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Story Economic Matrix - Social Credit System - 1



Sep 25, 2019
Here is a brief explanation of the Micro (individual) level of the Economic Matrix of the Future.

The individual of the future will be trapped within a digital prison that will be comprised of several linked systems.

The core of this digital prison is the Social Credit System (or Stick and Carrot System) – SCS. Other systems that will be linked to the SCS are the personal identification database, banking system, driving licenses, insurance, and many others. This system has been partly implemented in China. I the future, the world “credit” will gain relation both to the word social and also for economics – financial/economic credit. So i divided the post into the Social and Economic aspects of SCS.

Social aspect of SCS
The system will be used to punish bad behavior and to prize for good behavior. There is no need for the government to define what is Good and bad. They can change the definitions with a push of a button - it's a digital system. The perfect Orwellian government in which all the definitions and the past can be controlled and constantly changed digitally.

Don’t think that such a system is exclusive for “tyrannical government” like Communist China. You already live in a tyrannical corporatocracy and several of these corporations already own the majority of data of every normie. Think of the enormous data stored by Google and Facebook but also Amazon, Banks and credit card companies.

Once all their data systems are linked and synchronized for each individual a complete profile is created. This profile consists of everything the normie ever “liked” of FB, all his credit card history, and web searches.

The Role of Social Media is pivotal.
Most of the normies have already given all their data willingly during their pursuit of social validation and projection of fake social status.

Facebook might know about them more then they know about themselves. It is an electronic database of every “like”, every comment (thought crimes), places visited, etc. This is an identity PROFILE and it is very comprehensive.

A biometric key should be added to prevent transferring an identity from one another (under a pretense of identity theft or national security) and that's it – the prison is set. All personal history, friendships, thoughts, desires, ratings, and "likes" are there. The initial social score will be based on that.

In addition, as the Blackpill would suggest, the rating will be based on your look, gender, nationality, etc... so it can be used for affirmative actions and punishments for being too ugly (getting to few likes).

Referring to the esoteric side… Since the use of social media is related to being depressed and angry it can be used as a tool for energy extraction. In this new system, there will be no way to stop the flow of information (like in Orwell's 1984 the telescreen cannot be turned off) you are constantly bombarded with toxic information that makes you suffer till you conform or rope.

There will be also human sacrifice – this is the Tophet on which people will be publicly lynched (sacrificed) by the mob. The lynchers are absolutely free to kill the “sinners”, moreover, they are praised for lynching the "enemies of society". Think about a combination of the Stanford prison experiment and Milligram experiment multiplied by indifference for the victim stemming from the distance.

Economic Aspect of SCS
The social credit will determine your economic abilities, freedoms, and purchasing power.

As we will move to a Cashless society people will be in prison in which they will be punished or prized with cash directly to their account. Other more sophisticated methods can be a relative increase in individual prices to prevent the individual to use or buy something. Namely, different individuals will pay different prices depending on their social credit.

UBI (universal basic income) can be a great tool for re(education). Simply by paying more for a "good" deed and charge for a "bad" deed. Normies will eagerly change their behavior to maximize this handout. It is, in fact, a form of personal money but you will get it only if you obey the system.

Wages will be rationed into your bank account and tax will de be deducted automatically. Your purchasing power will be financially controlled and if you have too much of it or your consumption level is too low your shekels will be taken away automatically.

To sum up... it is meant to be a system of control in which the whole environment is arranged to serve the production-consumption system in which you are a slave. a work of standardization, specialization, simplification, mechanization, dehumanization; its effect has been to "reduce" the individual to the most "Primitive" and basic level, to make him in fact the slave of his environment, the perfect workman in Lenin's worldwide "factory" (Eugene Seraphim Rose).

What do you think?!
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Sounds plausible
That was a really high iq explanation. The recording of everyone's online activity to effectively create a profile, everything that the warden needs to know about his prisoners. Social media and the huge, detailed database that is created by taking advantage of the innate need for social validation. The comparison between the telescreen and social media is absolutely spot on, with the only difference being that its from their own volition, but only as a result from the stick and carrot system.

A perfect system to make the humans totally dependent and obedient towards it. The system makes the rules as it pleases, and reaps as much energy as it could need.

This was an enlightening read. I thank you for writing this out and helping me learn
The Chinese system is... interesting?
It wouldnt even affect me ngl, I live in a forest.

Sounds terrible though. I wouldnt put it past the US government to already have a plan in the works to implement this. I mean who's going to stop them?

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panopticonmaxxed governments ...
Sounds bad but plausible, just like most other things in life.

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