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SuicideFuel Dude who takes care of himself, gymcels and has normie looks manages to get a fat gf who covers her face with layers of Makeup



Nov 27, 2017
I dont even know if I should make a real attempt to get a NON obese girlfriend tbh. If this dude gets this landwhale what the fuck am I supposed to achieve? I have to spend thousand of euros just to have a normal face. I have to spend hundreds of hours to get a decent body. And all this for an obese woman who would leave me the moment she finds a better provider for her? I dont know if I want this anymore because the best I can get is the worst of them all and that for maximum afford.

Suicide fuel pictures for people who try to normiemax



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I would feel too grossed out and disgusted to have a relationship like that with a landwhale who is like 40% bodyfat. Can you imagine how horrible that foid smells?
I knew a 4/10 fat girl (8/10 with shit tons of fake up) whose boyfriend (literal Italian Chad) is in the exact same situation. I don't know what to do anymore if this kind of guy has to go with incel looksmatches in order to get laid.
I would feel too grossed out and disgusted to have a relationship like that with a landwhale who is like 40% bodyfat. Can you imagine how horrible that foid smells?
Seriously, fucking her would be indescribable disgusting. Her ass and hips would stink and the layers of her belly fat sweat aswell. And how can you even be happy with that, after all the work you have gone through
Seriously, fucking her would be indescribable disgusting. Her ass and hips would stink and the layers of her belly fat sweat aswell. And how can you even be happy with that, after all the work you have gone through

Yep. You can thank the soyboy cucked feminists and the postmodern McFeminism movement for all the hypergamous bullshit that is rampant now. When normies, and like the other guy in this thread said Italian CHADS have to settle for a landwhale, you KNOW its over for us.

oh wait
>sex isnt important
>a relationship isnt important

Thats why such a guy decides to stay with a fat landwhale that smells like rotten tuna
This guy isnt bad looking, but he is probably one of the guys, that dont make it into the 20% and has had problems finding a girl
And she was probably the only one that made a move on him, so he is with her
But even tho she is disgusting as fuck, the sex etc is worth enough for him to stay that way

>no you are not missing out incel fucks
meat is for the man bones is for the dogs
Even that ridiculous joke of a life is unattainable for us. Even if I lookmaxxed to the maximum possible extent, I’d still not be good enough for that 3/10.

JFL @ being alive.
I'd do anything for a gf that looks like that. She is significantly more attractive than most of the women I have messaged (and been rejected by) online.
The bottom line is that you can get a gf with hard work, but in 2018 genetics locks you out of anyone you'll truly find attractive if you're sub 8.

Imagine being this kid, having to look at all these young, tight, gym bunnies then come home to this. Bet you a million bucks he tries to make her order salads when hes out betabuxing.
The pictures are pretty bad but she doesn't seem fat in the 3rd pic, actually pretty qt.

Volcel or larp confirmed?
Yep, I really do feel this is the state of things now.

Chad must be going through women like tissue paper. It seems that most women are promiscuous, but the only guys getting sex are Chad and Tyrone. All the other guys are fighting over whatever scraps are leftover.

Is Chad fucking like 4 new girls every week? This is just ridiculous.

Bernie Sanders needs to add this issue to his new campaign rhetoric, "Millions of men are working-out longer hours for lower quality women despite a huge increase in female promiscuity," Sanders said. "And what we have seen since Tinder came out is a massive transfer of trillions of girls from the average-men to the top one-tenth of 1 percent of Chads — massive love and sex inequality, where you have 99 percent of all new sex today going to the top 1 percent of Chads."
Bernie Sanders needs to add this issue to his new campaign rhetoric, "Millions of men are working-out longer hours for lower quality women despite a huge increase in female promiscuity," Sanders said. "And what we have seen since Tinder came out is a massive transfer of trillions of girls from the average-men to the top one-tenth of 1 percent of Chads — massive love and sex inequality, where you have 99 percent of all new sex today going to the top 1 percent of Chads."

Homie, homie, homie. Money is WAY more important than love and sex you fucking loser (I'm imitating normies). How dare you talk about it as if it's an important issue!

To the OP, that's a landwhale? Jesus dude, I would probably bang her if she wiped that power trip off her face and I wasn't so screwed in the head.

Guys, in 2004 I was rated an 8.5 on the internet by women. I think I look BETTER than I used to, but women rated me last week at a 2.4.

For me, a 2.4 is like a 200 year old woman in a wheelchair (1 would be Harlequin syndrome). WTF! I also received a 1.7 in trustworthiness and a 2.6 for intelligence. This is fucked up and something is wrong. Bitches have to know I'm smart and trustworthy. Why? They could rate me high in those metrics and low in attraction. What do they have to lose for rating me as intelligent... Oh yea, they don't want to admit to themselves that they find intelligence a turnoff, so they view me as unintelligent and Chad as a genius.
She can do way better tbh yaaaas queen slay.
They look 13, shes borderline obese and shes a 3.8/10 with fakeup, baggy cloth and camera angles+filters so shes legit a 1/10 baseline, poor guy.
I could respect this if I didn't get the impression that he's her lapdog, clinging to her, trying not to get her upset, saying I love you back every time she says it, holding hands in the mall...her bitch, in short. Judging by these lovey dovey pictures this is some vomit inducting castrated teenybopper puppy love bullshit. Like I said if things were different I'd have no problems with this but unfortunately that's what I gather.
Dating fat foids is cope, Majority (99%) of the time they will just use you until they get skinny then run off to Chad.
The pictures are pretty bad but she doesn't seem fat in the 3rd pic, actually pretty qt.

Volcel or larp confirmed?
I knew her in real life, she is indeed pretty fat
I see actual chads dating female 3s and 4s and I see chad carrying his gfs purse when I go outside.

How do you think I feel?!
there is that fat muslim whore with a white chadlite bf on yt, i think chudur posted it. it is the worst case of hypergamy i have ever seen

@chudur-budur please enlighten us
there is that fat muslim whore with a white chadlite bf on yt, i think chudur posted it. it is the worst case of hypergamy i have ever seen

@chudur-budur please enlighten us

@tehgymcel420 is an expert on that landwhale whore.
The best part is if he somehow motivated her to lose weight; she'd soon dump his ass for an upgrade.
Honestly, she doesn't look terrible. Not a model, but not an ogre. 5/10
Generally american guys have this problem due to like 40% of the young woman of their country being obese.

Where are you from??
I once saw to soldiers with tight T-shirts kissing landwhales with a waist 2.5 times wider than them.
I would fuck her, guy looks beta
SmartSelectImage 2018 08 16 14 51 46

She literally looks like a whale
I would have sex with her. She looks pretty to me.
this is what happens when you consume to many blue pills.
on one hand I lough at these guys pissing on their decent genetics, on the other hand i feel sad for them because they are basically slaves to foids. none of them wear the pants in those relationships, I guarantee it.

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