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SuicideFuel DoktorDooms Stacy cousin dumped beta bob after gaining her hearing.



May 8, 2018
as you guys know i come from a very highly genetic socially blessed family. well i have a stacy cousin who's a 8/10 (5'10 32DDs natural blonde) except she was born a fucking retarded mute. well not retarded but she can't hear. anyways all throughout her life she never had a BF. even when chads hit on her she was insecure and never dated one. until betabob came along in 11th grade. typical blue pilled cuck. he did the whole 9 yards. asked her to prom in front of everybody, brought mariachis(even though she couldn't hear kek) on valentines, wrote her poems, typical cuck shit. he basically built her up. she went from being a recluse to actually going out and enjoying herself (although always with beta bob). eventually they married and had 5 kids before they hit 30. betabob provided everything. insurance, 2 story house, brand new mercedes, vacations, basically the "perfect husband" in the eyes of everyone. that is until Stacy got some device that let her hear. THAT'S WHEN EVERYTHING CHANGED. she went from being a shy housewife to always wanting to go out on weekends with betabob to bars and shit. my cousin had never done none of this. i doubt she ever had sex before with anyone besides betabob.. eventually she started to go out alone with "her new friends she met at the club we went to" as betabob explained. i started to notice cracks in the marriage. before they were a super happy couple always finishing eachother sentences to NOW they spent time apart at gatherings and betabob started to drink. soon stacy asks for a divorce. nobody in my family saw it coming (except me. i knew the day she gained her hearing she would dump him). betabob asks why and this is the worst part......

she dumped betabob for their highschool bully. after she gained her hearing she added him on facebook "to just see hwo he ended up"... this was a chad would pick on both of them. he would slap betabob around and mimic my cousins deafness. my cousin thought chad would stay wit her but nope. eventually he broke off their engagement and left to live with another stacy who didn't have kids.. in the end my cousin got the house, alimony, and ended up a single mother cat lady.... betabob became a alcoholic (although functioning) whos now into cross dressing

Fuck this is brutal. The guy gives the world to her and she leaves him for her bully who proceeds to abuse her. Why does chad always win? Why are women such trash?
Betabob now fux Chad too.
I'm happy for that cuck. He spent his early years dating a tall, blonde, big booobed femoid and now he's suffering from the fact that he was a blue - pilled faggot. Lesson learned, Beta Bob.
betabob on suicide watch
just assume any non-chad is going to get cucked because that's exactly what will happen
So, note for the future: if you get a mate, never prop her up above yourself. She must be utterly dependant on you, otherwise it's tinder time.
Omegas cant get shit.

Betas can get some, but will ultimately get cucked. They can never keep their women, because they try to negotiate attraction with material things and blue pilled platitudes. You cannot negotiate genetics.
Brutal if real. Lol'd at the part he brought a backing music band though.
Fuck this is brutal. The guy gives the world to her and she leaves him for her bully who proceeds to abuse her. Why does chad always win? Why are women such trash?
bro its all about looks.. this chad was a highschool jock and betabob a fucking band nerd.. shes a legit stacy even now. stacy milf at least.. so of course after getting rid of her biggest insecurity did she go after chad
So, note for the future: if you get a mate, never prop her up above yourself. She must be utterly dependant on you, otherwise it's tinder time.

this. even though i'll never ascend my GGP always talked about never building up a girl too much.. and to always have her depend on you for happiness and validation. not the other way around.

Omegas cant get shit.

Betas can get some, but will ultimately get cucked. They can never keep their women, because they try to negotiate attraction with material things and blue pilled platitudes. You cannot negotiate genetics.

yup.. genetics are the only thing that matter. femoids can give typical blue pilled response but once my aunt saw the hunter eyes and superior frame of the chad she immediately got wet like a dog in heat.... femoids can't fight biological ticks

Betabob now fux Chad too.
bro he went from being a ripped firefighter(though always beta and blue pilled) to now working in a cubicle.. he went from having a trophy wife to posting sex ads as a sissy cross dresser and using grindr (i stalk all my family members tbh)
bro he went from being a ripped firefighter(though always beta and blue pilled) to now working in a cubicle.. he went from having a trophy wife to posting sex ads as a sissy cross dresser and using grindr (i stalk all my family members tbh)

Does heshe talk in that weird nasally voice?
Everything seems to happen in your life...

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