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LifeFuel Every fifth Woman in Germany dated a Turk(ethnic) JBW coper on suicide rn

Poor germanbros remove kebab soon
How many German women out of the total are in bi-national marriages? This doesn't disprove the fact that women prefer to date within their own race and nationality.
Everything matters not just face. race height frame. It's cope to disregard this
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How many German women out of the total are in bi-national marriages? This doesn't disprove the fact that women prefer to date within their own race and nationality.
Everything matters not just face. race height frame. It's cope to disregard this

I just wanted to show the race copers that there are many women out there that would date a ethnic.

As ive said its about your face and not your race. Many ethnics cant get women cuz their facial features arent good enough to get a girl. Its their face, not their race.
Teehee i'm ethnic in yurop its over
1. German women are probably the least attractive, yet the most emancipated. Both of these aspects make them really unattractive to german men, who are generally way above the looks-level of the average german woman.
2. German women consume more porn than women of other races, therefore they establish a BBC/being dominated fetish. Muslim men are known to oppress women and that turns them on.
3. Whereas the older generation of women is still kind of racist, the younger generation is the opposite. Most women in their teens and in their twenties are tremendously attracted to thugs. Turkish people are in groups most of the time and sometimes actively seek for fights.

Race is not important. It's all about looks. A tall, handsome indian man will probably have no problem getting laid.
I'm a youngcel and I'd actually say that 80% of women my age would prefer an ethnic over a german guy.
White women fuck dogs and horses too.
I am turkish myself and just noticed that many of my turkish friends that are somehow average get blonde germang girls, so i just did some reasearch.

The articles are in German language, so i will just translate the most important aspects

The articles i am reffering to:



"German women prefer to marry turks"
"Almost every fifth German woman (19 percent) who has a bi-national marriage was married to a Turkish man in 2013"
"According to statistics, German women prefer Turkish men - followed by Italians, Americans and Moroccans"

And here you got what turks & Marocans look like:

<Turks in Berlin



As you can see many turks have the same phenotype as arabs and some look like currys.

I always said that the racepill copers are just bullshitting fagots that look for excuses for their inceldom. Ugly people will always look for excuses.

Manlets will think that it is about HEIGHT.
Ethnics will think that it is about RACE.

But real smart incels will know that is is their FACE.

RIP JBW Copers.

@13k < a good guy that is one of the last truecels on this site but you are also one of these people who complain the most about women being very racist. Yes there are many women that only date the blue eyed aryan but there are also many women in germany that dont care about that. You should either change your attitude and work on your "muh" personality.

Special credit to ma turkish brothers:

@L Lawliet

sorry OP but you failed to read properly

it's not 1/5 german women

it's 1/5 in binational marriages

plus, turks are white anyways
Are there any kind of white girls who like curries? Coz I see whites with Korean, Arab and Black fetish.
Running Rapefugee game to acquire foids doesn't count.
Are there any kind of white girls who like curries? Coz I see whites with Korean, Arab and Black fetish.

Never head of any girls (white or otherwise) with a curry fetish. Curries are the race to not be sexually fetishized.
Europe is pretty cuck tbh i wonder if i will ever see a white person in 60 years.
Can't wait until civil war breaks out. Gonna pierce their heads with rounds until that happens to myself
Of course. Women are attracted to dark skinned races, everyone knows that.

JFL if you’re a white man in 2018.
>Almost every fifth German woman (19 percent) who has a bi-national marriage was married to a Turkish man in 2013

19% of German who has a bi-national marriage.
Turks =/= Indians
Not all ethnics are equally gross.
All Turks back to Turkey please, leave Europe alone
plus, turks are white anyways
Turks are the """indo-european""" bru, we wuz the tru germanic tribes, the whitest Pharaohs bru ...:feelskek: (this is satire ok ?)

Now that's a whole new level of cope tbh. The use of these outdated race related stuffs is getting more and more ridiculous, as more and more people are propagating this meme.

Just type "turkish man" in google and the first results are :

Hqdefault 1
Turkish man stock picture 548502
Tlchargement 65
Turkish man stock picture 574237

Reality is a bitch I know.
Just checked the links myself

just fucking lol @allbluee

It says only 7% of marriages in 2013 had 1 german partner and 1 foreigner (u divide it 50/50, only 4% of marriages in 2013 included a german woman and foreigner man)


It says among those 4%, 19% has turkish husband.
Also, 14% of those 7% was german men with turkish women. Almost identical.

19% of 4% makes less than 1%

Also, keep in mind, 19% is very small number in 2013. Before 2015, turks made up waaay higher number percentage of foreigners than merely 19%. If it was proportional and it wouldve been way higher than 19%.

allbluee, you are so dumb you cant even read the stats in front of you. JFL
your very own study supports the racepill.

now, ask your turkish buttbuddy knajjd to delete the thread to save you from further embarrassment.
Are you trying to debunk the blackpill with jewish propaganda articles that promote racemixing and genocide of the white race? Is your IQ rly that low? Turkish men are seen as absolute subhumans by germanic femoids. Where in Cuckmany do you live? I live near Cologne and arabs/turks have absolutely no chance with german girls. Just walk on the streets and see the couples. Turks are only seen together with their headscarfed mongrel bitches.
I don't care much about German women anymore. They wouldn't date me even if I were the last man on this planet
ah its to nice to see you again
Are you trying to debunk the blackpill with jewish propaganda articles that promote racemixing and genocide of the white race? Is your IQ rly that low? Turkish men are seen as absolute subhumans by germanic femoids. Where in Cuckmany do you live? I live near Cologne and arabs/turks have absolutely no chance with german girls. Just walk on the streets and see the couples. Turks are only seen together with their headscarfed mongrel bitches.
>Are you trying to debunk the blackpill with jewish propaganda articles that promote racemixing and genocide of the white race?

Funny thing is, the stats he linked SUPPORT racepill not debunk it. Read the post above you.
Links OP posted: 19% of german women who were in interracial marriages (German women/ Foreigner man marriages made up 3-4% of total marriages, a quite small number) married a Turkish dude. So when you look at bigger picture, less than 1% of total marriages in 2013 included German woman / Turkish man.

OP tried to serve this as "20% of german women dated a turk".

What a dumbass.
Im a Germancel and I can confirm this

Even my sister has a huge thing for turkish men

The people you posted there dont really look like your average Turk, average Turkish man looks rather like this, more white and more masculine
A curry could look white with all that sunlight in his face
If you have a good face, come over here cuz your ethnicity wont give you any advantages but your face.
That's retarded this whole thread is about how ethnics who look white can slay, brown Turks (The majority) dont get shit
1/9 marriages in Germany is bi-national http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de...-in-Germany-is-binational-article3186780.html

so this means that 2% of german women marry a Turkish man. But Germany is 90% white, so you gotta take into account that turkish man make up very little of the overall population (5%). This is where the proportion argument comes into play.
Hahahah completely debunked
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sorry OP but you failed to read properly

it's not 1/5 german women

it's 1/5 in binational marriages

plus, turks are white anyways
Mmmmmm I would say 50% of Turks can pass for white.
Are there any kind of white girls who like curries? Coz I see whites with Korean, Arab and Black fetish.
Translation: "do any white women find a peice of shit on the street attractive?"
Of course. Women are attracted to dark skinned races, everyone knows that.

JFL if you’re a white man in 2018.
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Turkish isn't a race, quite a few are indistinguishable from whites. Just be white might as well be just LOOK white. Cause I guarantee those curry/Arab looking Turkcels aren't getting shit.
sorry OP but you failed to read properly

it's not 1/5 german women

it's 1/5 in binational marriages

plus, turks are white anyways

Still pretty high IMO. 20% is a lot. We have some ethnics from germany here that say that it is impossible to get a german girl as an ethnic. However 20% out of 2.3 million marriages were with turks that are 100% brown to german standarts.

Plus its only about marriages. If we would count short term relationships or long term relationships that german girls had with turks the numbers would be MUCH higher since german girls go often for ONS in their younger ages

+ turks are not white. They might be white for arabs but europeans will view them as brown.

I am turkish myself and its a fact that germans see us as brown.
Turks and Arabs are both slayer races.
OP is a GL curry, he should know.
Still pretty high IMO. 20% is a lot. We have some ethnics from germany here that say that it is impossible to get a german girl as an ethnic. However 20% out of 2.3 million marriages were with turks that are 100% brown to german standarts.

Plus its only about marriages. If we would count short term relationships or long term relationships that german girls had with turks the numbers would be MUCH higher since german girls go often for ONS in their younger ages

+ turks are not white. They might be white for arabs but europeans will view them as brown.

I am turkish myself and its a fact that germans see us as brown.

If Turks aren't white then Spaniards aren't white either.
my nose is slightly shorter than his nose. ngl i have a very long nose
Long enough to scare away females but not long enough to win the Guinness world record. :feelsrope:
There are girls everywhere that fetishize black or ethnic males you just have to find the right one.
German girls in general are more attracted to foreign man. can't speak about other european girls tho.
I see manlet arabs and even currys holding hands with beautiful blonde stacies every day while my german countrymen don't really score good looking girls (if any at all)
What i wanted to say is that i can remember good about a survey on the radio when i was like 10 years old.
I don't have any source since it was only on the radio but the survey has shown that only 1% of german women were attracted to german men.
So maybe JBW is a thing but absolutely not in germany. also hello i'm new.
German girls in general are more attracted to foreign man. can't speak about other european girls tho.
I see manlet arabs and even currys holding hands with beautiful blonde stacies every day while my german countrymen don't really score good looking girls (if any at all)
What i wanted to say is that i can remember good about a survey on the radio when i was like 10 years old.
I don't have any source since it was only on the radio but the survey has shown that only 1% of german women were attracted to german men.
So maybe JBW is a thing but absolutely not in germany. also hello i'm new.

Well i dont know about this and i doubt that this is true. An average looking ethnic will do very bad at tinder since tinder is full with high class stacies that would only date handsome aryans or very very gl ethnics like 0.1%. The average German would do very good there.
Ethnics usually havr good cards with lower to middle class girls.

I am living in germany thats why i did some research about the country i am living about the dating scene here. I am sure that e.g. pakis arent doing very bad in UK. Ezhnics have it good in europe. I think USA is much worser for ethnics
"Almost every fifth German woman (19 percent) who has a bi-national marriage was married to a Turkish man in 2013"
I'm pretty sure it only shows a statistic among those who already commited themselves to cultural enrichment (which is a fraction of a population) and not entire German population, dude.

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