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Toxic Femininity Entire family bails & divorce pending due to betabuxx making less money



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1bol7a8/aita_wanting_a_divorce_with_my_wife_after_she/

2024 03 27 02 01 51 AITA wanting a divorce with my Wife after she neglected me for months and

This scenario literally happened to my own father and my uncle (who killed himself). I remember a time when my own dad had a bout with unemployment, and my mom just hated him more, even me and my sister lost all respect for him. There's a reason why finances are the leading cause of divorce. While we never went broke, the situation meant my mom became the breadwinner, and my dad had to take on a more parental role- and my dad had no shame about this gender role switcheroo (the way he saw it, he earned his keep since he did earn more, when he did work). Looking back, my mom probably resented this a lot. If he just stayed employed they probably could have afforded to move to a much nicer home, than live in their semi hoarder situation now.

I think my reverse gender role household really fucked with my development, because I had no concept of masculinity, or have even made the connection that you need to be masculine to have respect, till I was in my late twenties. And by then, it was too late to make a difference. I learned how to be a weak loser from my father. Come to think about it, lack of understanding about masculinity and it's affect on your standing on the world probably explains a lot about redditor behavior and morality right there.

Also the fact that he was unemployed, and kind of felt a sudden lack of overall respect for the world probably led him to be less incentivized to even work at all from the trauma of it. This is exactly what went on in this post
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even if i ascend i would never get married especially to a white bitch
My first child (my son) and my second eldest (my daughter) started following suit.
imagine his frustration if he finds out it's not his biological chidden :lul:
Fucking brutal but all too common sadly
The post checks out for me factually. Tech layoffs and the laid-off having to take jobs with pay cuts is standard these days. Nothing fake to me in that post IMO
If you cannot get a woman when you're unemployed but can when you have a job, better just pump and dump. Foids should be responsible of themselves and buy their luxuries on their own as they are the ones who get the well paid and relaxed jobs easily. Get a job is a retarded advice for incels. Someone just bragged outside of .is that his girlfriend pays pretty much everything for him including weed and she's with him just because he's attractive, 189cm and has a big dick. Chads get away for being true manchilds.
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If you cannot get a woman when you're unemployed but can when you have a job, better just pump and dump. Foids should be responsible of themselves and buy their luxuries on their own as they are the ones who get the well paid and relaxed jobs easily. Get a job is a retarded advice for incels. Someone just bragged outside of .is that his girlfriend pays pretty much everything for him including weed and she's with him just because he's attractive, 189cm and has a big dick. Chads get away for being true manchilds.
no shit.

Chad to me, is less about being good looking for the sake of it, it's more about having power in an genuine and sustainable way so you can get away with abuse. Abuse is easier with good bones and a rockstar persona than it is to have stacks of cash.
Yup, your only value as a man is what you bring financially. Women don't love men. They don't have the capability to do it.
Yup, your only value as a man is what you bring financially. Women don't love men. They don't have the capability to do it.
the idea of a woman loving a man is as absurd as Gallagher smashing watermelons
redditors always love writing extra big ass paragraphs
I met my wife 20 years ago and we’ve been married for 15 years.
This was all I needed to read. Fuck man, there really is no hope in our society, where marriage even for this long means absolutely nothing. No wonder things like alimony and no-fault divorce didn’t exist for the vast majority of human history. It was necessary (and common sense) to have negative consequences to divorce instead of the woman getting basically rewarded for it. Without marriage being strongly binding, women just exploit and abuse it.
If you cannot get a woman when you're unemployed but can when you have a job, better just pump and dump. Foids should be responsible of themselves and buy their luxuries on their own as they are the ones who get the well paid and relaxed jobs easily. Get a job is a retarded advice for incels. Someone just bragged outside of .is that his girlfriend pays pretty much everything for him including weed and she's with him just because he's attractive, 189cm and has a big dick. Chads get away for being true manchilds.
Since men are no longer head of the household, there is no reason to marry.
Serves him right
brutal ATM pill

This is why if you plan to become a betabuxx (like me), you have to grow a spine.

He did the right thing by immediately filing for divorce.

with his new job aligned he can find a better younger and bubbly woman to have fun with.

But the problem is alimony gona be a bitch and his kids are too young. If they were 18 that would have been the perfect scenario for a divorce well done.
Yup, your only value as an ugly or short man is what you bring financially. Women don't love ugly and short men. They don't have the capability to do it.
Fixed it for you. Women love Chad, and they'll betabux for him, too. Seen it happen IRL so many times. But if you're ugly or short? Nope, only way to get female companionship is to BUY it via betabuxing, and she'll never actually love you or enjoy the sex.
I actually have an interview with another company planned for next week. I didn’t want to give my wife any false hopes so I didn’t tell her anything. If I got the job, I wanted it to be a surprise. I don’t feel like even attending the interview anymore. For whom am I doing any of this anymore?

His story is very sad, i hope he do not rope, get a better job and find a new wife, now that he understand that all he can have is a gold digger, at least he will now what wait for him outside of his current couple life
Fixed it for you. Women love Chad, and they'll betabux for him, too. Seen it happen IRL so many times. But if you're ugly or short? Nope, only way to get female companionship is to BUY it via betabuxing, and she'll never actually love you or enjoy the sex.
True, women i love with chads would be ready to prostitute themself, do porn, onlyfans just for him...I hate this world really i do.
Married = cucked.
the only ways the laws would change would be if more divorced dudes started putting bullets in the heads of these women, but as we know these cucks would rather kill themselves.
"its not real, its rage bait for incels!!" :soy: :soy:

these bitches always try to make their gender look like saints :feelskek: A woman using a man for his money? Nah, that's obviously fake and rage bait
Found the typical reddit misandrist virgin.
betabuxx cuckery is true across all races.
Not that much in mainland curries. Wife beating and marital rape can strengthen a relationship
imagine being a Hard Male workER , just for you to be Divorced because you refuse to be a Spineless Working Shit . :feelskek:
Post was deleted, here it is

I'm sure this is a reddit LARP, but if that were true and I was in his place I'd pack it up and become a deadbeat dad 100%

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