Eastern Europe will likely be the last refuge of the white man. The alt-right is to the white man what liberalism is to the ethnic man.
Bare in mind banking families run entire nations, and their rigged fucking governments. I'm fixing to drop some serious black pills here. The culture creation industry based out of Hollywood zionists have long been planning American and western culture from corporate boardrooms, going back generations. This goes just as much for "counter cultures" as it does for mainstream.
Both left and right are propelled by gynocentric, anti-male ideologies. Liberal feminism, or post-suffrage (gynocentric) traditionalism (as opposed to patriarchal traditionalism which makes more since). Nationalism (generally civic nationalism, which correlates to white nationalism since we settled the west) and Socialism are also left/right counterparts, as roads to authoritarianism.
America and England funded the rise of the USSR, the "cold war" was fake. It was actually a war on the minds of the people, of both systems/nations. Now back during the 60's, in America, the conservatives were the mainstream and the liberals were the counter culture (hippy movement) which fostered in feminism, the sexual revolution, and degeneracy. Liberals would further promote Darwinism to push the concept of eugenics.
Scratch forward to today, liberals have now went mainstream, tattoos, piercings, and green mohawks aren't edgy anymore, in fact old ass women are even doing it now. The alt-right is the new counter culture. And like with liberalism, it promotes eugenics and degeneracy, through such crap like PUA, "neo-masculinity" rigid reinforcement of male hierarchy, and eugenics in the name of race nationalism.... Often times too it attracts the trailer park crowd.... Hell just listen to Jordan Peterson's talk about "why games are necessary in a relationship" (isn't that PRECISELY one of the things that destroyed relationships? And lead to the breakdown of families? because of foids being addicted to drama?) Yeah, I can surely see how that will lead to strong families (NOT!). They claim to fight degeneracy but are in fact just as degenerate as the libtards.
What these counter culture movements do, is they push nihilism and degeneracy, because the further you erode peoples' moral compass, the easier it becomes to dumb them down to such a level they become incapable of being independent. And then they must rely on big government. Democraps and republicans, commies and capitalists, it's all 2 sides of the same system in the end.
Liberals racebait blacks, republicans racebait whites. Example here, libtard protesters go stirring shit up, police are ordered to stand down.... Trump gets elected in, and pushes legislation against protesters, majority of whites and/or republicans automatically approve it. Now what they weren't paying attention too, is these protesters have already been ordered to stand down to the PC mafia before. So whose this legislation more likely to be used against, BLM or them, the very white republicans who approved it?
Overall point, democrats are the plantation for ethnics, republicans are the plantation for the whites. History is replaying itself in reverse.