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Ethnics Have No Business calling themselves Incels



Aug 13, 2024
The (((media))) claims that Inceldom is a white male population group and I unironically agree with it.

In no way, shape, or form should a non-white be able to try to call themselves an Incel, nor allowed in Inceldia.

Being an ethnic in a (((western))) (((white))) country is life on giga easy mode for races that would otherwise not have near the amount of comforts as they do from cucked hard working white folks.

When an ethnic impregnates a foid and she shits out his kid, they are given welfare, cash jobs, their own right to segregate and form (((communities))) that otherwise are allowed to legally discriminate against the single white men (white women ARE NOT included in this). The J media halo effect is place on ethnics at every corner possible allowing the brainwashing of all normies to see an ethnic as superior the white man in morality, status, and eventually genetics.

The only real problems an ethnic would have in (((western))) (((white))) country would be the atricousness of the Western Woman (in general, if she was born here, she's terrible) but even then the ethnic will have the help of J wizard media that promotes ethnics to the top with DEI quotas that MUST be filled. As a minority of whatever race there is already less candidates going for the spot out of the ethnics race so it gets any position with realtive ease.

An Ethnic in a non white (((western))) country will have actual real women available for the ethnic fakecel to actually get a loving girlfriend/wife and will be at a home field advantage growing up in the culture.

From South American hypersexuality and quasi traditionalist culture , to Asian Modesty/Valued it's very easy to find a decent woman compared to the (((western))) cultures. I've seen literal sub 5s with brown baddies all the time because the women are not brainwashed/masculine/as evil.

Finally, Ethnics are incentived to breed in both (((western))) and non Western countries thanks to various charities setup by (((Catholics))) and corporations that allow free food and shelter for ethnics in both fronts to get ethnics to breed while white populations are worked against to go extinct.

When I see forms of ethnics complaining I just genuinely do not understand how they are failing, not do i care.

Long Live Inceldia!
Agree, but would include Asians

Inceldom is a white and asian problem.

Perhaps exceptions can be made for genuine ethnics who happen to be outcast in their racial communities and have a higher than average IQ.

They can be Honorary Incels.
Agree, but would include Asians

Inceldom is a white and asian problem.

Perhaps exceptions can be made for genuine ethnics who happen to be outcast in their racial communities and have a higher than average IQ.

They can be Honorary Incels.
Agreed, good take as always mang
Agree, but would include Asians

Inceldom is a white and asian problem.

Perhaps exceptions can be made for genuine ethnics who happen to be outcast in their racial communities and have a higher than average IQ.

They can be Honorary Incels.


Naw I'll say Asians are Fakecels too

There's a reason why the whole world is trying to go over there too.

Especially in Japan holy shit do Asians/whites need to breed those women so the race don't go extinct
Agree, but would include Asians

Inceldom is a white and asian problem.

Perhaps exceptions can be made for genuine ethnics who happen to be outcast in their racial communities and have a higher than average IQ.

They can be Honorary Incels.

No Norwood genes with High IQ and probably Genghis genes make the Chang a serious threat
The (((media))) claims that Inceldom is a white male population group and I unironically agree with it.

In no way, shape, or form should a non-white be able to try to call themselves an Incel, nor allowed in Inceldia.

Being an ethnic in a (((western))) (((white))) country is life on giga easy mode for races that would otherwise not have near the amount of comforts as they do from cucked hard working white folks.

When an ethnic impregnates a foid and she shits out his kid, they are given welfare, cash jobs, their own right to segregate and form (((communities))) that otherwise are allowed to legally discriminate against the single white men (white women ARE NOT included in this). The J media halo effect is place on ethnics at every corner possible allowing the brainwashing of all normies to see an ethnic as superior the white man in morality, status, and eventually genetics.

The only real problems an ethnic would have in (((western))) (((white))) country would be the atricousness of the Western Woman (in general, if she was born here, she's terrible) but even then the ethnic will have the help of J wizard media that promotes ethnics to the top with DEI quotas that MUST be filled. As a minority of whatever race there is already less candidates going for the spot out of the ethnics race so it gets any position with realtive ease.

An Ethnic in a non white (((western))) country will have actual real women available for the ethnic fakecel to actually get a loving girlfriend/wife and will be at a home field advantage growing up in the culture.

From South American hypersexuality and quasi traditionalist culture , to Asian Modesty/Valued it's very easy to find a decent woman compared to the (((western))) cultures. I've seen literal sub 5s with brown baddies all the time because the women are not brainwashed/masculine/as evil.

Finally, Ethnics are incentived to breed in both (((western))) and non Western countries thanks to various charities setup by (((Catholics))) and corporations that allow free food and shelter for ethnics in both fronts to get ethnics to breed while white populations are worked against to go extinct.

When I see forms of ethnics complaining I just genuinely do not understand how they are failing, not do i care.

Long Live Inceldia!
shut up
Giga cope
Your probably gonna die incel
Still better than being a kike.

Literal choosen child of Lucifer

I know sure as shit you can't be an incel.

We know how y'all EpstienIslandmaxx

You ropin would be the only decent thing you could do for this world, literally.
Still better than being a kike.

Literal choosen child of Lucifer

I know sure as shit you can't be an incel.

We know how y'all EpstienIslandmaxx

You ropin would be the only decent thing you could do for this world, literally.
I still haven’t gotten the invite you right wing nazi retard. How about you send me some crypto so I can pay my bills
I am a Mexicurrycel and life is not that easy especially when autistic. Black"cels" are the fakecels not the 5'1 framelet curries
Agree, but would include Asians

Inceldom is a white and asian problem.

Perhaps exceptions can be made for genuine ethnics who happen to be outcast in their racial communities and have a higher than average IQ.

They can be Honorary Incels.
where would you place hapa truecels like myself and ER under? if inceldom is a primarily white and asian issue then where do their offspring fit into this? We technically belong to neither side and will always remain in a limbo of sorts between our two halves
where would you place hapa truecels like myself and ER under? if inceldom is a primarily white and asian issue then where do their offspring fit into this? We technically belong to neither side and will always remain in a limbo of sorts between our two halves
if I say that inceldom is a white and asian problem and you are a mix of white and asian then you are an ultra-incel ss, like ER

Hapas literally earned their special position in Incelandia thanks to Er.
I am a Mexicurrycel and life is not that easy especially when autistic. Black"cels" are the fakecels not the 5'1 framelet curries
There's 4 ft women in curry land

And they are real women

Blacks are not human they do not even qualify for Inceldom
where would you place hapa truecels like myself and ER under? if inceldom is a primarily white and asian issue then where do their offspring fit into this? We technically belong to neither side and will always remain in a limbo of sorts between our two halves
You don't that's why you're a HAPA fakecel

Fix yourself and get yourself an actual woman not in the West.

Anothere retarded sfcel, who thinks ethnic males ate rewarded in west.

Absolute buffonry, expected from the niggas who believe "le white women" are queens who would never betray their men like that, and must be controlled by "le evil jews".

Just jump into the same trash @BrendioEEE is in and get cucked together
Anothere retarded sfcel, who thinks ethnic males ate rewarded in west.

Absolute buffonry, expected from the niggas who believe "le white women" are queens who would never betray their men like that, and must be controlled by "le evil jews".

Just jump into the same trash @BrendioEEE is in and get cucked together
White women are trash and the reason why the whites are ultimately facing extinction.

SEAmaxxing or LAmaxxing is the future for younger millennial White men to ascend because the Boomers absouletely fucked up white wiminz.

Ethnic women date literal subhumans all the time because they are still real human.

You ethnic Fakecels are just a special kind of incompetent honestly
I suck cock
Whatever you wanna believe nigga.

You can believe the hundreds of experiments, research, and independent dating app experiments made by blackpillers, that proove white men are performing better than ethnic men with same income and height.

Or you can be delusional
Whatever you wanna believe nigga.

You can believe the hundreds of experiments, research, and independent dating app experiments made by blackpillers, that proove white men are performing better than ethnic men with same income and height.

Or you can be delusional
I don't understand how you guys come up with these theories. Being ethnic in the West is a major handicap. Yeah, if you're ethnic in your own ethnic homeland you most likely have decent leverage with the women there but that leverage isn't there in the West. Where do you see average young ethnic men slaying with women in the West?

Inceldom isn't a white guy thing, volceldom is a white guy thing. We've seen too many cases for JBW. An average or ugly white dude can pull some ethnic gal who wouldn't give that ethnic looksmax a chance.
I don't understand how you guys come up with these theories. Being ethnic in the West is a major handicap. Yeah, if you're ethnic in your own ethnic homeland you most likely have decent leverage with the women there but that leverage isn't there in the West. Where do you see average young ethnic men slaying with women in the West?

Inceldom isn't a white guy thing, volceldom is a white guy thing. We've seen too many cases for JBW. An average or ugly white dude can pull some ethnic gal who wouldn't give that ethnic looksmax a chance.

That's Jewish Anti-White propaganda and the ethnic shitskin subhuman does not have a depopulation agenda against it

Whatever the shitskin does, the Jew will give an advantage to it as long as it allows it to ascend.

You animals fuck like animals when it's really straight white men being targeted in every corner.

You're not Incels, you're fucking retarded
Whatever you wanna believe nigga.

You can believe the hundreds of experiments, research, and independent dating app experiments made by blackpillers, that proove white men are performing better than ethnic men with same income and height.

Or you can be delusional

Lol stay mad at the fact youre failing life on easy mode on dating.

You're not being targeted for extinction, you have real women.

You just suck

retarded GrAY thread
GrAYs have no business calling themselves incels
That's Jewish Anti-White propaganda and the ethnic shitskin subhuman does not have a depopulation agenda against it

Whatever the shitskin does, the Jew will give an advantage to it as long as it allows it to ascend.

You animals fuck like animals when it's really straight white men being targeted in every corner.

You're not Incels, you're fucking retarded
Ethnics have a lot of kids if they come from their homeland. If those ethnics were raised in the West they're not having much kids. Most of my male family members in California don't have kids or a history of a girlfriend. They're paying that ethnic tax, there's no Jew funding us.

And again I can pull up cases of JBW, you volcel.
Ethnics have a lot of kids if they come from their homeland. If those ethnics were raised in the West they're not having much kids. Most of my male family members in California don't have kids or a history of a girlfriend. They're paying that ethnic tax, there's no Jew funding us.

And again I can pull up cases of JBW, you volcel.
Ethnics have lots of kids no matter where they are thanks to foreign AIDS

And get off the white mans then shitskin. You never have, or never will produce anything like that White man (not like)

But don't be trying to JBW argue out of it. No depopulation plan for useless shitskins, and yet you still fail.
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