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Elliot Rogers is a horrid figure to represent the incel community. Unabomber (Ted K) should be our true role model as a community



Oct 28, 2021
Elliot just went a shot up a bunch of fellow gookcels, didn’t even help contribute to the blackpill movement.

Actually, by drinking Starbucks all the time he technically was supporting the bluepill kike infested corporate capitalist complex.

Ted on the other hand is purely based on reality.

He realizes no one individual demographic (foids, kikes, bluepillers, cucks, simps, etc) has caused modern day inceldom. Rather it’s a caused by the collection of these minorities and society itself.

He realizes, ITS OVER. Society realistically cannot be changed or reverted back to how it once was. The only true option Is anarchy and a hard reset on human civilization.

Opting to live in the deep woods, not partaking in the military industrial complex, and being a self sufficient criminal living off the grid, are the only realistic solutions to being a wage slave pawn, KHHV incel

Fuck Elliot. Average soy gook blue puller. Ted is a true blackpiller who sees that society has no good future and needs to be squashed and perished ASAP
lepine and cho mogs
Elliot was bound to commit a mass shooting sooner or later.

Crazy son of a bitch thought he was destined to win the lottery.
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Elliot just went a shot up a bunch of fellow gookcels, didn’t even help contribute to the blackpill movement.

Actually, by drinking Starbucks all the time he technically was supporting the bluepill kike infested corporate capitalist complex.

Ted on the other hand is purely based on reality.

He realizes no one individual demographic (foids, kikes, bluepillers, cucks, simps, etc) has caused modern day inceldom. Rather it’s a caused by the collection of these minorities and society itself.

He realizes, ITS OVER. Society realistically cannot be changed or reverted back to how it once was. The only true option Is anarchy and a hard reset on human civilization.

Opting to live in the deep woods, not partaking in the military industrial complex, and being a self sufficient criminal living off the grid, are the only realistic solutions to being a wage slave pawn, KHHV incel

Fuck Elliot. Average soy gook blue puller. Ted is a true blackpiller who sees that society has no good future and needs to be squashed and perished ASAP
Hitler should be our mascot!!!! :feelsaww: If he succeeded everyone would be cool and we wouldnt have any differences anymore, He wanted the best genes for humanity!
Always thought elliot was 2 edgy young and cringey 2 represent us. He wasnt even versed in the blackpill
2023 06 30 08 42 53 Elliot Rodger Photos   Google Search  Mozilla Firefox




I kind of agree, someone like bratty rich kid Elliot Rodger cannot just represent entire incel community, it must be someone really really based like Ted K, although no denying that whatever Elliot Rodger did was not commendable.
Or perhaps we should choose a fictional character depicting violence against women and chads like pepe and make it our symbol.
Ted knew that the system is rotten, he was tortured and exprimented by the j00s with their MK-Ultr@ program.

He knew that the industrial revolution is a hoax and most modren technology insted of going with nature, like it was before it, went against nature and humanity.

And those that defend the revolution, need to know that its one of the main reasons we are Incels.
This was a great post until intellau went schizo on it
CHO is the best. No annoying commentary just straight to business
Always thought elliot was 2 edgy young and cringey 2 represent us. He wasnt even versed in the blackpill
he was rash and hot headed. also far from incel and is now worshipped by edgy foids. even associating with anything that fucker enjoyed makes my skin crawl. if i had a time machine i would slit his throat in gta and stuff him in his shitty car trunk

Ted is more highiq and less narcissistic so I support the motion
I love the detail that youve noticed too he will reply so close to the theme of the post in the wierdest way
Reminds me of when chatbots fuck up. But weirder.
Elliot just went a shot up a bunch of fellow gookcels, didn’t even help contribute to the blackpill movement.

Actually, by drinking Starbucks all the time he technically was supporting the bluepill kike infested corporate capitalist complex.

Ted on the other hand is purely based on reality.

He realizes no one individual demographic (foids, kikes, bluepillers, cucks, simps, etc) has caused modern day inceldom. Rather it’s a caused by the collection of these minorities and society itself.

He realizes, ITS OVER. Society realistically cannot be changed or reverted back to how it once was. The only true option Is anarchy and a hard reset on human civilization.

Opting to live in the deep woods, not partaking in the military industrial complex, and being a self sufficient criminal living off the grid, are the only realistic solutions to being a wage slave pawn, KHHV incel

Fuck Elliot. Average soy gook blue puller. Ted is a true blackpiller who sees that society has no good future and needs to be squashed and perished ASAP
Not to break with tradition but have we considered selecting someone who's not a violent criminal to represent us? For marketing purposes?
I think Wilkes Mcdermid represented far better the plight of normal man, a truecel, he had no spite inside of him, like the average man, he knew he just got a shit hand and quit the game.

Its a shame not many people know him because he far better represents 98% incels.
I think Wilkes Mcdermid represented far better the plight of normal man, a truecel, he had no spite inside of him, like the average man, he knew he just got a shit hand and quit the game.

Its a shame not many people know him because he far better represents 98% incels.
Think some fictional character would have been even better. Can't harm anyone, is already well-known, will have his plight depicted from a sympathetic perspective. Doesn't age, doesn't die, doesn't ascend, doesn't sell out everyone for a bit of pussy or media attention. Not sure who though.
Not to break with tradition but have we considered selecting someone who's not a violent criminal to represent us? For marketing purposes?
No. Violence is the only solution and therefore domestic terrorists who fight against the bluepill kike industrial-military complex should be our first choice for a figure head
No. Violence is the only solution and therefore domestic terrorists who fight against the bluepill kike industrial-military complex should be our first choice for a figure head
Has someone tried imaging what it look like to win? As in, what steps are required to move from "we are hated, lied to and about, nobody cares about our suffering and the unfairness of our situation" to a better place? Do you think making it all about violent upheaval and 'the jews' is more of a winning or a losing move?

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