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Does anyone here actually believe in the christian god?

they despise any identity that could potentially constitute a threat to the ruling hegemony. The elites that run Hollywood and the media also have historical greviences with Christianity stemming from their Jewish identity that plays into their hatred of Christians, which is then translated into hatred of white people at large. I would note that, while Christianity isn't exactly held holy by kikes, they view it as mostly irrelevant, a dead meme of sorts, compared to the much more tangible threat of a National Socialist reawakening
Sure but if you look at these fundamentalist Jews, whether they be Rabbis or the more satanic powerful types their fundamental ideology comes with a very strong and inherent hatred for Christianity. They say Jesus is burning in pot of Excrement in hell. Do they fear National Socialism? Of course, but they fear Christian National Socialism a lot more.
Sure but if you look at these fundamentalist Jews, whether they be Rabbis or the more satanic powerful types their fundamental ideology comes with a very strong and inherent hatred for Christianity. They say Jesus is burning in pot of Excrement in hell. Do they fear National Socialism? Of course, but they fear Christian National Socialism a lot more.
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I'm not one of those people on the so called far right that are opposed to everything Christianity stands for, but I'm not fond of doctrines such as "turn the other cheek" and universal ethics. I do however see some value in Christianity. To take an example, I recognize its superior view of women compared to what my viking ancestors believed, and the christian virtue of abstinence over gluttony. Principally I'm neither Christian nor Pagan, I think we should strive to integrate both frameworks into a cohesive ideology/religion, which is what the National Socialists attempted to do with positive Christianity

No, religion is a scam.
Yeah, thats why you see the low social class follow religion like a cult. Its a good cope but it’s a scam at the end of the day. Churches don’t even need to pay any tax JFL. They prey on the poor because they know they’re the most gullible to believe that god will make their lives better. Just donate and god will make your life better bro
Religiosity is a NT-delusional cope.

Most people on this forum are neurodivergent. Beeing neurodivergent makes you less susceptible to any type of marketing.
Most of modern christianity appears to be bluepilled shit and secondly if their god did exist why does he enjoy torturing us so much? What kind of bullshit "test" is this? I would understand if it were Karma from a past life but it's not in christian canon. Slavic orthodox appears to be the only non cucked christianity but honestly how does one justify the worship of such a cruel god?
He created us and left us to live freely, after some "some necessary interventions to be known as our creator".

I'm not a believer but this would serve for explaining it pretty much.

Also he left Chad Adam with a Stacy and you are ugly because mouthbreathing :feelsmage:
Yes but say he does indeed exist and is the almighty why is he an asshole? Sure they can use their book and say it's "satan's fault" but once again satan is a creation of god. I understand the christian value system and why it's an important social control mechanism but the story itself is retarded. For example "God makes son, makes son savior of humanity, god's creations that he programmed kills his son" God killed his own son and orders others to do the same.

Also in christian canon didn't he essentially murder all pagan gods and claim himself the almighty. Is this guy not an asshole in christian canon?
I think there might be a creator or God, but I don't think he is benevolent. He's more of a passive creator that does not care about the suffering in his world.
Most of modern christianity appears to be bluepilled shit and secondly if their god did exist why does he enjoy torturing us so much? What kind of bullshit "test" is this? I would understand if it were Karma from a past life but it's not in christian canon. Slavic orthodox appears to be the only non cucked christianity but honestly how does one justify the worship of such a cruel god?

God did not bring suffering upon humans, Adam and eve brought sin into the world.

The serpent that tricked eve into eating from the tree was able to do so by shapeshifting into a Chad or Chad humanoid creature and had sex with her and got her to trust it. Than cucked Adam also ate from the tree due to Eve, and they fucked all of us over.

God has nothing to do with any of this.
In this day and age, Chad is the God.
God doesn't exist and was only used to delude people. Christianity used Hell to scare people into its beliefs. Religions like Christianity focus more on God and what you believe in rather than what can be learned (God loves you, God created you, God has a plan for you, etc). However I do support a lot of the values of Christianity (I.e. sex until marriage) and blame the downfall of religion and tradition for part of why society has become so degenerate use microsoft excel.
Another edgy Atheistcopers thread. JFL at putting it in inceldom discussion, it should belong in offtopic.
No, but I can see why people choose otherwise.
I'm not one of those people on the so called far right that are opposed to everything Christianity stands for, but I'm not fond of doctrines such as "turn the other cheek" and universal ethics.
That verse has mostly been misunderstood, I mean there's far more new testament law that goes into defense, and take up arms if necessary, just wars, etc. I mean if you take the words of Jesus Christ literally in reference to certain old testament law that he said was still law, such as the 10 commandments, the commandment for murder for example, goes into great detail about what murder is, and also how it is immoral and sinful to allow your people (neighbors, and nation [which was synonymous for race]) to suffer and just allow them to suffer.

Murder is killing with evil intent unjustly typically against someone innocent and undeserving. In other words, if you declare war against someone, and yes I mean YOU specifically not your nation, if you declare war against evil itself and you kill evil, justly with weapons in the physical world, if you fight for your neighbors, your nation, even if you're not conscripted into the military, this is justified in the bible.

The Bible is not pacificistic, Modern Christians have to warped it to be so, have twisted the religion so that many people who follow allow their neighbors and race/nation to suffer, that is not Christianity that is very unholy and Satanic

I do completely understand why people don't want to associate with Christianity or don't want to be Christian, I was Atheist and didn't even want to be Christian at all for these same reasons, until I saw the enemy, and extensively read into Abrahamic Religions myself and found out what actually was the truth, and the Talmudic seeds that have spread across this "Christianity"

There are many "Christcucks" in the world, but these people are not Christian in the slightest.
I do however see some value in Christianity. To take an example, I recognize its superior view of women compared to what my viking ancestors believed, and the christian virtue of abstinence over gluttony. Principally I'm neither Christian nor Pagan, I think we should strive to integrate both frameworks into a cohesive ideology/religion, which is what the National Socialists attempted to do with positive Christianity
I would actually suggest looking into what Himmler and Goebbels did entirely relating to Paganism, I understand you're not one of those insane pagans, but many people who fall under that camp pretend that oh there was this secret pagan agenda to undermine Christianity and in The Reich, and the only thing that they have is questionable if true "table talk" transcripts that are unverifiable, and Himmler specifically was not as Pagan as people have made out, he wasn't dogmatic about it at all, and if you look into what he was actually doing, he wasn't undermining Christianity in the Reich, he was just occassionally spreading some old German traditions, and this didn't undermine anything really.

They definitely were not these active pagans that you see in cucked larping "Nazi" groups nowadays. There are definitely some odd connections between some pagan religions, mostly nordic, and Christianity, some of the connections are complete bullshit, such as Jesus just being Zeus/Odin or some meme like that, Romans gave descriptions of what Jesus actually looked like, and they had no reason to lie, considering Romans didn't like Jesus, and they described him as a sunburnt blonde hair, blue eyed man, he was described as white basically.

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