what do you propose as a final solution to the incel question?
Sadly, I'm not on MDMA anymore. For me personaly, there is no final solution. We need major mental shifts in society for the incel problem to change, hopefully for the better. First I'd propose something as Jordan Peterson (I know, that guy is being seen rather as a cuck here, but I've read his book and it contains some dark red pill-ish type information, which actually helped me cope heavily): Enforced Monogamy.
Not by law, because that wouldn't work, just as disturbing pictures on cigarette packs. More like, that when such a behavior occurs in a femlae and it get noticed by family/friends, they get massively discouraged and told all the massive negative side effects for themselves and the rest of their society - women care about those factors when it comes to food and sometimes with drugs, so why not with who they sleep.
Next, parents would have to stay together until their child turns at least 18 and have to - sort of - blackpill them in a moderate and - as far as possible - child-mind-friendly way. What I mean by this is, that when the child can have a somewhat normal childhood and teenage years until it becomes somewhat of an adult, it has a chance to witness what a normal relationship/marriage looks like and, more importantly, can take care of anything relationship related early on in order not to fall out of the heavens when everyone else around them is starting to kiss and fuck and get into relationships and they don't know how the fuck to even talk to the opposite gender.
In a liberal capitalistic society, these are 2 main points I would propose, too lazy to write anything more for now. I'd actually propose more drastic/radical solution, but I've tried to stay as moderate as possibe in order to keep my 'solutions' as realistically as possible. I probably am still too convinced that there can be somewhat of good still to be saved in female nature, but in my personal experience, the state of females (and in such quantities) has not always been
that bad.
what do I gain from it :^)
My condolences. I have been to Berlin once and it's by far the ugliest city I have ever been to. It also had this gloom & doom atmosphere
It's also ridden with sluts,(teen) couples, open relationships, refugee/interracial relationships (am against racemixing by invaders, sorry ethnics, how would you feel if whites invaded your country where you/your (grand)parents migrated from and then wanted to impregnate every female there while politicians encourage the elimination of your own race)
how do you feel about inceldom on mdma
It's still suifuel, but not way as bad. Sadly, I have taken it so often, it's lost all it's magic. My brain is flooded with serotonin, and I'm happy for now, but I know, that in a couple hours the effects are going go to go away, leaving me in a disgusted and helpless state. Tomorrow I'll wake up, feel dehydrated and like literal shit for 1-2 days.Plus I am on antidepressants so the effects are not as nearly as strong as they used to be.