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Blackpill Double standards with Indian and African immigration

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
If you look at simple crime rates or even videos and accounts you'll see that Indian immigrants in Canada aren't commiting a higher amount of crime than natives nor are they causing the chaos other immigrants such as Africans have in countries like France. Yet, it seems it's only Indian immigration that's seen as ok to trash by normies. Why? Probably because Indians have the lowest SMV.

Africans are commiting higher amounts of rape and murder in France and normies will call you racist for posting the statisticshttps://www.amren.com/news/2023/09/france-foreigners-commit-69-of-robberies-violent-crimes-and-sexual-assaults-on-public-transport/

Meanwhile Indians are simply hopping on dating apps in Canada and women are already demanding they be removed and normies of course are agreeing. Remember all the reddit threads and twitter posts of foids having a breakdown from having to swipe on an indian?

Really shows the priorities of a normies. If you rape, kill, and eat people it's fine as long as you're tall and black! Meanwhile you can be struggling to even survive in the slums of Canada as an Indian man and normies will act as if you've sexually assaulted their children.
Also, indians have enough IQ and unify to take over jobs
Also, indians have enough IQ and unify to take over jobs
Sadly the average Indian has an 81 IQ and most of the immigrants coming to Canada now are poor Indians desperate for first world life only to be immediately thrown back into similar slums. There's a bunch of Indian and Chinese business men in Canada that are taking advantage of these immigrants for cheap labor because there's different labor laws for foreigners who aren't completely citizens. Pretty fucked up.
Remove Naan bread theory
Yet, it seems it's only Indian immigration that's seen as ok to trash by normies. Why? Probably because Indians have the lowest SMV.
Yep pretty much lol, that and then the external societal pressure to not say anything bad about niggers in public without being seen as racist, however you can genuinely say fucking anything that isnt "pajeet" and you will be fine if making fun of curries
Yep pretty much lol, that and then the external societal pressure to not say anything bad about niggers in public without being seen as racist, however you can genuinely say fucking anything that isnt "pajeet" and you will be fine if making fun of curries
Care to link me to these supposed crime stats? And videos very much do show Indians causing a fuckton of chaos in Canada, whether it’s simple shit like not knowing how to queue properly or more serious stuff like killing/crippling people in accidents with their awful driving skills, rioting in the streets, or stabbing random people to death.

I agree with the idea you present in your post that normies don’t give nigs, sands, or spics the same energy when it comes to immigration and crime, though, and that it very much has to do with their place in the SMV hierarchy. I’ve actually made a thread about this in the past:

We can acknowledge normies’ selective outrage at criminal immigrants without pushing the myth that Indians, Pakis, etc. are “model minorities”
Canada, Australia and the UK will become more like India this recent wave is only a sample.
India immigrations is very high and very recent right, like Canada has 38 million people so adding 1 million Indians in less than 5 years is record shattering, like nearly 3% of your population is suddenly a different ethnics groups. Also africans are more likely to be chrisitan so they have more in common than hindus or muslim indians. Part of it also culture shock cause western indians are known for higher iq an lighter skin so having million punjabis with low iq show up and barely speak english causes more shock
India immigrations is very high and very recent right, like Canada has 38 million people so adding 1 million Indians in less than 5 years is record shattering, like nearly 3% of your population is suddenly a different ethnics groups. Also africans are more likely to be chrisitan so they have more in common than hindus or muslim indians. Part of it also culture shock cause western indians are known for higher iq an lighter skin so having million punjabis with low iq show up and barely speak english causes more shock
Yeah the fact they’ve taken in so many in such a short time is why the housing market is so fucked.

Africans being Christian doesn’t help much imo, since they still have quite a higher crime stat. Besides, most Whites in Canada, at least the Anglo-Celtic ones are not actually that religious, Meds & Slavs who are known to be more religious probably aren’t doing much better in terms of actually being religious if that makes sense. Christianity hasn’t been good for the West imo, which i’ll address another time

The US & Canada formally used to only accept the top 1-3% of Curries IQ & income wise, meaning that the current waves they’re getting and we’re about to get are the average low-IQ Curries who lack even basic spatial awareness.
I think that immigration is a hot button because ppl just don't like ugly people. If all those Hispanic immigrants acted the exact same, but were thin, tall and white people from Russia and Ukraine instead of mostly being fat, short and brown ppl from Mexico/South America , do you think that people would care that much about immigration?
Africans being Christian doesn’t help much imo, since they still have quite a higher crime stat. Besides, most Whites in Canada, at least the Anglo-Celtic ones are not actually that religious, Meds & Slavs who are known to be more religious probably aren’t doing much better in terms of actually being religious if that makes sense. Christianity hasn’t been good for the West imo, which i’ll address another time
That's true, I guess the west is pretty much entirely secular outside of certain areas, so it makes them more similar to eastern asians
The US & Canada formally used to only accept the top 1-3% of Curries IQ & income wise, meaning that the current waves they’re getting and we’re about to get are the average low-IQ Curries who lack even basic spatial awareness.
Yup, even in the shitty town we had 1 indian in our class and he was 99% percentile and stemmaxxed in the middle of high school. So the perception is that curries are high IQ same with the ricecel classmate. But I guess if a bunch of country bumpkin rices left the farms and moved to america on mass people would be racist against them
I think that immigration is a hot button because ppl just don't like ugly people. If all those Hispanic immigrants acted the exact same, but were thin, tall and white people from Russia and Ukraine instead of mostly being fat, short and brown ppl from Mexico/South America , do you think that people would care that much about immigration?
Yup, nobody seethes about nordic or slavic immigration because are on average 6ft+ and they are white, even though slavs have their own gangs and shit
That's true, I guess the west is pretty much entirely secular outside of certain areas, so it makes them more similar to eastern asians
Protestantism which is the main denomination for most NW Euros(founders of the US & Canada) seems to generally lead to secularism in someway, since the areas of NW Europe which once were mainly Protestant are now mostly atheist with just some outlying rural areas.

South & East Europe, on the other hand, still cling to it a lot. I don't have an issue with either group(meds or slavs) since I have some genetic input from the former & we need to have White unity with the state of things, but I see Catholicism as problematic for a few reasons.
Yup, even in the shitty town we had 1 indian in our class and he was 99% percentile and stemmaxxed in the middle of high school. So the perception is that curries are high IQ same with the ricecel classmate. But I guess if a bunch of country bumpkin rices left the farms and moved to america on mass people would be racist against them
Probably yeah, it seems that this whole "model-minority" type only exists when they literally are a minority of only the most high-IQ & thus compatible with society.
Yup, nobody seethes about nordic or slavic immigration because are on average 6ft+ and they are white, even though slavs have their own gangs and shit
NW Euros & SW Euros don't have high crime rates, aren't detrimental economy wise, etc.

Most have IQs on par if not higher than the US & Canada, they're more educated, and are generally more pleasant than Americans.

A common misconception, is that Slavic(also including Albanians & Romanians)gangs are always full of actual Slavs/Balkanites, but the truth is a lot of them are actually gypsies that are counted under that nationality.
If you look at simple crime rates or even videos and accounts you'll see that Indian immigrants in Canada aren't commiting a higher amount of crime than natives nor are they causing the chaos other immigrants such as Africans have in countries like France. Yet, it seems it's only Indian immigration that's seen as ok to trash by normies. Why? Probably because Indians have the lowest SMV.

Africans are commiting higher amounts of rape and murder in France and normies will call you racist for posting the statisticshttps://www.amren.com/news/2023/09/france-foreigners-commit-69-of-robberies-violent-crimes-and-sexual-assaults-on-public-transport/

Meanwhile Indians are simply hopping on dating apps in Canada and women are already demanding they be removed and normies of course are agreeing. Remember all the reddit threads and twitter posts of foids having a breakdown from having to swipe on an indian?

Really shows the priorities of a normies. If you rape, kill, and eat people it's fine as long as you're tall and black! Meanwhile you can be struggling to even survive in the slums of Canada as an Indian man and normies will act as if you've sexually assaulted their children.
Nobody wants Currycels flooding their countries, they're notorious for only hiring their own, and renting only to other Currycels. It doesn't help that they have terrible body odor and accents with no SMV worth mentioning, it's ovER for Currycels in the west. :feelsrope:
I think that immigration is a hot button because ppl just don't like ugly people. If all those Hispanic immigrants acted the exact same, but were thin, tall and white people from Russia and Ukraine instead of mostly being fat, short and brown ppl from Mexico/South America , do you think that people would care that much about immigration?
Ukrainians and Russians have a lower crime rate, are more willing to integrate and are culturally closer to USA than South America, of course they would be accepeted more than Spics

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