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Serious Either incel rebellion or sharia law (message to women)



Nov 24, 2017
Is it funny how feminists, will ALWAYS lose in the long run? Be it sharia or incel rebellion from our own people.

Due to feminist policies on first countries, the birth rate will go down greatly, which would require immigrants to consume.

Sisters, let me assume you, that our treatment towards you, and what we would offer, will be much more merciful in comparison to what would be to come if we as a society as a whole does not increase reproduction.

But if, we do not cooperate, the result will be mass immigration and destruction of everyday living standards, more over, women rights and gender equality, would be taken along with all of said above.

Low birth rate, and refusal of the capitalists to improve working conditions or falling profits, which will eventually happen as most people are too poor to purchase goods, will lead to import of migrants from poorer countries, who are more often than not ultraconservative and religious with rigid gender norms.

Said groups will naturally have higher birth rate, which through demographics, would replace the liberal minded institutions. Liberal views are inherently tolerant and hyper individualistic, which creates many subidentities and a society with low social cohesion.

The "queers for Palestine" movement is certainly noble, but it is also ironic in a way that their agenda is framed with the Palestinian people. You can say they're only against the occupying and stuff (which I honestly agree with); to me, it symbolizes the western, naive, tolerance that will seed their own downfall.

To add to the above point, if you put the queers for Palestine group and actual Palestinians together, I can assume you that one group is getting thrown off a building and it's not the Palestinians.
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Incel sharia revolution!!
What happened to the IPF guy, did glowies get him?
Image 2024 04 15 013921164

Apparently the IPF movement is doing well.
What happened to the IPF guy, did glowies get him?
View attachment 1135567
Apparently the IPF movement is doing well.
We are still going strong and working on our own website where we cant be deplatformed the way the kikes took us off Discord, Rumble, Youtube, Tiktok, and ProBoards.

Under the mentorship and guidance of our leader @Darth_Aurelius we will continue to spread the word of incel revolution and unite men together in opposition to our feminist gynocentric cucked society inshallah
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This shit glows brighter than a fusion reactor.
Kys gray the glorious IPF is a legitimate movement that does not advocate for any illegal activity.

As we have reiterated time and again the fact that we have been nuked off every mainstream platform is evidence we are not glowies, as real glowies collaborate with social media companies to keep their honeypots up, whereas we have been banned from virtually all of them
Kys gray the glorious IPF is a legitimate movement that does not advocate for any illegal activity.

As we have reiterated time and again the fact that we have been nuked off every mainstream platform is evidence we are not glowies, as real glowies collaborate with social media companies to keep their honeypots up, whereas we have been banned from virtually all of them
I suggest you pay very close attention to what I have to say, and take it to heart. This goes for anyone else reading this, and is, to be honest, mostly intended for them.

I am not necessarily accusing you yourself of being a glowie, or a fed, or anything; it doesn't even concern me, and makes little to no difference in the end. I am just telling you this is very dangerous territory and very stupid to do. It's how to get arrested 101, basically.

If you are really blackpilled, you will understand that it is quite difficult to form a truly organized group of men who can support each other - especially low value, ugly men. Why? Because they'll betray you the first chance they get, as they're desperate to get up the social ladder. Other low-status men will turn on you before even other normies, women, or anyone else. These will be the first people to throw you under the bus, and is why the blackpill commandments teach you to trust no-one. If anyone comes with a message of hope for men, it's an instant red flag for anyone that's truly blackpilled.

Let me also talk about blackpillers themselves, which is also something I referred to in one of my posts. Most people on this planet who are blackpilled are either high IQ, decent-looking, and very well connected, or are low IQ, non-NT, stunted losers and dregs of society. There is very little in-between. Our current elite are very much blackpill-aware and incredibly cynical, possessing knowledge dating back thousands of years - or more. They just obviously don't show or say it to gullible normies and NPCs, JFL. Most people who are blackpilled (i.e. know the truth about this world) and are in power only give a rat's ass about their own ass, are evil, and nothing else. Why do you think they're all about Epstein-level pedo-torture-cannibal-adrenochrome fuckery, drugs, orgies, human sacrifice, abhorrent experimentation on the global population, etc.? As I have said before on here, it's very obvious that they are not bluepill personality types (with the exception of their idiot tools).

The only proof I need to give you of this is to look at what us blackpillers (commonly) think about normies on average. Now, take that, apply it to someone who is actually, objectively, unironically evil, extremely motivated and fanatical, extremely powerful, not at all afraid of consequences, and who has knowledge even more advanced than the little tidbits we have managed to scrape off the tip of the iceberg. Do you now understand?

How will you take down such a well-entrenched foe, who has made everyone willingly submit to him? Who has shackled not their arms or legs, but their hearts and minds? Who directs them as if they were a single organism, attacking any dissenters as if they were white blood cells fighting off an infection? Even if you, or me, or anyone else anywhere across space and time does anything, what comes next?
I suggest you pay very close attention to what I have to say, and take it to heart. This goes for anyone else reading this, and is, to be honest, mostly intended for them.

I am not necessarily accusing you yourself of being a glowie, or a fed, or anything; it doesn't even concern me, and makes little to no difference in the end. I am just telling you this is very dangerous territory and very stupid to do. It's how to get arrested 101, basically.

If you are really blackpilled, you will understand that it is quite difficult to form a truly organized group of men who can support each other - especially low value, ugly men. Why? Because they'll betray you the first chance they get, as they're desperate to get up the social ladder. Other low-status men will turn on you before even other normies, women, or anyone else. These will be the first people to throw you under the bus, and is why the blackpill commandments teach you to trust no-one. If anyone comes with a message of hope for men, it's an instant red flag for anyone that's truly blackpilled.

Let me also talk about blackpillers themselves, which is also something I referred to in one of my posts. Most people on this planet who are blackpilled are either high IQ, decent-looking, and very well connected, or are low IQ, non-NT, stunted losers and dregs of society. There is very little in-between. Our current elite are very much blackpill-aware and incredibly cynical, possessing knowledge dating back thousands of years - or more. They just obviously don't show or say it to gullible normies and NPCs, JFL. Most people who are blackpilled (i.e. know the truth about this world) and are in power only give a rat's ass about their own ass, are evil, and nothing else. Why do you think they're all about Epstein-level pedo-torture-cannibal-adrenochrome fuckery, drugs, orgies, human sacrifice, abhorrent experimentation on the global population, etc.? As I have said before on here, it's very obvious that they are not bluepill personality types (with the exception of their idiot tools).

The only proof I need to give you of this is to look at what us blackpillers (commonly) think about normies on average. Now, take that, apply it to someone who is actually, objectively, unironically evil, extremely motivated and fanatical, extremely powerful, not at all afraid of consequences, and who has knowledge even more advanced than the little tidbits we have managed to scrape off the tip of the iceberg. Do you now understand?

How will you take down such a well-entrenched foe, who has made everyone willingly submit to him? Who has shackled not their arms or legs, but their hearts and minds? Who directs them as if they were a single organism, attacking any dissenters as if they were white blood cells fighting off an infection? Even if you, or me, or anyone else anywhere across space and time does anything, what comes next?
Even me responding to you is incredibly risky for me, as the algorithm and the useful idiots behind silicon valley will see an inkie disagree and probably twist it as "SO YOU'RE ON HIS SIDE!!11!!1!" and retard prosecutors and judges will set up a fake-ass kangaroo trial and unironically use this as evidence.
I suggest you pay very close attention to what I have to say, and take it to heart. This goes for anyone else reading this, and is, to be honest, mostly intended for them.

I am not necessarily accusing you yourself of being a glowie, or a fed, or anything; it doesn't even concern me, and makes little to no difference in the end. I am just telling you this is very dangerous territory and very stupid to do. It's how to get arrested 101, basically.

If you are really blackpilled, you will understand that it is quite difficult to form a truly organized group of men who can support each other - especially low value, ugly men. Why? Because they'll betray you the first chance they get, as they're desperate to get up the social ladder. Other low-status men will turn on you before even other normies, women, or anyone else. These will be the first people to throw you under the bus, and is why the blackpill commandments teach you to trust no-one. If anyone comes with a message of hope for men, it's an instant red flag for anyone that's truly blackpilled.

Let me also talk about blackpillers themselves, which is also something I referred to in one of my posts. Most people on this planet who are blackpilled are either high IQ, decent-looking, and very well connected, or are low IQ, non-NT, stunted losers and dregs of society. There is very little in-between. Our current elite are very much blackpill-aware and incredibly cynical, possessing knowledge dating back thousands of years - or more. They just obviously don't show or say it to gullible normies and NPCs, JFL. Most people who are blackpilled (i.e. know the truth about this world) and are in power only give a rat's ass about their own ass, are evil, and nothing else. Why do you think they're all about Epstein-level pedo-torture-cannibal-adrenochrome fuckery, drugs, orgies, human sacrifice, abhorrent experimentation on the global population, etc.? As I have said before on here, it's very obvious that they are not bluepill personality types (with the exception of their idiot tools).

The only proof I need to give you of this is to look at what us blackpillers (commonly) think about normies on average. Now, take that, apply it to someone who is actually, objectively, unironically evil, extremely motivated and fanatical, extremely powerful, not at all afraid of consequences, and who has knowledge even more advanced than the little tidbits we have managed to scrape off the tip of the iceberg. Do you now understand?

How will you take down such a well-entrenched foe, who has made everyone willingly submit to him? Who has shackled not their arms or legs, but their hearts and minds? Who directs them as if they were a single organism, attacking any dissenters as if they were white blood cells fighting off an infection? Even if you, or me, or anyone else anywhere across space and time does anything, what comes next?
I do appreciate your concern and your sincere engagement, and if no one is convinced by words that is fine, I simply wish to explain my own vision and reason in why I have started to involve myself with the IPF and the Incel Liberation Movement.

Indeed the omnipresence of exploitation and competitive social dynamics makes it difficult to unify men. It may seem an impossible barrier, but it can be done. Even assuming the most cynical perspective that everyone is out for themselves, if the interest of a group aligns one's individual interests, unification then becomes possible. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. While such partnerships should be taken with a grain of salt and constant vigilance, there is nonetheless benefit in collaboration. That is the same thing the elites do, hell that is the only reason Epstein was able to do what he did with all his connections. Even from a machiavellian or blackpill perspective it is sensible to engage in social coordination when it is beneficial, even if it is only opportunistic in nature.

Humans are inherently social and tribalistic creatures. If blacks and women and faggots have formed institutions and organizations around their tribe to promote their group interests, it is only sensible for incels and alienated men in general to do the same. We need to be just as tribalistic and unified as our enemies are if we wish to force the world to accommodate us in any fashion.

Yes, eventually down the road we would like to see a political revolution and to seize the levers of power to enact a society where women are humbled and men are held in esteem once again, but we recognize that is a long, long way down the road and surely there will be many barriers as you mention. But right now incels don't even have the most basic, rudimentary organization to promote our interests. Our near-term goal is to lay the foundation for incels to organize and engage in activism in promotion of incel rights and adjacent interests through lawful means. Only with that infrastructure laid can we even begin to conceive of a sociopolitical revolution.

We are really doing really basic, baseline community organizing here, and from our perspective it is disappointing to see so many detractors immediately dive to the glownigger FBI line when in actuality our intentions for the foreseeable future is forming the incel equivalent of the NAACP or HRC or AIPAC.
We don’t need to rebel against women because they are destroying themselves
I do appreciate your concern and your sincere engagement, and if no one is convinced by words that is fine, I simply wish to explain my own vision and reason in why I have started to involve myself with the IPF and the Incel Liberation Movement.

Indeed the omnipresence of exploitation and competitive social dynamics makes it difficult to unify men. It may seem an impossible barrier, but it can be done. Even assuming the most cynical perspective that everyone is out for themselves, if the interest of a group aligns one's individual interests, unification then becomes possible. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. While such partnerships should be taken with a grain of salt and constant vigilance, there is nonetheless benefit in collaboration. That is the same thing the elites do, hell that is the only reason Epstein was able to do what he did with all his connections. Even from a machiavellian or blackpill perspective it is sensible to engage in social coordination when it is beneficial, even if it is only opportunistic in nature.

Humans are inherently social and tribalistic creatures. If blacks and women and faggots have formed institutions and organizations around their tribe to promote their group interests, it is only sensible for incels and alienated men in general to do the same. We need to be just as tribalistic and unified as our enemies are if we wish to force the world to accommodate us in any fashion.

Yes, eventually down the road we would like to see a political revolution and to seize the levers of power to enact a society where women are humbled and men are held in esteem once again, but we recognize that is a long, long way down the road and surely there will be many barriers as you mention. But right now incels don't even have the most basic, rudimentary organization to promote our interests. Our near-term goal is to lay the foundation for incels to organize and engage in activism in promotion of incel rights and adjacent interests through lawful means. Only with that infrastructure laid can we even begin to conceive of a sociopolitical revolution.

We are really doing really basic, baseline community organizing here, and from our perspective it is disappointing to see so many detractors immediately dive to the glownigger FBI line when in actuality our intentions for the foreseeable future is forming the incel equivalent of the NAACP or HRC or AIPAC.
Just being an 'incel' isn't enough, to be honest. That's too niche. You have to expand your horizons and create a broader blackpilled movement, and maybe find some other name - though I'd personally avoid -isms.

The issue is that what you say about men organizing can theoretically be possible in a vacuum. But we are not in a vacuum; we live in an increasingly competitive and desperate society. If the elites want to take you out, all they have to do is promise something to those low-status men and voila - that's it. And you best believe the elites can deliver on their promises. Failing that, they can just wipe the floor with people and make them disappear. Blacks, women, fags, trannies, etc. formed what they did because they were allowed to and encouraged to do so. You must assume that nothing in modern-day society is entirely grassroots, or original, or natural, or what have you not. No revolution or rebellion can succeed without outside help from a third party.

A blackpilled civil rights group will most likely fail due to complete lack of soft power and optics firmly arranged against the blackpill. It is a very desperate, uphill (and when I say uphill, I mean cliff-like) battle that is being fought on all levels of the noospheric/societal front - and it's one we've lost a long, long time ago. Now, we are just trying to survive day-to-day. I long for the day when a blackpilled, pro-human/humanist authority will take the reins and guide humanity towards better days - so that the pain in our hearts may be relieved - but I am afraid something like that will not happen. At least, not anytime soon.
Even me responding to you is incredibly risky for me, as the algorithm and the useful idiots behind silicon valley will see an inkie disagree and probably twist it as "SO YOU'RE ON HIS SIDE!!11!!1!" and retard prosecutors and judges will set up a fake-ass kangaroo trial and unironically use this as evidence.
There's a fine line between reality and paranoia. Yes, it isn't paranoia if they're actually out to get you, but have you said anything incriminating? There's a constitution in this country you know, no matter how hard the Jews or whoever the fuck is pushing this shit tries to change it. Here's my two cents: If there's no evidence, then it's just paranoia. Discussion in this forum is not enough for the feds to incriminate us, organization is allowed in this country. My point is, it's all fun and games unless you make specific threats; no one takes us on here seriously. And if we were to organize, it would maybe last for a short while we wouldn't be incriminated instantly.
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Just being an 'incel' isn't enough, to be honest. That's too niche. You have to expand your horizons and create a broader blackpilled movement, and maybe find some other name - though I'd personally avoid -isms.

The issue is that what you say about men organizing can theoretically be possible in a vacuum. But we are not in a vacuum; we live in an increasingly competitive and desperate society. If the elites want to take you out, all they have to do is promise something to those low-status men and voila - that's it. And you best believe the elites can deliver on their promises. Failing that, they can just wipe the floor with people and make them disappear. Blacks, women, fags, trannies, etc. formed what they did because they were allowed to and encouraged to do so. You must assume that nothing in modern-day society is entirely grassroots, or original, or natural, or what have you not. No revolution or rebellion can succeed without outside help from a third party.

A blackpilled civil rights group will most likely fail due to complete lack of soft power and optics firmly arranged against the blackpill. It is a very desperate, uphill (and when I say uphill, I mean cliff-like) battle that is being fought on all levels of the noospheric/societal front - and it's one we've lost a long, long time ago. Now, we are just trying to survive day-to-day. I long for the day when a blackpilled, pro-human/humanist authority will take the reins and guide humanity towards better days - so that the pain in our hearts may be relieved - but I am afraid something like that will not happen. At least, not anytime soon.
That's assuming we're even unified enough to try to organize such a group. News flash: We're not. We're not organized whatsoever, this forum and community and whatever else you want to call it is a fucking joke, a clown show, a circus. We're all just here for entertainment. If we actually tried to organize and start a civil rights group or rebellion, you're damn right, we'll end up like the Black Panthers in the 20th century. We wouldn't be wiped out entirely, but we would be decimated yet allowed to linger on on a much smaller scale while being controlled by a puppet that serves the interests of the government/feds/jews/whatever you think.
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We wouldn't be wiped out entirely, but we would be decimated yet allowed to linger on on a much smaller scale while being controlled by a puppet that serves the interests of the government/feds/jews/whatever you think.
In fact maybe this has already happened, judging from the declining state of this forum and a distorted version of the blackpill going mainstream in the past year- as a joke.
  1. Gender quotas to amass attractive, high IQ women into the cash dispensaries
  2. By having this subsidized "pseudowork" paid for by wagecells, the resulting social divide makes the females dependent on the elite
  3. Networking creates a stronger bonds between boss and secretaries
  4. The cabal engineers Covid X 4.0, dead incels in ~18 months, repopulates earth with the selected femoids
That's assuming we're even unified enough to try to organize such a group. News flash: We're not. We're not organized whatsoever, this forum and community and whatever else you want to call it is a fucking joke, a clown show, a circus. We're all just here for entertainment. If we actually tried to organize and start a civil rights group or rebellion, you're damn right, we'll end up like the Black Panthers in the 20th century. We wouldn't be wiped out entirely, but we would be decimated yet allowed to linger on on a much smaller scale while being controlled by a puppet that serves the interests of the government/feds/jews/whatever you think.
Dude it's not even possible to sign up without handing out the IP. WHy? was there infiltrators before? new here..
Dude it's not even possible to sign up without handing out the IP. WHy? was there infiltrators before? new here..
Because the owner of this forum is a greedy fuck who sells our personal data, which can easily be obtained from IP addresses. He even made merchandise and VIP passes for his other forum, looksmax.org. He uses the blackpill as a platform to make money and is no better than redpill grifters.
Because the owner of this forum is a greedy fuck who sells our personal data, which can easily be obtained from IP addresses. He even made merchandise and VIP passes for his other forum, looksmax.org. He uses the blackpill as a platform to make money and is no better than redpill grifters.
strange men as a whole are so poorly organized when 25% will end up childless for life
I suggest you pay very close attention to what I have to say, and take it to heart. This goes for anyone else reading this, and is, to be honest, mostly intended for them.

I am not necessarily accusing you yourself of being a glowie, or a fed, or anything; it doesn't even concern me, and makes little to no difference in the end. I am just telling you this is very dangerous territory and very stupid to do. It's how to get arrested 101, basically.

If you are really blackpilled, you will understand that it is quite difficult to form a truly organized group of men who can support each other - especially low value, ugly men. Why? Because they'll betray you the first chance they get, as they're desperate to get up the social ladder. Other low-status men will turn on you before even other normies, women, or anyone else. These will be the first people to throw you under the bus, and is why the blackpill commandments teach you to trust no-one. If anyone comes with a message of hope for men, it's an instant red flag for anyone that's truly blackpilled.

Let me also talk about blackpillers themselves, which is also something I referred to in one of my posts. Most people on this planet who are blackpilled are either high IQ, decent-looking, and very well connected, or are low IQ, non-NT, stunted losers and dregs of society. There is very little in-between. Our current elite are very much blackpill-aware and incredibly cynical, possessing knowledge dating back thousands of years - or more. They just obviously don't show or say it to gullible normies and NPCs, JFL. Most people who are blackpilled (i.e. know the truth about this world) and are in power only give a rat's ass about their own ass, are evil, and nothing else. Why do you think they're all about Epstein-level pedo-torture-cannibal-adrenochrome fuckery, drugs, orgies, human sacrifice, abhorrent experimentation on the global population, etc.? As I have said before on here, it's very obvious that they are not bluepill personality types (with the exception of their idiot tools).

The only proof I need to give you of this is to look at what us blackpillers (commonly) think about normies on average. Now, take that, apply it to someone who is actually, objectively, unironically evil, extremely motivated and fanatical, extremely powerful, not at all afraid of consequences, and who has knowledge even more advanced than the little tidbits we have managed to scrape off the tip of the iceberg. Do you now understand?

How will you take down such a well-entrenched foe, who has made everyone willingly submit to him? Who has shackled not their arms or legs, but their hearts and minds? Who directs them as if they were a single organism, attacking any dissenters as if they were white blood cells fighting off an infection? Even if you, or me, or anyone else anywhere across space and time does anything, what comes next?
Interesting... :feelshehe:
If you are really blackpilled, you will understand that it is quite difficult to form a truly organized group of men who can support each other - especially low value, ugly men. Why? Because they'll betray you the first chance they get, as they're desperate to get up the social ladder. Other low-status men will turn on you before even other normies, women, or anyone else. These will be the first people to throw you under the bus, and is why the blackpill commandments teach you to trust no-one. If anyone comes with a message of hope for men, it's an instant red flag for anyone that's truly blackpilled
Based and harsh brutal truth
Sharia Law is incredibly based.
There's a fine line between reality and paranoia. Yes, it isn't paranoia if they're actually out to get you, but have you said anything incriminating? There's a constitution in this country you know, no matter how hard the Jews or whoever the fuck is pushing this shit tries to change it. Here's my two cents: If there's no evidence, then it's just paranoia. Discussion in this forum is not enough for the feds to incriminate us, organization is allowed in this country. My point is, it's all fun and games unless you make specific threats; no one takes us on here seriously. And if we were to organize, it would maybe last for a short while we wouldn't be incriminated instantly.
bro believes in feds
Immigration is the least of the concern for JBWs if the recent Sydney rampage is anything to go by.
We don’t need to rebel against women because they are destroying themselves
Women don't really matter, incels need to focus on the male collective. Women have godlike status because of the masses of men who guard them. We need to deal with them if we want a chance at getting ascension.
Women don't really matter, incels need to focus on the male collective. Women have godlike status because of the masses of men who guard them. We need to deal with them if we want a chance at getting ascension.
I suggest you pay very close attention to what I have to say, and take it to heart. This goes for anyone else reading this, and is, to be honest, mostly intended for them.

I am not necessarily accusing you yourself of being a glowie, or a fed, or anything; it doesn't even concern me, and makes little to no difference in the end. I am just telling you this is very dangerous territory and very stupid to do. It's how to get arrested 101, basically.

If you are really blackpilled, you will understand that it is quite difficult to form a truly organized group of men who can support each other - especially low value, ugly men. Why? Because they'll betray you the first chance they get, as they're desperate to get up the social ladder. Other low-status men will turn on you before even other normies, women, or anyone else. These will be the first people to throw you under the bus, and is why the blackpill commandments teach you to trust no-one. If anyone comes with a message of hope for men, it's an instant red flag for anyone that's truly blackpilled.

Let me also talk about blackpillers themselves, which is also something I referred to in one of my posts. Most people on this planet who are blackpilled are either high IQ, decent-looking, and very well connected, or are low IQ, non-NT, stunted losers and dregs of society. There is very little in-between. Our current elite are very much blackpill-aware and incredibly cynical, possessing knowledge dating back thousands of years - or more. They just obviously don't show or say it to gullible normies and NPCs, JFL. Most people who are blackpilled (i.e. know the truth about this world) and are in power only give a rat's ass about their own ass, are evil, and nothing else. Why do you think they're all about Epstein-level pedo-torture-cannibal-adrenochrome fuckery, drugs, orgies, human sacrifice, abhorrent experimentation on the global population, etc.? As I have said before on here, it's very obvious that they are not bluepill personality types (with the exception of their idiot tools).

The only proof I need to give you of this is to look at what us blackpillers (commonly) think about normies on average. Now, take that, apply it to someone who is actually, objectively, unironically evil, extremely motivated and fanatical, extremely powerful, not at all afraid of consequences, and who has knowledge even more advanced than the little tidbits we have managed to scrape off the tip of the iceberg. Do you now understand?

How will you take down such a well-entrenched foe, who has made everyone willingly submit to him? Who has shackled not their arms or legs, but their hearts and minds? Who directs them as if they were a single organism, attacking any dissenters as if they were white blood cells fighting off an infection? Even if you, or me, or anyone else anywhere across space and time does anything, what comes next?
I'd rather try something than just rot for life; there's nothing to lose for most of us anyway. I, for one, would not betray my kin at the sight of used foid scraps from the Kike elites. I wouldn't stop until all Incels had retribution in a systematic way. Why do you value your life so much? 99% chance we fail I agree but I would rather risk it all for that 0.001% at this point than just stay with the current 100% chance of a living death LDAR. Better men have died for less
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