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Story Every brutal encounter with foids my entire life story (WARNING wall of text)



Aug 15, 2024
This shit gonna be long im gonna go over my entire life story and why im like this and every encounter I had with foids (Feds everything I say here all happened in minecraft not in real life)

Kindergarten: I dont even remember this but according to my mom, I threaten to stab my teachers tits with a sissors. I dont know why but I was adopted at age 4 and my OG mom didnt give a shit what I did but anyways they called the cops but couldnt do anything since I was just a baby pretty much.

2nd Grade: My first memory with a foid was at recess. I was on the slide but I didnt wanna get off and this foid was bitching at me telling me to get off the slide and I was like no :feelsLSD: and then she KICKED my back and I fell down the slide and I cryed and told the teacher they didnt do shit other than make her say sorry.

3rd Grade: This year was so brutal for me I was a weird nigga in this grade basically I went up to foids and sniffmaxxed their hair only the blonde hair foids I just went up and smelled, and I remember having a talk about this with a teacher he was like "why are you smelling girls hair" and I was like idk lol but this gets worse. All the foids hair I sniffmaxxed came together at recess one time there was like 10 foids trapping me in a foid circle. It was the 9th circle of hell these foids were singing a song about how ugly I was and how they wanted me to die. This was fucking ER fuel I wanted to ER these motherfuckers and I didnt even know what ER was back then. All I did here was cry and shut up bitches that didnt do shit. Then after these bitches told the teacher "he called me a bitch" and all of them played along and I was in trouble I hated those motherfuckers so much. I dont remember anything else from this year

4th Grade: I dont remember anything else from this year except those same girls went up to me and ask me to chase them. And I had a crush on basically every single one of them so I was like hell yea they want me but I didnt know what was to cum. After I chased them like they asked they TOLD on me to the teacher and from this point on, they made me stay away from those foids. Other than this I remember playing uno with some guys and a foid and she pulled out a +4 card and she sticked out her tounge I flipped the table and walked out im proud of myself for that:feelshmm:

5th Grade: This was the year when I discovered the word "nigga". I didnt even learn it from the internet or anything I was just one day making random noises and nigga was a word that came out, and a teacher told me to NEVER say that word. This is proof that nigga just rolls off the tounge naturally nice and smooth and felt good to say but I thought to myself I would only say nigga if someone really pissed me off it was a secret weapon. This year is also the time my OG mom died and her last words were "get the fuck outta my car" but who cares about that moving on.

6th Grade: I remember having to learn how to use a locker and my low iq brain couldnt figure it out. I was kicking at the locker and cussing at it and I saw foids staring at me with a disgusted look on their face. I also remember farting in class one time and it came out as a shit and I announced to the class "I just shit my pants niggas". Noone said anything and the teacher told me to fix that in the bathroom. This year is a milestone is when I got my first boner. I was jacking off to kissing pranks on youtube and when I busted, nothing even came out it was a phantom bust. A few months later I cumed for real and I remember really wanting to kiss foids like those kissing prank videos I tried to use some of their lines at foids at school which never worked ever.

7th Grade: I was still asking out foids noone said yes but I remember really liking this girl sarah. I gave her a note asking to be my gf and I saw her crumble the paper and throw it away that shit was brutal. I was obsessed with her I creepshot her at lunch one time and one of my normie friends had to be a cuck and tell her and she flipped and I remember having to write a sorry letter to her and they made me delete the video. I also had to do a group project with this super hot foid that had the nicest ass ever it was a project of marbles or something idk but she was standing and wearing the black tight leggings whores wear and I gropemaxxed her butt and I remember it feeling so soft and nice. She told the teacher and I remember having a talk with police about this.

8th Grade: Same as last year it was just me lusting over foids and their butts especially, I remember having to write this stupid paper about what your goals where I wrote to get some pussy. This year was also the year I started busting in the school bathrooms. I would get so horny looking at the foids butts I had to bust like 3 times a day in the bathroom. I dont know how I didnt get caught doing this. This year was actually my favorite year because I had 2 other brocels friends micheal and john (not their real names) we would lust over foids with. We all didnt get pussy but at least we rotted together. I remember telling john that I gropemaxxed a foid last year and he got so jealous he gropemaxxed someone else and me and micheal watched as he was gropping and then she starting cussing at him and his punishment was lunch detention FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. She was a popular girl so she probably got simps backing her up so me and micheal would only sit together and eat and you can see john in the windows eating in the solitary confindment room. He told us he was looking at foids and busting in that room because noone was in that room based:feelsokman:.

9th Grade: This year was the worst year of my life. My brocels went to different schools and I had no friends. There was this girl I liked named faith and I was a simp for her. She had a chad bf and I was waiting for them to break up but once they did, she dated another chad. She was pretty much all I talked to this year and looking back she was just using me for attention. I had enough of this one day when she said she got ANOTHER bf and gropemaxxed her ass in leggings. She didnt even say anything so I thought to myself oh shit I can keep doing this this is awesome but later that day, she sent her chad bf to beat the living SHIT out of me when I got off the bus. The other guy that got off the stop recorded it and posted on his snap
Im a weak pussy I cant fight as you can see after this I stop groppmaxxing foids the 2 seconds of good feeling is not worth the outcome of it. She stop talking to me after I did that so I was a by myself just going on my phone everywhere.

10th Grade: This year was the same as last year I didnt have any friends but this new kid was here. He become my friend although he wasnt an incel. He told me he was gay one day and I was like oh cool execpt it was NOT cool. I was changing in the gym lockerroom and most people still have their underwear on nigga I took that shit off I didnt care but this was a mistake. That guy groppmaxxed MY ASS and said "thicc" while doing it im too pussy to do anything, so I just pretend to laugh and I never talked to that nigga again. This also was the year I got kicked out of the school because I was busting on the school bus. I did it when I was alone and I had to use the seatbelts to wipe the cum off. I make a huge mistake one day I thought I was alone but I wasnt. This girl saw me busting and told the bus driver which told the princable and he was like ok I had enough of you gtfo. This was at the end of the year pretty much so it didnt matter to me I guess. The police came yet again and they made me write a paper about why jacking off in public is bad I hate police.

11th Grade: I was homeschool ALL YEAR LONG because of this and it was so fucking awful. All I would do is rot in my room and the teacher would come to my house and would do packets together. This was so terrible I tried to rope this year and I went to the minors phyward. That place was cool but thats a different story for another day. After I got out I STILL had to do the freaking homeschool packets meanwhile my mom was looking for new schools. Finally I was put in this retard school because that was the only school would let me in. Nothing interesting happened in this school execpt this one whale that smelled so bad sat next to me in gym. She actually starting talking to me which mogs my future self that would never happen now. But I smelled this rotting fish smell everytime she opened her legs. Literally after a few days of her talking to me I said "nigga your fucking pussy smells like shit clean it" and she tried to defend herself saying it DOESNT smell nigga she was lying. She went on talking to another guy and people could say I could of ascended but nigga that shit would of tramatized me if I fucked that pussy.

11th Grade Again: I was held back this year because im a retard and failed my classes including the summer school. But I was put in another school because my mom thought it was a better school but it wasnt. I talked about this in another post where I was in this school full of mentally unstable people it was a pyscward but as a school pretty much. Like every week there would be someone saying "im gonna ER" nigga they never did but staff would freak out. I asked out this foid and she said yes and I was so fucking happy execpt I wasnt. She wouldnt let me touch her AT ALL and would yell at me if I do something as simple as HOLDING HER HAND, she didnt give a shit. I honestley dont know why she would say yes when clearly she hates me its stupid people called me a fakecel in that post but nigga she hated me, she probably liked the attention I gave her and was using me for that. She then one day she said "im non binary" and to use they/them pronouns. I said in class nigga thats not a real thing im not using those pronouns and she threw a chair at me and never talked to me again. The chair she threw she threw it so hard it cracked my skull and I had to get stiches where I still have the scar to this day
Because of this bitch I now have a PERMENANT bald spot on my head. After that she never talked to me again she didnt even get in trouble wtf. There was only like 16 people in that school and it was filled with troons and unstable people I didnt wanna be friends with anyone. This year I did NOTHING but school work and on my phone oh wait they TAKE your phone when you get in the school just like a real phychward would so I had NOTHING to do it was ropefuel. There was one guy that transferred breifly named ryan and he was cool we played alot of fuse ball but he left after that year

12th Grade: It was the same as last year execpt now there was new people. All the middle schoolers were now in 9th grade and in the highschool unit. 3 other people transfered that wasnt 9th grader and one was a hot jb with a fat ass. I had a crush on her and she wasnt even a freshman she was a junior. So she was 15 and I was 18 (19 In may) and all the agecucks called me a pedo after I asked her out. These age cucks were so retarded they said even if I liked a 17 year old im a pedo nigga these age cucks were so stupid my god. Of course the jb didnt like me she liked this gay trans chad that I had to watch them make out in the hallway when that should of been ME:feelsree:. These age cucks told EVERYONE in the school that im a "pedo" and to not talk to me and they listened. I was a loner that year just rotting in the corner when it was lunch or recess (yes there was recess) I wanted to fucking die I just sat at the bench doing nothing. This is when the covid thing started to happen

12 Grade Again: I got held back once again and I was so upset. This year was NOTHING but zoom. Too bad chatGPT wasnt a thing back then because I would of used that for everything the worst part was my mom. While everybody else was playing games during class my mom FORCED me to do nothing but listen. She would sit next to me and make sure I was listening whenever the teacher called on me, my mom would complained on fucking everything I did she would be like "stop talking like that" or "listen what shes telling you" She was so fucking annoying. She would even make me do the virtual gym shit too. The virtual gym was just stupid like jumping jacks or pushups that kind of crap, and she stood by me and MADE ME DO IT. She told me if I dont do this im talking away all your shit I fucking hated her. Then I had the stupid virtual graduation which my mom forced me to clap and watch it.

19-Now: I neeted until I was 21 and all I do all day now is wageslave pushing carts at target and then cope when I get home. My mom wont let me go to college because she says I wont do the work (shes right btw) and foids know that I work there the same foids that bullied me they all are doing better in life while I rot. One time they even laughed at me when they were in pushing the carts. I am a loser and the rest of my life is gonna be this same thing, wageslave, go home and cope and repeat. My goal is buying the best sex doll that money can buy. Im gonna have to moneymaxx and buy before the terrifs thing happen because of that orange nigger trump. If it doesnt feel like a real person, im gonna have to rope although I read reviews on the doll im gonna buy so I think it will be good but yea thats my life story like I said police this all happened in minecraft this was NOT real life the media was AI generated DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR
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yeah wageslaving is brootal
i dont think i will live pass 30
I read it all, im sorry you had such a shit rough life
Go ER at this point
How can you still be low inhib after all that
Damn sorry to hear that. Growing up girls really never bullied me they just avoided me and gave me shit if they had to interact with me. In 7th or 8th grade this girl had to pair up with me and she told the teacher "ew I'm not working with TheCatMan" stuff like that. Of course I was the only one that had to work by myself. I might do a post like this if I can remember everything.

And why is that kid punching you in the arse?
Did OP mention the girl he made videos with that he's fucking in a dorm room?
Wait nigga so your current mother isn’t even your actual mother wtf
@Horatio NiggER bird
How can you still be low inhib after all that
The want for pussy is way bigger than me being low inhib
Wait nigga so your current mother isn’t even your actual mother wtf
Shes my step mum my real mum died from drinking so much

Did OP mention the girl he made videos with that he's fucking in a dorm room?
Nigga that girl is from when I met at phycward school because she wants to ER everybody she stopped talking to me after that innocent talking to her was me coping:cryfeels:
saved to read later
Nigga that girl is from when I met at phycward school because she wants to ER everybody she stopped talking to me after that innocent talking to her was me coping:cryfeels:
You said she was your cousin...
Sorry man, similar life story to me and I nearly had my life ruined months before graduation.

I am not trying to sound bluepilled here but, since your mom won't let you go to college and you doubt yourself you would do the work I say either apply anyway and try to ascend if you do or just go to trade school to blue collarmaxx tbh even if you have low IQ you can still blue collarmaxx as they don't expect you to know everything.
You said she was your cousin...
What video are you talking about i never been to college you mean this right?

closest thing to college where she never even called me back nigga after she said yes been talking to her for a while
Dnr too lengthy
Go ER at this point
Not even joking, at this point my perception of ER has been fucked up by .is, when my mom tells me "I used to work in the ER" I think she means Elliot Rodgers.
Read everything.

Very interesting life you live boyo
Not even joking, at this point my perception of ER has been fucked up by .is, when my mom tells me "I used to work in the ER" I think she means Elliot Rodgers.
Jfl OvER
Man I wish we could have been friends back in the day. If we could have had each other's backs we'd be running shit right now.
This shit gonna be long im gonna go over my entire life story and why im like this and every encounter I had with foids (Feds everything I say here all happened in minecraft not in real life)

Kindergarten: I dont even remember this but according to my mom, I threaten to stab my teachers tits with a sissors. I dont know why but I was adopted at age 4 and my OG mom didnt give a shit what I did but anyways they called the cops but couldnt do anything since I was just a baby pretty much.

2nd Grade: My first memory with a foid was at recess. I was on the slide but I didnt wanna get off and this foid was bitching at me telling me to get off the slide and I was like no :feelsLSD: and then she KICKED my back and I fell down the slide and I cryed and told the teacher they didnt do shit other than make her say sorry.

3rd Grade: This year was so brutal for me I was a weird nigga in this grade basically I went up to foids and sniffmaxxed their hair only the blonde hair foids I just went up and smelled, and I remember having a talk about this with a teacher he was like "why are you smelling girls hair" and I was like idk lol but this gets worse. All the foids hair I sniffmaxxed came together at recess one time there was like 10 foids trapping me in a foid circle. It was the 9th circle of hell these foids were singing a song about how ugly I was and how they wanted me to die. This was fucking ER fuel I wanted to ER these motherfuckers and I didnt even know what ER was back then. All I did here was cry and shut up bitches that didnt do shit. Then after these bitches told the teacher "he called me a bitch" and all of them played along and I was in trouble I hated those motherfuckers so much. I dont remember anything else from this year

4th Grade: I dont remember anything else from this year except those same girls went up to me and ask me to chase them. And I had a crush on basically every single one of them so I was like hell yea they want me but I didnt know what was to cum. After I chased them like they asked they TOLD on me to the teacher and from this point on, they made me stay away from those foids. Other than this I remember playing uno with some guys and a foid and she pulled out a +4 card and she sticked out her tounge I flipped the table and walked out im proud of myself for that:feelshmm:

5th Grade: This was the year when I discovered the word "nigga". I didnt even learn it from the internet or anything I was just one day making random noises and nigga was a word that came out, and a teacher told me to NEVER say that word. This is proof that nigga just rolls off the tounge naturally nice and smooth and felt good to say but I thought to myself I would only say nigga if someone really pissed me off it was a secret weapon. This year is also the time my OG mom died and her last words were "get the fuck outta my car" but who cares about that moving on.

6th Grade: I remember having to learn how to use a locker and my low iq brain couldnt figure it out. I was kicking at the locker and cussing at it and I saw foids staring at me with a disgusted look on their face. I also remember farting in class one time and it came out as a shit and I announced to the class "I just shit my pants niggas". Noone said anything and the teacher told me to fix that in the bathroom. This year is a milestone is when I got my first boner. I was jacking off to kissing pranks on youtube and when I busted, nothing even came out it was a phantom bust. A few months later I cumed for real and I remember really wanting to kiss foids like those kissing prank videos I tried to use some of their lines at foids at school which never worked ever.

7th Grade: I was still asking out foids noone said yes but I remember really liking this girl sarah. I gave her a note asking to be my gf and I saw her crumble the paper and throw it away that shit was brutal. I was obsessed with her I creepshot her at lunch one time and one of my normie friends had to be a cuck and tell her and she flipped and I remember having to write a sorry letter to her and they made me delete the video. I also had to do a group project with this super hot foid that had the nicest ass ever it was a project of marbles or something idk but she was standing and wearing the black tight leggings whores wear and I gropemaxxed her butt and I remember it feeling so soft and nice. She told the teacher and I remember having a talk with police about this.

8th Grade: Same as last year it was just me lusting over foids and their butts especially, I remember having to write this stupid paper about what your goals where I wrote to get some pussy. This year was also the year I started busting in the school bathrooms. I would get so horny looking at the foids butts I had to bust like 3 times a day in the bathroom. I dont know how I didnt get caught doing this. This year was actually my favorite year because I had 2 other brocels friends micheal and john (not their real names) we would lust over foids with. We all didnt get pussy but at least we rotted together. I remember telling john that I gropemaxxed a foid last year and he got so jealous he gropemaxxed someone else and me and micheal watched as he was gropping and then she starting cussing at him and his punishment was lunch detention FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. She was a popular girl so she probably got simps backing her up so me and micheal would only sit together and eat and you can see john in the windows eating in the solitary confindment room. He told us he was looking at foids and busting in that room because noone was in that room based:feelsokman:.

9th Grade: This year was the worst year of my life. My brocels went to different schools and I had no friends. There was this girl I liked named faith and I was a simp for her. She had a chad bf and I was waiting for them to break up but once they did, she dated another chad. She was pretty much all I talked to this year and looking back she was just using me for attention. I had enough of this one day when she said she got ANOTHER bf and gropemaxxed her ass in leggings. She didnt even say anything so I thought to myself oh shit I can keep doing this this is awesome but later that day, she sent her chad bf to beat the living SHIT out of me when I got off the bus. The other guy that got off the stop recorded it and posted on his snap
Im a weak pussy I cant fight as you can see after this I stop groppmaxxing foids the 2 seconds of good feeling is not worth the outcome of it. She stop talking to me after I did that so I was a by myself just going on my phone everywhere.

10th Grade: This year was the same as last year I didnt have any friends but this new kid was here. He become my friend although he wasnt an incel. He told me he was gay one day and I was like oh cool execpt it was NOT cool. I was changing in the gym lockerroom and most people still have their underwear on nigga I took that shit off I didnt care but this was a mistake. That guy groppmaxxed MY ASS and said "thicc" while doing it im too pussy to do anything, so I just pretend to laugh and I never talked to that nigga again. This also was the year I got kicked out of the school because I was busting on the school bus. I did it when I was alone and I had to use the seatbelts to wipe the cum off. I make a huge mistake one day I thought I was alone but I wasnt. This girl saw me busting and told the bus driver which told the princable and he was like ok I had enough of you gtfo. This was at the end of the year pretty much so it didnt matter to me I guess. The police came yet again and they made me write a paper about why jacking off in public is bad I hate police.

11th Grade: I was homeschool ALL YEAR LONG because of this and it was so fucking awful. All I would do is rot in my room and the teacher would come to my house and would do packets together. This was so terrible I tried to rope this year and I went to the minors phyward. That place was cool but thats a different story for another day. After I got out I STILL had to do the freaking homeschool packets meanwhile my mom was looking for new schools. Finally I was put in this retard school because that was the only school would let me in. Nothing interesting happened in this school execpt this one whale that smelled so bad sat next to me in gym. She actually starting talking to me which mogs my future self that would never happen now. But I smelled this rotting fish smell everytime she opened her legs. Literally after a few days of her talking to me I said "nigga your fucking pussy smells like shit clean it" and she tried to defend herself saying it DOESNT smell nigga she was lying. She went on talking to another guy and people could say I could of ascended but nigga that shit would of tramatized me if I fucked that pussy.

11th Grade Again: I was held back this year because im a retard and failed my classes including the summer school. But I was put in another school because my mom thought it was a better school but it wasnt. I talked about this in another post where I was in this school full of mentally unstable people it was a pyscward but as a school pretty much. Like every week there would be someone saying "im gonna ER" nigga they never did but staff would freak out. I asked out this foid and she said yes and I was so fucking happy execpt I wasnt. She wouldnt let me touch her AT ALL and would yell at me if I do something as simple as HOLDING HER HAND, she didnt give a shit. I honestley dont know why she would say yes when clearly she hates me its stupid people called me a fakecel in that post but nigga she hated me, she probably liked the attention I gave her and was using me for that. She then one day she said "im non binary" and to use they/them pronouns. I said in class nigga thats not a real thing im not using those pronouns and she threw a chair at me and never talked to me again. The chair she threw she threw it so hard it cracked my skull and I had to get stiches where I still have the scar to this day
Because of this bitch I now have a PERMENANT bald spot on my head. After that she never talked to me again she didnt even get in trouble wtf. There was only like 16 people in that school and it was filled with troons and unstable people I didnt wanna be friends with anyone. This year I did NOTHING but school work and on my phone oh wait they TAKE your phone when you get in the school just like a real phychward would so I had NOTHING to do it was ropefuel. There was one guy that transferred breifly named ryan and he was cool we played alot of fuse ball but he left after that year

12th Grade: It was the same as last year execpt now there was new people. All the middle schoolers were now in 9th grade and in the highschool unit. 3 other people transfered that wasnt 9th grader and one was a hot jb with a fat ass. I had a crush on her and she wasnt even a freshman she was a junior. So she was 15 and I was 18 (19 In may) and all the agecucks called me a pedo after I asked her out. These age cucks were so retarded they said even if I liked a 17 year old im a pedo nigga these age cucks were so stupid my god. Of course the jb didnt like me she liked this gay trans chad that I had to watch them make out in the hallway when that should of been ME:feelsree:. These age cucks told EVERYONE in the school that im a "pedo" and to not talk to me and they listened. I was a loner that year just rotting in the corner when it was lunch or recess (yes there was recess) I wanted to fucking die I just sat at the bench doing nothing. This is when the covid thing started to happen

12 Grade Again: I got held back once again and I was so upset. This year was NOTHING but zoom. Too bad chatGPT wasnt a thing back then because I would of used that for everything the worst part was my mom. While everybody else was playing games during class my mom FORCED me to do nothing but listen. She would sit next to me and make sure I was listening whenever the teacher called on me, my mom would complained on fucking everything I did she would be like "stop talking like that" or "listen what shes telling you" She was so fucking annoying. She would even make me do the virtual gym shit too. The virtual gym was just stupid like jumping jacks or pushups that kind of crap, and she stood by me and MADE ME DO IT. She told me if I dont do this im talking away all your shit I fucking hated her. Then I had the stupid virtual graduation which my mom forced me to clap and watch it.

19-Now: I neeted until I was 21 and all I do all day now is wageslave pushing carts at target and then cope when I get home. My mom wont let me go to college because she says I wont do the work (shes right btw) and foids know that I work there the same foids that bullied me they all are doing better in life while I rot. One time they even laughed at me when they were in pushing the carts. I am a loser and the rest of my life is gonna be this same thing, wageslave, go home and cope and repeat. My goal is buying the best sex doll that money can buy. Im gonna have to moneymaxx and buy before the terrifs thing happen because of that orange nigger trump. If it doesnt feel like a real person, im gonna have to rope although I read reviews on the doll im gonna buy so I think it will be good but yea thats my life story like I said police this all happened in minecraft this was NOT real life the media was AI generated DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR
You are not human anymore
This shit gonna be long im gonna go over my entire life story and why im like this and every encounter I had with foids (Feds everything I say here all happened in minecraft not in real life)

Kindergarten: I dont even remember this but according to my mom, I threaten to stab my teachers tits with a sissors. I dont know why but I was adopted at age 4 and my OG mom didnt give a shit what I did but anyways they called the cops but couldnt do anything since I was just a baby pretty much.

2nd Grade: My first memory with a foid was at recess. I was on the slide but I didnt wanna get off and this foid was bitching at me telling me to get off the slide and I was like no :feelsLSD: and then she KICKED my back and I fell down the slide and I cryed and told the teacher they didnt do shit other than make her say sorry.

3rd Grade: This year was so brutal for me I was a weird nigga in this grade basically I went up to foids and sniffmaxxed their hair only the blonde hair foids I just went up and smelled, and I remember having a talk about this with a teacher he was like "why are you smelling girls hair" and I was like idk lol but this gets worse. All the foids hair I sniffmaxxed came together at recess one time there was like 10 foids trapping me in a foid circle. It was the 9th circle of hell these foids were singing a song about how ugly I was and how they wanted me to die. This was fucking ER fuel I wanted to ER these motherfuckers and I didnt even know what ER was back then. All I did here was cry and shut up bitches that didnt do shit. Then after these bitches told the teacher "he called me a bitch" and all of them played along and I was in trouble I hated those motherfuckers so much. I dont remember anything else from this year

4th Grade: I dont remember anything else from this year except those same girls went up to me and ask me to chase them. And I had a crush on basically every single one of them so I was like hell yea they want me but I didnt know what was to cum. After I chased them like they asked they TOLD on me to the teacher and from this point on, they made me stay away from those foids. Other than this I remember playing uno with some guys and a foid and she pulled out a +4 card and she sticked out her tounge I flipped the table and walked out im proud of myself for that:feelshmm:

5th Grade: This was the year when I discovered the word "nigga". I didnt even learn it from the internet or anything I was just one day making random noises and nigga was a word that came out, and a teacher told me to NEVER say that word. This is proof that nigga just rolls off the tounge naturally nice and smooth and felt good to say but I thought to myself I would only say nigga if someone really pissed me off it was a secret weapon. This year is also the time my OG mom died and her last words were "get the fuck outta my car" but who cares about that moving on.

6th Grade: I remember having to learn how to use a locker and my low iq brain couldnt figure it out. I was kicking at the locker and cussing at it and I saw foids staring at me with a disgusted look on their face. I also remember farting in class one time and it came out as a shit and I announced to the class "I just shit my pants niggas". Noone said anything and the teacher told me to fix that in the bathroom. This year is a milestone is when I got my first boner. I was jacking off to kissing pranks on youtube and when I busted, nothing even came out it was a phantom bust. A few months later I cumed for real and I remember really wanting to kiss foids like those kissing prank videos I tried to use some of their lines at foids at school which never worked ever.

7th Grade: I was still asking out foids noone said yes but I remember really liking this girl sarah. I gave her a note asking to be my gf and I saw her crumble the paper and throw it away that shit was brutal. I was obsessed with her I creepshot her at lunch one time and one of my normie friends had to be a cuck and tell her and she flipped and I remember having to write a sorry letter to her and they made me delete the video. I also had to do a group project with this super hot foid that had the nicest ass ever it was a project of marbles or something idk but she was standing and wearing the black tight leggings whores wear and I gropemaxxed her butt and I remember it feeling so soft and nice. She told the teacher and I remember having a talk with police about this.

8th Grade: Same as last year it was just me lusting over foids and their butts especially, I remember having to write this stupid paper about what your goals where I wrote to get some pussy. This year was also the year I started busting in the school bathrooms. I would get so horny looking at the foids butts I had to bust like 3 times a day in the bathroom. I dont know how I didnt get caught doing this. This year was actually my favorite year because I had 2 other brocels friends micheal and john (not their real names) we would lust over foids with. We all didnt get pussy but at least we rotted together. I remember telling john that I gropemaxxed a foid last year and he got so jealous he gropemaxxed someone else and me and micheal watched as he was gropping and then she starting cussing at him and his punishment was lunch detention FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. She was a popular girl so she probably got simps backing her up so me and micheal would only sit together and eat and you can see john in the windows eating in the solitary confindment room. He told us he was looking at foids and busting in that room because noone was in that room based:feelsokman:.

9th Grade: This year was the worst year of my life. My brocels went to different schools and I had no friends. There was this girl I liked named faith and I was a simp for her. She had a chad bf and I was waiting for them to break up but once they did, she dated another chad. She was pretty much all I talked to this year and looking back she was just using me for attention. I had enough of this one day when she said she got ANOTHER bf and gropemaxxed her ass in leggings. She didnt even say anything so I thought to myself oh shit I can keep doing this this is awesome but later that day, she sent her chad bf to beat the living SHIT out of me when I got off the bus. The other guy that got off the stop recorded it and posted on his snap
Im a weak pussy I cant fight as you can see after this I stop groppmaxxing foids the 2 seconds of good feeling is not worth the outcome of it. She stop talking to me after I did that so I was a by myself just going on my phone everywhere.

10th Grade: This year was the same as last year I didnt have any friends but this new kid was here. He become my friend although he wasnt an incel. He told me he was gay one day and I was like oh cool execpt it was NOT cool. I was changing in the gym lockerroom and most people still have their underwear on nigga I took that shit off I didnt care but this was a mistake. That guy groppmaxxed MY ASS and said "thicc" while doing it im too pussy to do anything, so I just pretend to laugh and I never talked to that nigga again. This also was the year I got kicked out of the school because I was busting on the school bus. I did it when I was alone and I had to use the seatbelts to wipe the cum off. I make a huge mistake one day I thought I was alone but I wasnt. This girl saw me busting and told the bus driver which told the princable and he was like ok I had enough of you gtfo. This was at the end of the year pretty much so it didnt matter to me I guess. The police came yet again and they made me write a paper about why jacking off in public is bad I hate police.

11th Grade: I was homeschool ALL YEAR LONG because of this and it was so fucking awful. All I would do is rot in my room and the teacher would come to my house and would do packets together. This was so terrible I tried to rope this year and I went to the minors phyward. That place was cool but thats a different story for another day. After I got out I STILL had to do the freaking homeschool packets meanwhile my mom was looking for new schools. Finally I was put in this retard school because that was the only school would let me in. Nothing interesting happened in this school execpt this one whale that smelled so bad sat next to me in gym. She actually starting talking to me which mogs my future self that would never happen now. But I smelled this rotting fish smell everytime she opened her legs. Literally after a few days of her talking to me I said "nigga your fucking pussy smells like shit clean it" and she tried to defend herself saying it DOESNT smell nigga she was lying. She went on talking to another guy and people could say I could of ascended but nigga that shit would of tramatized me if I fucked that pussy.

11th Grade Again: I was held back this year because im a retard and failed my classes including the summer school. But I was put in another school because my mom thought it was a better school but it wasnt. I talked about this in another post where I was in this school full of mentally unstable people it was a pyscward but as a school pretty much. Like every week there would be someone saying "im gonna ER" nigga they never did but staff would freak out. I asked out this foid and she said yes and I was so fucking happy execpt I wasnt. She wouldnt let me touch her AT ALL and would yell at me if I do something as simple as HOLDING HER HAND, she didnt give a shit. I honestley dont know why she would say yes when clearly she hates me its stupid people called me a fakecel in that post but nigga she hated me, she probably liked the attention I gave her and was using me for that. She then one day she said "im non binary" and to use they/them pronouns. I said in class nigga thats not a real thing im not using those pronouns and she threw a chair at me and never talked to me again. The chair she threw she threw it so hard it cracked my skull and I had to get stiches where I still have the scar to this day
Because of this bitch I now have a PERMENANT bald spot on my head. After that she never talked to me again she didnt even get in trouble wtf. There was only like 16 people in that school and it was filled with troons and unstable people I didnt wanna be friends with anyone. This year I did NOTHING but school work and on my phone oh wait they TAKE your phone when you get in the school just like a real phychward would so I had NOTHING to do it was ropefuel. There was one guy that transferred breifly named ryan and he was cool we played alot of fuse ball but he left after that year

12th Grade: It was the same as last year execpt now there was new people. All the middle schoolers were now in 9th grade and in the highschool unit. 3 other people transfered that wasnt 9th grader and one was a hot jb with a fat ass. I had a crush on her and she wasnt even a freshman she was a junior. So she was 15 and I was 18 (19 In may) and all the agecucks called me a pedo after I asked her out. These age cucks were so retarded they said even if I liked a 17 year old im a pedo nigga these age cucks were so stupid my god. Of course the jb didnt like me she liked this gay trans chad that I had to watch them make out in the hallway when that should of been ME:feelsree:. These age cucks told EVERYONE in the school that im a "pedo" and to not talk to me and they listened. I was a loner that year just rotting in the corner when it was lunch or recess (yes there was recess) I wanted to fucking die I just sat at the bench doing nothing. This is when the covid thing started to happen

12 Grade Again: I got held back once again and I was so upset. This year was NOTHING but zoom. Too bad chatGPT wasnt a thing back then because I would of used that for everything the worst part was my mom. While everybody else was playing games during class my mom FORCED me to do nothing but listen. She would sit next to me and make sure I was listening whenever the teacher called on me, my mom would complained on fucking everything I did she would be like "stop talking like that" or "listen what shes telling you" She was so fucking annoying. She would even make me do the virtual gym shit too. The virtual gym was just stupid like jumping jacks or pushups that kind of crap, and she stood by me and MADE ME DO IT. She told me if I dont do this im talking away all your shit I fucking hated her. Then I had the stupid virtual graduation which my mom forced me to clap and watch it.

19-Now: I neeted until I was 21 and all I do all day now is wageslave pushing carts at target and then cope when I get home. My mom wont let me go to college because she says I wont do the work (shes right btw) and foids know that I work there the same foids that bullied me they all are doing better in life while I rot. One time they even laughed at me when they were in pushing the carts. I am a loser and the rest of my life is gonna be this same thing, wageslave, go home and cope and repeat. My goal is buying the best sex doll that money can buy. Im gonna have to moneymaxx and buy before the terrifs thing happen because of that orange nigger trump. If it doesnt feel like a real person, im gonna have to rope although I read reviews on the doll im gonna buy so I think it will be good but yea thats my life story like I said police this all happened in minecraft this was NOT real life the media was AI generated DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR
I have had shit from females all my life too.
I've read everything.

I just wanna ask you how do you get out of bed everyday and stay motivated?
You probably put a lot of research into it so may i ask you which one you chose instead of googling myself?
I researched for months and my past dolls I came to the conclusion that the best 2 doll brands for the most realism are the Sino soft maxx and the XYcolo OSP material.
The sino soft maxxxx

im on the fence between this and the XYcolo, the japanese fourms say its the best feeling doll on the market. While this doll looks amazing to fuck, it probably doesnt feel realstic I mean no women is that soft and has that kind of jiggle (at least in the porn I watch) so I want my doll to be super ultra realisitc with pores and simulated muscle thats a bit firmer thats where the XYcolo comes in

You can tell the way hes squeezing the butt it feels real it bouces back at the right time like a real but and doesnt let you squeeze like a jello this is what im probably gonna get but its 5000$. But the reviews is whats the best part


So if you want a realistic feeling sex doll go with the XYcolo OSP and if you want the super stimulating seggs that probably feels like anime with their jiggles go with the soft maxx.
"I just shit my pants niggas". Noone said anything and the teacher told me to fix that in the bathroom. This year is a milestone is when I got my first boner. I was jacking off to kissing pranks on youtube and when I busted, nothing even came out it was a phantom bust. A few months later I cumed for real and I remember really wanting to kiss foids like those kissing prank videos I tried to use some of their lines at foids at school which never worked ever.
Good post brother

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