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Don't use Google or Chrome



Oct 20, 2018
If someone here stills uses their software it's pretty cucked tbh. Those sjws fired guy that wrote manifesto about foid privilege in industry and got fired for thoughtcrime.
Use DuckDuckGo for Google instead and Mozilla Firefox instead of Chrome of Internet Explorer/Edge. Mozilla and DuckDuckGo also don't track you and block some fags from getting your private data.
anyone who still uses soy google is a cuck since those fags hate men
Google HQ must be filled to the brim with blue hair feminists and cuckolds.

Disgusting company
Also google constantly watches you. Theres a reason Google Chrome takes up so much space and that its constantly running.
Or to be extra safe just use Tor browser
If someone here stills uses their software it's pretty cucked tbh. Those sjws fired guy that wrote manifesto about foid privilege in industry and got fired for thoughtcrime.
Use DuckDuckGo for Google instead and Mozilla Firefox instead of Chrome of Internet Explorer/Edge. Mozilla and DuckDuckGo also don't track you and block some fags from getting your private data.
anyone who still uses soy google is a cuck since those fags hate men

Sorry google is the best search engine. The government is also an enemy of men, by your logic every man should quit his government job if he has one and work for a private company or for himself. Some shit you put up with because its useful.
Sorry google is the best search engine. The government is also an enemy of men, by your logic every man should quit his government job if he has one and work for a private company or for himself. Some shit you put up with because its useful.
Why not use Startpage? It's anonymized Google.
Sorry google is the best search engine. The government is also an enemy of men, by your logic every man should quit his government job if he has one and work for a private company or for himself. Some shit you put up with because its useful.
Google is explicitly sjw anti-male company that fired a guy who wrote simple manifesto about foid privilege in the industry. If that's not an argument for you then it's pretty cucked tbh
DuckDuckGo is still pretty good and efficient search machine plus they don't track you and don't save your data. Instead of going to google.com go to duckduckgo.com and that's all
I use Firefox and DuckDuckGo.

Unfortunately, my phone still uses an Android operating system.
I use DuckDuckGo and Vivaldi with privacy extensions.
i sometimes use duckduckgo because google barely functions as a search engine anymore with the bullshit piled on top of it
Why not use Startpage? It's anonymized Google.
I only use start page if I want to search something anonymously, but google always has the best search results and more of them, so if I'm searching for porn, and I want to maximise the amount of links I get per search that are actually good, I use google.

Most searches i'll use google, because you'll always get better results that way, also I doubt you can use the same search parameter functions that you can use in google search, e.g. "filetype" "site", etc. Helps with filtering for specific things.
Google is explicitly sjw anti-male company that fired a guy who wrote simple manifesto about foid privilege in the industry. If that's not an argument for you then it's pretty cucked tbh
DuckDuckGo is still pretty good and efficient search machine plus they don't track you and don't save your data. Instead of going to google.com go to duckduckgo.com and that's all

So you can't read so i'll just quote myself again because you are using the pointless argument I already addressed -
The government is also an enemy of men, by your logic every man should quit his government job if he has one and work for a private company or for himself

Governments are inherently anti-male, so lets all stop having anything to do with the government.

You seem to be forgetting something important, google will always have better search results and more of them than other search websites because more people use google, so if a previous person has accessed a link, etc its more likely to pop up in your search returns. Notice when you are typing in something google gives suggestions, that's from other peoples searches, it makes finding files, videos, news, etc easier because someone else already searched for those things and the information is "cached" in a way.
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I use all of Microsoft’s services.

I like Edge a lot more than Chrome anyway
I have quit Chrome since they added that "always signed in" bullshit where every time I sign into Google, I get signed into Chrome as well. There's supposedly a way to disable it but it doesn't work and I no longer trust the company in the slightest.

I will be using startpage from now on. Thanks for the suggestion ITT.
I only use start page if I want to search something anonymously, but google always has the best search results and more of them, so if I'm searching for porn, and I want to maximise the amount of links I get per search that are actually good, I use google.

Most searches i'll use google, because you'll always get better results that way, also I doubt you can use the same search parameter functions that you can use in google search, e.g. "filetype" "site", etc. Helps with filtering for specific things.

So you can't read so i'll just quote myself again because you are using the pointless argument I already addressed -

Governments are inherently anti-male, so lets all stop having anything to do with the government.

You seem to be forgetting something important, google will always have better search results and more of them than other search websites because more people use google, so if a previous person has accessed a link, etc its more likely to pop up in your search returns. Notice when you are typing in something google gives suggestions, that's from other peoples searches, it makes finding files, videos, news, etc easier because someone else already searched for those things and the information is "cached" in a way.
That depends on how precise results you want to get. DuckDuckGo might be worse than google but most of the results are completely satisfying for me and tbh I don't feel like their results are any worse. The government is an entity that must exist for basic civilizational maitenance, google is just a private company. But whatever, it's up to what you wanna use. It's just there are alternatives that don't support sjws and man haters, that's all.
It's just there are alternatives that don't support sjws and man haters, that's all.

Cope, google doesn't make money per search, they make money by compiling user data through searches and selling it to companies, so unless billions of individuals stop using google they'll still have the data necessary to analyze and forecast trends using the data, or sell it to companies to do the same for their business needs. Facebook does the same thing to its users, every incel could stop using google indefinitely and sjw's and man haters will still be "supported". I really hate these ridiculous cope arguments as though if a few people stop doing something it even makes a dent in the contribution that the other 99% of the population is giving.

Reminds me of when neets say they are "withholding labor" by not working and its definitely making an impact :feelskek:

Oh yeah, a few hundred thousand men stop working and all the income of the millions of other people working is now insignificant, I'm not all that good in math, but I'm pretty sure it makes no difference and its just a cope. Not working only impacts you negatively, not using google only makes your searches harder, you aren't making a difference, stop wasting your time and just use google.

Man the irony of what you're saying, some of us would never have even stumbled upon this site if not for using google JFL.
Yet chrome is the best browser. I recommend a web browser that is based on chrome. There are plenty and a lot of those are compatible with add ons from the google web store.
Man the irony of what you're saying, some of us would never have even stumbled upon this site if not for using google JFL.
Search "incels" on DDG-> incels.is is the second result
Search "incels" on Google-> incels.is is nowhere to be found
Search "incels" on DDG-> incels.is is the second result
Search "incels" on Google-> incels.is is nowhere to be found

Disingenuous example, google is a large search engine so it it returns way more results on such an all encompassing term like "incel".

If I search "mmorpg" in google I don't expect it to automatically return "Guild Wars 2" as the first few results

Its like were both searching for a word, lets say "verbose". You have a dictionary that is only 100 pages, I have one that is 1000 pages. You obviously find the word first (well you're more likely too), but you are forgetting the fact that "you just happened" to have that word, I have 900 pages more, if were searching for something else you might not even have that word in your dictionary.

All of the best websites I've stumbled upon for free downloads, etc were on google. It has continued to provide me with the best searches, why would I break that pattern now.
Just not using Chrome wouldn't help, and besides (((they))) already know all everything about us.
Disingenuous example, google is a large search engine so it it returns way more results on such an all encompassing term like "incel".

If I search "mmorpg" in google I don't expect it to automatically return "Guild Wars 2" as the first few results

Its like were both searching for word, lets say "verbose". You have a dictionary that is only 100 pages, I have one that is 1000 pages. You obviously find the word first (well you're more likely too), but you are forgetting the fact that "you just happened" to have that word, I have 900 pages more, if were searching for something else you might not even have that word.

All of the best websites I've stumbled upon for free downloads, etc were on google. It has continued to provide me with the best searches, why would I break that pattern now.
Search "incels.is" on google, you can see it returns "Did you mean: incels.com"
Search "incel website" on Google, and the very first result is incels(.)net, a totally dead website.

Your argument was that (presumably) many people would not have found this site had they used DDG, or another search engine, instead of Google. That is obviously wrong.
Search "incels.is" on google, you can see it returns "Did you mean: incels.com"

You kinda used a bad example here to prove your point, but oh well

Your argument was that (presumably) many people would not have found this site had they used DDG, or another search engine, instead of Google. That is obviously wrong.

You are forgetting something important, something that I already mentioned, feels like I'm arguing in circles here:

Before all the mass attacks, and the recent attention incels were are getting (e.g. Thot Audit) it would obviously be easier to find, I think I googled "incel forum" or something and AT THE TIME it was one of the first few in the list. But like I said and like I have to keep repeating, a lot of people use google, and google collects a lot of data, some a lot of stuff is gonna get "pushed back" in the list, search "incels" and there's so much drama and media talk going around about incels that you are very unlikely (at this time) to see incels.is pop up.

Though if I search "incel forum" now, the first link is this article - https://www.villainesse.com/no-filter/i-spent-evening-incel-forum-what-i-learnt

Which mentions incels.me, if I then google "incels.me"

Of course that site is dead so a user might have to do a little digging, so be it, that's the price of quality. If there was a place would good food, so there are always long lines, would you think the logical choice is to start eating at places where the food is kinda bad tasting just so you can get a quick meal JFL.

If a possible user can't do a little digging then maybe that's the kind of user I don't even want here, the kind that will just spam low effort posts all the time.

Now I'm done arguing this, you guys can use whatever search engine you want, I'm going to continue to use the one that has always provided the best results along with the largest compilation of results, do I have to sift through more, sure, and I'm glad I have more to sift through, that means I'm likely not missing anything.

I mean there's so many services that the company google provides outside of the search engine that are useful, for example youtube, are you going to tell me don't watch youtube either, don't upload videos to youtube, I should instead search for videos on some obscure site where I won't find any content, and upload to it where I won't get any views (the entire point of making content is for others to see it)?

Whats your alternative for google maps?
Use DuckDuckGo for Google instead and Mozilla Firefox instead of Chrome of Internet Explorer/Edge
Already doing that. DuckDuckGo is owned by a jew but at least it doesn't hide torrenting sites.
all tech companies are cucked so what does it matter, everything you use is on someone else's server so they could access it whoever you use, nothing is private, if you want total privacy don't use the internet ever.

i use google maps, chrome, gmail, gdrive, google photos, google contacts, google play for my business, all for nothing, they might be raging cucks as a company but from a software standpoint I have found nothing better considering you can kind of bundle all their services together
Tempted to switch
Also google constantly watches you. Theres a reason Google Chrome takes up so much space and that its constantly running.
Disingenuous example, google is a large search engine so it it returns way more results on such an all encompassing term like "incel".
Big cope. Google is known for manually changing results. There are even blackpills with google's search engines jfl
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all tech companies are cucked so what does it matter, everything you use is on someone else's server so they could access it whoever you use, nothing is private, if you want total privacy don't use the internet ever.

i use google maps, chrome, gmail, gdrive, google photos, google contacts, google play for my business, all for nothing, they might be raging cucks as a company but from a software standpoint I have found nothing better considering you can kind of bundle all their services together
Cope, google doesn't make money per search, they make money by compiling user data through searches and selling it to companies, so unless billions of individuals stop using google they'll still have the data necessary to analyze and forecast trends using the data, or sell it to companies to do the same for their business needs. Facebook does the same thing to its users, every incel could stop using google indefinitely and sjw's and man haters will still be "supported". I really hate these ridiculous cope arguments as though if a few people stop doing something it even makes a dent in the contribution that the other 99% of the population is giving.

Reminds me of when neets say they are "withholding labor" by not working and its definitely making an impact :feelskek:

Oh yeah, a few hundred thousand men stop working and all the income of the millions of other people working is now insignificant, I'm not all that good in math, but I'm pretty sure it makes no difference and its just a cope. Not working only impacts you negatively, not using google only makes your searches harder, you aren't making a difference, stop wasting your time and just use google.

Man the irony of what you're saying, some of us would never have even stumbled upon this site if not for using google JFL.

Lots of alt-righters and people from TD already use DuckDuckGo and people who dislike google for their orewellian approach to gather data so it's not only incel demographics but increasing part of the movement that hates current liberal and sjw mainstream. Breaking monopoly on internet search engines is btw imo thing to strive to. The thing is, it can be done by minimum amount of effort which is using different webpage for your interent searches, it probably requires 2 seconds of effort, maybe additional 4 second to pin it to the toolbar and another 30s to install their anti-spying software (optional).
but whatever, use whatever you like, just don't get mad if someone prefers not using company that fires male workers who dared to say that they hire females over men because of ideological stance
what if you use both?
I'm not sure why anyone would defend google in 2018. It's just spyware in various forms, and while there is lots of other places that are spyware, it doesn't make sense to support a company whose old slogan was 'don't be evil' when they themselves are clearly evil. Google have terrible records when it comes to anything privacy related and they are big on censorship in all their platforms, just look what they did to Youtube. I use duckduckgo and have found it perfectly suitable for my needs.

Google do not index the internet well as they had originally promised, they just censor what they dislike and place ads all over the internet that track everything everyone does. Providing 'customised' results based on users instead of providing an open, honest non-selected fair search results. Why anyone would choose to be profiled and marketed instead of going with other companies that don't do that is beyond me. It's somewhat like sending a letter through the post, you have the option of it being read and documented under your profile, so you can get related ads and stuff or you can send it in a way it's less likely to be read and used as a tool. I know what i'd pick.

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