Not joking, man. I frequent in communities were unvaxxed people report all kinds of health issues after having intimate contact with their vaxxed partners.
I have tried warning normie unvaxxed people but they think I am insane.
Fuck it. Let these normies croak then. They are too low IQ anyway.
That is one of the reasons why I have stopped going ro hookers, btw.
After the vaxx, no more escortcelling for me.
Why do you think dating sites for unvaxxed people exist?
I've tried getting a gf / wife there, but even there, where the options are very limited anyway, it's unvaxxed Chad only.
Been there for a year. Not a single motherfucking match! I have sent out many contact requests, to get to know each other.
Nothing, zero, nada.
Fucking foids, man. Literally the health and future of mankind is on the line, and they are still motherfucking picky.
But, there are twice as many men than there are women between 18-27.
So, it's already tougher to even get a foid.
Still, I have looked at my competition, and it is not as over as it seems, at first, but I bet that most guys aren't getting any matches either.
Rhere are a few megachads though, and I am sure they are getting them all.