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Theory Every opinion i have that normies have disagreed with me on



Aug 15, 2018
I've brought up these topics/opinions both online and in real life and all normies have disagreed with me:

Raw meat is safe to eat and is healthier than cooked meat

Raw milk is safe and it's healthier than pasteurized milk

There's no bad bacteria

Nothing is contagious in terms of disease

Vaccines and toxins cause disease

Lyme disease are not caused by ticks

Ants are safe to eat alive

We are being poisoned by chemtrails and chemclouds

The sun does not cause skin cancer

Sunscreen cause skin cancer

Sunglasses tricks your brain it's evening time and you won't absorb as much Vitamin-D

Looking at your phone at night will mess up your circadian rythm and you will have trouble sleeping

When children are exposed to Ipads and smartphones they will mess up their health growing up

It is possible to restrict children from having a smartphone

Having your router or phone on at night will cause EMF-exposure affecting your sleep negatively

Vaccines cause autism and other disease

Ultra sound can be dangerous for the baby

What the mother and father eats/drinks affects the child when he/she is born.

Feeding pets kibble will make them sick and they'll die prematurely

Your digestion affects your mental health

Keeping your wisdoms teeth even if you have severe pain is safe, pain will go away and you'll be alright, the teeth is just growing

Swedes eats the most ultra processed food in Europe

When couples renovate their house they are just depressed or have a dopamine deficiency so they believe renovating will make them happier

People are brainwashed by the vegan agenda in media to eat plantbased

Babies and children need to eat food from animals in order to thrive

Plastic is toxic for babies and children, making them either gay or low-T

Baby formula is toxic and breast feeding is healthier

Broccoli and spinach are the worst vegetables you can eat full of antinutrients and pesticides

Seed oils are toxic

Fried food is toxic

Canned food is toxic

Food coloring is toxic and it's in alot of ultra processed food

Bread and grains are toxic

Charred/grilled meat is carcinogenic

Farmed fish is toxic

Garlic is a neurotoxin and humans are the only ones who consume it

Table salt is toxic

Drinking water alone dehydrates you. Milk and juice is better since the H20 is bound with other nutrients

When women have PMS it will worsen if they drink coffee

Medication such as ibuprofen will kill all your gut microbiome

Everything anti-bacterial will kill both good and "bad" bacteria

Supplements are toxic and are made out of kerosene

Deodorant cause breast cancer

Schampoo causes grey hair and it makes you emontional since the toxins in it enter your scalp and gets into your brain

Soap is toxic

Perfume is toxic, full of formaldehydes

There's probably alot more opinions but that's what i came up with right now ontop of my head.
I agree with pretty much all of those
Yeah we're the same person
my parents still mock me for not touching store receipts with my bare hands lol
Healthmaxxing can make brocels feel better but I’m past the point of no return jfl
There's no bad bacteria

Nothing is contagious in terms of disease
I disagree with these.
The sun does not cause skin cancer

Sunscreen cause skin cancer
Both cause skin cancer.
Looking at your phone at night will mess up your circadian rythm and you will have trouble sleeping

When children are exposed to Ipads and smartphones they will mess up their health growing up

It is possible to restrict children from having a smartphone
People disagree with you on these three? They're fucking retarded. Mainstream studies even support these.
Vaccines cause autism and other disease
Disagree about the autism part.
Plastic is toxic for babies and children, making them either gay or low-T

Baby formula is toxic and breast feeding is healthier
I think everyone knows this, other than it making people gay (I don't think it does.) Basically everything unnatural is toxic and harmful to humans. Most people know this and just don't care or don't understand how much it actually affects us.
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"There is no bad bacteria"
Can you elaborate why you think that?
Certain bacterias are proven to harm us which classifies them as bad.
"There is no bad bacteria"
Can you elaborate why you think that?
Certain bacterias are proven to harm us which classifies them as bad.
There's no proof germ theory is valid. I've eaten 3 month old raw meat that sat in room temperature in a glass jar and i didn't get sick. I've also eaten raw eggs for 8 years without getting sick, both from private farmers and grocery stores, i've also let raw eggs rot for 3 months and ate them without getting sick. I've eaten raw fish with anisakis on them and didn't get sick. I've drank unpasteurized milk for 6 years without getting sick. I also haven't used soap in over 5 years or anything to clean my hands really.

To believe that microscopic animals will make you sick or kill you is an invalid belief. If you eat "anti bacterial" food or medicine then you kill both good and "bad" bacteria if there was such a thing as bad bacteria.

The main cause of disease are toxins and deficiencies. Not bacteria.

Even Louis Pasteur, the inventor of germ theory said on his death bed: "The pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

Look up terrain theory.
There's no proof germ theory is valid. I've eaten 3 month old raw meat that sat in room temperature in a glass jar and i didn't get sick.
Did you have to adapt to eating high meat or can it be done immediately? How would you recommend to start eating high meat?
Did you have to adapt to eating high meat or can it be done immediately? How would you recommend to start eating high meat?
You need a glass jar and it has to be sealed, otherwise it will smell alot. Don't clean the jar with dishwash soap or anything, because then the toxins will get into the meat. You have to open the jar once or twice a week to let the bacteria breath. Fill the jar a little less than halfway up with bite size pieces of raw meat or raw liver and let it sit in room temperature for atleast 3 months.

I wouldn't recommend eating high meat if you aren't on a raw meat diet/raw primal diet because then you will detox too hard, you'll get a cold and some diarrhea probably, so it's best to eat raw or primal for atleast a couple of months before trying high meat for the first time. You'll get high after eating it but personally i get more high when i eat high eggs. I recommend listening to music while eating it. It's a pretty good experience.
Do you have any studies I could read about that?
Not really but you have to deprogram yourself from the fear mongering that the medical profession are spewing out. If raw meat was really dangerous than i would be dead a long time ago. In reality most food poisonings are caused by cooked food. The jack in the box incident for example. No one ate those burgers raw.

I'm not saying you could never get sick from eating raw meat but it's very rare. The only negative symptoms i've felt are diarrhea and vomiting, but that happened during a detoxification in the beginning. Raw foods are detoxifying while cooked food stops the detox and reintroduces toxins into the body. So you will never heal if you eat cooked foods. That's why so many people have inflammation, gout and cancer etc.
You need a glass jar and it has to be sealed, otherwise it will smell alot. Don't clean the jar with dishwash soap or anything, because then the toxins will get into the meat. You have to open the jar once or twice a week to let the bacteria breath. Fill the jar a little less than halfway up with bite size pieces of raw meat or raw liver and let it sit in room temperature for atleast 3 months.

I wouldn't recommend eating high meat if you aren't on a raw meat diet/raw primal diet because then you will detox too hard, you'll get a cold and some diarrhea probably, so it's best to eat raw or primal for atleast a couple of months before trying high meat for the first time. You'll get high after eating it but personally i get more high when i eat high eggs. I recommend listening to music while eating it. It's a pretty good experience.
Ok so I basically need to slowly switch to raw meat and then I can try high meat. Understood

Not really but you have to deprogram yourself from the fear mongering that the medical profession are spewing out. If raw meat was really dangerous than i would be dead a long time ago. In reality most food poisonings are caused by cooked food. The jack in the box incident for example. No one ate those burgers raw.

I'm not saying you could never get sick from eating raw meat but it's very rare. The only negative symptoms i've felt are diarrhea and vomiting, but that happened during a detoxification in the beginning. Raw foods are detoxifying while cooked food stops the detox and reintroduces toxins into the body. So you will never heal if you eat cooked foods. That's why so many people have inflammation, gout and cancer etc.
That could present a problem for me since I have emetophobia since childhood
Ok so I basically need to slowly switch to raw meat and then I can try high meat. Understood

That could present a problem for me since I have emetophobia since childhood
Have you tried raw meat before?

I only puked like 7 times in a row then i felt good. On this diet you will always heal after a detox, so after puking i felt like a new man.
Have you tried raw meat before?

I only puked like 7 times in a row then i felt good. On this diet you will always heal after a detox, so after puking i felt like a new man.
I only tried a small piece of raw liver once and I cooked the rest because I got anxious that I will get food poisoning. I gotta say though, raw liver tastes much better than cooked liver. And yes I have pretty bad emetophobia which means that I have a phobia of puking basically
Disagree about the autism part.
Why? It makes alot of sense. Almost every parent i know have autistic kids, and they're all white. Whites vaccinate the most, they give their child every vaccine under the sun, just to be "safe". Autism have skyrocketed in the last 40 years or so, and more and more vaccin programs are getting introduced. A child in the US gets like over 150 vaccines before he/she turns 18.
Why? It makes alot of sense. Almost every parent i know have autistic kids, and they're all white. Whites vaccinate the most, they give their child every vaccine under the sun, just to be "safe". Autism have skyrocketed in the last 40 years or so,
We still had many vaccines before that.
and more and more vaccin programs are getting introduced. A child in the US gets like over 150 vaccines before he/she turns 18.
Most people don't get that many vaccines, I think I've had less than ten.

Autism is overdiagnosed as everything is being put as part of ASD. Many parents claim their kid has it without proper diagnosis and people also may claim they have it themselves without proper diagnosis. Autism also may have always been common, we just didn't know as much about it.
We still had many vaccines before that.

Most people don't get that many vaccines, I think I've had less than ten.

Autism is overdiagnosed as everything is being put as part of ASD. Many parents claim their kid has it without proper diagnosis and people also may claim they have it themselves without proper diagnosis. Autism also may have always been common, we just didn't know as much about it.
Do you agree with me that there are heavy metals in vaccines such as liquid mercurcy, aluminum, formaldehydes? And these heavymetals can travel to the brain and cause neurological issues as well as autism?

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