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Eugenics could solve most of the worlds problems

Genetic Dead End

Genetic Dead End

Unfiltered sadness. AcneScarCel.
Oct 19, 2019
Procreation in the past was exclusive for the genetically fit within a small group of people, usually a village or a tribe, but with the rise of agriculture people started having more kids which resulted in more people thus leading to more "unfit" humans that still mated due to status, culture and religious values. Passing your lineage is the ultimate goal for any organism, this is literally the only purpose that any living thing on earth serves. In the modern world, where you see people who are ugly, unfit, short, poor and posses a familial history of all kinds of chronic diseases popping out multiple kids per generation, which causes the gene pool to become extremely polluted with genes and traits that should not have been passed if nature ran its natural course. This brings me to eugenics, if all the world governments implemented a eugenics program, we could have utopian society withing 2 or 3 lifetimes. We can eradicate certain genetic syndromes (down's, turner, etc), bring down the rates of all hereditary chronic illneses, population control, end food shortages, poverty, inceldom, and have society of tall,beautiful, high IQ humans. The main arguement against eugenics is ethics, which is completly absurd. If ethics is what's preventing the implentation of eugenics, then why is it ethically acceptable to allow genetically inferior humans like midgets or people with deadly hereditary disease to have children? why is it ethiically acceptable to allow people living in extreme poverty to have 10 kids and create even more poverty? if anything eugenics is the most ethical way to solve the worlds problems.
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i'd rather just have the world end with wars and natural disasters so no one has to worry about anything
No it wouldn't, because eugenics isn't enough to change female nature. You really don't understand how hypergamy works, Chad isn't a set of characteristics, chad is the top %. Even if everyone was chad, they would just go for the chaddest of all chads.
The problem isn't looks, the problem is hypergamy. The most effective solution found, so far, is forced monogamy.
Cope. You can't fix reality. It's in the very nature of relativity to be dualistic. If there's ugliness there's beauty and vice versa. Eugenics is a pipe dream and a delusion of modernity.

If you want proof just consider that incels still exist even after of thousands and thousands of years of selection against ugly people, and science has already proven only a select number of males managed to procreate and yet ugly men are still out there, because the existence of ugliness is predicated on the nature of our reality itself. You can't escape it.
No it wouldn't, because eugenics isn't enough to change female nature. You really don't understand how hypergamy works, Chad isn't a set of characteristics, chad is the top %. Even if everyone was chad, they would just go for the chaddest of all chads.
The problem isn't looks, the problem is hypergamy. The most effective solution found, so far, is forced monogamy.

Cope if everone is good looking it becomes about personality
Cope if everone is good looking it becomes about personality
You can say the same thing about the Chinese or Japanese where everyone is almost identical. You'd think that personality will matter then but noodle still crave white men even when they're separated by continents.
You can say the same thing about the Chinese or Japanese where everyone is almost identical. You'd think that personality will matter then but noodle still crave white men even when they're separated by continents.

Literally all races look the same to asians white men all look the same the only difference is a few mm of gene varition that allows us to pick out why asian foids crave white dick.
uh huh. good point. totally agent greycel
Nice wall of text, greycel. So, bud, when are done with special ed?
Cope. You can't fix reality. It's in the very nature of relativity to be dualistic. If there's ugliness there's beauty and vice versa. Eugenics is a pipe dream and a delusion of modernity.
Agreed and Albert Einstein IQ. Nature is inherently flawed Eugenics wouldn’t work
Nice wall of text, greycel. So, bud, when are done with special ed?
did the scary long wall of text hurt your brain? i'm sorry I will only post in emojis next time.
Why care about the future when you are an incel?
Cope. You can't fix reality. It's in the very nature of relativity to be dualistic. If there's ugliness there's beauty and vice versa. Eugenics is a pipe dream and a delusion of modernity.

If you want proof just consider that incels still exist even after of thousands and thousands of years of selection against ugly people, and science has already proven only a select number of males managed to procreate and yet ugly men are still out there, because the existence of ugliness is predicated on the nature of our reality itself. You can't escape it.

Thats a very determinist worldview, not saying that youre wrong, but eugenics need not entail natural selection and actual breeding. Hope that science progresses far enough to genetically alter humans before birth so that future generations will be all smart chad, whose years of youthful productivity have been multiplied well into his 60s and 70s and whos without a libido. Foids can be extinct, males are natures upgrade to solely reproductive units anyway, have babies being born in artificial wombs.
Eugenics is a solution "outside" of nature, thats the key aspect, bygone applications were hampered by insufficient means, thus flawed.

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