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RageFuel Dont listen to SCIENCE BASED GYMCELS



May 12, 2019
The best shape of my life that I was ever in was when I was training muscles and lifts at a weekly frequency of just ONE TIME per week

I would do

10 sets of chest presses Monday (works chest and triceps)
10 sets of vertical pulls Tuesday (works back, biceps, forearms, and rear delts)
10 sets of shoulder presses Thursday (works entire shoulder girdle, upper chest, and long head of the triceps)
10 sets of hip-hinge pulls Saturday (works entire posterior chain including traps, forearms)

I noticed that being able to have 1 day each focusing on just 1 lift, was amazing, it allowed me to perform each lift properly, and I could expend all my focus, effort, and energy into the ONE lift, so I improved on all of the lifts. I had no sore joints or pains, my body was refreshed and ready for every single session, there was training interference.

Then I had to go FUCK IT ALL UP by reading online.

I read online about 1 x weekly frequency being "shit for naturals", and that I should be training each lift at least 2-3 times per week, and all it did was get me injured and fuck up my aesthetics. Dont listen to these science-based retards, they will tell you to squat 2-3 times a week, bench press 2-3 times a week, etc, and you will snap your shit up like I did. Just limit each of your lifts to once per week, do them once per week with extreme focus and effort, give your body time to recovery from that movement pattern. If you keep pounding away at the same movement pattern multiple times a week you will get injured like I did, and you will regret ever doing it.

High Frequency Cels will come here saying they dont have this problem, but oh my, they will.... they will.


"10 sets of chest presses"
"10 sets of vertical pulls"
"10 sets of shoulder presses"
"10 sets of hip hinge pulls"

This is because you can pick any 1 lift each day. You can do a Incline Barbell Bench for your 10 sets of chest presses, or it can be Dumbbell Flat Bench, or even a Machine if you want. The same applies to the other lifts. Your 10 sets of vertical pulls can be chin-ups or pull-ups or pull-downs, any grip style is fine. For hip hinges, this can be ANY kind of DEADLIFT or ROW you want, conventional, sumo, romanian, stiffleg, deficit deadlift, trap-bar, etc. If you decide to do Rows instead of Deadlifts for your hip-hinge on Saturday, you can select from a variety of Rows, barbell, dumbell, t-bar, it doesn't matter.

TAKE NOTE: I specifically say VERTICAL pulls only on Tuesday, because most guys cannot recover from doing deadlifts and rows in the same week on different days, if you do ROWS on Tuesday, your posterior chain will not be able to deadlift properly on Saturday, which is why you select to Deadlift or Row on the Saturday, they're both hip-hinge pulls.
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2 times each muscle group per week is completely manageable OP and it's the best way to really get noticeable improvement. Doing once a week, in my experience, led to practically no gains. Stop trying to screw incels over with terrible advice, just because you got injured.
But what does your body look like? Feeling good might not mean looking good.
Like incel Ian McCarthy.
But what does your body look like? Feeling good might not mean looking good.

I look like shit now because of changing my training methods to science based, and getting many injuries because of it. I ruined my meniscus's squatting 3 times per week, I ruined my lower back doing BOTH deadlifts AND rows in the same week instead of 1 or the other. My elbows have tendonitis by listening to the FUCKING IDIOTS telling me its okay to bench 3+ times per week.

When I trained like I talk about in my OP, from 2012 to 2015, I looked 100x better than I do today, despite having an additional 4 years of lifting. High frequency training destroyed my gains.I wish I never stopped training low frequency. I am currently on break from lifting, trying to allow my joints to recover, I haven't lifted in 10 days now, shit is starting to feel better for me. I cannot wait to return to the gym, and I'm going back to how I trained back in 2012 to 2015 when I trained like a bro, just hitting each lift 1 time per week and allowing myself to actually fucking recover.
High frequency cel checking in. I bought my own gym set at home to gym x3 times a day. Feels good on my joints and tbh not having to prepare myself, drive to the gym with the added bonus of avoiding people. It’s an easy way to to do a quick work out before stuffing my face with my shit tier metabolism. A highly recommend getting your own if you got the spare $ and space.

Anyway, stick with what works for you.
2 times each muscle group per week is completely manageable OP and it's the best way to really get noticeable improvement. Doing once a week, in my experience, led to practically no gains. Stop trying to screw incels over with terrible advice, just because you got injured.

I explained how I got injured with 2+ per week frequency.

If you tell yourself, "I have to hip-hinge twice a week" you're now forcing yourself to do a Barbell Row, and a Deadlift, in the same week. GOOD FUCKING LUCK, watch your lower back slowly disintegrate before your eyes. Or you can be smart about it, and pick either to Row, or Deadlift, one time per week. The posterior chain is just not meant to take a beating like that more than once a week for a prolonged period of time.

Bench Pressing more than once a week is also asking for troubles in the long-run. You might be able to get away with it in the short-term, but it will catch upto you.

These lifts are so hard on the body, doing them multiple times per week, even with the volume equated, it does more damage. Doing all of your sets for chest one day, might not give you the most optimal protein synthesis, BUT - it gives your joints and tendons much needed time to repair and recoup for next week. When you're pounding away at multiple hard hitting lifts per week, doing them at a higher frequency just increases the fracturing on your body.
High frequency cel checking in. I bought my own gym set at home to gym x3 times a day. Feels good on my joints and tbh not having to prepare myself, drive to the gym with the added bonus of avoiding people. It’s an easy way to to do a quick work out before stuffing my face with my shit tier metabolism. A highly recommend getting your own if you got the spare $ and space.

Anyway, stick with what works for you.

I know what the studies say. The studies say training full body every day is the most optimal for protein synthesis, a Norwegian study showed guys bench pressing and squatting 6 days per week gained the most muscle and strength over a 12 week period compared to other groups doing 3 x frequency and 1 x frequency, with volume being all the same for each 3 groups. But this is "more" as in, on paper noticeable, but you wouldn't notice the slightly extra muscle gains on a person in real life.

But these are short studies, there are no studies showing the the effects on the tendons and joints of doing lifts at such a high frequency, this is a major issue that no studies exist for. The health of joints and tendons based on frequency of your lifts. No one is willing to fund such a study, because its pretty much impossible to find enough people that care enough to partake in such a study.

I am going off my experience training low frequency doing a lift only one time per week for years, and also for years training at a 2-3+ frequency for each lift. I can say now my aesthetics, overall look, tendons and joints, were all infinitely better years ago when I trained at 1 x weekly frequency for each lift, than they're right now, after a few years of training 2-3x+ weekly frequency for each lift. My joints and tendons are fucked.
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I look like shit now because of changing my training methods to science based, and getting many injuries because of it.

Ever think your form just wasn't good enough, or you were using too much weight, maybe you should have increased reps and lowered the weight, muscle building is about tearing muscle fibres, injury is about ripping muscle fibres JFL. People are too hung up on lifting heavy and pushing their limits, they don't seem to get that its fatigue that causes muscle gain, not strain, you should be feeling the burn not the pull.

These lifts are so hard on the body, doing them multiple times per week

Why even bother doing them then? JFL

When I start my training regiment I'm going for more of a bruce lee build, I care very little for bulk, I want speed, agility and endurance. The Buff and bulky build is not really suited to the modern day human life especially since we don't really fight using weapons based on physical strength anymore

Also I'm short, so training for bulk as a short guy is stupid, I find it very ironic how you can easily see that doing these lifts that are "hard on the body" is dangerous if done with a 2+ per week frequency, but you can't see how doing exercises period that your body can't really handle is also a bad choice, if its "hard on your body", why even do it, the body building craze and steroids has basically made humans think were gorillas or someting, we were never supposed to have this much muscle mass, it isn't even sustainable and you have to keep working out consistently to maintain the physique, that is completely retarded, its much smarter to just just create a physique that your body can maintain optimally without extreme effort
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squats and deadlifts 3 x a week wil destroy you, I also got injured with them
I still 3 x a week but very minimalist and no heavy squats or deadlifts
squats and deadlifts 3 x a week wil destroy you, I also got injured with them
I still 3 x a week but very minimalist and no heavy squats or deadlifts

I don't know what made me think I could recover from doing variations of Rows, Squats, AND Deadlifts all in the same week, often 2-3+ times each. No wonder my back is FUCKED.

Thanks SCIENCE NIGGERS. You dropped the ball on me, The BRO-SCIENCE bro dudes actually kept me safe with telling me to limit each lift to no more than once per week....but NOOOOOOOO I had to listen to the science niggers who say performing the movement pattern more often is better for you. Legit trolled by Sciencecels.
I do legs on Tuesday and Thursdays and then alternate between chest/arms on M/F, shoulders/arms on W, and chest/arms on W, shoulders/arms M/F of the following week. I just alternate between the two. Does anybody have a similar routine?
I recover quickly and doing sets of heavy pull ups 3 or 4 times a week (every other day) is good for me. But i agree about squats and deads, 3 sessions per week is just too much, assuming you did them heavy enough.
All information I’ve found online has told me about once per week.
My routine is
Supposed to do a day of cardio in the week as well, but I’m trying to gain weight so for the time being I’m avoiding so I can reduce calorie burning right now.
But who was legs?
2 times each muscle group per week is completely manageable OP and it's the best way to really get noticeable improvement. Doing once a week, in my experience, led to practically no gains. Stop trying to screw incels over with terrible advice, just because you got injured.
Also this

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