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Discussion Ethnics in the UK, have things changed for you?



Not real life
Jul 25, 2023
I feel these riots have activated something in most British people. Since then I can feel the aggression when the McDonalds worker’s serving my food, when I’m paying at the gas station, how the nurses treat me or just generally the looks I get from white people. It doesn’t help that I’ve got a beard and only pakis are being targeted despite it being a black who did the murders
I feel these riots have activated something in most British people. Since then I can feel the aggression when the McDonalds worker’s serving my food, when I’m paying at the gas station, how the nurses treat me or just generally the looks I get from white people. It doesn’t help that I’ve got a beard and only pakis are being targeted despite it being a black who did the murders
Just emigrate to Birmingham
People will hate you for things you cannot change.
People will hate you for things you cannot change.
Yes, you can go back to the shithole you came from.

It is also true that if you were born in a foreign country as an ethnic, what is your fault? It is very difficult to return to countries of origin when you have neither language, nor money nor life outside the country in which you were born.
Yes, you can go back to the shithole you came from.

It is also true that if you were born in a foreign country as an ethnic, what is your fault? It is very difficult to return to countries of origin when you have neither language, nor money nor life outside the country in which you were born.
Why should you travel to a completely different country you know nothing about because some retards dont like you happen to be of a different race?
Why should you travel to a completely different country you know nothing about because some retards dont like you happen to be of a different race?
Because first the people inside the country, those who have been there for centuries, should come first, and then the rest. It is a reason for survival.
If you're an incel, you should've been experiencing all the things you mentioned before the riots.
If you're an incel, you should've been experiencing all the things you mentioned before the riots.
Not necessarily.
Because first the people inside the country, those who have been there for centuries, should come first, and then the rest. It is a reason for survival.
what do you mean? If a black dude is born in the uk he is just living his life and minding his business what does "come first" even mean
Because first the people inside the country, those who have been there for centuries, should come first, and then the rest. It is a reason for survival.
also how can you even quantify that? Some black dudes in the uk have lineages that go back more than a hundred years because their ancestors were brought there to work. So the "centuries" argument doesnt even work
also how can you even quantify that? Some black dudes in the uk have lineages that go back more than a hundred years because their ancestors were brought there to work. So the "centuries" argument doesnt even work
There are records. Most probably most immigrants in the UK have no more than 50 years in the UK.
also how can you even quantify that? Some black dudes in the uk have lineages that go back more than a hundred years because their ancestors were brought there to work. So the "centuries" argument doesnt even work
Someone who is not genetically, culturally, and ethnically tied to a certain land is not from that land. It’s easy to understand
There are records. Most probably most immigrants in the UK have no more than 50 years in the UK.
No, im saying those that were born in there. What are you gonna say "Yhea bro i know you never lived anywhere else and dont know fuck all about your original country and dont even speak the language there but you cant live here because we dont like your skin color even tho you did nothing wrong, sorry bro"

Also The people of the original country itself wouldnt even accept them either, they would just see them as english people.
what do you mean? If a black dude is born in the uk he is just living his life and minding his business what does "come first" even mean
Come first = they would receive preferential treatment under a non-cucked government. It’s basic in group preference, something normal and healthy for societies
No, im saying those that were born in there. What are you gonna say "Yhea bro i know you never lived anywhere else and dont know fuck all about your original country and dont even speak the language there but you cant live here because we dont like your skin color even tho you did nothing wrong, sorry bro"

Also The people of the original country itself wouldnt even accept them either, they would just see them as english people.
The most reasonable thing is that white countries stop importing immigrants, and the people who are inside the country live there until they die, without benefits, without NEETmaxxing, just surviving as they can. They commit a crime? They get deported to Botsawana.
Someone who is not genetically, culturally, and ethnically tied to a certain land is not from that land. It’s easy to understand
Im only talking about those who are born in said country and happen to not be white. Not 1st generation immigrants
Yes, you can go back to the shithole you came from.

It is also true that if you were born in a foreign country as an ethnic, what is your fault? It is very difficult to return to countries of origin when you have neither language, nor money nor life outside the country in which you were born.
Stop making assumptions about me.
It doesn’t help that I’ve got a beard and only pakis are being targeted despite it being a black who did the murders
South Asians lack looks and status halo so we’re always doomed to be the most hated race
The most reasonable thing is that white countries stop importing immigrants, and the people who are inside the country live there until they die, without benefits, without NEETmaxxing, just surviving as they can. They commit a crime? They get deported to Botsawana.
White countries aren't "importing immigrants", if you're refering to 1st generation immigrants they go there because they seek a better life outside of their country, regardless thats not what i was talking about. But yes i could agree with you if a 1st generation immigrant commits a crime he should be deported to his original country. What i was saying its that when it comes to 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants that doesnt work anymore
Im only talking about those who are born in said country and happen to not be white. Not 1st generation immigrants
Even those people have no real ties to the land besides a passport
Even those people have no real ties to the land besides a passport
They were born in the country. They speak the language and understand the culture. You cant send someone to a completely different country they know nothing about because they happen to be of a different race when they were born there, that doesnt even work legally.
Just emigrate to Birmingham
I’ve been there a few times, other than the food it’s a shithole. The area near the unis decent but when you get past that it’s just crime, bad air pollution, rubbish on streets, no parking. Even worse it’s my own people who turned it into that
White countries aren't "importing immigrants", if you're refering to 1st generation immigrants they go there because they seek a better life outside of their country, regardless thats not what i was talking about. But yes i could agree with you if a 1st generation immigrant commits a crime he should be deported to his original country. What i was saying its that when it comes to 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants that doesnt work anymore
Immigrants work in white countries or developed countries because there are companies and freelancers who hire immigrants below market price and do the most laborious jobs at shitty prices. It is the same logic that follows the inclusion of women in the labor market: devaluing and lowering wages with respect to the average standard of living by screwing the population as a whole.

In the same way that I advocate a country as ethnically as possible -a sort of pan-Arabism-. It is clear that Europe, for its own stability, should be composed entirely of whites and native ethnicities for centuries or even millennia.
What i was saying its that when it comes to 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants that doesnt work anymore
Are you speaking in a purely legal sense? Or a moral one? Cause if it’s the latter, why do you think it doesn’t work anymore? That individual never should have been in the nation in the first place, it’s not their ancestral homeland
If you're an incel, you should've been experiencing all the things you mentioned before the riots.
British people especially workers are usually accommodating. It’s usually my own people who have arrogance
That individual never should have been in the nation in the first place, it’s not their ancestral homeland
That's a very shitty logic. Nobody belong anywhere then, because all human migrated to all the places in different points of time replacing or assimilating with the natives
Are you speaking in a purely legal sense? Or a moral one? Cause if it’s the latter, why do you think it doesn’t work anymore? That individual never should have been in the nation in the first place, it’s not their ancestral homeland
both. You can say "that individual never should have been there" but he already was born there you cant turn back time. Not to mention that britain hundreds of years ago during colonization brought many black people into their country to work, and they have been there for literally over 100,200+ years. You can say "The guy shoud've never been there to begin with" , yhea sure and brittain should've never colonized his country and brought his ancestors there 200 years ago
Because first the people inside the country, those who have been there for centuries, should come first, and then the rest. It is a reason for survival.

Glad to see this take.
Are you speaking in a purely legal sense? Or a moral one? Cause if it’s the latter, why do you think it doesn’t work anymore? That individual never should have been in the nation in the first place, it’s not their ancestral homeland
This. :yes:
They were born in the country. They speak the language and understand the culture. You cant send someone to a completely different country they know nothing about because they happen to be of a different race when they were born there, that doesnt even work legally.
Nope. In fact, they tend to lower the social trust & cohesion.
White countries aren't "importing immigrants", if you're refering to 1st generation immigrants they go there because they seek a better life outside of their country, regardless thats not what i was talking about. But yes i could agree with you if a 1st generation immigrant commits a crime he should be deported to his original country. What i was saying its that when it comes to 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants that doesnt work anymore
Yes they are jfl, and look at this:

Photo 2024 05 08 18 06 20
also how can you even quantify that? Some black dudes in the uk have lineages that go back more than a hundred years because their ancestors were brought there to work. So the "centuries" argument doesnt even work
Someone who is not genetically, culturally, and ethnically tied to a certain land is not from that land. It’s easy to understand
Why should you travel to a completely different country you know nothing about because some retards dont like you happen to be of a different race?
So then why do we get told to travel half the world, go to a place we know nothing about, have no connection with, don't speak the language or understand the culture, all to betabuxx some foid who we're characteristically incompatible with? :waitwhat:
what do you mean? If a black dude is born in the uk he is just living his life and minding his business what does "come first" even mean
Except they commit more crime, don't contribute to the economy, harm the social fabric, etc.
We've already advanced past that point in the discussion, and i've already explained why its much more complicated than that.
You're just cherrypicking an example to avoid it

If you weren't born into the stock of that country, you don't belong.
So then why do we get told to travel half the world, go to a place we know nothing about, have no connection with, don't speak the language or understand the culture, all to betabuxx some foid who we're characteristically incompatible with? :waitwhat:
I dont advocate for that, its not reasonable.
They were born in the country.
They speak the language and understand the culture.
Most ethnic households teach their kids their home language. It’s only black Americans who are unable to speak their ancestral languages, since they’ve been cut off from those roots for some hundreds of years. And anyway, most of the world speaks some form of English due to Anglo colonization and/or soft power, so language barriers aren’t nearly as insurmountable as you seem to be making them out to be.

In regards to them “understanding the culture,” no they don’t. Ethnics in the West primarily live within their own cultural bubbles, they don’t observe the same traditions, etc. as the natives bc why would they? It’s not something that has an ancestral significance to them the way their parents’ traditions do. It’s stuff like this which is why multiculturalism is a stupid idea, expecting foreigners with little if anything in common to understand and integrate into a culture is retarded.
You cant send someone to a completely different country they know nothing about because they happen to be of a different race when they were born there, that doesnt even work legally.
You’re correct that it doesn’t work legally. Laws and systems are not forever constant though; they can be changed, they can be overhauled
I dont advocate for that, its not reasonable.
Thank you for acknowledging reality.

The thing is, myself & literally every other/most White users admit there's truth to JBW, it's just we don't want to come on here & get gaslight to just "geomaxx bro!" or anything along the lines.

You also just proved my point, about ethnics not belonging in the UK, correct by agreeing here.
Are you speaking in a purely legal sense? Or a moral one? Cause if it’s the latter, why do you think it doesn’t work anymore? That individual never should have been in the nation in the first place, it’s not their ancestral homeland
The leaders should’ve thought of that before inviting immigrants with open arms. If you had a chance to start a brand new better life, wouldn’t you take it?
The leaders should’ve thought of that before inviting immigrants with open arms. If you had a chance to start a brand new better life, wouldn’t you take it?
I do agree with you that these nations brought it upon themselves to a large extent

All you need to know: Diversity doesn't work at all, and makes things worse for everyone who lives there.

I don't hate non-whites, I just don't want to co-exist with them for reasons which are supported by facts & my IRL observations.

It costs the country as a whole also:

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The leaders should’ve thought of that before inviting immigrants with open arms. If you had a chance to start a brand new better life, wouldn’t you take it?
I do agree with you that these nations brought it upon themselves to a large extent
Because, these nations developed so much to the point that they allowed for subversions due to their decline.
Immigrants work in white countries or developed countries because there are companies and freelancers who hire immigrants below market price and do the most laborious jobs at shitty prices. It is the same logic that follows the inclusion of women in the labor market: devaluing and lowering wages with respect to the average standard of living by screwing the population as a whole.

In the same way that I advocate a country as ethnically as possible -a sort of pan-Arabism-. It is clear that Europe, for its own stability, should be composed entirely of whites and native ethnicities for centuries or even millennia.
Based take, and very correct as proven by the graphs & article I cited.
, yhea sure and brittain should've never colonized his country and brought his ancestors there 200 years ago
Not really an argument, everyone in history invaded & conquered.

In fact, the slave trade started because of African leaders selling slaves to Europeans & MENA

Mongols invaded also
Not really an argument
It’s actually a valid argument, since in the reply I made that he quoted, I asked him if he was speaking in a moral sense. My fault for misdirecting the convo with that
It’s actually a valid argument, since in the reply I made that he quoted, I asked him if he was speaking in a moral sense. My fault for misdirecting the convo with that
But how does the fact some slaves, sold to Europeans by African chiefs, who are still part of the black race there due to genotype & pheno mean they should have a right to be there?

I think I was speaking on the fact that it sounded like the usual "muh slavery & colonialism justifies immigration" argument you hear from deranged "leftists"
we live in white men world tbh, if they want ethnics with them they would, if they dont then they wont, theres no reason needed cause its their land. normally it should be that way but uk prez is indian so idk.... its weird situation
Because, these nations developed so much to the point that they allowed for subversions due to their decline.
I was born here to Pakistani parents and agree everyone should’ve stayed in their own lands but it’s too late now. The people pulling the strings wanted the UK, Europe, US, Canada to be multicultural diverse lands which they now are. It’s funny they’re the ones behind your problems but no one ever points the finger at them

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