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Extreme sui fuel when I saw this morning a guy getting a girlfriend



Nov 8, 2017
This morning I woke up and checked some pics after I reactivated my profile on fb , saw a pic of a guy with a roastie, there was this framecel guy I know, a 4 at best, who I believe was a longlife incel, yet he managed to get a gf, this put me in a bad and depressed mood all day, is it possible that I am so ugly? He is a 4, small frame, never went to gym, incel for a long time, he once tried to date my sister but she rejected him because he was ugly, he had multiple rejections just like me. yet now he got a gf.
girls do not even dare to speak to me, I believed he was a brother incel just like me,yet he succeded where I failed and I keep failing.
He managed to get a nerdy roastie who was into manga and cosplay just like him.
Instead of being happy for him,I am severely depressed now, I cannot believe I am so autistic I cannot even get a girl while a 4 with the frame of blackops2cel can.
I am so depressed I cannot even enjoy any hobbies, maybe if I could enjoy something like cosplay, music or some other weeb shit I could meet some roastie dumb enough to date a 4.
The point is that the only thing I like is too
ldar watching youtube. Once I was into sports, I had the best grades, now depression killed any joy left in me.
In his case hobbies were important and not a depressed personality.
I am stuck in a loop of depression + my uglyness is a combo I will not be able to win.
Guys I am at a point where I do not believe I can make it.
Shouldn't that make you happy, a failed normie got into a relationship?
Shouldn't that make you happy, a failed normie got into a relationship?
No, it made me in a really depressed mood, another guy who succeded where I am failing hard.
No, it made me in a really depressed mood, another guy who succeded where I am failing hard.
That should be lifefuel for you, there's hope for you if a failed normie can get into a relationship. I assume you're at least a 4/10, correct? What's your rating anyway? If you're a 3/10, you're an incel but you can start looksmaxxing to turn into a 4/10 which makes you a failed normie. If you're sub 3 then it's over like it is for me. I too have been getting rejected by girls because I'm too ugly.
Still using (((facebook))) in 2018 huh
It kind of makes me feel hopeful when i see a sub 5 non wealthy get a gf. Hope is all that prevents me from offing myself.
That should be lifefuel for you, there's hope for you if a failed normie can get into a relationship. I assume you're at least a 4/10, correct? What's your rating anyway? If you're a 3/10, you're an incel but you can start looksmaxxing to turn into a 4/10 which makes you a failed normie. If you're sub 3 then it's over like it is for me. I too have been getting rejected by girls because I'm too ugly.
Yet I am not happy, I am sad because this is the proof I am also too autistic to get a gf, beside being ugly as fuck.
Actually it means there is still hope for all of us, just be patient
I don't understand how people get hopeful seeing other incels just get into relationships.
It makes me feel like there is something wrong with me to the very core.
Getting with a non-virgin female isn't "succeeding".
Just getting a girlfriend isnt legit.

I cant imagine something more horrible than kissing somebody who aint love
It feels really alienating to have incel friends escape inceldom. That's why it's best just to not have friends at all.
Yet I am not happy, I am sad because this is the proof I am also too autistic to get a gf, beside being ugly as fuck.
I'm ugly as f-ck too so I feel your pain..
I don't understand how people get hopeful seeing other incels just get into relationships.
It makes me feel like there is something wrong with me to the very core.

Getting in a relationship is probably just chance. You could get lucky next, or maybe in a few years..
Getting in a relationship is probably just chance. You could get lucky next, or maybe in a few years..
If it's just chance then chances are like many of the other users here, i'll grow to be a kissless hugless virgin all the way to my 30s and then later my 40s, never having had a relationship.
If it's just chance then chances are like many of the other users here, i'll grow to be a kissless hugless virgin all the way to my 30s and then later my 40s, never having had a relationship.

Thousands of virgin girls who think they’re unlovable exist too haha, just a matter of time/circumstance before you hit it off with one imo
Thousands of virgin girls who think they’re unlovable exist too haha, just a matter of time/circumstance before you hit it off with one imo

I sense a bluepilled cuck.
I don't understand how people get hopeful seeing other incels just get into relationships.
It makes me feel like there is something wrong with me to the very core.

Me too, brother.
Thousands of virgin girls who think they’re unlovable exist too haha, just a matter of time/circumstance before you hit it off with one imo
Also i'm almost certain you're not an incel. Your only posts here have been these optimistic blue-pill bullshit, apparently didn't know what a currycel was until literally today.
Yeah it seems everyone gets LTR in the end but we always remain alone.
i can't stand seeing happy people in relationships. makes me want to neck myself
Thousands of virgin girls who think they’re unlovable exist too haha, just a matter of time/circumstance before you hit it off with one imo



Thousands of virgin girls who think they’re unlovable exist too haha, just a matter of time/circumstance before you hit it off with one imo
please do me a favor and google "pig woman experiment". getting into relationships is not that hard for unattractive women.
Also i'm almost certain you're not an incel. Your only posts here have been these optimistic blue-pill bullshit, apparently didn't know what a currycel was until literally today.

That’s because I only signed up here yesterday. I signed up because Im a virgin with debilitating insecurities and have never even been in a relationship. So yep that ticks all the boxes, nice try though! I didn’t realise positivity wasn’t allowed lol, sorry for wanting to help fellow mentacels
Dude must have strong game

not even joking either
please do me a favor and google "pig woman experiment". getting into relationships is not that hard for unattractive women.

Perhaps not, I will look into that. The battle with mental illness might make it more difficult though? Mental illness fully gets in the way for me
That’s because I only signed up here yesterday. I signed up because Im a virgin with debilitating insecurities and have never even been in a relationship. So yep that ticks all the boxes, nice try though! I didn’t realise positivity wasn’t allowed lol, sorry for wanting to help fellow mentacels
I'm not a mentalcel though, i'm an incel, that's the point.
Maybe if I were a mentalcel I might have like a 10% chance of finding someone every year, but i'm an incel, which is why I don't believe "it will just happen".
I'm not a mentalcel though, i'm an incel, that's the point.
Maybe if I were a mentalcel I might have like a 10% chance of finding someone every year, but i'm an incel, which is why I don't believe "it will just happen".

But I was replying to the OP, a mentacel... Personally I think being an incel with a mental illness makes it even harder.
Being rational by accepting male/female virginity rates are very similar and knowing it takes 2, is my cope.
But I was replying to the OP, a mentacel... Personally I think being an incel with a mental illness makes it even harder.
Being rational by accepting male/female virginity rates are very similar and knowing it takes 2, is my cope.
No you replied to and quoted me.
I don't understand how people get hopeful seeing other incels just get into relationships.
It makes me feel like there is something wrong with me to the very core.

No it just means they got lucky and you didn't. About once a year I'll see a guy that looks like he should be a truecel dating a decent looking girl. They stand out to me because they are the exception that proves the rule.
1- he's not as ugly as you think and you're just a jealous wreck
2- she has very generous standards, possible but very rare
1- he's not as ugly as you think and you're just a jealous wreck
2- she has very generous standards, possible but very rare

He is a solid 4/10 framecel, I am not shitting you. He got lucky and yes, I am jealous, envy is a natural human reaction when you see people succeeding without effort while you strive foe nothing in the end.
He is a solid 4/10 framecel, I am not shitting you. He got lucky and yes, I am jealous, envy is a natural human reaction when you see people succeeding without effort while you strive foe nothing in the end.
If what you say is true then he got lucky which means it's the latter one then, she had generous standards, one in a million or something like that.
Lol you guys always rate harsh. I bet he's not even that ugly. It's over for true ugly incels
Lol you guys always rate harsh. I bet he's not even that ugly. It's over for true ugly incels

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