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ER ordering his last meal



I'm not black I'm O. J.
Apr 6, 2020

This image goes hard
At starbucks.

Really ER was a moron. He could've got a gf. But he aimed for high-tier stacy level pussy and, of course, got rejected. If ER was blackpilled 10 years ago then that whole mess wouldn't have happened.
At starbucks.

Really ER was a moron. He could've got a gf. But he aimed for high-tier stacy level pussy and, of course, got rejected. If ER was blackpilled 10 years ago then that whole mess wouldn't have happened.
how did yk its starbucks?
it's kinda comedic, the look on his face, the foid in front of him
one last taste of irony
ER's the last supper
Looking at that fucker in that pic I know he could've gotten a short, chubby, and nerdy low tier white, latina, or asian becky. I'm not saying it would be easy for him since he's still feminine looking as fuck but eventually he could have gotten one.

Especially if he packed on 20-25+ lbs of muscle. It takes time but its possible with the right heavy compound lifts (like squat, deadlift, shoulder press etc... and dieting).

A full blooded 5'7 asian dude can't say the same.
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May he slay those 72 virgins up in the sky
You can see it on his face he knew he was going to change the world for the bettER
At starbucks.

Really ER was a moron. He could've got a gf. But he aimed for high-tier stacy level pussy and, of course, got rejected. If ER was blackpilled 10 years ago then that whole mess wouldn't have happened.
He never seemingly approached a single girl in his life, at least in his manifesto he only complains about how hes getting ignored but not that he actually EVER made any moves.

It really appeared he thought some top Model rich girl would out of nowhere settle for him. It was before Dating Apps and Wokeism too lol. He had options unlike most of us.
I am going to duplicate tf out of that image
she was blonde :horror:. If only she were a brunette. he'd put off his day of retribution.
At starbucks.

Really ER was a moron. He could've got a gf. But he aimed for high-tier stacy level pussy and, of course, got rejected. If ER was blackpilled 10 years ago then that whole mess wouldn't have happened.
Exactly while I look up to what he did (in gta v), he is no figure to be worshipped
At starbucks.

Really ER was a moron. He could've got a gf. But he aimed for high-tier stacy level pussy and, of course, got rejected. If ER was blackpilled 10 years ago then that whole mess wouldn't have happened.
How do you think he would have got a gf? Even low tier beckies don't want a 4/10 facially manlet with autism like him
Looking at that fucker in that pic I know he could've gotten a short, chubby, and nerdy low tier white, latina, or asian becky. I'm not saying it would be easy for him since he's still feminine looking as fuck but eventually he could have gotten one.

Especially if he packed on 20-25+ lbs of muscle. It takes time but its possible with the right heavy compound lifts (like squat, deadlift, shoulder press etc... and dieting).

A full blooded 5'7 asian dude can't say the same.
If you take into account his wealth and status he could've bagged any Latina or Asian htb
How do you think he would have got a gf? Even low tier beckies don't want a 4/10 facially manlet with autism like him
He could have gotten a gf but I just think he was not ok with being a manlet and probably dicklet overall, that shit is undermining for you as a man, he prob experienced it early on and lost his mind.
He could have gotten a gf but I just think he was not ok with being a manlet and probably dicklet overall, that shit is undermining for you as a man, he prob experienced it early on and lost his mind.
He likely exaggerated his height too lol
He could have gotten a gf but I just think he was not ok with being a manlet and probably dicklet overall, that shit is undermining for you as a man, he prob experienced it early on and lost his mind.
Yeah, I could believe he would feel emasculated by manlet status and small dick. Still though, I don't think he could have got a gf, because I have similar face and am also autistic like him, but much taller and I never could get anywhere with girls. Maybe he stood more of a chance back in 2014 though before dating apps were mainstream
He likely exaggerated his height too lol
from pics ive seen he looks manlet af, his face is really good plus he has a father in hollywood, girls would've easily dated him but he prob asked stacies only and got rejected and went ER, it's his height and dick that bothered him most probably because like I said it's undermining as fuck
He was far from 4/10, anywhere between ltn-mtn
4/10 was pretty accurate with his weak jaw and narrow shoulders combined with short height. Combine that with his Asperger's, and his smv was basically zero. Even the blackpill YouTuber Rehab Room agrees on that
Yeah, I could believe he would feel emasculated by manlet status and small dick. Still though, I don't think he could have got a gf, because I have similar face and am also autistic like him, but much taller and I never could get anywhere with girls. Maybe he stood more of a chance back in 2014 though before dating apps were mainstream
But his dad was rich and he was statushaloed he couldd've easily been one of those hollywood rich white guy fuck boy types, and could've gotten a rs too, I think he was just fucked up and mentalcel on top of all I said.
but looks wise and also status he was set which is my point
But his dad was rich and he was statushaloed he couldd've easily been one of those hollywood rich white guy fuck boy types, and could've gotten a rs too, I think he was just fucked up and mentalcel on top of all I said.
but looks wise and also status he was set which is my point
I heard that at one pint his dad couldn't even pay for ER's car insurance for a while, lol. They might have had some status, but I don't think they were super rich. ER was definitely ruined by his autism though, as is the case with me.
I'm just realising ER had a big head that's kinda unproportional with the rest of his body. I have the same thing. And we both have PDD-NOS. Wtf we're so alike
Yeah, I could believe he would feel emasculated by manlet status and small dick. Still though, I don't think he could have got a gf, because I have similar face and am also autistic like him, but much taller and I never could get anywhere with girls. Maybe he stood more of a chance back in 2014 though before dating apps were mainstream
How tall
I believe Elliot Rodger was too emotionally damaged by life to approach females, because, in his manifesto, he wrote about him being bullied a lot and being a loner.
I heard that at one pint his dad couldn't even pay for ER's car insurance for a while, lol. They might have had some status, but I don't think they were super rich. ER was definitely ruined by his autism though, as is the case with me.
It doesn't matter really, he was walking on red carpets and shit his step mom was an international actress, he had statushalo big time, he could've easily swooned pussy using that but nah
he was truly a good representative case of mentalcel, not sure if it's autism but def messed up as he had multiple therapists at an early age jfl
6'0", but I have super narrow clavicles that make me look bad and I have terriby body proportions. I have a short torso and very long legs.
It doesn't matter really, he was walking on red carpets and shit his step mom was an international actress, he had statushalo big time, he could've easily swooned pussy using that but nah
he was truly a good representative case of mentalcel, not sure if it's autism but def messed up as he had multiple therapists at an early age jfl
Yeah he was definitely a mentalcel. Average or below average looks + autism = over. Only chad can get away with being a shy autist
At starbucks.

Really ER was a moron. He could've got a gf. But he aimed for high-tier stacy level pussy and, of course, got rejected. If ER was blackpilled 10 years ago then that whole mess wouldn't have happened.
@The Darkcel
How do you think he would have got a gf? Even low tier beckies don't want a 4/10 facially manlet with autism like him
He had money and a car, was in college at a time before Wokeism got global and everyone was only on their phone with their Apple airpods.

He should have gymmaxxed more.

In his manifesto he wrote that up to 8th grade girls "found me cute" only then He got shadowed because he was 5'7 and spend most of his teens rotting at home playing games, similar to me btw.

He was a Millenial who still had the chances: No SM, No Internet, No AI, No Neo Liberalism - he even had 2 close friends.

Unlike Modern Man he didnt even want to settle for any girl. He wanted 8+ Stacy and refered to his dream girl as "young, blonde, blue eyed with big tits" he didnt even think about Seamaxxing or approaching anything else but Blondes.

Furthermore he was so bluepilled that before he did his amok run he belived that if he through some miracle became rich girls would spawn into his life and people that bullied him 10 years prior would be envy - like I can tell you 95% of the people that knew him 10 years prior didnt even remember him nor would they care about a dude whos just rich from the lottery.

I mean, who besides Ex friends, from 10 years ago would even remember me? I quite literally only know the names of like 7 people from like 8th grade.

If I look at old class photos I can point out the names of maybe 1/3 of these people.
Supreme energy
At starbucks.

Really ER was a moron. He could've got a gf. But he aimed for high-tier stacy level pussy and, of course, got rejected. If ER was blackpilled 10 years ago then that whole mess wouldn't have happened.
Supreme Latte
How do you think he would have got a gf? Even low tier beckies don't want a 4/10 facially manlet with autism like him
Comp sci chicks. The one's on the heavy side. Or autistics. He should've looked if his university had any anime or star wars club, something like that. Freshman girl in that, low confidence, just trying to fit in + plus him being a LTN, he could've got some
Comp sci chicks. The one's on the heavy side. Or autistics. He should've looked if his university had any anime or star wars club, something like that. Freshman girl in that, low confidence, just trying to fit in + plus him being a LTN, he could've got some
Perhaps that might have worked
Comp sci chicks. The one's on the heavy side. Or autistics. He should've looked if his university had any anime or star wars club, something like that. Freshman girl in that, low confidence, just trying to fit in + plus him being a LTN, he could've got some
Even me as an incel wouldnt go down to that level and try my hardest to bag an ltb landwhale, and ER was 10x more narcy than me
It doesn't matter really, he was walking on red carpets and shit his step mom was an international actress, he had statushalo big time, he could've easily swooned pussy using that but nah
he was truly a good representative case of mentalcel, not sure if it's autism but def messed up as he had multiple therapists at an early age jfl
Being an extremely low level nepo baby is nothing. I’m genuinely shocked at how many people in this thread have taken the assertion that ER had “status halo” at face value. No one gives a shit that your father did unglamorous grunt work for Hollywood productions. His stepmom is a nobody, for actors in particular the fall off from “A-lister” to “no one knows or gives a fuck who you are” is insanely steep. The fact that he got dragged to a few Hollywood events on account of these circumstances did not help him. Normies are completely unimpressed and have no reason to give a shit unless your parents are A-list actors that they actually recognize from capeshit movies. Furthermore every college student in Santa Barbara has a similar background to ER by default
Being an extremely low level nepo baby is nothing. I’m genuinely shocked at how many people in this thread have taken the assertion that ER had “status halo” at face value. No one gives a shit that your father did unglamorous grunt work for Hollywood productions. His stepmom is a nobody, for actors in particular the fall off from “A-lister” to “no one knows or gives a fuck who you are” is insanely steep. The fact that he got dragged to a few Hollywood events on account of these circumstances did not help him. Normies are completely unimpressed and have no reason to give a shit unless your parents are A-list actors that they actually recognize from capeshit movies. Furthermore every college student in Santa Barbara has a similar background to ER by default
he could slay off looks alone, the status halo is just a plus, it doesn't matter if your parents were C list or what, just lie and say they're in showbiz jfl
brootal, that fucking blonde foid heightmogs him.
he could slay off looks alone, the status halo is just a plus, it doesn't matter if your parents were C list or what, just lie and say they're in showbiz jfl
You could lie and say your parents are in showbiz too. No one would give a fuck. The problem is not just that the lie immediately falls apart the moment you are interrogated about it but no one gives a shit in the first place unless you actually present them with something impressive like your dad being Ryan Gosling

I exclusively discussed the status component in my reply as there is actual room for discussion there whereas discussions on ER’s looks were completely saturated years ago. There’s no return on investment in explaining the groundbreaking revelation that a short baby faced autistic hapa was actually a subhuman to people who are simply wrong and misinformed as they lack proficiency in evaluating male looks and mistake their lack of understanding for profound insight

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