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Serious Does anyone know what it feels like to touch a foids ass?



Aug 8, 2020
It's killing me not being able to grab a nice fat ass without consequences.

One of the things that's pushing me to ascend is being able to touch my girls booty anytime and any way I like

Anyone here ever touched a girls ass/been grinded on/received a lapdance?
When I feel like that I go out looking for big booty hookers.
Jfl. Nice bait, but fakecels are smarter than that :feelsthink:
I've touched a few hooker's asses before. Definitely a great feeling, so soft and squishy.

But I know how you feel. You go outside and see all these babes with the nicest asses and you just want to cop a feel.

Jfl. Nice bait, but fakecels are smarter than that :feelsthink:
What bait? I'm asking a legit question, meant for escortcels/hookercels/anybody who has either forcefully or with consent, been in contact with a foids ass
I've touched a few hooker's asses before. Definitely a great feeling, so soft and squishy.

But I know how you feel. You go outside and see all these babes with the nicest asses and you just want to cop a feel.
That sounds delightful tbh. I'm 18, so my sex drive is completely out of control. I'm tired of cooming with a fifi, I need to grab a nice booty
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Feels nice and squishy
I've been fucking hookers for well over a decade - I've touched and played with every part of the female anatomy.

Women feel very nice and soft and warm. Especially their arses.
Anti-escortcels don't want you to experience it.

I've been to strip clubs way back in the eatly 2000s (30+cel) and had a lapdance. Meh. Sitting on the lap is very nice though. ngl.
When I was a kid I touched my subsidy teachers tits and ran away :chad:
You any good at running? Do it then run & let us know after.
I could tell you, but 1) that wouldn't make you feel any better and 2) the "escortcels are fakecels" crowd would start a shitstorm.

If you're really desperate, you can see an escort, but I don't recommend it.
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Grab your own ass and then you'll know
I only get to touch their shit. Because janitor.
I wish, especially a jb :feelsUnreal::feelsrope:
I could tell you, but 1) that wouldn't make you feel any better and 2) the "escortcels are fakecels" crowed would start a shitstorm.

If you're really resperate, you can see an escort, but I don't recommend it.
NGL, considered going the escort route, but I'm 18, and just the thought of the awkwardness of interacting with an escort terrifies me. Could also get robbed. Plus I don't have the cash
Grab your own ass and then you'll know
Whoaaaaa why didn't I think of that?
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I bet it feels nice and soft but smells bad.
I've gone to a strip club so yes.
Foid skin feels delicate.

If the foid is really fit it feels smooth and tightly coiled. If the foid has a little bit of fat around it, it's bouncy and soft.
No, but I know what it feels like to touch a foid's arm.
its brutal being incel with a high sex drive
I'm still seriously considering castration or something to get rid of it, anything to get rid of it. It drives me up a wall constantly.
Nope, but asses are overrated anyway.

i saw this scene when i was 10 years old, it was my inspiration
Do you really think anyone on .co would know?
It should not be a crime to touch a womans ass
why would u ask this on a forum filled with low value virgin men like myself...
I've been fucking hookers for well over a decade - I've touched and played with every part of the female anatomy.

Women feel very nice and soft and warm. Especially their arses.
when you pay for say 2 hours is it possible to touch them all over for most of the time cum and leave? i think i will cum fast so i would like to feel them up mostly.
I have no idea
when you pay for say 2 hours is it possible to touch them all over for most of the time cum and leave? i think i will cum fast so i would like to feel them up mostly.

I'm not sure what country you're in so they might be a bit skankier where you come from but generally if you're with a decent one and you pay for GFE (Girlfriend Experience) then you can have that for all the time you pay for. You get some of the low end whores who are a bit mechanical and try to "Nickle and Dime" you for every little thing.

Honestly if you finish fast you can probably go 2 or 3 times in the space of 2 hours. When I used to book 1.5 hours I would generally pop twice in that time and once I booked with chick for 2 hours and we fucked 3 times.
I've touched a few hooker's asses before. Definitely a great feeling, so soft and squishy.

But I know how you feel. You go outside and see all these babes with the nicest asses and you just want to cop a feel.

Florida deputies believe they have apprehended their serial butt groper.
Kenneth Anthony Lopez, 20, was charged with five counts of simple battery for allegedly targeting women, and slapping or grabbing their buttocks over the past four months at a Cooper City subdivision popular with joggers.

When approached by authorities, he blurted out that he thought he knew the victim and "only touched her a little bit."
Broward Sheriff's Office Public Information Officer Dani Moschella told the Daily News the development is used by people all over the community because it has a long circular road. At least four victims have told police about a strange, curly haired man who assaulted them between December and March, and police had been trying to catch the local deviant, Moschella said.

Women were well aware of it," she said. "We definitely tried hard to find out who was doing this and tried to arrest him."
The department had actually set up a sting operation at the subdivision on Tuesday, the day of the arrest, and used a decoy in hopes of drawing out the suspect, Moschella said.
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That plan was not a success, but 45 minutes after it ended they got a call from a woman who was groped by a man with the same description as the perpetrator in the other incidents.
The officers raced over to the scene and found Lopez.
Should be nice.
Ask the escort/fakecels
Yes. But before you ban me lol it was in a dark packed nightclub and without her permission. She was wearing a bikini so I grabbed actual skin, not through clothes. Don’t think I ever felt stripper ass but I felt stripper boobs via motorboating my face.
I have never touched a female

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