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Elliot Rodger was a spoiled richcel tbh



May 13, 2018
Some examples that show that if ER wanted to ascend he had it much easier than any of us due to this wealthy family:

-When he was a kid he wanted to skatemaxx and his parents without hesitation bought him expensive skate gear and clothes from good brands.
-His parents paid him a private tutor so he wouldn't fail high school due to aspies
-He had an allowance of more than 1000$ a month and his parents paid for his rent
-When he was drunk and spilled wine on his high end laptop (effectively ruining it) because he was crying after he lost the lottery, next day his parents took him to best buy to buy another high end laptop.
-He had a therapist and a PUA to give him advice (didn't work though kek)
-Parents kept paying for university fees even if he didn't show up to class and they didn't punish him for wasting their money.
-Had a brand new BMW
-When he was forced to go to Morocco with his bitch stepmother family, he complained all the time and finally his father sent him back to US way before the trip was over.

And even if he had all this on his manifesto he complains and cries a lot, spoiled little bitch :feelsseriously::feelsseriously: If I were him I would have tried to use that money to ascend and when I gave up I would just escortmaxx.
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Elliot Rodger's Parents 'Crying in Pain for the Victims ...
You forgot that his parents also bought him a bmw,he was a spoiled narcissist who considered himself a gigachad even though he was just a 5'6 manlet with fish lips and feminine facial features.
And in the end when he went ER he killed more incels that foids (and the foids he killed were low tier Beckys).
You forgot that his parents also bought him a bmw,he was a spoiled narcissist who considered himself a gigachad even though he was just a 5'6 manlet with fish lips and feminine facial features.
And in the end when he went ER he killed more incels that foids (and the foids he killed were low tier Beckys).

I'll never understand the morons on here who boast him as some kind of incel icon :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Most of them end up being fakecels too :feelsjuice:

I'll never understand the morons on here who boast him as some kind of incel icon :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Most of them end up being fakecels too :feelsjuice:
His manifesto is really fascinating and unironically I consider it one of the best things I've read in my life kek, from time to time I like to re-read some sections and each time I discover something I didn't notice/didn't pay much attention the first time. But yeah except that autistic edgelord personality he mogs me brutally. I remember one day I showed a pic of him to my mother and ask "do you think he's ugly" and she replied that no, that he looked normal. Then I showed her a pic of Jsanza29 and she indeed said he's ugly.
I think at the end of the day he had severe mental issues that no amount of money or therapy could fix tbh. His low tier looks/body + lack of self awareness really put the nail in the coffin. I think a part of him recognized that he wasn't a Chad but his narcissism prevented it.

I'll never understand the morons on here who boast him as some kind of incel icon :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Most of them end up being fakecels too :feelsjuice:
I think some people are just memeing tbh, but maybe I am wrong. ER is a very easily memeable person.
His manifesto is really fascinating and unironically I consider it one of the best things I've read in my life kek, from time to time I like to re-read some sections and each time I discover something I didn't notice/didn't pay much attention the first time. But yeah except that autistic edgelord personality he mogs me brutally. I remember one day I showed a pic of him to my mother and ask "do you think he's ugly" and she replied that no, that he looked normal. Then I showed her a pic of Jsanza29 and she indeed said he's ugly.
I dont deny the anguish he felt since its somewhat relatable, but then it gets easily discarded when you see that he mogs even your average nojawline having chinless normies that walk around not lusting gigastacies :feelswhat:

At 5'9" literally mogs the average normie :feelsUgh:
Thing is, having "Game" (lol) is at best 10% of what's needed to ascend. The other factors are height (54%), face (27%), and frame (9%). It also helps to have an above average penis. Elliot Rodger had no charisma due to debilitating autism, was a manlet, had an eerie hapa-hybrid face, an ectomorphic body type, and a tiny dick. He could've perhaps used his money to get leg lengthening surgery (and buy elevator shoes; you don't have to be rich to afford those), facial plastic surgery, and dick extension, but he'd still massively struggle even after all of that. Besides, the vast Blackpill information we have today was not nearly as available in 2014; he probably didn't realize just how truly unattractive he was. He thought that the issue is "brutes vs. gentlemen," when in reality it's just 10% of the best-looking Chads vs. everyone else.

Having said all that, his manifesto should be required reading for literally everyone. I agree OP; it's one of the best works ever published in the English language. The reason he is held up as an incel icon is not due to his killing spree, but because "My Twisted World" is genius-tier. Rodger succeeded, in that he set in motion an ineluctable chain of events that may well lead to a future social upheaval. Praise be to him for that.
he was too retarded like Chris Chan
Never liked him but he wasn't really good-looking. He obviously lacked manly vigor, wasn't athletic and sociable ( which is a death sentence if you want to be noticed by cute blondes ). Also, I can partially understand him because I too have narcissistic tendencies. Narcissism is a curse, it't not that you choose voluntary to be narcissistic. Such mindset is formed in childhood influenced by a factors outside of your control. You just cannot get rid of this mindset and become a 'decent human being' because is is part of your personality.
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I read his manifesto twice. He could have ascended but he was a gigamentalcel.
he had shit tier genes so automatically he wasn't "spoiled"
He was cursed by his interracial mixed family, he lived in white society desiring blonde girls with his normie ethnic face. He couldn't compete so he decided to rope.
He definitely had some odds at ascension, but not as good as people think

he was too skinny and had a very feminine face, he looked like a butch lesbian
His parents spoiled him from birth. He didn’t know better. But he suffered to the point of doing what none of us could
-He had an allowance of more than 1000$ a month and his parents paid for his rent
-When he was drunk and spilled wine on his high end laptop (effectively ruining it) because he was crying after he lost the lottery, next day his parents took him to best buy to buy another high end laptop.

-Parents kept paying for university fees even if he didn't show up to class and they didn't punish him for wasting their money.

I'm a richcel too then. Only for 3 years though, then I was broke af as soon as it ended.
I'll never understand the morons on here who boast him as some kind of incel icon

His manifesto. You can find there literally every topic that has been discussed in every incel forum since then. Its pretty hard to read if youre an incel.
Also, he was an aspie like me, so its really hard for me to read, because my life is just a repetition of his. Same problems with classmates, with family, with society. The isolation, the permanent rejection, the pain of not understanding. Not being able to grasp the basic social rules. Being bluepilled and suffering because of it. Reading it gave me some perspective of what was going on. It probably prevented my suicide, years ago.
But we dont share many things. He was average looking, im not. He was rich, im not. He was low-IQ and suffered from low-IQ delusions (like obsessing over unreacheable blonde white stacies, The Secret thing, the scope of his retribution...), im not. I had the support of a incel community during my hardest times (2016-2018), he didnt.
Rodger succeeded, in that he set in motion an ineluctable chain of events that may well lead to a future social upheaval.

This. But i hope for a political change to be honest. A revolution is delusional. If we can see, before dying, the surge of political parties that actually defending our interests to get some votes, i will know that his and our suffering is not completely in vain.
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Yea but I'd argue spoiledcels have it the worst, when you get pampered with shit your whole childhood you become dependent and entitled, parents that feel the need to give their child everything they want fail to develop an actual true emotional bond and it actually is a form of neglect that will fuck up future development especially because the moment that support is cut off the kid immediately is confronted by the realization he is own his own with literally no life experiences. They are at more risk of drug addiction and develop anxiety/fear issues into young adulthood from insecurity and inexperience.
He is still my hero.
Life of every uppermiddleclasscel I know

Not necessarily rich
he sure wasn't blackpill
Yes, he mogs me, and he mogs half of my friends from school days who are now sex having normies with families etc.

He was just a fucking weirdo who thought women would form a queue outside his daddy funded BMW. Mentalcel for sure.

I'm pretty equal opportunities and I don't judge mentalcels much differently than lookscels, we are all ultimately in the same boat. But it is weird that he has become such an icon of the Intel community.

I credit ( / blame) his manifesto which was very well written, and a fascinating window into his mind.
Tbh I never cared about him. Always been for of a St. Blackopscel patron
Some examples that show that if ER wanted to ascend he had it much easier than any of us due to this wealthy family:

-When he was a kid he wanted to skatemaxx and his parents without hesitation bought him expensive skate gear and clothes from good brands.
-His parents paid him a private tutor so he wouldn't fail high school due to aspies
-He had an allowance of more than 1000$ a month and his parents paid for his rent
-When he was drunk and spilled wine on his high end laptop (effectively ruining it) because he was crying after he lost the lottery, next day his parents took him to best buy to buy another high end laptop.
-He had a therapist and a PUA to give him advice (didn't work though kek)
-Parents kept paying for university fees even if he didn't show up to class and they didn't punish him for wasting their money.
-Had a brand new BMW
-When he was forced to go to Morocco with his bitch stepmother family, he complained all the time and finally his father sent him back to US way before the trip was over.

And even if he had all this on his manifesto he complains and cries a lot, spoiled little bitch :feelsseriously::feelsseriously: If I were him I would have tried to use that money to ascend and when I gave up I would just escortmaxx.
don't insult ER you cuck, i bet you're an infiltrator :feelswhat:
Can't stand mentally ill richcels
His manifesto is really fascinating and unironically I consider it one of the best things I've read in my life
It might be interesting form a psychological perspective but not from a literary one. His style is pretty mediocre ngl.
And yes, Elliot was a total fakecel
rich kids are dumb, what do you expect.
He wasn't even blackpilled, he though being a gentleman and having an expensive car will get him the foids. I never understood why people see this retard as an icon. He killed two ricecels as well
Some examples that show that if ER wanted to ascend he had it much easier than any of us due to this wealthy family:

-When he was a kid he wanted to skatemaxx and his parents without hesitation bought him expensive skate gear and clothes from good brands.
-His parents paid him a private tutor so he wouldn't fail high school due to aspies
-He had an allowance of more than 1000$ a month and his parents paid for his rent
-When he was drunk and spilled wine on his high end laptop (effectively ruining it) because he was crying after he lost the lottery, next day his parents took him to best buy to buy another high end laptop.
-He had a therapist and a PUA to give him advice (didn't work though kek)
-Parents kept paying for university fees even if he didn't show up to class and they didn't punish him for wasting their money.
-Had a brand new BMW
-When he was forced to go to Morocco with his bitch stepmother family, he complained all the time and finally his father sent him back to US way before the trip was over.

And even if he had all this on his manifesto he complains and cries a lot, spoiled little bitch :feelsseriously::feelsseriously: If I were him I would have tried to use that money to ascend and when I gave up I would just escortmaxx.
In a way this basically proves that wealthmaxxing won't attract women (especially for non-NT people)
You look at him and his manifesto and you get a glimpse what the mental hell of being a mentalcel looks like. It's no fucking joke.
Some physical aspects can be changed, but eliminating mental illness and delusions? Good luck with that.
Mental hell has no way out except death.
You look at him and his manifesto and you get a glimpse what the mental hell of being a mentalcel looks like. It's no fucking joke.
Some physical aspects can be changed, but eliminating mental illness and delusions? Good luck with that.
Mental hell has no way out except death.
Yeah tbh he had very bluepilled thoughts and fantasies. When he got beat up in the party and thought that a 10/10 blonde foid should sleep with him to make him feel better, nigga thought he lived in a porn movie kek.
Some examples that show that if ER wanted to ascend he had it much easier than any of us due to this wealthy family:

-When he was a kid he wanted to skatemaxx and his parents without hesitation bought him expensive skate gear and clothes from good brands.
-His parents paid him a private tutor so he wouldn't fail high school due to aspies
-He had an allowance of more than 1000$ a month and his parents paid for his rent
-When he was drunk and spilled wine on his high end laptop (effectively ruining it) because he was crying after he lost the lottery, next day his parents took him to best buy to buy another high end laptop.
-He had a therapist and a PUA to give him advice (didn't work though kek)
-Parents kept paying for university fees even if he didn't show up to class and they didn't punish him for wasting their money.
-Had a brand new BMW
-When he was forced to go to Morocco with his bitch stepmother family, he complained all the time and finally his father sent him back to US way before the trip was over.

And even if he had all this on his manifesto he complains and cries a lot, spoiled little bitch :feelsseriously::feelsseriously: If I were him I would have tried to use that money to ascend and when I gave up I would just escortmaxx.
Bro. Is more than evident. His paternal family was supposed to be rich and his father itself is low tier director of Hollywood. Also, his mother is a Hollywood nurse. What did you expect?
I haven't read his Manifesto, but for me he was a retarted and frustated blue pilled normie that had never put the black pill on practice. If had been intelligent he would have escorted after realized that he is an incel.
I'd say that didn't need to to escorted in first place(well, you can do this at the same time of seeking for a date). The guy was clearly a normie he can perfectly went to a low tier College for poorer low tier Beckys and have something in return.
I bet that he was also a autist.
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Yeah tbh he had very bluepilled thoughts and fantasies. When he got beat up in the party and thought that a 10/10 blonde foid should sleep with him to make him feel better, nigga thought he lived in a porn movie kek.

The "narcissism" was just a cope. It's baffling that so many people fail to get that. Throghout all his manifesto it is clear that he recognises himself as inferior and undesirable. He started to say "positive things" about himself as a desperate attempt to elevate his moral and image, trying his hardest to believe what he was saying, when in fact, he knew he was not what he was saying and he admits it hundreds of times. It was a gigacope.
You can't treat delusions, you can't erase mental illness. If you read his leaked materials as e-mails/yahoo answers and search history, you will see that he was indeed severely troubled regarding mental health, as he was diagnosed as autistic.
That's why I say mental health is no fucking joke and I wish death and suffering upon those that have no regards and laugh in the face of the integrity of someone's sanity.

Bro. Is more than evident. His paternal family was supposed to be rich and his father itself is low tier director of Hollywood. Also, his mother is a Hollywood nurse. What did you expect?
I haven't read his Manifesto, but for me he was a retarted and frustated blue pilled normie that had never put the black pill on practice. If had been intelligent he would have escorted after realized that he is an incel.
I'd say that didn't need to to escorted in first place(well, you can do this at the same time of seeking for a date). The guy was clearly a normie he can perfectly went to a low tier College for poorer low tier Beckys and have something in return.
I bet that he was also a autist.

In his search history you can see he was autistic and asked questions related to it.
The "narcissism" was just a cope. It's baffling that so many people fail to get that. Throghout all his manifesto it is clear that he recognises himself as inferior and undesirable. He started to say "positive things" about himself as a desperate attempt to elevate his moral and image, trying his hardest to believe what he was saying, when in fact, he knew he was not what he was saying and he admits it hundreds of times. It was a gigacope.
You can't treat delusions, you can't erase mental illness. If you read his leaked materials as e-mails/yahoo answers and search history, you will see that he was indeed severely troubled regarding mental health, as he was diagnosed as autistic.
That's why I say mental health is no fucking joke and I wish death and suffering upon those that have no regards and laugh in the face of the integrity of someone's sanity.

In his search history you can see he was autistic and asked questions related to it.
That's crazy bro. Who leaked that information?
Do you know that Elliot's mom dated with George Lucas?
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That's crazy bro. Who leaked that information?
Do you know that Elliot's mom dated with George Lucas?
View attachment 486747
Don't really remember right now but it is all available online. And yes, I know that part, it is right at the start of the manifesto.
The leaked e-mails show that his family was not rich, actually. They had a lot of financial problems and submerged in debt. His father reveals to his mother, after the divorce, that he was facing a lot of troubles keeping up with basic things such as food and not having enough money to do anything that was actually necessary.
Whoever thinks he was super rich or I don't fucking know don't know shit. Rich people don't struggle to keep food on the fridge/table and paying bills, which his family did and it was all in the leaked e-mails between his father, his mother and ER himself. If anything, they were actually pretty much middle class with a lot of struggle at the time ER was alive.
His father's movie Oh My God ruined him financially as it was a gigantic flop, that left him with severe debts, he invested all he had in it and got no success or return. It was his financial doom at the time. All he had was a result of the success of his grandfather and earlier ancestors, that were members of the high society of the times they were alive. His father did not add much to it.

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