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Theory Domestic Violence - Remember, it's ALWAYS the foid's fault



Discord: Chaircel
Jan 9, 2025
(for dnrcels): Foids in abusive relationships deserve it for being obnoxious, chad-only whores who only care about looks.

I'm sure everyone here has seen a nauseating plethora of posters, infographics, media, and "informational" campaigns all pushing the idea that foids in abusive relationships are all poor victims to whom we owe our undying empathy and support. It seems that we are perpetually inundated with an obnoxious, relentless propaganda campaign that aims to cement the position of foids in society as "incorruptible victims" who can do no wrong, and who deserve only the very best treatment from all. A campaign that aims to oil the wheels of a detrimental (yet often overlooked) social institution - perpetually producing new simps. Now, I'm sure that anyone with even half a functioning braincell can see that the notion that foids being "victims" when abused by their partners is retarded - the reasons for which I will outline here.

The first reason why foids being "abused" by their partners is their own fault is due to the fact that they brought this upon themselves. Foids will always go after looks; all of them would pick a lowlife, unvirtuous, selfish, barbaric 10/10 chad over a virtuous gentleman who just so happens to be sub5 - water is wet, after all. It is directly because of this that they get "abused" by said aforementioned lowlife, unvirtuous chads. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If they weren't so hell bent on practising lookism - and instead decided to go off personality (thus giving sub5 men a chance) - maybe they wouldn't be treated in such a manner by their partners.

The above pretty much sums up why foids get abused by chad - and why it's entirely their fault. I will now talk about a different reason - one which applies mainly to "abuse" within a foid's relationship with a betabuxxer or normie. This second reason why foids deserve any and all of the "abuse" they may get in a relationship is due to the fact, more times than not, the "abuse" is often perfectly justified and warranted. I'm sure we are all aware of how foids like to act. They are obnoxious, petty, impulsive, and sociopathic. It is because these aspects of their nature (as well as the problematic behaviors that arise from them) that foids often mistreat their partners (again, this mostly applies to betabuxxers and normies - foids treat chad like a king). Tell me, why shouldn't foids be put in their place in this situation? Foids have become ever more entitled (owing to being put on a proverbial pedestal by society) - there truly is no other solution to dealing with their problematic behaviours. They are impossible to reason with (lacking a significant capacity for rational thinking) and driven by primitive, lowly emotions and impulses - sometimes "abuse" is truly the only way to deal with them. Nonetheless, this is an issue for betabuxxers and normies to deal with - it does not concern me or anyone else here. I simply pointed this out because it is a genuine reason behind why many foids face "abuse" in their relationships. Society always sides with the foid in this scenario, so there's that too.

Never for even a moment sympathise with foids. It's always their fault. Do not delude yourself into thinking otherwise. They are not the veritable little "incorruptible, empathetic princesses" that society tries to make them out to be - nor should they ever be treated as such. They are cold, sociopathic, impulsive creatures incapable of rational thought, and bring all of their problems onto themselves.
Pretty true. Many times it never even happened in the first place and she's just trying to make herself look better for being a slu.
Yeah my mom would always provoke my dad into hitting her by taunting him and breaking shit and when he actually did she would start crying and play the victim.
Punch Beat Up GIF by BlocBoy JB

How foids must be treated
Domestic abuse is Chads fault
Whenever i hear about man beats woman, I always wonder, What did the woman do to anger the man in such ways he resorted to this?
Foids deserve all the violence done against them for giving love and fatherless babies to violent thugmaxxers. They want to breed with animals, so they should just happily take their punches from their drug dealer boyfriends. If foids weren't like this, crime rates would dramatically decrease. Men commit crime so they could afford to show off with expensive clothes and bimmers with M bodykits and popping exhaust, to impress foids already given everything by soyciety which will call men as worthless incels if they dare to complain from this happening. Foids themselves don't really care about their safety, it's all about excuses to hate incels and low-valued normies, their sperm is the actual biggest threat for them.
Violent Chad with a criminal record abuses her, blame every man ever

Many such cases
Foids deserve all the violence done against them for giving love and fatherless babies to violent thugmaxxers. They want to breed with animals, so they should just happily take their punches from their drug dealer boyfriends. If foids weren't like this, crime rates would dramatically decrease. Men commit crime so they could afford to show off with expensive clothes and bimmers with M bodykits and popping exhaust, to impress foids already given everything by soyciety which will call men as worthless incels if they dare to complain from this happening. Foids themselves don't really care about their safety, it's all about excuses to hate incels and low-valued normies, their sperm is the actual biggest threat for them.
So if our sperm are their biggest threat, Will you tie one up and goon inside her?
Whenever i hear about man beats woman, I always wonder, What did the woman do to anger the man in such ways he resorted to this?
Whenever I hear of a foid being killed by her Chad I think how if she would have chosen and incel with a good personality she not only would be alive but treated like a queen.
(for dnrcels): Foids in abusive relationships deserve it for being obnoxious, chad-only whores who only care about looks.

I'm sure everyone here has seen a nauseating plethora of posters, infographics, media, and "informational" campaigns all pushing the idea that foids in abusive relationships are all poor victims to whom we owe our undying empathy and support. It seems that we are perpetually inundated with an obnoxious, relentless propaganda campaign that aims to cement the position of foids in society as "incorruptible victims" who can do no wrong, and who deserve only the very best treatment from all. A campaign that aims to oil the wheels of a detrimental (yet often overlooked) social institution - perpetually producing new simps. Now, I'm sure that anyone with even half a functioning braincell can see that the notion that foids being "victims" when abused by their partners is retarded - the reasons for which I will outline here.

The first reason why foids being "abused" by their partners is their own fault is due to the fact that they brought this upon themselves. Foids will always go after looks; all of them would pick a lowlife, unvirtuous, selfish, barbaric 10/10 chad over a virtuous gentleman who just so happens to be sub5 - water is wet, after all. It is directly because of this that they get "abused" by said aforementioned lowlife, unvirtuous chads. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If they weren't so hell bent on practising lookism - and instead decided to go off personality (thus giving sub5 men a chance) - maybe they wouldn't be treated in such a manner by their partners.

The above pretty much sums up why foids get abused by chad - and why it's entirely their fault. I will now talk about a different reason - one which applies mainly to "abuse" within a foid's relationship with a betabuxxer or normie. This second reason why foids deserve any and all of the "abuse" they may get in a relationship is due to the fact, more times than not, the "abuse" is often perfectly justified and warranted. I'm sure we are all aware of how foids like to act. They are obnoxious, petty, impulsive, and sociopathic. It is because these aspects of their nature (as well as the problematic behaviors that arise from them) that foids often mistreat their partners (again, this mostly applies to betabuxxers and normies - foids treat chad like a king). Tell me, why shouldn't foids be put in their place in this situation? Foids have become ever more entitled (owing to being put on a proverbial pedestal by society) - there truly is no other solution to dealing with their problematic behaviours. They are impossible to reason with (lacking a significant capacity for rational thinking) and driven by primitive, lowly emotions and impulses - sometimes "abuse" is truly the only way to deal with them. Nonetheless, this is an issue for betabuxxers and normies to deal with - it does not concern me or anyone else here. I simply pointed this out because it is a genuine reason behind why many foids face "abuse" in their relationships. Society always sides with the foid in this scenario, so there's that too.

Never for even a moment sympathise with foids. It's always their fault. Do not delude yourself into thinking otherwise. They are not the veritable little "incorruptible, empathetic princesses" that society tries to make them out to be - nor should they ever be treated as such. They are cold, sociopathic, impulsive creatures incapable of rational thought, and bring all of their problems onto themselves.
Those types of bitches are a bunch of fools, like the logic is learn your lesson and stop dating those assholes but no those idiots keep on choosing those brutes, if those assholes murder them then it’s the bitches fault for choosing those scumbags as partners based post and even my ex-crush had all of her boyfriends being abusive guys
Whenever I hear of a foid being killed by her Chad I think how if she would have chosen and incel with a good personality she not only would be alive but treated like a queen.
Those low IQ dumb bricks will never learn I hate those idiots so much
Foids deserve all the violence done against them for giving love and fatherless babies to violent thugmaxxers. They want to breed with animals, so they should just happily take their punches from their drug dealer boyfriends. If foids weren't like this, crime rates would dramatically decrease. Men commit crime so they could afford to show off with expensive clothes and bimmers with M bodykits and popping exhaust, to impress foids already given everything by soyciety which will call men as worthless incels if they dare to complain from this happening. Foids themselves don't really care about their safety, it's all about excuses to hate incels and low-valued normies, their sperm is the actual biggest threat for them.
Bad boys will always win
Whenever i hear about man beats woman, I always wonder, What did the woman do to anger the man in such ways he resorted to this?
Every single time
Based 2025cel
Whenever I hear of a foid being killed by her Chad I think how if she would have chosen and incel with a good personality she not only would be alive but treated like a queen.
Probably true. I am an incel, but if I had a foid who genuinely loved and cared for me I'd adore her. I am jaded by what I have seen in the dating market and what men foids go for.
I won't go this far, but there is at least always some blame that goes to the woman because they can leave at any time in Current Year.
Remember when that woman cut off her husband's dick while he slept, got off with it and then Netflix made a documentary about how she was the victim? :feelsclown: :soy:

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