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Based Elliot Rodger - The message matters more than the action



Nov 24, 2017
Truth be told, Elliot Rodger was at the very least average in looks, with many citing his good looks, foids included.

He was narcissistic and a 'brat'. He looked down on those "lesser" than him. If he was here, he would get banned for bragging.

He killed three ricleces in rather gruesome way.

But what ultimately mattered was his message to the world. He unwittingly using his looks and behavior, advertised incels to the mainstream; The fact that he was narcissist, made many good memes like "supreme gentleman". His looks also ensured normies would post about him(see also:Ted Bundy)
he was either a spergcel or mentalcel, kind of sad how the most know incels are the ones that have obvious fixable problems, it just reinforces the ITfag and normie gaslighting "its your personality bro!!!1! :soy:" because they pick cases where the problem just geuinely was the personality
he was either a spergcel or mentalcel, kind of sad how the most know incels are the ones that have obvious fixable problems, it just reinforces the ITfag and normie gaslighting "its your personality bro!!!1! :soy:" because they pick cases where the problem just geuinely was the personality
the problem is never pERsonality

and a life of being rejected, maligned and treated as an outcast isn't an 'obvious fixable' problem, don't be ridiculous
No one wants to admit it but ER was a major mentalcel, Average looks don't do anything for you if you are stricken with extreme autism .
I've always said ER was a narcy person with standards of a chad.
But what ultimately mattered was his message to the world. He unwittingly using his looks and behavior, advertised incels to the mainstream;
I agree, he made world wide news. I still remember the day when the news broke. That night, I read his manifesto front to back. Needless to say, it was an eye-opening experience. He introduced myself and countless others to the blackpill and made me realise that I wasn't alone in my struggles.
no, the action matters more

if St. Elliot hadn't harmed normies, then nobody would care about the 'message.' normies are myopic shits who will only notice you when you destroy them.
he was either a spergcel or mentalcel, kind of sad how the most know incels are the ones that have obvious fixable problems, it just reinforces the ITfag and normie gaslighting "its your personality bro!!!1! :soy:" because they pick cases where the problem just geuinely was the personality
You can't just fix autism. Your brain is wired differently, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can try learning social skills, but you will never be as socially capable as an NT despite your best efforts. Besides that, if every attempt you make to socialize gets thwarted because people can sense your autism, you never even get a chance to improve your social skills.
Elliot Rodger matters
Pekka Eric Auvinen matters
Jake Davison matters
Seung Hui Cho matters
Alec Manezian matters
Adam Lanza matters
Randy Stair matters

All our incel heroes matters bros. Cheer for them and celebrate them. Legends never die!
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He killed three ricleces in rather gruesome way.
He killed that three rice normies because they are bullying him, humiliating him and mocking him for no reason
You can't just fix autism. Your brain is wired differently, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can try learning social skills, but you will never be as socially capable as an NT despite your best efforts. Besides that, if every attempt you make to socialize gets thwarted because people can sense your autism, you never even get a chance to improve your social skills
Exactly brother, being Non-NT you will automatically becomes outcast. I have tried many hards attempts to socialize despite being Non-NT and high anxiety, but everytime i was totally directly rejected, outcasted and humilated as normies can directly sense my neurodivergence and see me as a weird and then directly throw me out. @ElTruecel
Elliot Rodger matters
Pekka Eric Auvinen matters
Jake Davison matters
Seung Hui Cho matters
Alec Manezian matters
Adam Lanza matters
Randy Stair matters

All our incel heroes matters bros. Cheer for them and celebrate them. Legends never die!
Exactly brother, being Non-NT you will automatically becomes outcast. I have tried many hards attempts to socialize despite being Non-NT and high anxiety, but everytime i was totally directly rejected, outcasted and humilated as normies can directly sense my neurodivergence and see me as a weird and then directly throw me out. @ElTruecel
Glad to see someone else with sense here. The amount of times I tried to fit in with peers in middle school and high school is ridiculous. It always ended with direct rejection or indirect rejection. Here's one of the worst things about school for me. The teachers would have you do these dumb group projects. Out of around 30 other people in the class, everyone BUT me found a group that accepted them in. I asked every single group if I could join and they said sorry, but we don't need anyone else. Try another group. Then 5 minutes later the teacher sees me trying desperately to join a group and has to pick a random group and FORCE them to let me in. You can imagine how well that goes. They hate that some autist in now in their group and they can't just enjoy the project with their chosen group of friends. This happened many times in many different classis with completely different people each time. That was my first real taste of the blackpill, even though I had no idea what blackpill was back then.
Here's one of the worst things about school for me. The teachers would have you do these dumb group projects. Out of around 30 other people in the class, everyone BUT me found a group that accepted them in. I asked every single group if I could join and they said sorry, but we don't need anyone else. Try another group. Then 5 minutes later the teacher sees me trying desperately to join a group and has to pick a random group and FORCE them to let me in. You can imagine how well that goes. They hate that some autist in now in their group and they can't just enjoy the project with their chosen group of friends. This happened many times in many different classis with completely different people each time. That was my first real taste of the blackpill, even though I had no idea what blackpill was back then.
Extremely and exactly relatable to me also. I was considered as a awkward dork as I am Non-NT and having high inhibitions and high anxiety, so everyone makes fun of me, mocked me and bully me by the taking the advantage of my emotional weakness. Also I was also find difficulty in finding a group as they didn't permit me to join as they consider me as an extremely awkward dork.
Extremely and exactly relatable to me also. I was considered as a awkward dork as I am Non-NT and having high inhibitions and high anxiety, so everyone makes fun of me, mocked me and bully me by the taking the advantage of my emotional weakness. Also I was also find difficulty in finding a group as they didn't permit me to join as they consider me as an extremely awkward dork.
Yep. I was also the weird guy everyone viewed was weak. At least I'm not viewed as weak anymore. Years of isolation, health issues and puberty made my face totally different. I look a bit older than I am because of how much stress my body went through over the years. I kind of have resting bitch face and look a bit like a criminal. I know this because people have told me my driver's license picture and other pictures of me look like police mugshots. I was walking on the sidewalk in broad daylight once and a cop pulled up and asked me what I was doing. I said I was just going for a walk, and he reluctantly accepted it and went on his way. You really gotta look suspicious for a cop to stop you when you are walking in broad daylight.
No I believe Elliot Rodger was just taking on the attributes of Erasian Tiger and his 'self entitlement' was merely
a fractionised PUA technique, that he thought kept him 'high value' as the old saying goes.

His Autism meant he was unable to connect with anyone, so after so much rejection, took on behaviours
and belief systems that protected his self concept. He probably noticed that PUA was merely masking his
Autism, and didn't get him any further towards a relationship. He hated PUAS first before the forum
turned from PUA-HATE to SLUT-HATE. Erasian Tiger created the black pill comics and the Chad cartoon,
and was bullied on the forum, and this is how it developed.

I believe the incel movement actually started off as ASIANS hating other asian women taking other
races. Erasian Tiger had this view when he turned PUA HATE to SLUT HATE. The forum slowly gravitated
towards hating PUAS to hating women

PUA didn't work = Therefore = PUAS ARE FAKE.

PUAS are FAKE = Therefore = Women are the problem.

Women are the problem = Therefore= I must kill them. This is according to E.R.

Instead of all the women in the media saying how they are all bad people, they could have
given a new conclusion that Autism was the reason and given those men on slut hate
support rather than demonisation.
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Truth be told, Elliot Rodger was at the very least average in looks, with many citing his good looks, foids included.

He was narcissistic and a 'brat'. He looked down on those "lesser" than him. If he was here, he would get banned for bragging.

He killed three ricleces in rather gruesome way.

But what ultimately mattered was his message to the world. He unwittingly using his looks and behavior, advertised incels to the mainstream; The fact that he was narcissist, made many good memes like "supreme gentleman". His looks also ensured normies would post about him(see also:Ted Bundy)
Elliot was very handsome, if he wasn't Stacy only he could have a harem in China
Elliot was very handsome, if he wasn't Stacy only he could have a harem in China

Here is a archive of the PUA HATE FORUM in 2012 two years prior to the attack before it became SLUT HATE.

The incels on the forum were actually a minority at that time and only on ''Shitty advice''. There
were a lot of trolls on the forum, and actually I am betting Elliot was radicalised by normies/trolls
rather than incels. He was a murderer but was also a victim.

Once ErasianTiger turned it into SLUT HATE, the normies began declining and the incels began increasing.
Essentially ErasianTiger created Elliot Rodger.
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Here is a archive of the PUA HATE FORUM in 2012 two years prior to the attack before it became SLUT HATE.

The incels on the forum were actually a minority at that time and only on ''Shitty advice''. There
were a lot of trolls on the forum, and actually I am betting Elliot was radicalised by normies/trolls
rather than incels. He was a murderer but was also a victim.

Once ErasianTiger turned it into SLUT HATE, the normies began declining and the incels began increasing.
Essentially ErasianTiger created Elliot Rodger.
Elliot was autistic, and despite his relatively good looks, it wasn't enough to overcome his autism. He would've been radicalized one way or another.

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