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JFL Even asexuals are sexual beings who fuck and jerk off and have fantasies.

Even asexuals are sexual beings. they're frauds.

In a study of asexuals and other groups of people, they found many asexuals masturbate at least monthly (55%) and 60% have had sexual fantasy before. And only 11% said their sexual fantasies did NOT involve other people.

According to Sexual fantasy and masturbation among asexual individuals: An in-depth exploration:

On average, asexual women masturbate less frequently than do sexual women; the higher women score on the asexual scale, the less likely they are to masturbate.

Asexual men masturbate “at least monthly” at the same rate as sexual men (a more fine-tuned measure of masturbation frequency might tell us otherwise). Asexual women and men who masturbate did so because they felt they “had to,” not because it was particularly sexually pleasurable or fun. They might also be motivated to masturbate to relieve tension or because of procrastination, boredom, or sleeplessness.

For many asexuals, the masturbatory procedure takes place without a sexual or romantic fantasy. The focus is on physical sensations, rather than erotic images. That is, their masturbations are more motivated by physical needs (“akin to an itch needing to be scratched”) than by innate sexual desire or arousal.

The majority of asexual women (65 percent) and men (80 percent) have sexual fantasies. However, this is a significantly lower proportion than sexuals. Asexuals’ fantasies are less exciting to them than those of sexuals are to them. Asexuals as a group are more likely than sexuals to endorse the response: “My fantasies do not involve other people.” In terms of fantasy content, asexuals are less likely than sexuals to have sex scenes such as group sex, public sex, an affair, and celebrity sex, and more likely to have scenes in which they are not present, to have a self-focus, and to have fictional human characters.

There are other fantasies among asexual women that they share with sexual women, including scenes with little focus on genital contact (BDSM, sexual humiliation, fetishes) and scenes that don’t involve others (masturbation, voyeurism, use of sex toys). If an asexual woman is in a relationship, she is less likely than a paired sexual woman to fantasize about extramarital sex.
But guess what? 70% of the asexual women masturbated at least monthly. Only 16% of asexual women and 6% of asexual men have neither masturbation nor sexual fantasy. 51% of asexual women and 75% of asexual men have both and the remainder have one of the two.

According to Williams Institute:
  • Asexuality is not synonymous with a lack of sexual attraction, sexual behavior, or intimate relationships. A little more than a third of asexuals reported being sexually attracted; more than half of them reported having had sex; and they were as likely to report that they were in a romantic intimate relationship (59% compared with 61% of non-asexual LGB people).

According to Kinsey Institute in a study of 1,093 adults identifying as on the asexual spectrum, 69% were asexual, 16% were graysexual, and 14% were demisexual:
When it came to sexual history, 98% of asexuals and graysexuals and 100% of demisexuals said they had previously engaged in a behavior that they personally counted as having had sex. However, when looking at specific sexual behaviors they had participated in, there was a lot of variability across groups.
For example, among asexuals, 33% had received oral sex, 28% had engaged in penile-vaginal intercourse, and 10% had engaged in penile-anal intercourse. The corresponding numbers for graysexuals were about twice as high and, for demisexuals were almost three times as high.
Despite almost everyone in the study reported that they’ve had sex in some form or another, most reported that they weren’t interested in engaging in sex in the future. In fact, just 4% of asexuals and graysexuals and 11.5% of demisexuals reported interest.

There was only one behavior on the list that a majority of persons of all identities (>70%) said they were interested in doing in the future: cuddling. However, this is probably because cuddling is a behavior that very few people of any identity actually classified as “having sex.”

That said, graysexuals and demisexuals reported more willingness to engage in genital sexual behaviors in the future compared to asexuals. In other words, despite not having a lot of interest in sexual activity, many people on the ace spectrum still reported a willingness or openness to having sex under certain circumstances.

What are those circumstances? Overall, 37% of participants said they would be willing to have sex in the future if they felt an emotional connection to a partner. However, demisexuals (69%) were much more likely to report this motivation compared to graysexuals (40%) and asexuals (30%).

Similarly, 31% said they would be willing to have sex in the future if it was something their partner wanted. This included the desire to please a partner, even if engaging in the activity wasn’t something they personally wanted. Asexuals, graysexuals, and demisexuals were about equally likely to report this motive.

Lastly, 34% of participants said they were unlikely to engage in any sexual behaviors in the future due to disinterest or disgust. However, asexuals (42%) were more likely to say this than were graysexuals (19%) and demisexuals (10%).
So this means 58% of those sex-having asexuals will still plan to fuck in the future under certain circumstances.

@Robtical pin?
[/UWSL]@Robtical pin?
I know a foid who says she's asexual.
asexual is Chadsexual
@Edmund_Kemper exposing bluepills once again, very high IQ. As soon as society removed the protestant fantasy of inherently chaste women, women themselves adopted the shield named 'asexuality' for the purpose of denying sex to their betabuxx while still fucking Chad. Religeon is replaced by alphabet soup cults, but the animal behaviour underlying it all stays the same.
The asexuals cope by saying "well i'm heteroromantic or homoromantic" or some goofy shit like that, so yes this is a based thread as always kempercel :feelskek:
Translation: The Holy Science™ finds that self propagating organisms have a desire to propagate. Water is wet.
Even asexuals are sexual beings. they're frauds.

In a study of asexuals and other groups of people, they found many asexuals masturbate at least monthly (55%) and 60% have had sexual fantasy before. And only 11% said their sexual fantasies did NOT involve other people.

According to Sexual fantasy and masturbation among asexual individuals: An in-depth exploration:

But guess what? 70% of the asexual women masturbated at least monthly. Only 16% of asexual women and 6% of asexual men have neither masturbation nor sexual fantasy. 51% of asexual women and 75% of asexual men have both and the remainder have one of the two.

According to Williams Institute:

According to Kinsey Institute in a study of 1,093 adults identifying as on the asexual spectrum, 69% were asexual, 16% were graysexual, and 14% were demisexual:

So this means 58% of those sex-having asexuals will still plan to fuck in the future under certain circumstances.

@Robtical pin?
Asexuals aren't real
Being asexual or watever the fuck , is retarded
The asexuals cope by saying "well i'm heteroromantic or homoromantic" or some goofy shit like that, so yes this is a based thread as always kempercel :feelskek:
Asexual men adopt feminine traits likely because they had abusive fathers. They are inferior to intellectual men but at least slightly more tolerable than females.
I'm talking to this girl that is asexual but idk how to feel about it honestly
Asexual is a meme
Exactly, because:
Translation: The Holy Science™ finds that self propagating organisms have a desire to propagate. Water is wet.
Only eunuchs and post-menopausal foids are truly asexual. Except post-menopausal foids had a chance to breed.

I can understand if the people claiming to be asexual say so because they were molested or are severely non-NT.
Asexuality is a myth
The asexuals cope by saying "well i'm heteroromantic or homoromantic" or some goofy shit like that, so yes this is a based thread as always kempercel :feelskek:
More bullshit terms to make them feel special
More bullshit terms to make them feel special
I always blame leftists when i see retards trying to fake disorders so they can get their brownie points or when they make up stupid shit like this
Assexuals are very annoying because they are not assexual, none of them would ever trade place with a incel, their sex life is more enjoyable than a sexless, loveless incel life; is very annoying to see these cunts saying they are assexual when they are full of ex fuck boys while dating, at the end they are all extremely annoying
jfl actual asexuals are very very rare and even then most of them are asexual because of some circumstance like getting castrated
Assexuals are very annoying because they are not assexual, none of them would ever trade place with a incel, their sex life is more enjoyable than a sexless, loveless incel life; is very annoying to see these cunts saying they are assexual when they are full of ex fuck boys while dating, at the end they are all extremely annoying
Asexuality is valid before the woke found it trendy now every ethot claim to be asexual
Even asexuals are sexual beings. they're frauds.

In a study of asexuals and other groups of people, they found many asexuals masturbate at least monthly (55%) and 60% have had sexual fantasy before. And only 11% said their sexual fantasies did NOT involve other people.

According to Sexual fantasy and masturbation among asexual individuals: An in-depth exploration:

But guess what? 70% of the asexual women masturbated at least monthly. Only 16% of asexual women and 6% of asexual men have neither masturbation nor sexual fantasy. 51% of asexual women and 75% of asexual men have both and the remainder have one of the two.

According to Williams Institute:

According to Kinsey Institute in a study of 1,093 adults identifying as on the asexual spectrum, 69% were asexual, 16% were graysexual, and 14% were demisexual:

So this means 58% of those sex-having asexuals will still plan to fuck in the future under certain circumstances.

@Robtical pin?
“Asexual” is a bullshit snowflake term that has no real meaning. They’re not asexual they might just be somewhat less horny than other people.

But they wanna go and make it a big personality trait to be special, it’s dumb and this study proves it.
Asexuality is a lie people tell themselves to seem pure and whatnot :feelsUgh:
"Asexual" is a vox fatui.
People who say they're asexual just want to fit in in the new thousand sexualities and gender identities trend kek
@Edmund_Kemper exposing bluepills once again, very high IQ. As soon as society removed the protestant fantasy of inherently chaste women, women themselves adopted the shield named 'asexuality' for the purpose of denying sex to their betabuxx while still fucking Chad. Religeon is replaced by alphabet soup cults, but the animal behaviour underlying it all stays the same.

Exactlty. The animal has always functioned the same, I wouldn't even say that religion is that good a shield. Just look at how hard-line Islamic countries are absolutely failing to protect men from Inceldom.
There's no asexual human being. Sex is part of it's nature
Asexual is a meme
Seriously though @Edmund_Kemper, do you even believe that demisexual nonsense us zoomers spew out of our comical brains? Even I, a GenZcel don't believe that. It makes zero sense and it goes against biology. :feelskek::feelskek:
Same as people who self diagnose mental disorders, it's nothing more than bogus people adhere to themselves for variety like it's a decorative insignia.

Asexuals among the other types are like one of the biggest frauds in the LGBT community. I mean the whole LGBT thing is disgusting.

I remember I met one "asexual" and they were obsessed with lesbian porn. They kept barging on that they were not "sexual" but "homo-romantic" lol.

They're definitely getting more action than us.

Most of them are larpers.
Asexuals are just incels in disguise. At least we’re honest

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