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Evidence JBW is bullshit

I never seem to see any curry foids with white men. Same with chinese
As a curry I agree with the first part.
Although hypergamy is alive and kicking curry communities tries to keep itself very close knit and foids are more or.less self aware that there will be some.degree of ridicule thrown at her behind her back if she marries a white guy. Also if she just dates a white guu the word will spread and it will be kept registered at the back of the mind of curry community memebers. We are doing literally everything to keep our blood line pure. Also the fact that most curry foids are not that attractive compared to other sian foids kinda act as a deterrent towards white Chads and Chad lites and even high tier normies as they can for less effort get prettier yellow sluts. But all these changes when the curry foid moves out of her parents house and lives in another city or even in same city. With newfound freedom and absence of the watchful eye of the community they would fuck the very first white guy their eyes falls on.

But Chinese. I am not so sure. Even with all the strict family and what not all I see around me are HAPAs everywhere. HAPA couples are literally the most abundant one right after Chad lite and hambeast roasties. where I am from black.population is very small but I do see Tyrones with Beckies never saw a Tyrone with Stacy though. Stacies are either with Giga Chads or in packs with hoe friends at the mall.
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Ok but how you explain the SAUDI SLUT choose specific white country over INDIA CHINA JAPAN even...
Let's not forget there was a literal princess from Saudi Royal family who tried to flee.to India and then to Oz but India sent her hypergamous ass back to Saudi knowing full well what her intentions were. Why didn't she stayed in Indis ? What's wrong with spending the rest of her life in a upper class Indian suburb where the street shitting meme can't reach her ? Why specifically white majority country ? Curryland has democracy as well. Tibetian.monk refugees are.living in curryland. Muslim Myanmar are living as refugees in curryland. Why specifically a white majority country?
They probably fear repercussion from their family. Fear is only keeping them away from going with whites/

Another example is the SAUDI SLUT who go to Canada now. She dont want to go India or China...no she want Western country to suck white cock. Thats all she think about.
It could also be that countries considered "white" countries tend to have higher standards of living. I'm sure that played a part in her decision. And the fact that they are easier to get into than say Japan.
JFL, they're not dating within their own race because they're afraid of ridicule. They're dating within their own race because they don't find whites anymore attractive than their own, chad is chad regardless of colour. I live in a cucked western country full of slut pride and feminism, anyone who dares ridicule a woman for her choice in dating would be publicly crucified.

Just kiss goodbye your stupid JBW bullshit goodbye holy fuck :lul:
Feminism is just a bunch if loud mouth STD ridden whores. Their opinions are never taken seriously among any community except for the cuck rich white community and the (((ignitors))) looking to stirr up trouble. Do you think mudslime foids in west enjoys just as mucj "Freedom" as white woman in the west ? Social repercussions are a real thing. Which is why even if a Tyrone is in.vicinity a white foid would pretend to be mean to him to assure his betabuxx that she's not javing thoughts. But ethnic foids when freed from the bounds jumps to the arms of white low tier normie. I repeat Low Tier normie. Chadpreets are ignored so are Chaddamad nad Tyrones. Why do you think they would rather select a weak individual of a certain race rather then the strongest individual of her own race. That means the certain other race is inherently more stronger.
It could also be that countries considered "white" countries tend to have higher standards of living. I'm sure that played a part in her decision. And the fact that they are easier to get into than say Japan.
"Standard of Living"= Opportunity to fuck without repercussion.
If JBW was true and hardwired into female brains then over the millions of years of evolution femals would always have preferred to breed with the brightest men and it would already have removed ethnics from the genepool. All people would be white already if over millions of years females had gone for the brightest men in their countries. But they didn't because it was only recently that being white was connected with socio economic status. Today being bright is associated with being rich. That is why they go for it. Simply because they think that is where the money is.

Fuck you!
I don't think that you can breed out ethnics over a generation. A Tyrone can have a baby with the most Aryan Stacy you can find and the baby could be darker than a lot of blacks with 2 black parents or at least indistinguishable from someone with 2 black parents
I don't think that you can breed out ethnics over a generation. A Tyrone can have a baby with the most Aryan Stacy you can find and the baby could be darker than a lot of blacks with 2 black parents or at least indistinguishable from someone with 2 black parents

Absolutely not. Definitely false statement. Ignorant post ngl. Really this annoys me with how wrong the statements are. Edit this honestly.
Absolutely not. Definitely false statement. Ignorant post ngl. Really this annoys me with how wrong the statements are. Edit this.
I've seen it. Plus look at Obama. If he went into the ghetto, he'd fit right in. He'd just look like a light brown skinned black person and you wouldn't know he had a white mother unless he told you.
I've seen it.

You definitely haven't. I don't care what you claim, it's not true.

Plus look at Obama. If he went into the ghetto, he'd fit right in.
Plenty of blacks in the "ghetto" have a non-black parent. Hispanics especially reproduce with blacks and some whites do. Some look lighter without being that mixed but American blacks have over 20% white admixture.

He'd just look like a light brown skinned black person and you wouldn't know he had a white mother unless he told you.

Maybe YOU wouldn't,

but someone who's seen mixed vs purer blacks would.


You definitely haven't. I don't care what you claim, it's not true.

Plenty of blacks in the "ghetto" have a non-black parent. Hispanics especially reproduce with blacks and some whites do. Some look lighter without being that mixed but American blacks have over 20% white admixture.

Maybe YOU wouldn't,

but someone who's seen mixed vs purer blacks would.

I'm talking about western blacks....not Africans
Shut the fuck up! i want to fuck beautiful white womans and i dont care if im a balding manlet shitskin curry!!!!
I'm talking about western blacks....not Africans

Those are not Africans, those are American blacks. Your statement that a black man's child with a white woman will look as dark or darker than any average black is 100% bullshit. It's literally impossible because the pigment in white peoples skin will counteract it. White people are not albinos. They have quite a lot of pheomelanin which is a more pinkish/reddish hue. You are literally wrong af. And the child of a mixed person with a white person will look even lighter, most have the skin color of an "olive" southern European or even a white person. You are speaking from ignorance which is why you thought those were Africans.
Those are not Africans, those are American blacks. Your statement that a black man's child with a white woman will look as dark or darker than any average black is 100% bullshit. It's literally impossible because the pigment in white peoples skin will counteract it. White people are not albinos. They have quite a lot of pheomelanin which is a more pinkish/reddish hue. You are literally wrong af. And the child of a mixed person with a white person will look even lighter, most have the skin color of an "olive" southern European or even a white person. You are speaking from ignorance which is why you thought those were Africans.
I've seen it. I grew up in a highly black neighborhood. I know what I'm talking about. There are blacks with 2 black parents that are as light or lighter than Obama. I see them all the time.
I don't think that you can breed out ethnics over a generation. A Tyrone can have a baby with the most Aryan Stacy you can find and the baby could be darker than a lot of blacks with 2 black parents or at least indistinguishable from someone with 2 black parents
freezing temperature IQ
get laid in Germany with a white woman
This is where you get JBW wrong.JBW on its core is more effective on non-white foid then white foid. So effective that it is almost to the point of unbelievable in case of noodlewhores. You white cucks have elevated your aryan queenz to such high level that they now feel wau more entitled whereas a noodlewhore would forever ve grateful if a white man simply sets high eues upon her. Doesn't matter if the white man is normie or incel. That's JBW and finally it doesn't mean that JBW is exempted in term of white foids. White foids would overwhelmingly prefer white men abive ethnics. Only in thus case white normies would be preferred over ethnuc Chads and ethnic Chads would be preferred over whitecels.
I've seen it. I grew up in a highly black neighborhood. I know what I'm talking about. There are blacks with 2 black parents that are as light or lighter than Obama. I see them all the time.

Very very unlikely. You are probably misremembering their skin tone and if you saw it lined up against Obamas you would realize it's untrue. Anyway your claim that a Tyrone and the whitest Stacy can have a kid darker than a lot of blacks is false.
Very very unlikely. You are probably misremembering their skin tone and if you saw it lined up against Obamas you would realize it's untrue. Anyway your claim that a Tyrone and the whitest Stacy can have a kid darker than a lot of blacks is false.
No I've seen it countless times
No I've seen it countless times

Unlikely, and if true it's impossible for the most Aryan stacy to have a kid with a black man and for them to become darker than a lot of blacks.
Can you also explain why I, a magical white man with blue eyes, has been rejected several times by ethnic foids
Cuz you went for ethnic foid in the West. Ethnic foids in wesr are contaminated by same level of entitlement as ethnic foid. Now they may not crave Chad only but they do want a high tier normie.
If possible PM me your eye area and side profile of lower third. Then I can estimate a place for you on scale and let you know the level and nationality of ethnic foids suitable for your ascension.
Jesus christ you never seem to run out of excuses and exceptions do you
Bow down.and accept your inferiority ti the high iq of streetshitting curry. First we take your jobs( as if you opium lovers were smart enough to do it in the first place), then we'll take your home, then everything you and your ancestors owned, then your heritage. But one thing we don't wanna take us your fat, ugly ,puke smelling, dog fucking, Tyrone defiled, mutt carrying, STD ridden, financially burdened, ideologically corrupted and Saudi crapped foid. We might sometimes use them for dickwetting niw and then. Step aside white people your time is up. The shitskin aryan run off will take it from here.
-Isn't thus what you wamna hear ? The ethnic on white foid cuck fetish of yours. Go on fap to it now and you're welcome.

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