its literally impossible to exaggerate how psychotically SJW the UK is. Come up with the most ridiculous things you can imagine and the UK has already done it.
Lecture on white privilege while simultaenously having a mainstream platform to vilify white?
Ban the english flag because "muh racist?"
Being anti-open borders is racist?
arab rape gangs are free to function because enforcing law on them is racist?
Men getting arrested for tweets criticizing immigrants?
Men getting arrested for doing jokes with their dog doing nazi salutes?
30%+ literal cuckold rates in marriages?
hardcore gun control?
Police don't chase thugs when they get onto a scooter because it dangers criminals?
Majority of population believe in banning far right parties and they allready are banned from gov't jobs?
You get punished for defending yourself against violent criminals?
Being supportive of the english team in soccer/football is racist?
Extreme hypergamy and sexual liberation?
Multiple extreme feminist groups and bands?
Doing a whole protest just because trump is visiting?
Banning alt-lite people from visiting the country?
Consdiering laws to fine people for hurting feelings?
Punishing sexual assault even worse than manslaughter?
giving ISIS recruiters mansions paid for by taxpayers?
Being proud of whites becoming a minority?
Brexit being overturned?
dogs being accused of hate crimes?