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Does a racist guy deserve to be knocked out?

Does a racist guy deserve to be knocked out?

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90% of foids and all noodlewhores should be knocked out as well then.
The world would be a better place if people treated each other nicer, and won't physically harm someone simply for using words that disrespected them. In online gaming things are fun and entertaining because players are allowed to say almost whatever they want without the fear of being assaulted. Real life sucks because society tells us if we offend the wrong people we can be severly injured because they feel like acting "bad ass", so we're a lot higher inhib in public. This is a broken system that must be fixed if we're going to advance further.
Not enough intelligence or wanting to be intelligent in this life. It seems society seems to instead be focused on carnal achievements rather than mental pursuits.
Not enough intelligence or wanting to be intelligent in this life. It seems society seems to instead be focused on carnal achievements rather than mental pursuits.
Normies rather have short term violent entertainment than have the cure for cancer and advanced technology.
Normies rather have short term violent entertainment than have the cure for cancer and advanced technology.
Yeah.. they truly are smooth brains living in the now.. forever rattling their sabres at whatever society allows them to rattle them at and occasionally drawing them and sending humanity backwards into drudgery rather than forwards into success.
You sound like you just hate white people and have to go through mental gymnastics to justify violence against them

I don't hate whites, but I do hate racists
I don't hate whites, but I do hate racists
And only whites can be racist right? Youre full of shit. “People” like you should just go back where you came from
And only whites can be racist right? Youre full of shit. “People” like you should just go back where you came from
No, blacks and other ethnics can definitely be racist aswell, I've seen this happen countless times.
No, blacks and other ethnics can definitely be racist aswell, I've seen this happen countless times.
But its okay to assault a white person if theyre racist?
Everyone's racist, but some get butthurt that some groups are better at "being racist" than others.
But its okay to assault a white person if theyre racist?

Like I said before, I couldn't really see a white person taking it seriously if he was made fun of for being called cracker, because I don't really see it as an offensive term.
I would argue that whites aren't equivelant to ethnics in that regard, since their ontop of the food chain.

Calling a white person a cracker is like making fun of a rich person, it just doesn't really work.

In order to actually be racist against them, you would have to actually go out of your way to discriminate against them.

I mean seriously, do you think that @BummerDrummer would care if you called him a cracker?, if anything he would just brush it off and go on with his day
How are blacks below whites on the food chain today? Don't they get a lot of social privileges and have politicians and media pandering to them?
Like I said before, I couldn't really see a white person taking it seriously if he was made fun of for being called cracker, because I don't really see it as an offensive term.
So you acknowledge that your standards for using violence are entirely arbitrary
How are blacks below whites on the food chain today? Don't they get a lot of social privileges and have politicians and media pandering to them?
Only if said person was a Tyrone
So you acknowledge that your standards for using violence are entirely arbitrary
No, I'm just saying that not all races can be used in the same context.
I think it's wrong to use violence against someone who only uses words against you.
I've recently learned that in Germany, it's at least in theory legal to hit or even stab someone who sustainably insults and provoke you.

I think it makes sense. There has to be a reasonable usage of force against provocation. Otherwise anyone could ruin anyone's life by just harassing them all the time, continuously shouting insults in their ears.
Only if said person was a Tyrone

No, I'm just saying that not all races can be used in the same context.
Then by your own logic you are racist if you do not uphold the same standards for all races. Your logic is paper thin, only the most lukewarm of IQ people could come to your conclusions.

and im not even against racism. Its a part of human nature and theres nothing you can do about tribalistic predispositions
Based. Everyone who acts violent like that for no good reason is an ape.

Oh, I'm not calling them apes because they're black. To be clear, I'm against racism. I'm calling them apes because of how they responded. Believe me, I know whites are like this; I had to deal with it growing up. I called them apes then too.

Are you guys fucking kidding me? I thought we were cool.

Fuck you guys JFL

Its insulting that you'd attribute my species with this
Then by your own logic you are racist if you do not uphold the same standards for all races. Your logic is paper thin, only the most lukewarm of IQ people could come to your conclusions.

and im not even against racism. Its a part of human nature and theres nothing you can do about tribalistic predispositions

I don't hold the same standards for all races because not all races are the same, that would be blatantly bluepilled.
I'm sorry brother. I need to learn not to use your name as a slur. Apes are indeed much better than this.

Thanks brocel

I forgive

Fuck him. He think he's a fuckin ticket. If he cannae back up his words with actions he deserves what he gets. If i start going off on somecunt round here, I'd half expect them to wrap the nut on us, or throw a punch in my direction. You cannae go about talkin shite to cunts an no expect to be backhanded over it.
No, but if any racist brings shit upon themselves by provoking (man or woman) then if they get a slap, I think they deserve it.
No one deserves to be knocked out for simply stating an opinion.

Some people support communism for instance which is much more evil than simply disliking a certain group of people but even them don't deserve it IMO. Just ostracism is enough.
I've recently learned that in Germany, it's at least in theory legal to hit or even stab someone who sustainably insults and provoke you.

I think it makes sense. There has to be a reasonable usage of force against provocation. Otherwise anyone could ruin anyone's life by just harassing them all the time, continuously shouting insults in their ears.
In this case the guy was only insulting them and not following them anywhere, and he wasn't in their face shouting in their ears.
Fuck him. He think he's a fuckin ticket. If he cannae back up his words with actions he deserves what he gets. If i start going off on somecunt round here, I'd half expect them to wrap the nut on us, or throw a punch in my direction. You cannae go about talkin shite to cunts an no expect to be backhanded over it.
No, but if any racist brings shit upon themselves by provoking (man or woman) then if they get a slap, I think they deserve it.
That way the strongest people, or who have the most people on their side, can insult anyone they want, because no one will try to fight them, and if someone insults them back they can easily beat them up in order to silence them. Society thinking it's acceptable to use violence over words will only make people more uncomfortable around each other, and it will make it easy for bullies to get away with injuring weaker people just by claiming they were insulted by them. But obviously foids are immune from this, they can talk crap about almost any man and society will protect them no matter how insulting they are. The only group of people foids can get hit by after insulting them are other foids, and they can't even hit hard.

The way things are - a non-gymcelled manlet isn't allowed to say what's on his mind when he sees a 6'4" chad with his looksmatch, but if the 6'4" chad sees the manlet with a stacy, he can easily start clowning him and embarrassing him, then if the manlet stands up for himself and insults him back the tall chad can beat him up.
Are you guys fucking kidding me? I thought we were cool.

Fuck you guys JFL

Its insulting that you'd attribute my species with this
I felt bad about that comparison, I never like comparing intelligent animals to low iq humans.

No one deserves to be knocked out for simply stating an opinion.

Some people support communism for instance which is much more evil than simply disliking a certain group of people but even them don't deserve it IMO. Just ostracism is enough.
I agree. Or it would be acceptable for atheist thugs to beat up street preachers because they were offended by what they say.
Nobody should get beat up just for stating their opinions. I say racist stuff and I don’t want to get beat up for it
the niggers had the majority too
They always do. Whenever niggers and whites fight head on niggers ALWAYS lose. They lost in Rhodesia and they outnumbered Rhodesia 10 million to 250k. They lost in jadotville, they lost in South Africa, etc.

they can only win if they have clear advantage.

Also minorities of any country should be fully well respectful. Doesn’t matter what the guy said, the nigger is a foreigner in a white country. Take it and be thankful you’re not in a mud hut.
No. That is not a civil society
i think they overreacted. why does anything racist have to be seen this way? if i told someone they should hang themselves and they're an ugly piece of shit who should die, people would just simply think i'm a jerk. the worst i'd receive is a mild punch and people would break up the fight. but say anything even slightly racist and everyone will violently beat you into a hospital and they'll act like you murdered an infant
White people are truly pathetic. Celebrating their own being punched like that. Bunch of cucks.
#thanksjews for making Whites deal with niggers.
White people are truly pathetic. Celebrating their own being punched like that. Bunch of cucks.
#thanksjews for making Whites happy to be treated like shit by morons.
i think they overreacted. why does anything racist have to be seen this way? if i told someone they should hang themselves and they're an ugly piece of shit who should die, people would just simply think i'm a jerk. the worst i'd receive is a mild punch and people would break up the fight. but say anything even slightly racist and everyone will violently beat you into a hospital and they'll act like you murdered an infant
I would be way more offended by someone calling me ugly than calling me a sand n*gga.
I would be way more offended by someone calling me ugly than calling me a sand n*gga.
agreed. the moral panic over racism is pathetic. black people might face racism but it doesn't happen to them all the time or everyday
Always be ready for a fight when you insult nigs. Of course the guy sucker punch him. Negro coward.
dont help him he deserved that :soy::soy::soy:

leave him die it's one racist less
agreed. the moral panic over racism is pathetic. black people might face racism but it doesn't happen to them all the time or everyday
I think when some overreact over a word it doesn't help fight racism.
notice how the foids are supporting the niggers if the racist was a chad they would personally pay for his medical expenses
I don’t necessarily agree with knocking him out but I can understand why he lashed out. Should’ve just yelled at him and moved on.
Its a natural reaction. He could also try to defend himself but he is a little weasel.
Fuck natural selection. Dude barely had time to react.
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Can you morally chastise others via violence if it fits your worldview?
If the answer is yes,what stops them from doing the same.
If you're not okay withe them answering fire with fire and
strive to be consistent in your views,then you have your answer.
I mean he kinda had it coming by confronting them like that in the end lmao
Imagine cheering on niggers
Can you morally chastise others via violence if it fits your worldview?
If the answer is yes,what stops them from doing the same.
If you're not okay withe them answering fire with fire and
strive to be consistent in your views,then you have your answer.
Hell no. I don't want anyone to put their hands on me for things I say, and I don't want to put my hands on anyone else regardless of how much they offend me with insults, I don't care about acting tough in front of cucks and roasts. Welcome back bro!
Those femoids got wet when they saw that knock out.
Violence against non-chads who don't bow down to feminism or progressiveness always pleases those whores.
I mean he kinda had it coming by confronting them like that in the end lmao
But the one who hit him looked back and punched him, then when he was on the ground they kicked his arm.
the occipital pill is real @Sparrow's Song
It's such a major pill to swallow. So many chads kill subhumans in America by skull smashing their occiptal bones right into the pavement while foids get wet watching it. It's the perfect example to use when explaining the blackpill to a a beginner.
Hell no. I don't want anyone to put their hands on me for things I say, and I don't want to put my hands on anyone else regardless of how much they offend me with insults, I don't care about acting tough in front of cucks and roasts.
exactly man
Welcome back bro!
thanks man :heart:
I don't support violence.
And I will never understand people who think words are worse than actual physical assault
I don't support violence.
And I will never understand people who think words are worse than actual physical assault
A person can't say they were "defending themselves" against someone who insulted them by using violence, if they were trying to claim self defense in an assault case.
I say no and it's not because I support racism, but more because I don't care what a racist person does as long as he leaves me alone.

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