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Elliot Rodgers was a narcissistic retarded piece of shit



ded srs
Nov 8, 2017
I am glad he turned into a meme tbh.


This retard just had to get a chin surgery in order to get laid. Also he is a rich so he could afford that, how fucking retarded is he?
Unlike us who like to rot at home and play computer, he instead went into that park every time just to "enjoy sunset", who the fuck does that? Not us. "This is my usual sunset spot". "I love this walk right down this parking lot", seriously any of you actually enjoy their walks like a philosophical genius? Dude also talks a poet or some shit. Probably masturbated on that sunset as well since he gets hard on when sun goes down.

Most of us are scared looking into a mirror but this guy.. 
"Check out, this is me and all my fabulousness, ohhh yeaahhh(lol) Elliot Rodger... *laugs like a retard*"
"I am so awesome" - who the fuck would say that unless they're chads or narcissists? 


Flaws = shit nose althrough it's not THAT bad and recessed chin. If he would fix his chin he would slay.

He was also 22 when he died, life would only start for him after he got that surgery and experience a true chad life.
Yeah with a rhinoplasty and a sliding genioplasty, he could have been 8+. He had a compact midface and a good upper third.

He could have easily afforded the rhino and sliding genio too. All he would have had to go was sell his BMW.
Agreed. Incels shouldn't worship ER. Failed normie psycho scum. Real incels know that killing is cope. He should've just used escorts and bought surgery with his dad's betabux. Calling him a mentacel is disrespectful to incels with actual disabilities. ER was just lame.
Yeah i have to admit it rodger was an:


2)put himself in a position when his status as a rich, above average boy don`t mattered as much, living in such an jock paradise as isla Vista, he should have moved to New York.

But otherwise ER worship trigger normies so i vote to continue.
This is another case of the classic ugly people not understanding how a face like that means nothing if you aren't NT. He was born into wealth in a strange environment around the best looking people in the world. Was mixed race HAPA. He was connected to a Hollywood producer.

Make fun of him all you want, but saying he could have been 8+ with surgery is retarded cope.

I'm a lot like him, trying to red pill all of you guys on what mentalceldom is. It's usually faces like that, and we are prettier than most women.
Oodar said:
This is another case of the classic ugly people not understanding how a face like that means nothing if you aren't NT. He was born into wealth in a strange environment around the best looking people in the world. Was mixed race HAPA. He was connected to a Hollywood producer.

Make fun of him all you want, but saying he could have been 8+ with surgery is retarded cope.

I'm a lot like him, trying to red pill all of you guys on what mentalceldom is. It's usually faces like that, and we are prettier than most women.

this guy was set. all he had to do was go to one of the poorer middle class or low class neighborhoods in his audi and slay.

NT just means not being retarded. Elliot is a dumb ass who didn't take advantage of what he had. only issue he had was that he is skinny as fuck apparently he said he was 135lbs at 5'9.
a quick rhinoplasty to straighten and shorten his profile would have done more for him than a genioplasty,
but I agree he was a jack-ass considering he had the money to fix his face.
all in all he rolled the dice pretty damn luckily considering his ethnicity.
I couldn't explain it to you guys if I wrote a book. There was no chance for him at that point. He could have been saved if he had been raised in the opposite environment, but still a framecel who would have been depressed.

It's shocking when ugly guys praise him because they have nothing in common. So props to the OP for being honest. He wouldn't like me either. Nobody likes me.
Narcissistic breeds narcissistic.

Wonder where all those posters came from during Elliot's time on Earth.

Can't be too far away from here.
what are you talking about?

he was a 5'6 4 inches dick living in california and he was not rich at all
If you're rich you have cope on tap. You can surgerycel, escortcel and anythingyouwantcel.
California is rich chad paradise so it's way harder to compete.
Heresy. Had Our Blessed Elliot lived on, He could have gone for the fuckboi look until He could grow some stubble. Sadly, He only wanted a 10/10 blonde Stacy, but none of those would look at Him twice. He was as much a victim of circumstance, as He was a victim of hypergamy.
You're a fucking retard if you worship that faggot. He didn't even kill a single Chad or Stacy. Fucking idiot killed 3 incels and random people. He hated incels too. You guys are worshipping someone who hates our kind, how does that fucking sound to you!?
ER was a faggot. For starters he could have dropped some cash on a high-end hooker and dispelled the mystique around sex and femoids that all virgins have somewhat.

He only gained notoriety because of the manifesto. Without it he would have been quickly forgotten about.
ER is like the Jesus of incels. He died for the world's sins.
I'm glad he did what he did.

elliot rodger was a fakecel, will always be a fakecel in my eyes, he wasnt fucking ugly at all, he was just an extreme autist with absolute social retardation mixed in with voluntary celibacy.

blackops2cel is the true god of incels.
I often walk park trails. It's very quiet, beautiful and relaxing.

I concur that Elliot was a narcissist that incels should not praise. We may understand his motives, but he failed at everything he did.
To me, elliot is the devil. Failed normie who would shit on incels (indian guy in honda civic).

Stblackops2cel is the light and the true lord of truecels
Lol at some of these comments. The guy was completely socially autistic, only Chad can get way with being that autistic. He also looked gooky, as some guy mentioned he also was a chinlet. He was also 5'8 or something. He could have slayed if he just pretended to be a normie for a while instead of the edgy narcissist that he was. If you watch him speak you can imagine why people would have been put off by him.
Elliot was a dickhead. Had a complex because he came from a rich family. People who knew him in real life said he struggled socially because he almost never spoke, and when he did it was in single words. Dude was a straight up mentalcel. Fuck him for killing people who didn't deserve to die.
I have more respect for Marc Lepine since he was a lot more successful and only targeted femshits.
RopeForSluts said:
I have more respect for Marc Lepine since he was a lot more successful and only targeted femshits.
Indeed. He should be our hero.

From all reports, he was a guy that tried getting girls and was always rejected. Elliot didn't do that, he just oneitis'd a few 8+ blonde bimbos.
He was short, effeminate, small framed, and Asian looking.  That is a death sentence in today’s shallow society—especially in a predominantly white community.  I’m not surprised he was ostracized and driven to go on a shooting spree.  People saying he could have looksmaxed are full of shit and likely lookism hacks.
ER killed more incels than roasties. I don't take kindly to that at all.
elliot rodger had SEVER aspergers and retardation. and he jacked off to anime. and worst of all, he talked down to incels online. he couldnt even join an incel community.
Oodar said:
This is another case of the classic ugly people not understanding how a face like that means nothing if you aren't NT. He was born into wealth in a strange environment around the best looking people in the world. Was mixed race HAPA. He was connected to a Hollywood producer.
Make fun of him all you want, but saying he could have been 8+ with surgery is retarded cope.
I'm a lot like him, trying to red pill all of you guys on what mentalceldom is. It's usually faces like that, and we are prettier than most women.


Weed said:
Most of us are scared looking into a mirror but this guy..
"Check out, this is me and all my fabulousness, ohhh yeaahhh(lol) Elliot Rodger... *laugs like a retard*"
"I am so awesome" - who the fuck would say that unless they're chads or narcissists?

yeah, he acted like he was above incels, but it was all cope. Hapas are notorious for this (no racist).
Unfortunately, his message was lost in translation because of the stupid theatrics.

He may have failed us in some ways, but ultimately he spread the incel gospel. Praise St. Elliot
RopeForSluts said:
I have more respect for Marc Lepine since he was a lot more successful and only targeted femshits.
Tell me more about Marc Lepine, haven't heard of him :/
I'm not a fan of St Elliot either.

He isn't cut from the same cloth that most of us are. He had Autism yes. It was the least of his problems though. His extreme narcissism and probably psychopathy were his real problems. I won't comment on autism, that's a different debate. I'm fairly sure while a lot of people have the genetic triggers that can cause it. The real trigger in most people is early child development. Elliot had a terrible upbringing. His parents had a terrible marriage. He was never really wanted and was dragged around the world from place to place. He could never settle in or form any bonds with his peers because of how his parents just dragged him around. Even though they knew at a young age he had "issues". His father was a cuck, and had an affair with a roastie actress. His parents split up. They took an emotionally troubled dwarf boy with serious issues to live in a narcissistic shit hole like Kommiefornia. Probably one of the worst places to raise someone with serious issues.

His father was more interested in slutting it up with his whore of a new wife than raising his son. Spent most of the time away and persistently sent Elliot away making him even more isolated. Then by the time he hid adolescence all of a sudden they are trying to get a severely emotionally troubled psychopath professional help, by which time its too late. You CANNOT treat psychopathy. Its like trying to treat eye colour or height. Then sends him away to Isla Vista and thinks that will be great.

I read his manifesto. Its pretty clear to me he suffered a complete psychotic break around the age of 16-17. One minute he was pulling his little brother out the pool and saving him from drowning. Next minute he is plotting to murder his own brother in his dumb as "day of revenge" a day that this "supreme gentleman" "living god" and "genius" planned for years yet turns into a day of complete weak sauce. This guy was going to supposedly slaughter a sorority house yet was too stupid to take a damn hooligan bar or to buy a shotgun to breach the door with? How the fuck did he think he was going to get in? Not to mention he chose to use a BMW 328i as his vehicle during a prolonged rampage. I can't think of a more unsuitable vehicle. Rear wheel drive, fragile as bone china and underpowered compared to the police response vehicles.

I think Stefan Molyneux had one of the best analyses of St Elliot.


At the end of the day you can always escortcel. Elliot's father even said he offered to take him to Vegas but he refused because of his insane narcissism.
He could have driven to Mexico and gotten some fine Mexican pussy. he would be in godmode there with his BMW and American status...

I think we all should take a lesson from that. We are more locationcel than anything.
Lol ER was definitely not an incel. If he bulked up he would be a normie.
Elliot Rodgers would've been able to slay if he wasn't such a narcissistic retard.
lordcommander said:
Lol ER was definitely not an incel. If he bulked up he would be a normie.

Haven't you seen the picture of him with the 2 white femoids? He's tiny. No chance. He was a manlet. His only chance was south east asia.
I am currently failing my speech class because i don't want to record myself giving a speech, i don't go outside(unless necessary), and i never record/take pics of myself. meanwhile this guy is in public recording videos of himself for the "enjoyment". this guy is truly a fakecel. st. bo2cel is the god of incels not that fucker
He did what was necessary although he was a volcel, better examples of truecels are seung hui cho and adam lanza.
I appreciate anyone who ends human lives
ER is the boss and will go down in history as the only nigga that ever done it
Oodar said:
This is another case of the classic ugly people not understanding how a face like that means nothing if you aren't NT. He was born into wealth in a strange environment around the best looking people in the world. Was mixed race HAPA. He was connected to a Hollywood producer.

Make fun of him all you want, but saying he could have been 8+ with surgery is retarded cope.

I'm a lot like him, trying to red pill all of you guys on what mentalceldom is. It's usually faces like that, and we are prettier than most women.

Mentalceldom is a real thing, but if Elliot had looksmaxed, who knows if he'd have still gone on a killing spree. But then again this moron was so delusional and autistic that I really don't even know.
Narcissism is a very common trait of psychopaths. He was a psycho fakecel though since he could've got some pussy in my country.
Narcocel said:
Narcissism is a very common trait of psychopaths. He was a psycho fakecel though since he could've got some pussy in my country.
He wasn't a psychopath at all. His manipulation skills are shit too probably.
Only good looking people can be actual narcissists. Elliot rodger was a 5/10 TOPS
Ya I also can't relate to him that much. Guy had a much better life than me that is for sure.
autism + shit childhood + chronic personality disorder (cluster B disorder vs oppositional defiant disorder?)


commander_zoidberg said:
Haven't you seen the picture of him with the 2 white femoids? He's tiny. No chance. He was a manlet. His only chance was south east asia.

what picture is this?
Earthbound said:
I'm glad he did what he did.

You're glad he killed his incel roommate for no reason?
Framecel222 said:
You're glad he killed his incel roommate for no reason?

He put them out of their misery at least.

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