I have never tried a sex doll but I can give you some pros and cons of prostitutes.
She will have sex with you
Usually complete sluts
Allows you to practice intimate contact
Lowers inhib
Removes fear of foids, sex and rejection
She wants your money
She wants all of your money
She wants all the money of the guy sitting next to you too
She knows the truth about hypergamy and incels and makes a living exploiting this knowledge
She will fuck Chad for free
Will always frame herself as victim
Much more accustomed to fakery and deception than normies
The exciting part for her is to see how much she can gain. Money, gifts, drinks ECT.
She will want to make it quick so she can move on to the next customer
If you fall for a prostitute and she plays along you will end up supporting her, her bastard children, her parents and her friends alcohol addiction
Cucking is her lifestyle