare.
I'm joking. I've never been
I live in Cucknada as well. I'm planning on moving out after I graduate. This place is making me insane, I swear.
Totally get that feel its really devolved into can I not neurodegenerate to death or at least reduce the odds of it with my own money. If my life has been this harsh here already and this place is only going further left do I really want to find out what future this cesspit holds for me? Even NK could not be this bad for fucks sake. I was mostly happily rotting until my cultural enrichment and cannot dig out my own neiche here to happily rot in here.
Im done with canada the foids are cartoonish levels of malicious and im surrounded by faggy soyim id like to leave so suggestions?
Come to Germany
Ez kid so trash ez ez. Stay in Canada until you moneymaxx. Gg fr.
how did you do it ?
Never having a car or social life reduces expenses significantly ontop of that I live in a cheap remote mid sized town. About 100k of it is just from inflation on my house tho tbh.
Lol they have shown more concern for western men than the west. They said we are oppressed by feminists and expressed concern for tate. I wont move there but still they have a brighter future than the west.
Lol they have shown more concern for western men than the west. They said we are oppressed by feminists and expressed concern for tate. I wont move there but still they have a brighter future than the west.
I might unironically move there if the economic situation gets better , it's sad that after 20 years of a hard earned victory against the liberal/secular world order they are being sanctioned to death.
I might unironically move there if the economic situation gets better , it's sad that after 20 years of a hard earned victory against the liberal/secular world order they are being sanctioned to death.
Thankfully the western economy is based off prior wealth and infustrialism its like a car running on fumes and their economy is obviously on very shaky grounds and likely their sanctions will be meaningless in the near future.
Thankfully the western economy is based off prior wealth and infustrialism its like a car running on fumes and their economy is obviously on very shaky grounds and likely their sanctions will be meaningless in the near future.
I hope so i'd love to see a nation that embraced it's old traditions and rejected the degeneracy of the 21st century prosper .
One of the gulf Arab countries (uae, qatar, oman). I left out Saudi because they're a bit too religious.
Sure those places are a sausage fest, but virtually every foid that has lived there has a story of being "dIsReSpEcTeD". It's also not uncommon for foids to get arrested if they report a rape - local authorities don't trust women's words, and if she reports a rape yet shows no signs of injury, they'll assume she had premarital sex (which is illegal), wasn't happy about the experience, and is now claiming it was rape --- a number of eurofoids have been arrested this way.
I can't remember where I read this, but I was reading an account of a western expat in uae, and he describes how a female hotel maid thanked him for not trying to have sex with her --- apparently its common for foids in low tier jobs to get taken advantage of and are reluctant to report it
Something to think about
Im done with canada the foids are cartoonish levels of malicious and im surrounded by faggy soyim id like to leave so suggestions?
Serbia or Croatia both have not bad standards as cuckericans think especially serbia no lgbt scum. But however the oresence of so much beutiful JB toilets will hurt your soul
Serbia or Croatia both have not bad standards as cuckericans think especially serbia no lgbt scum. But however the oresence of so much beutiful JB toilets will hurt your soul
Honestly im thinking serbia myself very tempting but not the easiest to migrate to fuck croatia they suck eu cock.
St. NeverGiveUp. yep, Germany is literally the global capital of locationcels.
Honestly id say toronto wins that award and canada in general. Big red is not an exception she is the norm toronto is where slut walks started afterall hell i moved out of there and i grt treated much better by foids i mean they are still pretty hostile and malicious but its toned down a fair bit i dont get REEed at constantly for simply existing. My brother was shitposting on fb and used the word retard some AWFL(afluent white female liberal) chewed him out for it and said he has white privledge considering he is mentally retarded was in special education and homless hearing that from a toilet who's parents are multimillionares is pretty extreme. This was in a suburb of totonto tbh where most of the pop is rich (me excluded) that kind of behaviour is normal for them i cannot go down any street in said city without seeing a fag flag id been out of there for years but had to go there for medical reasons and seeing it was surreal.
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Honestly id say toronto wins that award and canada in general. Big red is not an exception she is the norm toronto is where slut walks started afterall hell i moved out of there and i grt treated much better by foids i mean they are still pretty hostile and malicious but its toned down a fair bit i dont get REEed at constantly for simply existing. My brother was shitposting on fb and used the word retard some AWFL(afluent white female liberal) chewed him out for it and said he has white privledge considering he is mentally retarded was in special education and homless hearing that from a toilet who's parents are multimillionares is pretty extreme. This was in a suburb of totonto tbh where most of the pop is rich (me excluded) that kind of behaviour is normal for them i cannot go down any street in said city without seeing a fag flag id been out of there for years but had to go there for medical reasons and seeing it was surreal.
1. In general only move to a country where its warm and where the jailbaits are hungry and thirsty. So there is a little posibility to pseudoascend with hot JB even if its escortceling.

2. The standard of education should be low but not too low. You should find yourself at least in top 10%.

3. Never move to somewhere where people have cash. Never

4. Beware of muslim countries or countries with lot of shitskin sandnigger immigrants. They are dangerous and the sandnigers will mog you to oblivion due of their natural low inhib and low IQ behaviour.

5. Slav countries are strongly not recomended because the toilets there got a lot of rights in the past 20 years. So the level of foid confidence is extremly high and wahmen-confidence is our greatest enemy.

Southern spain seems like a compromis but feminism is rising there like cancer.
Or India. It is quite cheap and you have all modern amenities available for less. In big cities you can live quite nicely on 5 times less than in the West. Also, medicine is quite good, yet cheap.
5. Slav countries are strongly not recomended because the toilets there got a lot of rights in the past 20 years. So the level of foid confidence is extremly high and wahmen-confidence is our greatest enemy.

Southern spain seems like a compromis but feminism is rising there like cancer.
tbf poland is very anti abortion and russia decriminalized domestic violence so at least two of them are moving in the right direction and likely the west as it becomee more unhinged will push them more towards the right in the end. Im pretty sure it was botswana the usa threatened over their anti gay marriage stance how long until the usa is demanding most children are turned into troons and molested by homosexuals? Id say perhaps 10 years maybe less that will drive a huge wedge between the west and the rest of the world and lead to a major divide. Indonesia is pretty pissy at the uk for flying a rainbow flag at an embassy in their country. By the end of this i suspect a reverse iron curtain scenario. Id say eastern euro nations half played ball not to get attacked over it but as the demands of the west become increasingly unhinged and their power weigns youll see a reversal of a lot of shit.
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1. In general only move to a country where its warm and where the jailbaits are hungry and thirsty. So there is a little posibility to pseudoascend with hot JB even if its escortceling.

2. The standard of education should be low but not too low. You should find yourself at least in top 10%.

3. Never move to somewhere where people have cash. Never

4. Beware of muslim countries or countries with lot of shitskin sandnigger immigrants. They are dangerous and the sandnigers will mog you to oblivion due of their natural low inhib and low IQ behaviour.

5. Slav countries are strongly not recomended because the toilets there got a lot of rights in the past 20 years. So the level of foid confidence is extremly high and wahmen-confidence is our greatest enemy.

Southern spain seems like a compromis but feminism is rising there like cancer.
Also not about ascension its about being able to LDAR in peace which clearly canada wants to do everything in its power to deprive me of. Ill take low taxes and most of the pop minds their own buisness and fucks off. Ascenion is probably not possible for me to be fair could i even fuck a chick probably not. I was physically abused by toilets as a kid pretty bad ive got a pretty major fear of human contact most likely tho hard to fully gage it as no toilet would be patient with me and let me test it out i struggle to make eye contact last time i was forced to even so much as sit in a room with one I was panic attacking the entire time while hiding it (thank fuck for covid masks) and pretty much wanted to run out of the room being a khhv at 29 and the only physical human contact is assault kind of messes you up mentally tbh
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