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Does anyone wish they were schizoid?

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Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
People with schizoid personality disorder tend to have zero interest in things like making friends or being with people. They simply do not care if they are alone. They do not crave friendships and romantic relationships like most humans do.

That sounds fucking amazing. I wouldn't have the pain of loneliness anymore and I could just fuck hookers for the rest of my life or just masturbate because I wouldn't give a shit about things like intimacy or validation.

Being alone is nice but being alone sucks balls if you're alone all the time. Introverts still have social lives because while they enjoy being alone, most wouldn't want to be alone all the time because no one wants to be with them.
I found out I might be a schizoid, kek.
No, I would not. It's even worse than being dead.
I'm not officially diagnosed as schizoid, but here's how I feel: I don't want a romantic relationship or friends. Doesn't mean I'm not sick of being treated like trash. Validation = Advantages in all parts of life
I think I am going this way. I just don't give a fuck anymore.

I want to be a hermitcel and be left alone by this twisted world.
42cel said:
I'm not officially diagnosed as schizoid, but here's how I feel: I don't want a romantic relationship or friends. Doesn't mean I'm not sick of being treated like trash. Validation = Advantages in all parts of life

Not wanting a romantic relationship or friends sounds like shackles being taken off of me. I could just be NEET for the rest of my life and not give a fuck because I don't like people.
I’m a schizoid but also a narcissist. Working on the latter.
BlackPill47 said:
I think I am going this way. I just don't give a fuck anymore.

I want to be a hermitcel and be left alone by this twisted world.

This, tbh. I want to live in the mountains far away from society and it's bullshit.
I was going to make a thread like this. Being schizoid takes the pain away but also the pleasure
Wait I don't have the desire for any kind of relationship and socialization. Does that mean I am a Schizoid? Cool!
_incelinside said:
I was going to make a thread like this. Being schizoid takes the pain away but also the pleasure

Incels get no pleasure.
Jockcel said:
Wait I don't have the desire for any kind of relationship and socialization. Does that mean I am a Schizoid? Cool!

I wouldn't consider myself incel anymore because I could just fuck escorts without feeling so utterly alone. I'd be at peace.
Peak Black Pill + asocial misanthropy + ??? = PROFIT!
It´s not when you are schizoid you want alltime to be lonely. There are a few moments when you feel lonely, but they are very rare compared to the avg person.It´s mor elike when you have had people around you for a few hours it´s enough and you will get annoyed and getting bored by them. I just see no real reason to interact with others, spreading some shit smalltalk, they wouldn´t understand me either.
DestroyedLife said:
It´s not when you are schizoid you want alltime to be lonely. There are a few moments when you feel lonely, but they are very rare compared to the avg person.It´s mor elike when you have had people around you for a few hours it´s enough and you will get annoyed and getting bored by them. I just see no real reason to interact with others, spreading some shit smalltalk, they wouldn´t understand me either.

Still sounds better than being depressed because you don't even have any friends.
ASS_F said:
Still sounds better than being depressed because you don't even have any friends.

Yes, true.
It's not all it's cracked up to be. Being schizoid gives you various delusions
GunnaSecure said:
It's not all it's cracked up to be. Being schizoid gives you various delusions

I'll take that over crippling loneliness
I don't know if I am one. I am alone for about 5 years, not leaving my house, not going anywhere. 0 friends etc. I used to go out in high school all the time and had some fun times with friends, but I do not crave company in last 5 years. I don't know if that is "schizoid" or I am just lazy and tired of small chit chat and boring gossips about other people, but I am constantly asked by family why I don't have any friends anymore etc.

I don't know if you can be a schizoid if you were once active in social circles by your own will and craved those nights out, and then later on in life you change, maybe that doesn't count.
rekt said:
I don't know if I am one. I am alone for about 5 years, not leaving my house, not going anywhere. 0 friends etc. I used to go out in high school all the time and had some fun times with friends, but I do not crave company in last 5 years. I don't know if that is "schizoid" or I am just lazy and tired of small chit chat and boring gossips about other people, but I am constantly asked by family why I don't have any friends anymore etc.

I don't know if you can be a schizoid if you were once active in social circles by your own will and craved those nights out, and then later on in life you change, maybe that doesn't count.

I sometimes find social situations irritating because they're draining and I can't keep up but then I'll go home and feel like shit because I don't have lads to shoot the shit with or a girl to cuddle and watch a movie with

Like I'll out somewhere and find people annoying as fuck but then I'll go home and feel depressed
ASS_F said:
I sometimes find social situations irritating because they're draining and I can't keep up but then I'll go home and feel like shit because I don't have lads to shoot the shit with or a girl to cuddle and watch a movie with

Interesting. I don't know none of those feelings. I am literally the most happiest man I can be when I'm far away from people locked in my room with peace and rotting. I can do this for years, and I am doing it for 5+ years. I never felt the need to call someone or seek friendship/nights out. I think as I got older and since I'm not a 18-23 years old kid anymore, I'm just fucking tired of people. I can't stand people, I'm sick of talking to them and can't stand their boring chit chat small talk about things that they don't care about at all.

I rather participate online in discussions where people talk about things that they truly care about.
rekt said:
Interesting. I don't know none of those feelings. I am literally the most happiest man I can be when I'm far away from people locked in my room with peace and rotting. I can do this for years, and I am doing it for 5+ years. I never felt the need to call someone or seek friendship/nights out. I think as I got older and since I'm not a 18-23 years old kid anymore, I'm just fucking tired of people. I can't stand people, I'm sick of talking to them and can't stand their boring chit chat small talk about things that they don't care about at all.

I rather participate online in discussions where people talk about things that they truly care about.

I'll feel totally fine being alone and then the loneliness will hit me like a brick to the head out of nowhere.

It's like I don't like people but I'm sad that people don't like me.

And I'm not a big fan of constant small talk either. I like having discussions.
rekt said:
Interesting. I don't know none of those feelings. I am literally the most happiest man I can be when I'm far away from people locked in my room with peace and rotting. I can do this for years, and I am doing it for 5+ years. I never felt the need to call someone or seek friendship/nights out. I think as I got older and since I'm not a 18-23 years old kid anymore, I'm just fucking tired of people. I can't stand people, I'm sick of talking to them and can't stand their boring chit chat small talk about things that they don't care about at all.

I rather participate online in discussions where people talk about things that they truly care about.

This. 100%,
...does being a lonely dude make one a minority in the incel community? Do most incels just not really care about having friends/relationships?
ASS_F said:
...does being a lonely dude make one a minority in the incel community? Do most incels just not really care about having friends/relationships?

Iam pretty sure most people do, even incels. It started by me as i was a little kid, my mother legit forced me into realtionships to other´s even when i didn´t want them. She always asked me why i don´t feel the need to connect with others and said every fking time that the human needs other humans for their mental health. I always said to her that i don´t need other people.
I'm probably not schizoid, but I'm close to it. The only time I want to be around another human is a female for sex.

There are no positives to being schizoid. You do not want this.
i fit 90-95% of schizoid symptoms and its true i dont crave human contact or even dislike it. Like if sb wants to interact with me it bothers me and in 95% cases i want the interaction to shut down asap.

I dont even want a gf, fuck, having a gf that i would have to regularly interact with would be fuckign hell tbh (im dead serious).

the only reason i want friends and gf is a) for status sake - without them people rightfully see you as a fuckin weirdo loser
b) they can help with some things in life which is especially valid as i get older
Grotesque said:
I'm probably not schizoid, but I'm close to it. The only time I want to be around another human is a female for sex.

There are no positives to being schizoid. You do not want this.

You can live your own life as a schizoid. I see these slavecels toiling away for a woman who despises them or trying to become a success. I get to avoid that and feel nonplussed about it. What kills incels is having the desires but they're unable to fulfill them.

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