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Serious Ethnic migrant political affiliation and gender ratios cause the western country they are in to turn more incel.

View attachment 371125
Citation please.

>Ethnic families are some of the most traditional
*60% of muslims in the UK vote labour*
Log out, you're done.

Tbh they vote labour but they are still traditional it's not mutually exclusive. They do it because their imams tell them to because of 'Islamophobia' or some shit.
LOL at this stormfag cumskin blaming gender ratios and ethnic voting habits on his inceldom, non whites vote left because cuckservative are hostile you dunce, not because they fucking support LGBHQnonsense.

And i promise you, women are not less selective as the male population declines, they will hold out to their end days with ice cream and sex in the city in their 1 bedroom apartment waiting for chad semen.

Lol at this "if we could only fix the gender ratio s ya see"

You would still be a fucking incel even if the ratio was 1 man for every 5 women.
Non whites vote left. Thats the problem. Of course conservatives are hostile you're not suppose to be here JFL. If you weren't here we could force monogamy and get rid of this issue once and for all.

also I combat the argument of >brooo even if society was 999.9999% female and .00001% male we'd still be incel in my post.
Tbh they vote labour but they are still traditional it's not mutually exclusive. They do it because their imams tell them to because of 'Islamophobia' or some shit.
It is mutually exclusive. These parties are doing the exact opposite of traditionalism. You can't be traditionalist but vote for the party that is anti traditionalist. You are either one or the other.
No because whites would institute a monogamous fascist or far right nation because there's no minority voter base who can tip elections
The political elite is overwhelmingly white and liberal.
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Non whites vote left. Thats the problem. Of course conservatives are hostile you're not suppose to be here JFL. If you weren't here we could force monogamy and get rid of this issue once and for all.

also I combat the argument of >brooo even if society was 999.9999% female and .00001% male we'd still be incel in my post.

It is mutually exclusive. These parties are doing the exact opposite of traditionalism. You can't be traditionalist but vote for the party that is anti traditionalist. You are either one or the other.

Yes you can you just have to be fucking retarded it isn't very difficult. You think this people sit down and think about this shit? The imam at the mosque tells them to vote labour they go vote labour. Half of labour is full of Islamist extremists it might as well be a liberal party on the surface only.
The political is overwhelmingly white and liberal.

they’re not though. 60% of Muslims vote labor. Majorty of nonwhites vote for the Democratic party.
LOL at this stormfag cumskin blaming gender ratios and ethnic voting habits on his inceldom, non whites vote left because cuckservative are hostile you dunce, not because they fucking support LGBHQnonsense.

And i promise you, women are not less selective as the male population declines, they will hold out to their end days with ice cream and sex in the city in their 1 bedroom apartment waiting for chad semen.

Lol at this "if we could only fix the gender ratio s ya see"

You would still be a fucking incel even if the ratio was 1 man for every 5 women.
Negative IQ. Kys GrAYcel.

they’re not though. 60% of Muslims vote labor. Majorty of nonwhites vote for the Democratic party.

I meant to say "political elite". It is very white and very liberal.

As to immigrants supporting liberals: based. If conservatives would purge Stormfags from their parties, they'd be more appealing to ethnics.
I meant to say "political elite". It is very white and very liberal.
The political elite is jewish, not white.

also jfl @ demeaning people who want to keep their race alive. You’re so pathetic. “NOOO YOU CANT WANT THE SURVIVlAL OF YOUR RACE NOOO YOU NEED TO LET PEOPLE WITH AN AVERAGE IQ OF 60 TAKE IT OVER NOOO”
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View attachment 370943
These are the gender ratios of the world. Anything a little suspicious? It's almost like the blue countries are rolling into the red countries en masse...One of the most direct contributors to hypergamy is of course gender ratios. A more male populated area will obviously have more competition and hypergamy. This is by far one of the most direct reasons. It's not that complicated like the elitist plot or media influences or "Conspiracy theories". It's basic math. More men=more competition=more hypergamy. Nonwhites who ruin the gender ratio by going into your country directly cause your inceldom by being more competition and inflating the ratio. Atleast 80% if not 90% of the single migrants going into Europe are men. Women that go to America and especially the EU do so with their families, while males are able to do it by themselves

Inb4 "But women would fuck anything before us"
This is true to an extent for sure. I would know as about 50% of the women in my city identify as LGBTQMentalillness. However, not 100% would. Even if it was 20%, that small percentage would still be single women in the dating market, which would take alot of the "upper crust" of incels out of inceldom.

Another reason is political affiliation. It is no secret and I would even say I don't need to post sources (Although I will) of the political affiliation of minorities and immigrants/migrants specifically. Nonwhites, in the west, vote overwhelmingly progressive. This is usually for their own enrichment, such as more welfare. However, because of their racial tendencies (Racial science) or other reasons they seem to not understand the social consequences of this which directly cause inceldom and a lot of our problems. A lot of new age progressive policies, such as gay rights or hate speech laws or abortion rights or sexual liberation bills were directed by parties who were supported by nonwhites overwhelmingly by equal ratio. These parties are the Democrats, Labour, Socialist parties, the Liberal party and etc.

>Inb4 "NOOO they're gonna let in more migrants who will be based muslims!!!!! We will become based!"
That's what was said about Mexicans coming to America (Because of their hard line roman Catholicism), but look what happened. Same thing will happen, and if it wouldn't have happened the progressive jews wouldn't let them in by the millions.
View attachment 370969

TDLR: Ethnics fuck over western nations and are a main catalyst for the incel problem by supporting progressive policies which promote sexual liberation and inflating the gender ratio.

I don't have time to read now, but I have to say that the map is outdated at least regarding Europe. It was in the news some years ago that it is "raining men" in Europe. Sweden has had more men than females for some time now (even though women greatly outnumber men in old age, the imbalance in prime sexual age (15-35 years) is big and getting worse). Finland follows soon. Since March 2015 (BEFORE THE YOUNG MALE AVALANCHE OF AUTUMN OF 2015) Sweden has had officially more men than women (unofficially longer, because almost all the "paperless" are young men). I remember reading that Switzerland also flipped. Germany not yet (according to the a few years old article), because the WW2 effect still shows in oldest age cohorts like in Russia (affects less and less every year as these cohorts become smaller in total size). Norway has had a male surplus since 2011.

I don't like to talk about total sex ratios, it's the ratio that women want to push. Because it is much more balanced only because women greatly outnumber men in over 65 year olds, and those pensioner women do not typically look for younger men (even when available, because they rather choose to remain celibate) even though their husband died of old age and they became single. But men over 65 still chase younger women while the same age women are mostly asexual or keep to their own age group (and many times look for non-sexual romantic relationships only). So for women of childbearing age, the competition comes also from older, rich/successful men.

My area has over 120 men for 100 women in my age group. And I don't live in a rural remote area from which young women move away, I live in a town whereto young women move to study from the surrounding area. Still the sex ratio is worse than in China, mainly because of the asylum seekers wave in 2015. The autumn of 2015 changed everything here for the worse (for men, women benefitted of course)
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View attachment 371127View attachment 371128View attachment 371132View attachment 371133

As for Eastern Europe, even if you include gender ratio till age 65, its still has more men mostly

View attachment 371135

There's a full list on wikipedia that breaks it down by country and age groups

southwest uk has more females than males?

im express some extreme doubt on that every foid i see when i go out has a bunch of orbiters
One Day All this Racist Cope will get @BummerDrummer the blonde Stacy of his dreams
southwest uk has more females than males?

im express some extreme doubt on that every foid i see when i go out has a bunch of orbiters
can't comment, don't know anything about the area tbh
i can see a dark future coming for us all, we are fucked oh well look on the bright side gentlemen we will always have our right hand to love us when we are lost and alone, god bless my right hand.
i can see a dark future coming for us all, we are fucked oh well look on the bright side gentlemen we will always have our right hand to love us when we are lost and alone, god bless my right hand.

post nut depression and loneliness normally kicks in for me though
Mayos are doing the same with rice countries now. 90% of white immigrants in Asia are male.
Multiculturalism is a cancer on this planet. Notice the west gets the most anti racist shit shoved down its throat. If we were racist there wouldn't be any shit skins in the west, just like China and Russia.

Nigs really are that dumb. And whites really are that spineless.
russia has it's own immigrants, so not really ( and every foreign male fuccs their women )
it is cumskins like you that are killing your own white race not the other way around.

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