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LifeFuel "Escortmaxxing" is Based and is going to save the world



Aug 20, 2023
User: friday-im-in-love.57914 asked me to make my counter point so here it is:

Escort maxing is based

Escort maxing, especially in countries where it's legal and regulated, lets you have sex with a girl of your choice, normally WAY out of your league, almost regardless of your looks. It is the holy grail of incel life-fuels.

Generally as a man you can get richer as you get older (generally), and this doesn't have THAT much to do with your looks (albeit a little). This means that while chad that depends on his looks gets old, wrinkley, bald and disgusting; You who were disgusting to begin with; only go UP in value. Monetary value.

This allows you to bang hot 18 year olds at any age. While chad is called a pedofile for trying to 'date' or 'pick up' 18 year olds on tinder with his looks.
This is a huge advantage that plays out as you get older, that can ONLY exist with escort maxing. Now Chad can escort max as well; But your on far more even playing grounds now where you can fuck her first if you show up in the morning, while without escort maxing you can NEVER fuck her while chad gets to monopolize her.

Some common counter-arguments:
She is only fucking you for the money

As humans you have to understand that women are ALWAYS just fucking you for something. Most of the time it literally is for money or support. Even if we're talking chad on tinder. Subconsciously, but no less truly; They are only interested in him because of the genes he can give their kids. That's it. It is a purely selfish goal. Women can only love their kids unconditionally, they CANNOT love their partner in that way biologically speaking.

Thus fucking a hooker is actually an extremely honest and straightforward way of getting sex with a hot woman.

The woman's life is so easy, she gets paid to just have sex!

Not true; Women don't actually WANT sex. They want commitment. They want sex with chad as a means to get chad to commit, or to get his sperm and get commitment with someone else. But commitment is their biological hard-wiring. Evolutionarily the women that didn't get commitment, gave birth alone and died due to starvation. They are hard-wired for commitment like we're hard-wired for the titty.

So really they give sex; to get money. And when they have sex they throw away any chance of having commitment from an alpha-chad because everybody knows.. alpha chad doesn't 'date' hookers. That's disgusting and brings shame upon him. He can do better than that, and they know it.

So they pay with their ticket to commitment with an alpha chad; they get money in exchange, and you get sex. It's way more fair most other systems.

Bro, what about the diseases!
With a suite of modern medicines you can actually fuck bareback and become impervious to everything except warts.
A stack of anti-biotics for Chlamydia/Syphilis, an anti-HIV retroviral taken immediately after sex, and a HPV vaccine is all you need for 99.99% protection against anything.(except warts).

With these 3, you can bare-back fuck a $2 hooker in the middle of Nigeria and be safe from any STD.. EXCEPT warts. (to my knowledge, and perhaps that will change soon). (Note don't actually do this, you can still die from non-STD diseases like Ebola or someshit; but in a western country your good).

Money is hard man

Money is hard to get, and chad does have an easier time getting it no doubt. But you have a WAAAY better chance of competing with chad by getting money; than competing with chad to get pussy.

Especially if you are currycell/Asiancell in a western country as by default you're pretty likely to completely out-earn most white chads, except the very top of the top. And even then, those chads are usually not escourt maxing so you're not competing with them, they're trying to lockdown alpha-virgin-stacies.
... on opposite day.
stopped reading after this.

(high effort post tho, gj)

It's 100% true.
Look at what non-rich chad looks like in his 40s. Then ask yourself what the reaction would be for that guy to be trying to pick up 18 year old hotties on tinder.


View: https://www.tiktok.com/@melliescl/video/7205684182322892037?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

View: https://i.imgur.com/KwNfSoW.png

This is the fate of 40+ chad, and just ask yourself honestly, what would it be called if this man were to solicit 18 year olds on tinder.

Now understand that in the country I live in (based AUS), I can look like that, and fuck a 4 DIFFERENT 18 year olds any day of the week for $720.
it may sound a lot depending on how wealthy you are in real life; but the very fact i can DO that.. and NOT be called a pedofile... is a testament to the escortPill.

I'm NOT wrong about this.
Escortcelling is a good cope, for those that have the money, and who aren't so uncomfortable with their looks that it's pure humiliation. I would hope that incels who don't do it out of shame or inhibitions overcome those fears and prioritize their own wellbeing, even if that means taking uncomfortable risks.
All that being said
It does nothing to solve the underlying issues men face in modern society.
It does not give men that what most of us want most, a loving partner, a life we could have been proud of, honest affection and shared initmacy.
And it's one more unearned privilege women get to benefit from, just exploit your innate advantage in sexual desirability and make hundreds for an hour of "work". And then complain about it like it was the worst thing ever and you now deserve sympathy for live and all these ugly men basically raped you in these transcations you both agreed on... meanwhile men work way more unpleasent jobs for a fraction of the pay. These women, much like vtubers or therapists, profit of our plight, they sell us an overpriced temporary solutions to a problem society doesn't care to solve at scale. They are not our friends or allies or on out side. If men ever get to live under fair and equal conditions again, many of these women will lose their job. So do trust in that they will oppose anything that actually helps us in the long term.
It does not give men that what most of us want most, a loving partner, a life we could have been proud of, honest affection and shared initmacy.

Almost no one gets this these days.

Women don't get it, they whore themselves out and then get alpha widowed and cheat and hate all men and grow bitter.

Chad doesn't get it, he usually gets STDs from other chads and eventually gets divorce raped when his hair falls out and a richer chad fucks his woman.

The richer chad loses out when he gets divorce raped for half his riches.

Nobody wins.
Escortcelling is a good cope, for those that have the money, and who aren't so uncomfortable with their looks that it's pure humiliation. I would hope that incels who don't do it out of shame or inhibitions overcome those fears and prioritize their own wellbeing, even if that means taking uncomfortable risks.
All that being said
It does nothing to solve the underlying issues men face in modern society.
It does not give men that what most of us want most, a loving partner, a life we could have been proud of, honest affection and shared initmacy.
And it's one more unearned privilege women get to benefit from, just exploit your innate advantage in sexual desirability and make hundreds for an hour of "work". And then complain about it like it was the worst thing ever and you now deserve sympathy for live and all these ugly men basically raped you in these transcations you both agreed on... meanwhile men work way more unpleasent jobs for a fraction of the pay. These women, much like vtubers or therapists, profit of our plight, they sell us an overpriced temporary solutions to a problem society doesn't care to solve at scale. They are not our friends or allies or on out side. If men ever get to live under fair and equal conditions again, many of these women will lose their job. So do trust in that they will oppose anything that actually helps us in the long term.
Best description of escortcelling I've seen.
Almost no one gets this these days.

Women don't get it, they whore themselves out and then get alpha widowed and cheat and hate all men and grow bitter.

Chad doesn't get it, he usually gets STDs from other chads and eventually gets divorce raped when his hair falls out and a richer chad fucks his woman.

The richer chad loses out when he gets divorce raped for half his riches.

Nobody wins.
Women get it, they just dont care because they are mentally unstable children. Chad gets it, obviously. Rich men get it a lot of the time. Honest love and affection are not magical unicorns, it's just someone liking and valuing you enough to stay around and make do with your flaws. Someone around you who enjoys being touched by you. To be close to you. Someone to share your life with. Countless people have that, even if it doesnt last forever or turns out to not be the perfect love. But they get to live it for a time. We don't.
While chad is called a pedofile for trying to 'date' or 'pick up' 18 year olds
Nah, only sub5 can be pedophiles

chad that depends on his looks gets old, wrinkley, bald and disgusting
You are exaggerating, when Chad ages he still looks like a normal person, with typical facial features, Chad wins in every stage

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lNqtUJ37dk

While oldChad reminisces about the old days with his SONS

this happens to escortmaxxer when they get old

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL4FWiQzyxE

And this is what is happening to them today

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@fadihussain13/video/7303138558599056641?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7050841527786554886

It only makes you lose money while getting nothing in return, is a endless cope
in fact you stay in the same place as before : fappingmaxxin until next time

As humans you have to understand that women are ALWAYS just fucking you for something.
every blackpiller/incel/any person with common sense, understand this
But it's pathetic to know that and still give in, for a price
Thus fucking a hooker is actually an extremely honest and straightforward way of getting sex with a hot woman.
Straighforwad way? YES i agree
Extremely honest? idk

"Anyone who f***s with my money, you are more than dead to me."
Again,giving money to someone who hates you
And this is only a low tier chinese whore, imagine how much a high tier escort make

But I understand that escortmaxxing is a "quick and straigh forwad answer" to a biological need, but is a woman game, made to exploit the most basic need of men

I think I'm too high inhib, so it's pure rope fuel for me
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Not true; Women don't actually WANT sex. They want commitment. They want sex with chad as a means to get chad to commit, or to get his sperm and get commitment with someone else. But commitment is their biological hard-wiring. Evolutionarily the women that didn't get commitment, gave birth alone and died due to starvation. They are hard-wired for commitment like we're hard-wired for the titty.

So really they give sex; to get money. And when they have sex they throw away any chance of having commitment from an alpha-chad because everybody knows.. alpha chad doesn't 'date' hookers. That's disgusting and brings shame upon him. He can do better than that, and they know it.

So they pay with their ticket to commitment with an alpha chad; they get money in exchange, and you get sex. It's way more fair most other systems.
I disagree here. Hook up culture is only possible because foids are forgoing looking for commitment and have a dual mating strategy. Cock carousel is a thing.
Escortcelling would be good if it worked in the way you wrote. However, these things make it not good:
• Fake pics. You don't even know who is behind screen.
• Some escorts write information about themselves in a such way, that you can sense very unpleasant or crazy person.
• Possible disgust and rudeness when you meet an escort who doesn't have a patience for ugly, weird or mentally challenged guys.
Women get it, they just dont care because they are mentally unstable children. Chad gets it, obviously. Rich men get it a lot of the time. Honest love and affection are not magical unicorns, it's just someone liking and valuing you enough to stay around and make do with your flaws. Someone around you who enjoys being touched by you. To be close to you. Someone to share your life with. Countless people have that, even if it doesnt last forever or turns out to not be the perfect love. But they get to live it for a time. We don't.
Women get it, Dogs get it, kids get it.

Men don't. Rich, chad whatever. She wants something from you, and the moment that, that's gone. You're gone.
Escortcelling would be good if it worked in the way you wrote. However, these things make it not good:
• Fake pics. You don't even know who is behind screen.
• Some escorts write information about themselves in a such way, that you can sense very unpleasant or crazy person.
• Possible disgust and rudeness when you meet an escort who doesn't have a patience for ugly, weird or mentally challenged guys.
All of those are solved by regulated brothels.

For instance in Australia I can walk into a regulated establishment. Wait in a room for free. Have 7-8 different women of different ages, races, body types walk in, introduce themselves to me, beg/game me to 'pick' them over the other girls (Cos they're paid on commission) and only when I've heard their voice, got their vibe, and decided on which one I want.. I can part with my cash.. go to a nice room in the license's establishment... Fuck her brains out. and if I enjoy it I can come back again. If not I can go to a different shop with a different set of girls.

You want regulation, or move to Aus/Euro/SEA.

Living like this, you can clearly have all the sexual attention you want/need as long as you can afford it. It's $180 for 30 min. (AUD so we're talking maybe 110USD).

Infact some simple calculations show you can fuck a different 18 year old every day until you die if you can amass 1.3M. Which is a lot.. but fucking a different 18 year old every day is a lot too, way more that chad can even fathom. And we're talking no talk, strauight to fuck. or you can talk if you want. Wheras chad is FORCED to 'date' and "swipe" and "buy her dinner" and deal with "playing hard to get".
I disagree here. Hook up culture is only possible because foids are forgoing looking for commitment and have a dual mating strategy. Cock carousel is a thing.
You're misunderstanding the female perspective.

She is on dating apps to find a man she's attracted to, to commit to her. That's her main goal. If the alpha fucks her and leaves (possibly leaves her pregnant) then she engages strategy#2 as a fallback plan to grab something to raise the kid.
But her GOAL is to get chad.

The problem is she can never get chad to commit to her;
You're misunderstanding the female perspective.

She is on dating apps to find a man she's attracted to, to commit to her. That's her main goal. If the alpha fucks her and leaves (possibly leaves her pregnant) then she engages strategy#2 as a fallback plan to grab something to raise the kid.
But her GOAL is to get chad.

The problem is she can never get chad to commit to her;
But they knowingly and willingly engage in casual sex and cock carousel. They even have names for this: finding herself, traveling, explore possibilities...
I agree.

Escortmaxxing is not for all incels, but it's a good source of lifefuel for many. Literally the only way not to die a virgin. That's something.
but is a woman game, made to exploit the most basic need of men

I disagree with. It introduces raw capitalism into sexual market dynamics. And for once capitalism actually makes it BETTER because the reality is even worse.

The problem I think is you're viewing foids as human. If you view them as simple sex vending machines. Suddenly it makes it all better. Here we have a ultra life-like fuckbody that you can access for a set fee of $100~.
If that price is too high, at which point you need to be arguing to increase the supply; (more hookers)...

Forget about what SHE gets from it, She's an object. What do YOU get from it, and at what price.
You get the opportunity to fuck an 18 year old hottie, at a fair price (in a regulated country).
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I don't want random mangled stretched-out pussy with traces of thousands of other men's semen. I am basically being exploited given such a shitty deal for, what, usually quite a lot of fucking money.
That does not satisfy my biological urge to procreate, nor does it make me feel any better about myself. I want connection and proper hormonal regulation. This means being kissed, cuddled, actually feeling loved; rather than paying for soggy used-up cunts that will never love me back.
Although being an incel, that ideal is still unnatainable. Still, I would rather remain celibate than go around fucking escorts and wasting money.
cucked and she doesnt want commitment, they swing from chad to chad, that's hypergamy you're denying right there
I think I'm too high inhib, so it's pure rope fuel for me
Think you owe it to yourself to overcome these at least once to see for yourself how you feel about it after actually having experienced the real thing, instead of just going through it in your head.

I would advise taking someone a bit older and/or caring, if you can find such a whore. A young, barely legal super hot foid won't have an ounce of understanding for your situation.

Worst case you get one more bad memory to haunt you at night (except if you life in the usa, then I guess the worst case is getting arrested). Best case you unlock a new cope which increases your quality of life by a noticeable amount.

Letting women exploit us is shit, but having incels suffer less is more important to me than reducing the client numbers for whores by a very slight amount. Your getting exploited, but if you know that, once you have overcome your inhibitions, you can make use of that awareness and aggressively demand what you want, take joy in dominating someone who doesnt really like you. Almost like a rape-roleplay session.
Think you owe it to yourself to overcome these at least once to see for yourself how you feel about it after actually having experienced the real thing, instead of just going through it in your head.

I would advise taking someone a bit older and/or caring, if you can find such a whore. A young, barely legal super hot foid won't have an ounce of understanding for your situation.
thanks for the advice brocel
I will consider it in the future (if i ever escape this shithole where i live)
High IQ. Keep debunking these moralcucks that think escortmaxxing is bad.
Almost no one gets this these days.

Women don't get it, they whore themselves out and then get alpha widowed and cheat and hate all men and grow bitter.

Chad doesn't get it, he usually gets STDs from other chads and eventually gets divorce raped when his hair falls out and a richer chad fucks his woman.

The richer chad loses out when he gets divorce raped for half his riches.

Nobody wins.
Except Jews
User: friday-im-in-love.57914 asked me to make my counter point so here it is:

Escort maxing is based

Escort maxing, especially in countries where it's legal and regulated, lets you have sex with a girl of your choice, normally WAY out of your league, almost regardless of your looks. It is the holy grail of incel life-fuels.

Generally as a man you can get richer as you get older (generally), and this doesn't have THAT much to do with your looks (albeit a little). This means that while chad that depends on his looks gets old, wrinkley, bald and disgusting; You who were disgusting to begin with; only go UP in value. Monetary value.

This allows you to bang hot 18 year olds at any age. While chad is called a pedofile for trying to 'date' or 'pick up' 18 year olds on tinder with his looks.
This is a huge advantage that plays out as you get older, that can ONLY exist with escort maxing. Now Chad can escort max as well; But your on far more even playing grounds now where you can fuck her first if you show up in the morning, while without escort maxing you can NEVER fuck her while chad gets to monopolize her.

Some common counter-arguments:

As humans you have to understand that women are ALWAYS just fucking you for something. Most of the time it literally is for money or support. Even if we're talking chad on tinder. Subconsciously, but no less truly; They are only interested in him because of the genes he can give their kids. That's it. It is a purely selfish goal. Women can only love their kids unconditionally, they CANNOT love their partner in that way biologically speaking.

Thus fucking a hooker is actually an extremely honest and straightforward way of getting sex with a hot woman.

Not true; Women don't actually WANT sex. They want commitment. They want sex with chad as a means to get chad to commit, or to get his sperm and get commitment with someone else. But commitment is their biological hard-wiring. Evolutionarily the women that didn't get commitment, gave birth alone and died due to starvation. They are hard-wired for commitment like we're hard-wired for the titty.

So really they give sex; to get money. And when they have sex they throw away any chance of having commitment from an alpha-chad because everybody knows.. alpha chad doesn't 'date' hookers. That's disgusting and brings shame upon him. He can do better than that, and they know it.

So they pay with their ticket to commitment with an alpha chad; they get money in exchange, and you get sex. It's way more fair most other systems.

With a suite of modern medicines you can actually fuck bareback and become impervious to everything except warts.
A stack of anti-biotics for Chlamydia/Syphilis, an anti-HIV retroviral taken immediately after sex, and a HPV vaccine is all you need for 99.99% protection against anything.(except warts).

With these 3, you can bare-back fuck a $2 hooker in the middle of Nigeria and be safe from any STD.. EXCEPT warts. (to my knowledge, and perhaps that will change soon). (Note don't actually do this, you can still die from non-STD diseases like Ebola or someshit; but in a western country your good).

Money is hard to get, and chad does have an easier time getting it no doubt. But you have a WAAAY better chance of competing with chad by getting money; than competing with chad to get pussy.

Especially if you are currycell/Asiancell in a western country as by default you're pretty likely to completely out-earn most white chads, except the very top of the top. And even then, those chads are usually not escourt maxing so you're not competing with them, they're trying to lockdown alpha-virgin-stacies.
Netherlands has a law for trucels where they can get two hookers a day or week or something
It's 100% true.
Look at what non-rich chad looks like in his 40s. Then ask yourself what the reaction would be for that guy to be trying to pick up 18 year old hotties on tinder.


View: https://www.tiktok.com/@melliescl/video/7205684182322892037?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

View: https://i.imgur.com/KwNfSoW.png

This is the fate of 40+ chad, and just ask yourself honestly, what would it be called if this man were to solicit 18 year olds on tinder.

Now understand that in the country I live in (based AUS), I can look like that, and fuck a 4 DIFFERENT 18 year olds any day of the week for $720.
it may sound a lot depending on how wealthy you are in real life; but the very fact i can DO that.. and NOT be called a pedofile... is a testament to the escortPill.

I'm NOT wrong about this.

Real chads don't age like that lol. Not at 40 for sure.

You definitely won't see this today
Escortmaxxing is DEAD and replaced by OnlyStacies who are being bankrolled by the SIMPSons.
Escortmaxxing is DEAD and replaced by OnlyStacies who are being bankrolled by the SIMPSons.

This is not going to save the world. This isn't even likely to save 50 people. Soon escorts will demand the best of the best. Hypergamy will poison them too.

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